Chains of the Senju Princess – Uzumaki/Senju Oc

Part 27 – Barbeque, Alcohol, Bonding :3

Part 27

Naruto wakes up the next morning, feeling a weight and warmth pressed against his body.

He slowly opens his eyes to the sleeping face of the girl he loves.

Slowly, carefully, he inspects her features.

Her long and beautiful eyelashes, the way that her cheeks are soft, slender but still a bit chubby, making her look cute. The way that her lips are pink and full and soft.

A part of him still cannot really believe that he is together with her.

No matter what he tries or how many times they kiss or hug, he cannot help but think: will she leave me?

She will leave me.


It’s frustrating. Because he knows … he really does know, she won’t leave him. He trusts her with everything he is and has. That’s what she deserves to get from him.

That’s what they promised.

And he doesn’t promise things lightly. He doesn’t.

Just like he will not forget the promise he made to himself to bring back Sasuke, his third teammate that chose a different path.

He vowed and he promised, and so he will bring him back.

His eyes wander over her body, stopping at the place where his hands inevitably ended up: her waist.

Just putting his hand on her body made him feel … that she was there.

Hugging her, could chase away all of his darkness and kissing her would make him shine like the sun.

Oh, how he loves her. Too much. Not enough.

Feeling a hand travel further downwards on her waist and towards her butt, she slowly opened her eyes, cuddling closer to the warmth of the body she was pressed against.

Half-sleeping, she mumbled: “Morning …”

“Morning~. Slept well?” She heard him ask in a joyful but whispery voice.

Meeting his gaze that seemed especially heated this morning, she just nodded slightly.

Slowly raising up her upper body, she properly sat down on his hips and leaned down to give him a deep kiss.

His hands automatically found their way to her butt and pressed her against him, making her smile slightly into his lips.

Soon enough, she found herself pinned down onto the bed and his lips agitatedly kissing hers. And she just knew that he loved the way that she quietly moaned when he was inside of her. Minutes later, they relished in the sweet afterglow of sex and slowly got out of bed.

Though, they just knew that they’d go for another round in the shower, like they usually did.

Strangely, even though Uzu was nearly raped in that genjutsu, she didn’t fear his touch at all. Well, maybe because they didn’t actually touch her in a way that would have made her want to kill every single person in the village.

She had heard that nearly-r*ped or r*pe-victims often couldn’t stand the touch of other people, but apparently she was fortunate?

Even in her past life, she believed that r*pe was one of the worst crimes a person could commit.

She believed that such a debt had to be paid in blood, no mercy for r*pists.

And she still held onto that sentiment now.

Actually, she felt even more strongly about things now, especially since she nearly had to experience it firsthand.

A very energetic hour later, Uzu found herself looking into the mirror as she properly pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

“Did you really need to put a hickey on me again?” She asked, slightly annoyed.

“Hmm? I think you look much more beautiful that way~.” He said as she felt his arms curl around her stomach and pull her into him.

Honestly, how could she be angry at him? (For long …)

And she just loved the way that he knew how to hug her.

She decided to wear a kimono top, black thigh highs and sandals today.

(A/M: There’s a nice picture for this outfit actually … I’ll try to link it here: )

Naruto wore his usual black pants, sandals and another one of his jackets with a mesh shirt beneath.

Eating with her Mom and her Dad(?) had been fun and they were actually quite happy lately.

Though, she knew, it wouldn’t last too long. Obito … or rather, Tobi, would soon make trouble at the Five Kage Summit that they were expecting the invitation for to arrive in a few days.

Her Mom had at first wanted her to go with her, together with Shizune … but Uzu needed to be here in the village, she was just too valuable for rebuilding.

Jiraiya, Dad, would leave with her though, even though he was the spy master and a Sannin.

Konoha had more than the two Sannin now though and didn’t necessarily need them to stay in the village for protection.

They had Uzu, Naruto, the other Konoha 11, Kakashi and yet more.

They would be fine. And, if they were attacked, Uzu would just slaughter the enemy with one of the wood release jutsus she never actually got to try.

Especially the Sage Art: Wood Release: Several Thousand Hands. Or Wood Release: Laughing Buddha … or Wood Release: Deep Forest Bloom. Well, you get the drill. These were all techniques that the first Hokage left behind for Konoha.

And Uzu knew them all, but she had never actually gotten to really use them. She had obviously tried them before, but really used them? No.

And she would have the chance to do exactly that in the coming war.

She’d use those techniques and her own strength to reduce the casualty number the war would produce … but whether she would succeed, she didn’t know.

Though, no matter how many people die, like most people out there, she couldn’t care less. As long as her loved ones were fine, she really … just couldn’t care less.

That’s just the reality of it.

It’s sad and selfish and disgusting and really not what you should do, but so what?

Though, even if she ultimately didn’t care about their survival, she would still do her work and try to reduce the casualty count. She just wouldn’t let all those deaths affect herself.

They helped rebuild for most of the day before retreating into the forest for the first time after the attack.

Reaching their clearing, they were soon surrounded by all the different animals that Uzu had created.

She spent a while cheerfully playing with them, she was even allowed to ride on the tiger for a bit, which had apparently made for a comical sight, if one were to go by Naruto’s laughter.

Either way, there was something else she needed to test.

She had been at the hospital today too and … done some tests on her blood heritage.

She’d love to say she was surprised, but she wasn’t. Because really only Uchiha can control a Sharingan in the way that she can.

Danzo and the foundation had apparently gone all out during her creation.

How they got their hands on a bit of Shisui’s DNA and hidden it in her body for so long, she didn’t know.

But it was as if the Sharingan was hers in the first place. She was part Uchiha and she was part Shisui. When she implanted the Sharingan in her right eye, she somehow awakened that dormant part of her.

An unknown Uzumaki parent, Hashirama cells and Shisui’s cells and chakra influence had given her the blood of all three clans.

That that had actually worked was nothing short of a miracle and now, she would stay the only miracle.

That base had long been destroyed, the research material burned and lost forever. Now, even Danzo and the ROOT had been eradicated, by her own hand no less.

There would not be another her in the world.

She stood, activating her Sharingan, instinctively also activating the mangekyo and … feeling a gentle, but dark and hateful and so bloody and scary chakra burn out of her body and surround her in a shell.

An unbreakable shell, or so she felt.

The chakra was raven-black, just like her chains were.

First bones, then flesh, then an intricate kimono covered her black Susanoo.

Honestly, she hadn’t ever seen a female Susanoo, but here it was.

Originally, she had thought that she would get the same one as Shisui, but … yeah … apparently not.

Honestly, feeling the power of the Susanoo surround her, she felt stronger and safer than ever.

She knew, it would always come out whenever she needed it. It was a natural defense, just like Gaara’s sand.

From the Middle of its forehead, she was able to observe the entirety of the village in front of her.

Willing it, her Susanoo slowly, but steadily levitated from the ground, taking to the skies.

I can fly. I can fucking fly.

She felt immense joy as she went faster and faster, flying through the sky, the kimono of her Susanoo moving in the wind and making pleasant sounds of fabric moving against fabric.

Below her, the village seemed so insignificant … and the several ninja currently panicking seemed so small and weak and easily …

Closing her eyes, she banished those thoughts and instead just flew back to the forest, landing next to Naruto and undoing her Susanoo, safely dropping to the ground.

Sitting down and leaning her back against his chest, she heard him say: “Had fun?”

She laughed softly: “Mhm! I’ll take you with me sometime, it’s really fun to see all the people working in the village. But … we have some Anbu and other ninja coming towards us … they may or may not have seen me as a threat.”

She heard Naruto sigh behind her, but he knew that he was just as amused as she was.

Instead of waiting for those Anbu … with those masks and those gloves … to arrive, she closed her eyes and leaned back onto Naruto’s shoulder, opting to let him deal with it.

Sure, that maybe wasn’t the right thing to do, but she really didn’t want to bother with them … ROOT and Anbu looked so similar to her …

She felt several presences close in on them and she felt her muscles tense up and her Sharingan activated below her eyelid, waiting only until they got too close and attacked and then she would …

And thank god they just accepted whatever Naruto told them, she couldn’t bear to listen.

She only really realized that they were gone when Naruto started playing with a strand of her hair.

She opened her eyes again, feeling a sudden pain in her right eye, the Sharingan eye.

Raising a hand to her eye, she carefully analyzed its state. She knew that using a mangekyo Sharingan damaged a user’s optical nerves because the chakra coursing through them upon use was just too strong and damaged them over time.

Well, imagine the surprise she had when she realized that it was just normal pain, her optical nerves were still as healthy and strong as ever.

Either she … had the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, which seemed a little farfetched? No … maybe, because she had Shisui’s blood in her and a bit of his chakra, she counted as a relative?

Yeah, still sounds a bit farfetched. She was more inclined to believe that her body was naturally stronger as an Uzumaki and a Senju and had a much more formidable natural recovery ability. And that ability managed to negate the mangekyo’s damage on her optical nerves.


Either way, she wouldn’t complain.

Later that day, at dinner, her Mom and Jiraiya had told her that the village now knew that it was one of her new abilities and that she could freely use it out in the forest.

Something like Anbu or other ninja coming to check it out, wouldn’t happen again.

The next day, they had met Ino, who had told them that there’d be a barbeque at the Nara Estate in three days and that Uzu and Naruto needed to come.

The three days leading up to that picnic went by following a routine of sorts.

Naruto and Uzu would wake up lying on top of each other, showering together and then helping with the rebuilding efforts before playing in the forest.

At times they trained, at times they cuddled, at times they created big balls of fur with the animals and at times they … (:3)

Either way, Uzu found out a bit more about her new Susanoo ability.

  1. She can still use her chains even through the Susanoo.
  2. It really is an automatic defense. As long as something threatening comes at her, it will spark up and defend her. Kunai and other weapons cannot harm her at all as long as she has the Susanoo up.
  3. The Rasengan alone is useless against it.
  4. The Rasenshuriken is also useless.
  5. The Rasenshuriken + Sage Mode combo was able to do some damage to it, but it’d need more to fully destroy it.
  6. The more chakra she feeds the Susanoo, the harder and stronger it gets. It also repairs itself after some time.
  7. Using her Sage Art: Corrosive Chakra Cloak and her Sage Mode together with her Susanoo, creates some kind of whiteish black Susanoo that can easily defend even against the senjutsu Rasenshuriken of Naruto.
  8. Her Susanoo has a tanto, but no bow or anything like that, it cannot attack ranged.

Anyway, she had a lot of fun exploring her new ability. She also found that she could use the kotoamatsukami, though she wouldn’t use it too much, only on enemies that really pissed her off. Instinctively, she knew that it had a once-a-year limit.

Oh. Right. I could use it on Humura, was the first thought coming to her mind when she realized that she could actually use that famous and feared genjutsu.

The day of the barbeque soon arrived and Uzu walked hand in hand next to Naruto, slowly strolling towards the Nara Estate.

On the way, they ran into Ibiki Morino, the T&I specialist of Konoha.

Uzu watched as Naruto and Ibiki exchanged a few glances, they seemed to know each other from somewhere.

Ibiki soon parted with them again, however, and Uzu asked softly: “How do you two know each other?”

Naruto squeezed her hand, saying: “He is an older generation Child of Iron … just like Anko, if you know her.”


“I’ll tell you more about it when we get back home, alright?” Naruto said, not looking back at her but continuing to walk towards the Nara Estate that was just around the corner.

She really appreciated the fact that he had even told her about this. She would have understood if he didn’t want to tell her about it …, however, they did promise not to hold secrets between them, and she was doing her best to upkeep that promise.

Soon enough, they arrived at the gate and were easily led inside by a smiling Nara guard, saying that he couldn’t, shouldn’t, let the heroes of Konoha wait at the gates for too long.

They were led towards the main house, where they could already smell food being cooked and heard cheerful laughs escape the garden connected to the house.

The main family’s house was elaborately decorated, but not too much. It was all clean and orderly placed. Everything had a clear purpose and use. It looked simple, but fancy and sophisticated nonetheless.

Upon stepping into the garden, the two were greeted by something they hadn’t really expected. Apparently, Ino had also invited the rest of the Konoha 11. Meaning: Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Sakura, Naruto, Lee, Neji, Tenten.

Most of them sat around a table, drinking and happily chatting with each other. Choji was obviously preparing the food and already munching on some side-dishes.

It was Ino that noticed their arrival first and her cheerful voice and the way that she just hugged them both caused them to be the center of attention of the people present.

“Who is this youthful beauty?” Lee asked, not quietly at all, while looking at Uzu.

Uzu watched as Tenten leaned over to Lee and whispered something to him. Neji also seemed to be interested in what she was saying and they both soon nodded.

Lee spoke again: “Nice to meet you, Uzu-chan! The youthful love between Naruto and you seems extremely youthful!”

Eh? Sigh, Lee really is quite …

Uzu couldn’t help but smile slightly, hearing the weird way of wording Lee had.

Neji said, bowing his head slightly: “I believe we haven’t met, Senju-sama, my name is Neji Hyuga.”

Uzu just nodded and said softly: “It’s fine to be informal with me. You can just call me Uzu instead.”

Neji just nodded in response and the three team members of Team Guy returned to whatever they were talking about before.

Ino then led Uzu and Naruto towards their seats, right next to Shikamaru’s, Choji’s and Ino’s seat.

Upon sitting down, Uzu saw Kiba giving them a smile and Shino nodding a them, while Hinata looked at the ground instead.

Shikamaru gave them a lazy smile and after greeting them, he just told them to relax and have fun, they must’ve been working way too much lately.

He said that he had heard a damn lot about their exploits during the rebuilding endeavor Konoha was going through currently.

Ino sat down next to Uzu and looked at her with sparkling eyes after Shikamaru finished speaking: “Uzu! Just how did your eye-color change?! And I’ve heard about that new ability you supposedly have … that flying black beautiful woman thing! Just what is that?!

Uzu took a few seconds to think about what she could and couldn’t say.

“Hmm. It’s like this. Something fundamental changed in Konoha a few days ago and … after everything is properly taken care of, the civilians will get to know parts of it as well, the shinobi will know more obviously, but I can’t tell you anything yet~.” Uzu said with a slightly teasing smile on her face, seeing Ino’s mood turn gloomy at not being able to know information she was so desperately interested in.

However, Ino soon brightened up again and talked about whatever fun stuff she did in the past few days, about how Uzu really ought to go shopping with her sometime and how Uzu still hadn’t come to the flower shop!

While Uzu and Ino were talking, Shikamaru and Naruto held their own conversation.

“How are you two getting along?” Shikamaru asked.

“What do you mean exactly?” Naruto asked, smiling slightly.

Shikamaru lazily smiled: “Come on, Naruto. Do you think she’s the right girl for you? Also, can you make her happy?”

Naruto thought for a while before saying: “She’s perfect, in every way … I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world and as long as she is happy, I’ll be happy as well. We promised and neither of us will break a promise to each other that easily. As to whether I can make her happy? I don’t know, I hope so. I’ll certainly do my best.”

Afterwards, Shikamaru closed his eyes and chuckled lightly: “Isn’t that enough then? As long as you do your best. I can see that you love her a lot, what kind of friend would I be if I couldn’t at least see that. And I can also see that she loves you a lot too, you can trust me on that. Just make sure to properly take care of her and yourself. Don’t destroy either yourself or her, alright?”

Naruto just nodded and gave him a wide smile. Shikamaru responded in kind and the two of them soon talked about much lighter topics, causing them to laugh loudly at times.

Uzu felt a presence approach and stopped talking to Ino, looking over to the Hyuga girl instead.

Uzu looked at the girl that had both hands fisted into the fabric of her own clothes as her face seemed to show a mixture of pain, sadness and anger: “Uz-Uzu-san. I’ve seen how much N-Naruto-kun l-l-loves you … and I’ll let you know … that I won’t interfere in your relationship. I just hope that you can treat him well! He deserves the very best and nothing less! And if you leave him … then don’t be too sad when I take him instead …”

Uzu watched her with a fake smile on her face.

Hinata intently studied Uzu’s face, but it only served to infuriate her for some reason, she was just about to explode when she suddenly deflated and sighed: “I’m sorry for my … earlier behavior. I hope that you won’t hold it against me, Uzu-san …”

Seeing Hinata so pitiful and meek, just like her usual self in canon, Uzu felt slightly bad at having been the cause of that expression on her face. The Hinata of this universe had seemed, albeit very vengeful and fake, more outgoing and confident, which she certainly deserved to be.

Uzu closed her eyes and nodded her head saying: “Don’t worry, Hinata-san. How about we start anew and forget what happened before? Since you and your team are still Naruto’s friends, I’m willing to get to know you more before judging you again.”

Suddenly, Ino laughed loudly, saying: “My, you two are so formal and serious with each other, honestly, just take it easy. Hinata, there are plenty of fish in the sea and with your looks, especially those big … huge … damn.*stare* Anyway, you’ll find someone else, I’m sure!”

Afterwards, leaving a stunned Hinata and a slightly surprised Uzu behind, she vanished into the Nara Estate only to come right back, holding several bottles of alcohol in her hand.

She shouted: “What’s a barbeque without alcohol?!”

And apparently, this was very common for the people present here and most people seemed instantly more into the whole get-together thing.

The atmosphere soon turned merrier, with the food finally being ready and a few glasses of alcohol already having been downed by several people present.

Naruto observed the several drunk people in front of him and sighed.

Would he ever even get truly drunk when his body was so totally rejecting poisons?

Watching his girlfriend happily laugh with Ino, Hinata and Tenten, he felt warm inside and happy for her that she had finally somehow bonded with other people outside of her family and him. She might not have known, but he really thought that she needed more people around her.

And he was really glad that Hinata had somehow come to terms with not being able to date him because she and her team were still precious friends of his and he didn’t want to lose them when he had finally begun to trust them.

Naruto had mostly just chatted with Shikamaru and Choji, but he had also talked with Lee, who was heavily drunk and doing several different training exercises right now, Neji, Kiba and Shino.

Neji also had a healthy blush on his face as he talked with Lee and watched as he did his training.

Kiba was playing with Akamaru and chasing him around and Shino was still sipping on another glass of alcohol, though Naruto could see his red face even behind his collar.

As he was again observing Kiba, he suddenly felt someone sit on his lap and press themselves against him.

Feeling the familiar softness of her breasts on his chest, Naruto knew that it was indeed Uzu that had sat down on his lap and curled her arms around his neck.

Suddenly feeling a hot and alcoholic breath hit his face before soft lips connected with his, he felt stunned and slightly surprised at the needy and greedy way that she moved her tongue through his mouth.

He felt her lean into him more and more and he had to stabilize the chair to prevent them from falling over.

At some point, Naruto was able to hear three girls giggling and cheering at them.

Ah, he thought, so she was put up to this?

He knew that she normally wasn’t the person to initiate public displays of affection on this level, but he guessed that the alcohol had gotten to her.

She knew, she had clearly overestimated her body’s ability to resist poisons, but as she felt his tongue finally reciprocate her advances, she suddenly felt so glad that she had come here.

She totally didn’t mind getting drunk at all, it was fun and it was so damn easy to connect with people if she was in a secure environment like this one.

Normally, she wouldn’t trust anyone here truly, except for Naruto, even though she knew that these people here had no evil intentions towards her.

Either way, the second he laid his hands on her ass and pushed her against himself, she really, really needed it right here and now, but reason and reason alone, whatever of that was left in her, kept her from undressing him and herself. She’d leave that for later~.

Having said goodbye to the other people at the party, some of them had even decided to sleep there today, Naruto decided to take Uzu home.

Scooping her up in a princess carry, he heard her giggle softly and press a kiss on his cheek, mumbling something about a handsome prince and how damn horny she was at the same time.

He had seen how she had been shifting around the past few minutes they had been there and the looks she had sent him nearly made him lose control. One had to know, as a Jinchuuriki, desires, especially of the malicious and sexual kind, are amplified. And if he had a hard time controlling himself around her on normal days, then seeing the sweet smiles she sent him all evening when drunk totally got him riling.

But, he didn’t necessarily want to … ‘take advantage of her’ while she was drunk … so he didn’t know whether he should really take her up on her offer.

Arriving at their room in the senju apartment, that choice was quickly taken from him when she just quickly pulled off her clothes and soon worked on undressing him as well.

He wondered just how she was so much faster at this drunk than not drunk.

Either way, silencing seals and concealing seals were put up and the pair had their fun, later peacefully falling asleep feeling satisfied and happy.

Really, Naruto could only say that drunk Uzu was fun. And it surely would have been even more fun if he had been drunk as well. Also, while he wouldn’t mind seeing her drunk again, he won’t ever force her to do what she didn’t want to do.

A/N: Well, here we go :3

I might or might not try writing a full lemon scene at some point. I’ll be honest, I’ve never written something like that before. But my imagination works pretty well, and I’ve read a few of them, so it shouldn’t become a total catastrophe should I ever decide to really write one of those :P

Let me know what you think about the chapter!

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