Chains of the Senju Princess – Uzumaki/Senju Oc

Part 8 – Budding Feelings?

Walking through the forest, she listened to the birds’ song, smelled the sweet scent of the flower field surrounding her and enjoyed the feel of the grass touching her bare feet.

Wearing a pair of black shorts and a crop top, she could feel the soft breeze gently hug her skin. She had taken off her shoes in order to feel more connected to the earth.

This is nice …

Enjoying the symphony of nature all around her, she could already hear running water. She was getting closer to the spot where she usually practiced her Fuuinjutsu while waiting to meet Naruto.

Today, however, she didn’t bring any practice material, she just wanted to … spend some time in nature today, focus completely on the different things happening around her.

Yamato had said that it would help her strengthen her wood release.

Reaching her usual spot, she sat down on the ground, hugging her knees with her arms.

She rested her face on her knees and closed her eyes.

Feeling herself relax more and more, she knew that this place was special.

Sensing a presence approach behind her, she waited for him to sit down next to her.

Opening her eyes to observe him, she noticed that he seemed different today.

Something’s wrong.

She looked at him with worry warping her expression.

Noticing her gaze on him, Naruto turned to face her, his fake smile covering his true feelings. Her gaze seemed to ask: “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He shook his head before saying: “Don’t worry, I’m just tired. I just need some rest …”

Nodding, she took his hand, like always, and lied down next to him.

Minutes passed before Naruto finally fell asleep.

Uzu watched him stir and when his hold on her hand tightened, she could feel her worry grow.

Oh Naruto …

She slowly sat up, sitting down on her calves.

Gently and very slowly, she moved his head from the grass and set it down on her thighs.

He curled up, hugging her hand to his chest.

Almost instinctively, she moved her free hand and started slowly stroking his hair, feeling his soft hair against her skin.

It was only when she repeatedly whispered: “It’s okay … it’s okay …” that he finally stopped squirming and relaxed, sleeping peacefully.

Honestly, she was glad that she couldn’t dream anymore … because that at least meant that she didn’t need to experience nightmares anymore either.

In the times that they met, this was the first time that she saw him have a nightmare as he slept.

Looking at his still slightly strained expression, she felt pain in her heart. She didn’t want to see him suffer like this …

Gently stroking his hair, she felt him stir.

He let go of her hand lied down on his back, his head still lying on her thighs.

He stretched out his legs and covered his eyes with an arm.

She watched as his lips tensed and tears started flowing down his face and dripping onto her thighs.

She could swear that she saw his lips voice the word “sorry”, but no sound escaped his throat.

She stopped stroking his hair and instead grasped the hand of the arm he used to cover his eyes.

Feeling him tense up, she instantly let go again, fearing to have only made it worse for him …

As she was about to pull back her hand, she felt his fingers interlock with hers again.

For a few minutes, they just sat in silence, feeling the warmth of each other’s hands and enjoying the feeling of closeness.

I’m sorry Naruto, I don’t know what’s bothering you … and even if I did … whatever I could say won’t help you.

As the sun set and the sky grew darker, she could feel her Anbu guard stir on his tree.

It’s time.

Naruto had also realized that their time was up. Reluctantly he sat up, letting go of her hand.

Turning around to meet her eyes, he gave her a small smile in thanks.

She studied his face for a while before grabbing her shoes and getting up.

Waiting for him to follow her, she moved her shoes to her left hand.

As they started slowly making their way back to the village, Uzu could feel his gaze on her and moved to meet his eyes.

His eyes held a certain sadness in them. He seemed fearful as he looked at her.

She could see his left hand twitch and slowly inch closer to her own right hand.

When she didn’t pull her hand away even when his hand touched hers, his eyes seemed to light up. The next second, she felt his hand weave into hers and the uneasiness in his eyes vanished, being replaced by joy and a calm she hadn’t seen on him in a long time.

Squeezing his hand, she gave him a small smile, not minding the touch of his hand at all.

Leisurely and totally at ease, they strolled towards the Hokage tower.

When her chakra waves picked up a familiar presence at the entrance of the tower, she averted her eyes from their interlocked hands.

She saw her Mom look at her with a kind smile on her face.

Her Mom looked at Naruto before saying: “Why don’t you come inside. We were planning to have dinner soon.”

Uzu felt Naruto’s hand squeeze hers, fearing he would refuse, but she couldn’t help but smile happily when she saw him nod his head, agreeing to join them for dinner.

Sitting around the dinner table, Uzu ate in silence, listening to Naruto and Tsunade talking to each other.

She knew that they purposefully did not force her to talk and she loved them for it. She just preferred staying silent and listening.

As long as she can remember, she has never liked speaking, so people that did not force her to do that and were comfortable with staying silent were the ones she liked the most.

She saw the fond glimmer in her Mom’s eyes as she looked at Naruto. It told her that she knew of their friendship, if that was what it was, and didn’t mind their meetings.

Uzu didn’t interact with many people in the village and she didn’t really want to either.

She was content with what she had now. She didn’t really need more. As long as things stayed the way they were, she would be fine.

Every day, she either spent time with her Mom in their apartment, with Naruto in the forest or trained with Yamato in her wood release.

At all times of the day, tens of clones worked on furthering her Fuuinjutsu mastery in her room, making for an often very comical sight, especially when so many clones sat in close proximity.

From time to time, her Mom would enter the room and start laughing, or so the memories of her clones conveyed.

Towards the end of their meal, Tsunade looked at Naruto and Uzu on the other side of the table.

“Naruto, if you want to, we still have a free room here. You can sleep here if you want.” Tsunade said, smiling at the two of them.

Uzu turned her eyes to look at Naruto, scanning his facial expression.

That’d be nice actually … I can’t imagine what he is going through all alone in his apartment.

Naruto looked at Uzu, searching for approval, he didn’t want to intrude if she didn’t want him to stay.

When Uzu nodded her head, Naruto’s face seemed to light up, his smile gentle and genuine. The grief and sadness warping his expression fading as if they hadn’t ever been there.

I like this smile the most, Uzu thought.

He turned back to Tsunade and said: “Yes, I’d love to. Thank you.”

Tsunade just nodded and stood up, preparing to clean up before finally retiring to bed for the day.

After helping Tsunade do the dishes, Uzu turned to Naruto standing next to her: “Follow me. I’ll show you your room.”

Seeing his gentle smile, she was glad that her Mom had suggested that.

Walking past her own room, she walked towards the door next to her bathroom.

Opening the door and walking in, she turned around waiting for Naruto to follow her.

Taking in the furniture that was similarly arranged as her own room’s was, she said to Naruto: “It’s not much, but the bed is nice.”

Smiling at him, she remained silent for a few seconds before softly saying: “I’m glad you decided to stay here. You are welcome to sleep here whenever you want. We’ve showed you how to undo the seals, so don’t forget that.”

Giggling softly at the image of Naruto standing in front of the sealed wall and not knowing how to get out of their hidden apartment, she started moving towards the doorway to leave him to his own devices.

As she moved past him, she felt his hand grab her arm, stopping her in her tracks.

Meeting his eyes, she listened to him say: “Thank you, Uzu, for staying with me even though …”

He didn’t end his sentence and she didn’t really understand what he meant, but his bright smile was enough to tell her that he truly meant it.

Smiling back at him, she felt his hand leave her arm, making her feel slightly cold. Ignoring that, she stepped through the doorway.

Closing the door behind her and meeting his eyes one last time she said: “Good night, Naruto.”

She heard a small laugh escape his throat as the door finally closed. She felt cold, not being able to see his gentle smile anymore. Today she had seen him at the worst he had ever shown her and the best he had shown her. She was glad that

Moving back to her own room, she noticed that Tsunade had not gone to bed yet, as she would have usually done at this hour.

Walking into the living room and plopping down onto the couch, she looked at Tsunade sipping on a cup of tea.

Her Mom looked at her and smiled: “I’m glad to see that you have found a friend. He has suffered a lot and I’m sure we cannot even truly comprehend the scars he hides. Sometimes I wonder how he can even work so hard for this village, when all the civilians have done is hate and hurt him. And even then, he still manages to keep the Kyuubi firmly locked in the seal. It’s admirable.”

Uzu nodded, slowly raising her legs closer to herself and hugging her knees.

Even though Kurama is also just a victim of mankind’s greed for power … the only one who can really erase his hatred is Naruto … but I wonder if, in his state, he can even achieve that?

She heard Tsunade take another sip of her tea before speaking: “It has been decided that you will join Naruto’s team from now on.”

Eh? Uzu raised her head and looked at Tsunade in bewilderment.

“Your Anbu guard has reported that you two are quite close and you have adjusted to the village life at least to some point. The council is demanding that you be put to proper use. Yamato told me that you have learned everything he can teach you and your Fuuinjutsu is also coming along nicely. Creating seals on the spot is not a problem for you … with the rarity of that profession nowadays, you can already be called a master.” Tsunade said, worry showing through her voice.

Right. As someone that knows the Wood Release capable of easily sealing tailed beasts. As someone that is an Uzumaki and can thus hold the Kyuubi, they want me to be there should Naruto lose control.

“Honestly, I wanted to keep you here, close to me. But the council and daimyo demand that Konoha show its strength. Naruto’s status as a Jinchuuriki is known and as you know, Kakashi is rather famous as well, though that’s an understatement. Sakura is my student and you are a Senju-princess, as people like calling you and me. Though they also like calling me the Slug-Princess. Oh … now that I think of it, I asked Katsuyu whether they would accept you as a summoner of the slugs. If you want to, they will accept you.” Tsunade said, smiling at Uzu.

“Well, I figured it’d happen at some point. But it’s alright as long as I’m with Naruto.” Uzu said, burying her face in her knees.

After a moment of silence, she turned her head to face Tsunade and said: “I’d be honored to be accepted as a summoner of the slugs.”

“Alright, I’ll ask them to prepare the ceremony then. When do you want to sign with them?” Tsunade asked.

“As soon as possible. I’m just glad to become a summoner of the slugs like you Mom.” Uzu smiled, moving closer to Tsunade and hugging her tightly.

“Mhm.” Tsunade smiled as she rested her cheek on her daughter’s head.

A/N: Another one! :3

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