Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 53: Neco-Arc

The Master of Chaldea was… bored. It felt like it’d been so damn long since Shigure did anything fun. So long since something exciting happened. Oh sure, he’d saved the world a few times… all of existence, all of reality. So yeah, he had that going for him. Had a few of those under his belt, so to speak.
And he’d fucked pretty much every female Servant he’d ever summoned. Had his way even with the stoic and proud ones as a matter of fact. With Command Seals and his big fat cock, Shigure was always up to the task, no matter the challenge. Shit, he’d even fucked some of his enemies into submission for good measure! But these days… these days, it was like nothing ever happened anymore.
Was it so much to ask for something new to come along? Was he being selfish and spoiled by not being grateful with what he had? Frankly, Shigure didn’t think so. He was pretty sure that it was just in his nature to always be reaching for more, to always be grasping for the next big thing. He was an ambitious man, but more than that, he was a man who could not be satisfied or satiated with what he had.
Much like Alexander the Conqueror, he was a greedy individual who would never stop reaching for more… though Shigure did not intend to share in Alexander’s ignoble fate, thank you very much. No, he would-
Blinking, torn from his thoughts by the sudden sound of sirens wailing through the Chaldea Complex, Shigure frowns, immediately getting in contact with security.
“This is the Master of Chaldea speaking, what seems to be the problem?”
“S-Sir! Some sort of mysterious creature appears to have infiltrated the base! We don’t… we’re not sure what to do!”
Blinking, Shigure rises from where he was lounging on his bed, feeling sorry for himself. This, of course, dislodges the female Servant who was down between his thighs, nursing quietly at his cock. Not even paying them enough mind to remember who they were, Shigure waves them off as he fixes up his pants and heads for the door, still speaking into the communicator.
“What’s it look like? Dangerous? Do we need a team?”
“S-Sending you security footage now, sir!”
As Shigure begins making his way out into the hallway, he looks down at his pad and blinks at what he sees, just… staring at it for a long moment. No, not an ‘it’. A ‘her’. Humming to himself, the Master of Chaldea rolls his shoulders and nods decisively, coming to a decision.
“Leave this to me. I’ll handle it.”
“It’s fine. She doesn’t look all that dangerous, so let me deal with it.”
After all, Shigure wasn’t just some baseline human man anymore. Even if this intruder did turn out to in fact be a threat, he could probably handle her, or if he couldn’t, survive long enough to call in backup. After everything he’d been through, he was stronger than any other human, more powerful than any other man on the planet. He was the Master of Chaldea, and he did not take no for an answer.
“O-Of course, sir. We’ll cordon off the area then and leave it to you…”
Turning off his communicator, Shigure makes his way down the hall towards where the intruder made her presence known. This… this should be fun.
The security footage really didn’t do her justice. As the Chaldean Master finally comes upon her, she whips around… and immediately strikes a pose.
“Oh-ho! So, a challenger approaches!”
Now that he’s getting to see her in the flesh, Shigure takes a moment to properly take in the intruder’s appearance. She’s… she’s a pint-size cat girl parody of a human being, would be the best way to describe her. Her appearance is distinctly cartoonish as well, with balls for hands and slitted cat eyes that take up more than half of her face, and a mouth that’s the literal definition of the cat emoticon with it’s curled sideways three nature.
She’s also wearing a surprisingly conservative outfit, with a long-sleeved high collared white shirt and a long maroon skirt. The tail that flicks back and forth behind her clearly protrudes from the top of her skirt, but other than that, she’s not exactly showing much in the way of skin.
And yet… and yet, Shigure knew the moment he saw the security footage that he wanted to fuck her. He was a freak like that, it went back to his previous thoughts on always needing to find something new to do. She was, if nothing else, something new… some-ONE new, as a matter of fact. With that in mind, Shigure smiles at the strange creature.
“Hello there. Do you have a name? I am Shigure, Master of this place.”
Still striking her pose, which might have been some attempt to peace sign or something, albeit Shigure couldn’t know for sure with how she didn’t actually have fingers, the cartoon cat girl cackles.
“But of course, I’m Neco-Arc, the bestest and brightest Neco Spirit you’ll ever meet! And you… hm, you aren’t supposed to be here!”
Shigure cocks an eyebrow at that questioningly, even as the now named Neco-Arc spins around, taking in her surroundings for a moment before laying her comically large eyes back on him.
“You’re an anomaly, you know that?! The Master of Chaldea is-!”
“Wanna fuck?”
Cutting her off, not really having a care in the world for what she’s trying to say, Shigure gets right to the quick of the matter. He’s not interested in some story about how the timeline is all messed up or something, he’s already dealt with bullshit like that before. He doesn’t care if she thinks he’s not supposed to have his position or something like that.
So yes, he goes ahead and propositions Neco-Arc, more than ready to use his… enhancements to force the issue if need be. But to his pleasant surprise, Neco-Arc stops for a moment, considers the question with the appropriate gravitas, and then nods eagerly.
“Y-Yeah, let’s do it! After all, I’m super sexy and everyone wants to fuck me, so I’ll allow it!”
Without another word, Shigure reaches down and pulls his cock back out of his pants, watching as Neco-Arc’s eyes fix on it like… well, like a cat’s might. Slowly walking forward, the pint-sized cartoon girl doesn’t even have to crouch or kneel or anything. With her size, she’s literally already face-to-crotch with his dick anyways.
“Now I understand. This is THAT kind of Chaldea… hehehe~”
Unbothered by Neco-Arc’s perverted giggling, Shigure proceeds to slap his cock down onto her face impatiently, giving her an expectant look as she stares up at him from around his dick. Finally, reaching up, she takes hold of his shaft with her weird ball-hand-things, stroking him up and down before enveloping his cockhead in her catty mouth, slurping and sucking away.
It’s a unique experience, to be sure. Shigure has definitely done some strange things, fucked some strange women in his time as the Chaldean Master… but this might, admittedly, take the cake. Which makes it all the hotter, because truly, he’s starved for new interactions, new experiences. Groaning, he places a hand atop Neco-Arc’s head, between her twitching, flicking cat ears and laces his fingers through her hair as one of those aforementioned ‘hands’ of hers moves down to his balls.
The sensation is impossible to really describe in detail, but it’s certainly pleasurable enough for Shigure to enjoy it, continuing to groan as she works her way up and down his shaft, her tongue thankfully NOT as rough and sandpaper-y as an actual cat’s. Instead, it’s slick and soft and runs all over his length for several minutes. She’s trying not to seem like it, but Shigure has had a lot of experience with women who are eager to please, and in true cat fashion, Neco-Arc is both trying to seem nonchalant, but also supremely interested in interacting with him.
In the end, it’s not long before he unloads into her mouth, grunting as she quickly begins to swallow his load without hesitation. Slurping down his seed, gulping it really, Neco-Arc’s big cat-like eyes stare up at him all the while, until finally she’s done and can pull off of his cock with a pop.
Without hesitating, the Neco Spirit drops onto her back right then and there and proceeds to spread her legs and flip up her skirt. Despite her seemingly conservative dress, she subsequently reveals a very interesting fact… she’s completely panty-less, going commando down under that burgundy skirt of hers, exposing a wet and glistening slit to him that makes Shigure blink in mild surprise.
As he goes down onto his knees between Neco-Arc’s legs, angling his cock towards her ready and waiting pussy, he can’t help but comment.
“No panties, huh?”
Giving him a big cat-like grin, Neco Arc bats her eyelashes at him, which until that point, he hadn’t even been sure she had.
“But of course! I’m an ultra-sexy mascot, after all, so I need to be ready to fuck at any time! Go on Mister Master of Chaldea! Plow me silly!”
Well, with an invitation like that… Shigure presses in and then thrusts forward, grunting at the tightness as he has to hurriedly grab Neco-Arc by the hips to keep her light form from skidding away from him across the floor. As he punches into her cunt, she lets out a cute little moan, her eyes fluttering from what must be pleasure.
Starting to really fuck her, Shigure cocks his head to the side, brow furrowing slightly as he pounds into her, treating her like his own personal pocket pussy.
“… Mascot for what, exactly?”
Moaning beneath him, her cunt walls flexing around his cock, her belly even bulging slightly from his size, Neco-Arc shakes her head back and forth.
“Nyah~ N-Not important, hehe! Mm, maybe I could be YOUR Mascot, if you wanted!”
The idea wasn’t without merit. She was certainly an interesting creature. But Shigure goes for the noncommittal approach, giving his current fuck toy a professional smile.
“I’ll think about it.”
Rather than letting her respond, Shigure grips all the tighter at Neco-Arc’s hips and begins to fuck her all the harder. Lifting her small, pint-sized cartoon body off the ground in the process, he proceeds to practically use her as an onahole, sliding her back and forth along his cock harder and faster by the moment. Eyes widening, Neco-Arc moans and gurgles as his cock punches into the entrance of her womb at lightning speed.
“O-Oh! Oh, oh, oh! Y-You’re much stronger than e-expected, Mister Chaldean Master!”
Shigure just grins and keeps up the pace until Neco-Arc is drooling, eyes rolling around in her head, tongue lolling out of her cat-like mouth. Her insides flex around his cock as she cums for him, orgasming along his length not once, not twice, but thrice. Each climax he pulls from her is a victory, each cry of ecstasy is like music to his ears. Things have been so boring around here lately, and this… this was exactly what Shigure needed. Something to really spice things up.
He doesn’t even hesitate when his release finally approaches. Nor does he ask for permission. Men like him don’t ask, they take… and so he takes Neco-Arc, and he thrusts one final time, finally penetrating her womb itself as he proceeds to unload right into her most sacred of places. Pumping another hot thick load into the cartoon cat girl, this time into her cunt, Shigure throws his head back and groans, even as Neco-Arc squeals and yowls in a very cat-like manner.
As he finishes up, Shigure slowly brings his gaze back down to Neco-Arc, panting heavily as he considers the somewhat rag dolling cat girl for a moment. But then, just as he’s considering what to do with her twitching body… something strange happens.
Right before his eyes, Neco-Arc begins to undergo a Class Change, starting to glow like crazy, almost like she’s evolving or something. Pulling out of her to avoid getting burned by whatever the fuck the white light is, Shigure steps back, eyebrows raised as he watches Neco-Arc’s form shift and change. When the dust finally settles… she actually hasn’t changed all that much. Just her clothes have, really.
“Aha! Look Mister Master of Chaldea! I’ve Ascended! Now… now I’m Mysterious Neco X, with more of my TRUE Power unlocked!”
… That sounded chuuni as fuck. Still, her new outfit WAS sexier than the last prudish attire she’d been wearing. The less sexy bits of the new outfit are the baseball cap that her ears poke through and the sports jacket she’s wearing. But the jacket is open, exposing that she’s got a sports bra on (not that the flat-chested Neco Spirit has much to compress with that sports bra) and a pair of unzipped short-shorts with a thong visible underneath.
Twisting this way and that, Neco-Arc… or rather, Mysterious Neco X, beams happily as she admires her new form… while also jiggling her thicc Chibi ass in his direction.
“Seems I’ll be hanging around for a while as Chaldea’s amazing sexy mascot… or maybe a sex symbol, teehee~”
Rather than dignify that with a response, Shigure finds himself staring at her ass. In those short-shorts and thong that she’s now wearing, her Chibi bubble butt looks much more appealing… and while he COULD stop himself, he sees no reason to. Really, why would he hold back when she was practically ASKING for it now?
Reaching forward, Shigure grabs Mysterious Neco X by her hips, yanking her up into the air. With one hand, he yanks her shorts down before proceeding to slap his revitalized cock right down between her thicc butt cheeks, hotdogging her ass right then and there, much to her yelping squeaks. Once she’s finished flailing for a moment, held up in midair, the Neco Spirit looks over her shoulder at him and giggles as she holds up her ball-hand-thing again, probably intending to do a peace sign.
“Feel free Mister Chaldean Master! Don’t stop on my account!”
Well, it wasn’t like he was looking for permission anyways, he was just spending a little time using the lubrication of their previous fuck to get her back door nice and ready by rubbing their combined fluids all over her ass crack. Snorting in amusement, lifting an eyebrow at her as if to say ‘You really thought I’d even take no for an answer at this point?’, Shigure proceeds to pull his cock back… just to line up with Mysterious Neco X’s tight little back door.
A moment later and he’s pushing into her, though it’s less a thrust and more of an inexorable drilling motion. Certainly, her ass is even tighter than her already tight pussy, and Shigure grunts as he forces inch after inch of his sizable cock into her back door. In return, Mysterious Neco X cries out, groaning and grunting as her bowels are forcibly stretched open by what Shigure figures has to be the largest intrusion she’s ever had back there… ever.
Because sure, she talked a big game, but it was obvious the Neco Spirit was flying by the seat of her pants… or rather, her short-shorts. Shigure saw something of a kindred spirit in the cartoonish cat girl, in fact. He’d been so bored, so lost, so unsure of what he wanted to do with himself… meanwhile, she’d showed up in Chaldea… why? Because of boredom, perhaps? Was it possible they were both here in this place, in this moment, for the exact same reasons?
Well, either way, Mysterious Neco X has made herself VERY available and Shigure has never been one to turn down an opportunity to fuck a girl. Holding her pint-sized cartoonish body aloft, he proceeds to turn her into a total onahole once more… or perhaps a Neconahole, to be exact. Grinning inwardly at his own internal joke, Shigure fucks Mysterious Neco X’s ass with a reckless abandon, realizing that she has a durability and elasticity that means he can’t really hurt her like this.
Instead, she’s perfect for this sort of thing, perfect for him to plow into oblivion, fucking as hard and as fast as he can. Pounding into her anus without reservation, without hesitation, Shigure groans as every last inch of his cock is soon buried in her bowels. Hilting inside of her with every single movement isn’t easy and takes some time, but once he’s finished digging the trench so to speak, once he’s loosened up her asshole, it’s quite enjoyable, bouncing her back and forth on her dick.
For her part, the Neco Spirit hangs there, rag dolling even more than previously as she gasps and groans, unable to even speak at this point. But to be fair, he’s basically cock-punching her gut with every motion, slamming her back onto his shaft as her arms and legs dangle in open air. Without any leverage, without anything to hold onto, she can’t even participate… all she can do is take it like the Neconahole she is.
Finally, Shigure lets out a loud groan and proceeds to paint Mysterious Neco X’s innards with his seed, just like he did with her previous incarnation’s womb. Filling her bowels to the brim, he doesn’t even have to pull out… instead, she practically slides off his cock, the slickness of his cum filling her ass making it impossible for her stretched anus to remain lodged on his equally slick dick.
As she falls face first onto the ground in a humiliating position, Shigure grins, figuring that’s that… only, a moment later, right before his eyes, Mysterious Neco X begins to glow all over again, forcing him to blink and take another step back.
When the dust settles, she’s on her feet again, seemingly fully recovered, having undergone another Ascension, with her outfit changing once more.
“Aha! Mysterious Neco XXX at your service!”
And indeed, she’s… well, gone are the short-shorts, gone is everything except for the quarter-jacket and underwear. More than that, her breasts have grown a couple cups bigger, turning the pint-sized cartoon cat girl into a total short stack, her tits bouncing and jiggling all over the place as she spins this way and that, looking over her new form.
“That was amazing, Mister Master of Chaldea! I’ll DEFINITELY be sticking around for a while.”
Shigure hums and then shrugs, not really minding her presence. In fact, this new form of hers… it really was the perfect mascot for HIS Chaldea, wasn’t it?


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