Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 55: Angra Mainyu

It says a lot about Shigure’s life that his first instinct, upon entering his dark and seemingly empty quarters only to have the door closed and shut behind him and the light turn on without his input, is not to panic. Even thought it could have been a dangerous enemy seeking to ambush him, he does not freak out. Rather, he carefully turns around, curious to see if its going to be an attacker… or a cute girl eager to jump on his dick.
Of course, it can also be both, Shigure silently muses, as he looks upon his… visitor. While she SEEMS to be a girl, the dark-skinned intruder with even darker tattoos all across her body, dressed in little more than crimson rags, is anything BUT a normal girl. Indeed, those blazing amber eyes of hers, staring at him most intensely, make it quite clear that her nature is… entirely abnormal.
Angra Mainyu, the vessel of All The World’s Evils, stands before him, her lips set in a thin line and her face frozen in something between a grimace and a frown. She stares him down and for a long moment, there’s silence between the two of them. Silence that Shigure ends up breaking, the Master of Chaldea looking at the Avenger with a single raised eyebrow.
“Can I help you?”
Her teeth clench, and Shigure wonders if he’s about to be in for a fight. But Angra doesn’t move to attack. She tenses, but she doesn’t lunge at him. Instead, her hands curl into fists that seem to just slightly quiver as she lets out a low shuddering breath before finally speaking.
“… Why?”
The question, of course, throws Shigure for a loop. Why what, exactly? Thankfully, before he has to ask, Angra is kind enough to expound upon what she means.
“… Why have you been treating me, a completely worthless Servant, so well? I’m nothing special. I’m a useless, third-rate Servant that contracted with you against your will, without your knowledge or approval. So… why do I rate any preferential treatment? Why have you not worked to make my life a living hell, as my mere presence must make yours?”
Shigure blinks at that, and studies Angra a little more closely. Did she… want him to treat her poorly? It was a very real possibility, in all fairness. The Master of Chaldea had been with all types of women at this point, hadn’t he? There were those who loved wallowing in the humiliation, degradation, and degeneracy that only he could provide them. Then there were those who had to be taught humility. Still furthermore, there were those who were almost elegant in their submission.
But Angra Mainyu… Shigure had to admit, as cute as she was, he hadn’t really considered having sex with her as of yet. He could argue that it was because he had so many other options, but really, he just hadn’t thought SHE was an option. She was at least partially right in her words. She’d come out of nowhere and forced the Master-Servant Contract between them to manifest itself without his say so.
Clearly, she thought that meant he would treat her like shit for doing so. But it didn’t matter that she thought that what mattered was if she WANTED that.
… No, Shigure decides, and he does so in a split second. It’s a sign of just how intuitive and utterly perceptive the young Master of Chaldea is, that he spends half a moment considering Angra’s words and processing her desires before deciding how to respond. Once he’s come to the conclusion that she’s not asking this question out of some hope that he WILL begin treating her like trash (because if she did want that, he would probably happily do so for her, selfless lover that he was, heh) Shigure just smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
“Because I feel like it.”
Its Angra’s turn to look absolutely confused, her amber eyes flickering for a moment before narrowing as she barks out a questioning response.
Grinning now, Shigure softly chuckles.
“Because I felt like it. I want to treat you well, so I treat you well. That’s all there is to it.”
Silence falls between them again, this time with the Servant being the one to process what has been said by the Master. Shigure watches her closely but can’t honestly say exactly what Angra is thinking. Even the look she finally gives him is downright inscrutable, as she slowly begins walking up to him. Shigure gives no ground before her, of course. He does not back away or keep his distance.
The result is that Angra only stops moving forward once her chest is pressed up against his, the shorter Servant looking up at him for a moment before speaking.
“In that case… I’m doing this because I want to.”
She takes another couple steps forward, and now Shigure is forced to walk back, lest she move through him, painful as that would be. In the end, he has no choice but to fall back, or rather, sit back on the end of his bed. Angra’s hands, wrapped in dark cloth all the way up their forearms, start at his shoulders, before trailing along down his body with the rest of her.
As the vessel for All The World’s Evils sinks down to the floor in front of him, grabbing him by his knees and spreading his legs nice and wide, Shigure can’t help but raise both eyebrows. It would seem that this, all of this, has taken a distinct turn for the sexual… and for once, it’s not really him initiating!
That doesn’t mean the Master of Chaldea isn’t always ready and willing to go though. As Angra deftly unbuttons and unzips his pants and pulls out his cock, its to find that Shigure is already hardening, his dick at about half mast as she takes it in her dexterous, flexible hands and rubs up and down his shaft for a moment. Then, without so much as a by your leave, Angra leans forward and takes him into her mouth.
Shigure can’t help but be a little surprised. This is all so sudden, really. But he’s also sort of used to this? Girls showing up in his quarters unannounced. Begging or demanding for sex. Him having to put them in their place.
It would seem, despite Angra Mainyu’s altogether peculiar circumstances… she’s no different from all the rest.
Smiling, Shigure begins to reach forward, intending to slide his digits through her hair, grip upon her head, and begin face fucking her like so many Servants before her. However, before he can do so, Angra… takes the initiative once more.
Shigure’s eyes widen as Angra suddenly lunges forward, piercing her own throat with his meaty, throbbing spear. Her amber eyes stare up at him as if she knew what he was about to do, and by doing it herself, she’s taken the opportunity away from him. For just a moment, Shigure meets those eyes… and shivers.
The moment passes and Angra’s motions… the Master of Chaldea wouldn’t call them frantic or desperate, even for as fast-paced as they are. No, rather… her oral skills are amazing. The ensuing deep-throat blowjob, one delivered completely without his input, is firmly out of this world in levels of amazement and awe. It is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the best blowjob Shigure has ever received. And given who he is, given his history… THAT is saying something.
As Angra slides her lips, mouth, and throat up and down his cock length like she was built for it, Shigure’s hand DOES find purchase upon her head… but only as a means of support. Groaning loudly, Shigure doubles over Angra’s kneeling form as she easily and enthusiastically throats his entire member again and again AND finds time to flick her tongue out and lap at his churning ball sack at the apex of every single descent.
He cums… he cums in less than a minute, and his orgasm is so intense that he whites out for a moment, his vision going blank from the stars in his eyes before they fade away and he’s able to get back to himself. When he comes to and is finally able to lean back and process what just happened, Angra Mainyu is grinning up at him from between his legs. She looks more impish than malicious though, and as she strokes his softening cock to keep it from losing its hardness, she explains.
“According to the vast majority of the civilized people who have lived for millennia on this world, things like lust and sex are ‘evil’. And I am nothing if not beholden to my nature as All The World’s Evils. So… I suppose there is something nice about being what I am.”
With that explanation given, Angra leans forward and takes his cock into her throat once again.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Shigure is used to being the one to milk multiple orgasms out of his lovers. This is the first time in his INCREDIBLY experienced sex life that a woman has… well, milked him. And with nothing but her mouth too. Angra draws not one, not two, but three loads of seed from Shigure that way, and the last two releases are just as amazingly intense as the first one, if not more so.
After he’s recovered from the third, however, Angra clearly decides that she’s tired of waiting to go further. Still stroking his cock, the Avenger nevertheless rises to her feet, and with one hand, proceeds to unwrap her body. Removing the crimson rags from her chest and then her hips, she reveals the entirety of her tattooed figure to him.
The Master of Chaldea, of course, is a man of many tastes and likes. He’s none too picky when it comes to lovers and has taken all sorts over his time in Chaldea. Shigure has fucked them all, both big and small and in every flavor and shade in between. Some men, with narrower, shallower minds, might have been turned off by a woman who had tattoos across very nearly every inch of his body.
Shigure, of course, was not. Rather, Angra Mainyu was perfect just how she was, tattoos and all. And maybe that was the absolutely spectacular oral talking, but Shigure had to admit, he really did think her look suited her, and he can’t help but smile as she climbs into his lap, pushing him down onto the bed and mounting him as he lays there on his back.
The opening of her pussy brushes against his cockhead as she leans over him, and a wicked, cheeky, impish look spreads across Angra’s face as she grins down at him.
“Try not to fall in love.”
Shigure doesn’t get a chance to respond before Angra proceeds to drive herself down upon his cock, impaling herself upon his member right then and there. Indeed, he never gets a chance to truly respond with a quip or joke of his own because… because much like the oral, the actual sex is the literal best that Shigure’s ever experienced.
Angra’s inner walls flex and wrap around his cock at just the right tightness, rhythmically massaging his length in time with her bounces as she begins to ride him. She gyrates her hips so that his dick gets to the very deepest parts of her, and she slides along his shaft with just the right amount of slickness.
It’s not until this point that Shigure realizes it, but now that he’s here, it’s inescapable. Sex, for him… had become a little same-y, of late. Despite having a veritable smorgasbord of unquestionable beauties all lusting for his cock in Chaldea, despite having a nice wide spread of all shapes and sizes, all colors and flavors… the truth was, his interactions with them had all come to effectively amount to the same thing.
Shigure would stick his dick in one of their holes, thrust around for a bit, maybe be brutal, maybe be gentle, maybe be something in between. They would cum buckets, he might cum a couple times at most, and the entire exchange would end with all parties satiated and satisfied.
This though… this was different. More than that, this was DANGEROUS. As Angra fucks him, she continues to pull the most intense orgasms he’s ever achieved from Shigure one after the other without signs of slowing down. And while he slowly but surely does manage to acclimate to the intense bursts of pleasure enough that he’s not doing the male equivalent of fucking ahegaoing each and every time she makes him cum inside of her, that doesn’t mean the climaxes aren’t still fucking amazing. It just means he’s managing to adapt a little, managing to get some semblance of self-control back.
But, and this is a very important realization… that’s only because Angra wants him to. As Shigure lays on his back and barely participates at all in some of the best sex of his entire life, bar none, he finds his mind startlingly clear, and realizes several things in veritably short order. Number one, Angra is dangerous and he’s only just now realizing how dangerous she is. Number two, she’s even more dangerous than Kiara could have been to him, if he hadn’t nipped that in the bud right away.
If she really wanted to, the vessel of All The World’s Evils could have done with Kiara failed at all that time ago, i.e., mind breaking him, with just her mouth, more than likely. But she didn’t. She hadn’t. And even now, as she’s working her pert little butt off to give him the most pleasure he’s ever had, she’s still holding back from breaking his mind with pleasure, from making him her bitch.
A small part of Shigure, what one might call what was left of his conscience, reflects that it would be no less than he deserves. How many Servants has he mind broken? To be fair, he’s gotten a little nicer about it over the years. As time has gone on, as Chaldea has endured, he likes to think he’s mellowed out a bit. He handles his Servants with a bit more care, respect, love, and understanding than previously.
That doesn’t change his earliest acts though, does it? And yet… and yet, there’s truly only one explanation for Angra’s actions here. His heightened perception, his long experience in matters like this… it all leads Shigure to one simple conclusion.
The reason that Angra Mainyu is not making him her bitch in this moment, despite having all of the power in this sexual encounter… is that she’s the one who’s already fallen in love with him. He didn’t even treat her all that special, he just accepted her sudden presence in Chaldea with aplomb and was kind and understanding with her.
Apparently, that was enough to make the vessel for All The World’s Evils fall for him. And that… Shigure was absolutely fine with that.
With great effort, Shigure lifts himself back up from his laid out position on the bed. Angra’s eyes widen for a second at his display of willpower and stamina. They widen even further when Shigure continues to use his trembling strength to reach up and interlock his hands with hers, their fingers intertwining together as he pulls her close to him.
Their faces end up so close together that even a single movement could cause their lips to touch. Angra has gone still though, no longer so much as bouncing up and down on his cock… though her inner walls are still flexing consciously up and down his length. Despite her dark skin and even darker tattoos however, Shigure can make out the blush marking her cheeks, even as her amber eyes flicker and fill with emotion.
“… I said… I s-said not to fall in love…”
And then, like with everything else that’s happened so far, she initiates the following kiss, capturing his lips with her own and pushing her tongue into his mouth. Shigure, in a rare, uncharacteristic moment… simply allows it. Letting Angra control the kiss, knowing that he has no chance of actually ‘beating’ her as he would normally ‘beat’ a Servant.
They fuck for the entire night, and by the end of it all, Angra has managed to do something that no one woman has managed to do in quite a long time. She’s completely drained Shigure’s enhanced nut sack of seed, leaving him running on fumes and completely bone dry for the first time in forever. Feeling spent in a way he hasn’t felt in quite a while, Shigure can only lay there, silently recovering as Angra in turn lies against his chest.
When she suddenly buries her face into his neck, he can’t even really react in any particularly swift way. Perhaps that’s why she thinks she can get away with it. Perhaps that’s why, in a low almost-inaudible voice, he hears fateful words from her lips.
“… love you…”
Her love confession makes the side of Shigure’s mouth quirk up in a roguish grin. And while he’s tempted to just do the expected thing and say he loves her back; he can’t quite help making the movie reference instead.
“I know.”
Of course, no matter what his response was, Angra’s reaction would have been the same, because the Avenger had decidedly underestimated him, and had thought him asleep by now. Or so it seems to Shigure, given the way she jolts in shock, immediately becoming embarrassed upon realizing that he was still very much conscious and had not only heard her, but also responded to her.
Tattooed face utterly aflame with embarrassment, Angra jerks away from him, sputtering and whimpering as she stares at him for a long moment before fleeing from the room, trying in vain to cover up her mistake.
Shigure just watches her go, not being in any position to actually stop her. There’s a fond smile on his lips as he watches her leave, knowing that she’d be back once she’d calmed down. And in the meantime, his balls might have a chance to refill before that adorable, little, ‘evil’ nympho got her hands on him again.


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