Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 58: Katou Danzou

Its late in the evening as a shadow makes its way through the halls of Chaldea. Darting from place to place, jumping up to the ceiling and then down again where necessary, it goes entirely unseen by Chaldea’s denizens. This, in and of itself, is quite the accomplishment considering the average level of strength enjoyed by said denizens.
Slowly, the shadow closes in on its target. Eventually, it reaches a door, the last obstacle barring its path. Slipping past proves to be the easiest part of the shadow’s journey, however… after all, the door is unlocked. Once inside, the shadow spots their target in no time at all and rapidly approaches.
Without hesitation, Katou Danzou, also known as the Black Kite, Flying Katou, and Kite Katou, kneels down before Shigure. As the Master of Chaldea, he is also her Master, and so the mechanical shinobi puppet bows her head to him, ready for whatever duty he summoned her here to complete.
“Master. What is your bidding?”
Meanwhile, Shigure just looks Danzou over and hums. It’s been about a week since he first summoned the shinobi servant to Chaldea. He’d been curious about her from the start but had been distracted by other things. Pesky responsibilities. Honestly, it sucked being so damn critical to the survival of the human race, sometimes. What he wouldn’t give to be able to always slack off and just do whatever he wanted twenty-four-seven.
Alas, he couldn’t do that… though as his own boss, he COULD give himself little treats here and there… like he was doing now.
“Rise. I wish to inspect you.”
Danzou doesn’t hesitate to obey. She is, after all, a shinobi puppet. A doubly whammy, so to speak. Shinobi were expected to obey their Masters in ancient times without question. The ninja from those time periods were expected to hone themselves into weapons, to be wielded by those above them. Theirs was not to ask why, but to always carry out their orders without fail.
But on top of that, Danzou was also a puppet. She wasn’t a human, repurposed into a weapon for another human to wield like a finely tuned instrument. She was literally crafted from the ground up for this purpose. Disobedience was anathema to her. Not following orders… heh, did not compute.
Shigure smiles, as she rises to her feet and stands at attention, clasping her arms behind her back without him even having to ask her to do so. Not that it does all that much for her somewhat lacking bust. But that’s alright, Shigure sees a lot to admire about her regardless of her lithe, petite form. Oh yes, a lot to admire indeed.
Eyeing the revealing outfit she’s wearing up and down, the Master of Chaldea hums some more. Her alluring red bikini leaves only a few things about her to the imagination. And with her hair done up in a high-top ponytail held in place by cutely matched red bow, well… it’s quite easy to see all the seams and joints of her wooden puppet body.
That said, there’s one thing that Shigure can’t help but ask. Something that’s been niggling at the back of his mind, ever since she slipped in and approached him in the first place. Namely…
“What made you choose to wear this outfit? I did not order it.”
Bowing her head in submissive acknowledgment of his words, Danzou explains herself succinctly. In the end, the answer is simpler than Shigure would have thought.
“It was recommended to me by your other servants, Master. They told me that it would suit your tastes. Did they seek to deceive me?”
Until now, there’s been a touch of apathy in everything she’s said and done. But that last sentence… Shigure can’t help but grin as a sense of danger wafts off of her final words. Not directed towards him, but to those who might have deceived her and made her look foolish before her Master.
He’s half-tempted to lie and say yes, they did deceive her, just to see what Danzou would do about it. How would the wooden shinobi puppet measure up against the other Servants of Chaldea? He hadn’t failed to notice that the way she called them servants was different from the way in which he thought of them as Servants. To her, they were all servants in his household. To him, they were Servants with a Capital S, Heroic Spirits mostly, and powerhouses one and all.
… But no, he sets aside that temptation quite quickly as he continues to gaze upon Danzou’s segmented, jointed body. He has more interesting ideas then to send her off to have a cat fight with some of the other women in Chaldea.
“They did not deceive you. Your current attire suits my tastes perfectly.”
While Danzou does not smile at this, she does straighten up a little bit, almost imperceptibly pleased with his words. Shigure just chuckles and shakes his head, before considering her for a moment longer.
“… Turn around.”
She obeys this order without question as well, of course, allowing him to get a good look at her backside too. Yes, he’d have to be sure to give a reward to whoever it was who procured this bikini for Danzou. It complemented her extremely well, and he quite liked it. However, he was sure he’d like it even more… on the floor.
“Very good. Turn back around. Now, remove your clothing.”
Once again, Danzou shows no hesitation, even in obeying a lecherous command. Shigure watches as she complies, untying the bikini top but holding it to her breasts with one of her slightly elongated arms, while using her free hand to untie her bikini bottoms as well. In the end, she lets both pieces fall off of her body at the same time, revealing… absolutely nothing at all.
Shigure starts, a little surprised for once. And it’s been a long time since he’s truly been surprised. Shifting back and forth in his seated position, the Master of Chaldea pauses as he stares at Danzou’s naked body. Except… there’s not really anything there. Oh, she has a slightly feminine figure. Female-presenting, one might say. There’s no denying she’s a she. Unless you only counted a woman as a woman if she had nipples and a vagina.
Because that’s precisely what Danzou is missing. Her breasts and crotch are completely smooth, with no sexual characteristics to speak of. No nipples, no pussy… and Shigure suspects if he ordered her to turn around, bend over, and spread them, there’d be no anus either. She’s a puppet, after all… hm, he’s not entirely sure what he was expecting, exactly.
He was… expecting her original creator to be as much of a pervert as he was, he supposed? Honestly, why make a wooden puppet female if you weren’t going to give it sexual characteristics? But then, why was he asking himself when he could just ask her instead?
“You are made to look feminine, but do not have the assets of a woman. Why is that?”
For the first time since he summoned her to appear in front of him, Shigure detects a hint of… insecurity from the mechanical shinobi puppet. She doesn’t blush or squirm or fidget like he would expect a normal woman to do, but she does… tense up a bit more. Not defensively, but in shame if he had to guess.
“I was made as a combat puppet, Master. My original creator decided such things were not necessary for my purpose.”
That didn’t answer his real question, which was why she was made to be female-presenting if she wasn’t going to have female characteristics. Wouldn’t male be the default, in most cases? Or maybe it was just the horndog in him talking. He honestly couldn’t fathom why anyone would make a female puppet and not give it the proper… functionality, heh. But it’s clear that Danzou knows not the inner workings of her original creator’s mind beyond what she’s already told him.
After a moment of silence, the shinobi puppet ducks her head.
“I apologize, Master. I am deficient for your purposes. I-!”
But Shigure cuts her off with a raised hand, silencing her and shaking his head.
“No. You are incorrect. While this isn’t what I expected… I’ll enjoy your unique body anyways.”
Once again, there is no blush… she probably isn’t capable of it. But her eyes do widen slightly as she looks at him, and the faintest of smiles appears on her slightly upturned lips.
“Thank you, Master. I am ready to please you to the best of my ability.”
Oh? She’s certainly eager to begin. Hm, how much coaching had his other Servants given this one? If they’d dressed her up like a doll for him, they must have known what he’d find underneath. But of course, none of the women who’d been in Chaldea long enough to get to know him would think that Danzou’s featureless body would stop him for even a second. As such…
“Then show me.”
“Yes, Master.”
She doesn’t even hesitate. Walking forward, the mechanical puppet drops to her knees between his legs, which he willingly spreads for her as he sits on the edge of the bed. It takes her the work of a moment to extract his cock from his pants, deftly flicking it out into her waiting palms. She starts off with her hands from there, the nimble and jointed fingers of one hand ghosting over his cock, while the other dips down to stimulate his balls.
Shigure stiffens, eyes widening in surprise at her technique. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting… but it wasn’t this. No, to his growing shame, he had to admit… he didn’t expect her to be GOOD at this. And yet… and yet, she was clearly a well-trained tool. Which only made it odder that she didn’t have the sort of body that would go along with hands as skilled as these.
Yes, it was entirely accurate to call her technique masterful in its experience. Before he knows it, he’s tossing his head back and groaning in pleasure up at the ceiling. She might just be giving him the best handjob he’s ever had, but whether it is or not, it’s definitely the most surprisingly skillful handjob he’s ever had.
“You are… very good at that, Danzou…”
“Thank you, Master. These hands were made to serve.”
Damn straight they were. In mere minutes, Shigure is reaching the point of no return. While he could have held back and might have against a flesh and blood woman… here and now, he respects Danzou’s technique too much to do anything but give her, her due. And so, without hesitation but also without warning, the Master of Chaldea prepares to cum.
It’s a testament to her skill with her hands that Danzou needs no warning to realize what’s about to happen. Seeming to recognize that he’s about to cum right before it happens, she brings the hand on his shaft up over his tip and uses her fingers to stroke along his cockhead, from halfway down his length to the tip of his member, until finally he let forth a deluge of seed, all over her palm.
Her other hand, still stroking his balls, does not escape the tidal wave of cum that rebounds off of her palm and slides down his length. In the end, his essence ends up coating both of her hands as well as her joints in mere moments, getting all over her appendages. He half-expects her to begin licking herself clean… but she is no flesh and blood woman. Instead, she ignores the mess entirely, zeroing in on the fact that he’s still rock hard and ready to go.
Without hesitation, Danzou sits up, leaning forward and raising herself up to her full kneeling height so that she can bring her smooth, nippleless, unyielding wooden tits to his cock. There’s no wrapping her breasts around his haft. There’s no tugging on her nipples in order to elongate her fun bags so she can properly embrace his member in a normal titty fuck.
No, Danzou’s breasts are as firm as the rest of her body. They lack the pliability of flesh and blood breasts. However, that does not mean the experience is unpleasant. It does not mean that the experience is unpleasurable, even. Rather, Shigure is a man of many tastes and many desires. He is a man who is well aware that his proclivities and lusts range across all ends of the spectrum. He’s engaged in some frankly freaky bullshit to satisfy some of the odder, more out-there kinks he has.
This? Honestly, it doesn’t even rank above a seven on his ‘weird-ass kink’ scale, Shigure can’t help but think. She’s like a doll, a smooth, sexless doll who nevertheless is clearly feminine. There’s something to be said about the complete opposite of what a normal pair of tits would feel like. Instead of being soft and warm and potentially enveloping his sizable cock in between them, Danzou’s breasts are smooth and cool.
It gives a unique experience, and even if its not the quickest he’s ever cum, Danzou’s efforts and technique do eventually manage to coax out another load of seed from him. Yet again, he gives no warning, but yet again, she doesn’t seem to need it. In the end, she happily lets his second load of seed splatter across her chassis as it leaves his cock.
Of course, he’s still rock hard, even then. Two loads won’t be enough to satisfy the mechanical shinobi puppet’s new ‘Lord’. Shigure grins as he stares down at her, waiting to see what she’ll do next. For a long moment, Danzou just stares at his cock in contemplation. Then, the moment passes, and she abruptly leans forward, wrapping her mouth around his cock.
Shigure grunts at the strange smooth feeling of the inside of her maw. There IS a tongue… but no moisture or saliva. At least the tongue isn’t rough like sandpaper. No, the inside of her mouth is just as smooth as the rest of her. He readies himself for another strange, unique experience, anticipating this to be much like the way she’d pressed her firm unyielding breasts against his chest. No saliva, no warmth… but a smooth enough passage, and a cool sensation upon his cock.
… That is not what happens. Danzou spends a moment fitting him properly into her mouth, taking him all the way to the base without difficulty and without even a hint of a gag reflex. Then, without warning, she unleashes her Noble Phantasm on him. Shigure’s eyes widen as what is normally a vacuum blade capable of sucking in, crushing, and compressing enemies… is repurposed into something else.
Indeed, the mechanical shinobi shows herself to be QUITE the problem solver in that moment, for she’s repurposes her Noble Phantasm into a super powerful, entirely unexpected, oral suction technique.
It’s not often that Shigure is surprised into an exclamation. For a moment, Danzou stiffens, as if afraid she’s hurting him. Luckily, he’s already doubling over her head, his hand instinctively going to her ponytail and grabbing it. But not to pull her away. No, rather, he drives her even deeper into his crotch, groaning as it feels like she’s going to suck his cock right off his body.
Ah, but what a way to go that would be, right? The pleasure is intense enough that in no time at all, the cute shinobi puppet manages to suck every last drop of his seed out of his balls. He’s not sure where she’s putting it. After all, if her creator didn’t think she needed to have sexual characteristics, what would be the point of giving her a stomach?
Regardless, she puts it all away anyways, and after she’s finished draining his balls dry with her Noble Phantasm-enhanced blowjob, Shigure is… undeniably spent. When he finally lets her pull back, releasing his hold on her ponytail, its to flop back on the bed and stare up at the ceiling, panting heavily for a moment to catch his breath.
Danzou, for her part, doesn’t move from her spot for a beat, before speaking.
“Will that be all, Master?”
There’s an expectation there. Not one where she WANTS to be done with him, but rather that she simply thinks he’s done with her. Shigure considers it for a moment… before deciding he really isn’t. No sir, not yet.
“Go and clean yourself up. Then, return to me.”
“As you wish, Master.”
It takes her all of fifteen minutes to go and wash off her wooden puppet body of his seed. Shigure imagines much of those fifteen minutes were spent on cleaning her joints out… though he also has a strange mental image of her turning herself upside down in a handstand and opening her mouth wide to let the deluge of seed he’d poured down her mechanical throat flow out down the drain.
By the time she returns, he’s actually quite hard again. No orders this time, he just grabs the mechanical shinobi and pulls her into bed with him. Bringing her back against his body, spooning with her, he pushes his dick up between her thighs, letting it get sandwiched there, right where her pussy would be if she had one. At the same time, his hands wrap around her to grasp at her featureless, smooth, wooden tits.
For a moment, Danzou just lays there. Then, hesitantly and of her own initiative, she gently moves her hips back and forth, pleasuring Shigure with Sumata as he slowly drifts off to sleep. Without even having to ask it of her, Shigure knows full well that she’ll continue to do so throughout the night. After all, she is both shinobi and puppet… and in both cases, he is her beloved Master, who she owes every ounce of her loyalty to.


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