Champion’s Heart

Chapter 50 - Zhou Yi\\\'s special training

   In the gym, Zhou Yi put on the baby sandbag Guo Nu lent him and ran on the treadmill.

   And Guo Nu was on a treadmill beside him, running with Zhou Yi.

   Yang Muge looked at the two people and asked Sun Pan: “Don’t you run?”

   “Why should I run? It’s not me who is physically weak?” Sun Pan spread his hands and said. “Besides, I am a goalkeeper. What should I do with such a high fitness?”

   “Just accompany Zhou Yi.” Yang Muge persuaded.

  Sun Pan shook his head like a rattle: “No!”

   Yang Muge saw Sun Pan this time with a firm attitude. Fortunately, he got on the treadmill on the other side of Zhou Yi and ran with Zhou Yi, but the speed he set was not fast, that is, jogging. The running speed is completely different from that of Guo Nu.

  Sun Pan saw that all three of them got on the machine and did not stay. Instead, he put his hands behind his head and whistled and turned away!

   “I rely on!” Zhou Yi saw Sun Pan leave and said angrily, “This kid is not interesting enough! Damn!”

  Guo Nu reminded Zhou Yi next to him: “Don’t shout loudly when running, running, running, small, careful, affecting rhythm, chaos, chaos…”

   Zhou Yi turned his head to look at Guo Nu, his mouth widened in surprise: “This effect is indeed quite big, and the breath is chaotic as soon as he opens his mouth…”

   “I, I, I… I’m stuttering!” Guo Nu blushed.

   “Ah… uh, sorry, sorry…” Zhou Yi quickly apologized.


Just as the three men ran on the treadmill, Sun Pan wore slippers in the hotel room and took eight-character steps, “pinched” a small ceramic cup and reappeared in the gym-because the cup was small, his hand Big, so he held the handle of the cup with his fingers and thumb, and it looked like he was pinching the cup.

   There was still steam in the cup, Sun Pan walked to Zhou Yi, sniffed hard, and exclaimed: “The coffee in this hotel is really good, it is fragrant!”

   Zhou Yi turned his head to look at him, not speaking.

   Sun Pan took another sip after smelling it, then sucked back and said: “Well-this is the taste!”

  Zhou Yipao’s breathing has become thicker, but he can’t help but spit out panting when he sees Sun Pan’s posture: “You, are you drinking… Master Kang, Master Kang Braised Beef Noodle Soup!”

  He said that Sun Pan couldn’t make it anymore. He looked down at the coffee in the cup and seemed to really smell the braised beef noodle.

   This is really a word…

   He rolled his eyes, and then left the noodle soup in the cup in one breath…No, it was coffee.

Then he looked at Zhou Yi who was panting on the treadmill and smiled happily: “Retribution, retribution. When you were on the sofa drinking coffee and letting us jump up and down, you never thought you would have today, Zhou Yi!” “

   Yang Muge realized why Sun Pan didn’t stay with them just now, but insisted on leaving. He went back to make coffee to revenge Zhou Yi!

   Next, Sun Pan sat on the floor and “admired” Zhou Yi’s breathless running posture on the treadmill.

  After running for about thirty minutes, Zhou Yi couldn’t hold it anymore. His breath was heavy and chaotic, and his head was lowered as if the whole person might fall to the ground at any time.

I had just played a game today, and my physical energy was almost consumed. Now I run on the treadmill for forty minutes. It is really too tired, and the other two legs are still tied with heavy sandbags, making Zhou Yi feel clear. It was on a treadmill, but it seemed to be running on the beach, and every time he lifted his leg, he seemed to exhaust all the energy of his body.

  Zhou Yi supported the armrests on both sides with his hands, supporting his body. He did not fall down. His legs were still being carried by the treadmill, and he wailed in his mouth: “No, no, no!

   “Man can’t say no!” Sun Pan sneered next to him, “Go ahead! Just forty minutes you will give up, how can you still be a professional player!”

   Hearing what Sun Pan said, Zhou Yi gritted his teeth and released the armrest to continue running.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yi’s footsteps became messy again, and he had to continue to hold the armrest.

   “No, no…no!”

“You have the strength to howl, why can’t you do it? Continue to run! How can you sustain a ninety-minute game with your physical strength? If you want to be replaced after only playing halftime, then you come down !”

   “Relying on…” Zhou Yilei’s strength to scold Sun Pan was gone. He felt that Sun Pan must have taken the opportunity to retaliate against him and had to train Guo Nu in his room.

   But Sun Pan’s words seemed like one, and hit Zhou Yi’s heart accurately.

   with a bang, exploded in the bottom of his heart, blurring the flesh and blood of his heart.

   The taste of sitting on the bench during the day was blown up again.

   is also on the bench. He used to make a bench for a full four games, but it feels completely different from the bench in this half.

   Obviously you don’t have to lose so badly, maybe we can still score goals, and more than one.

   But it all disappeared as I was replaced at halftime, and became a “if”-if I hadn’t been replaced, the game might have developed so much.

Zhou Yi thinks he feels good after changing to the midfield. Head coach Hao Dong said well, he is more suitable for playing in the midfield. He also fell in love with the kind of organization offensively, combing his teammates only with order, using the pass and Run the position to mobilize the opponent’s defense, and then find empty, a fatal feeling.

   But all of this is restricted by his physical ability.

   can’t move, and it’s just a matter of talking no matter how far you look.

   is replaced every time at halftime, or is he satisfied with being a super bench?

   The super bench is worthy of respect. For example, Solskjaer, the lore that he came off the bench in the 1999 Champions League final became a timeless classic.

   But Zhou Yi is unwilling to just be a super substitute. Since he has such abilities and golden fingers, he is just a super substitute, isn’t it too bad?

   physical fitness, physical fitness, physical fitness!

  I want to have the ability to support me to run for 90 minutes without stopping!

   Thinking of this, Zhou Yi suddenly grasped the hand of the treadmill handrail, and then he raised his head and shouted, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

   Then he released his hand and ran on the treadmill.

   Zhou Yi’s madness frightened all three people around him. Yang Muge even forgot to run, and was almost staggered by the treadmill.


   Sun Pan, Yang Muge and Guo Nu squatted into a triangle, and in the middle of the triangle was Zhou Yi lying on the ground.

   After getting off the treadmill, Zhou Yi fell to the ground. At the time, the three people were startled. Fortunately, the hotel gym was carpeted and he fell down without pain.

   “Dead or faint?” Sun Pan asked.

   “Only, just… too tired, sleep, fall asleep?” Guo guessed angrily.

   Yang Muge leaned over and listened to Zhou Yi’s nose, and then said: “Asleep, I heard him snore, very slight.”

  Guo Nu was relieved, and then he became sorrowful again: “How to get him back?”

  Yang Muge pointed to Sun Pan: “Sun Pan, please take Zhou Yi back.”

   “Ah? Why am I?” Sun Pan was not happy.

   “Who made you stab him with words?”

   “Well, if it wasn’t for my spur, he would give up half an hour ago!” As he said on his mouth, Sun Pan stood up and pulled Zhou Yi up, “You two, help!”

Yang Muge and Guo Nu pushed Zhou Yi on Sun Pan’s back. Sun Pan got up and walked away with Zhou Yi on his back, while Guo Nu and Yang Muge left Zhou Yi on one side and left Zhou Yi behind, afraid He slipped down.

   “Ah, the whole body is water, the clothes are soaked, so disgusting! My clothes are also waste!” Sun Pan, who was carrying Zhou Yi, couldn’t help complaining. With additional force on his hand, Zhou Yi, who was sliding down, was stabilized, and the muscles in his arms bulged.

   And behind them, where Zhou Yi was lying, there was a dark human trace on the light-colored carpet.


  He Ying was reading in the room, and suddenly a knock on the door rang, which surprised him.

  Because few people will come to his door, if it is Zhou Yi, he has a room card, so if you swipe to enter the door, you don’t have to knock on the door at all.

  Although strange, He Ying put down the book and got up to open the door.

   As soon as he opened the door, he saw that Sun Pan’s tall body was stuck in the door, and his face was blue and straight.

   Seeing where He Ying opened the door, where he was stunned, he shouted loudly: “Hurry!”

  After talking, he squeezed away He Ying, rushed into the room, He Ying flashed, and only then saw that there was someone behind Sun Pan…

   is his roommate Zhou Yi.

   followed by Guo Nu and Yang Muge. Yang Muge saw He Ying sideways giving way and smiled and nodded at him, saying hello.

  Sun Pan threw Zhou Yi on Simmons’ bed, and then he breathed out: “This kid slept like a dead pig, and it didn’t work at all, but I was exhausted! Well, go back to sleep!”

   finished, turned around and walked away, did not look at He Ying, nor greeted him.

   “Are you sure you can fall asleep, Sun Pan?” Yang Muge followed behind his **** and went out while asking.


   “Did you drink a cup of coffee before?”

   “Uh? Rely! Rely on rely on rely on!” Sun Pan cried suddenly, “Mom, patronize the kid, and forget this!”

   “If you can’t sleep, please try not to disturb me.”

   “Then you have to lend me your PSP to play!”

   “Okay…” Yang Muge sighed.

  Guo Nu looked at Zhou Yi and ran out. He had not forgotten to close the door to He Ying.

He Ying didn’t respond at all. What was going on? Suddenly a knock on the door sounded, and suddenly Sun Pan rushed in with Zhou Yi behind him, suddenly put Zhou Yi on the bed, and then the three of them suddenly left… even He Ying didn’t understand even the conversation between them.

   He looked back at Zhou Yi who was lying on the bed and sleeping.

  Although Zhou Yi came back late every night, anyway, he came back alive, how come he got his back this time?

  If he didn’t sleep well, He Ying really thought he would go out and fight with people…

  He Ying found out that he really didn’t understand Zhou Yi more and more.

  He stood in front of Zhou Yi’s bed, UU hesitated to read the book, did he just let him sleep?

  Sleep like this for a night, can you catch a cold?

  Will give him a bed quilt.

  Thinking about this, he started to lift the quilt on the other side, and then wanted to turn Zhou Yi over, but when he touched Zhou Yi’s body, he shrunk back-cold! wet!

  He Ying discovered that Zhou Yi’s T-shirt was basically soaked, and attached to his body, the white T-shirt became transparent.

   Did this fall into the swimming pool?

   He Ying frowned-it was obviously impossible to cover the quilt directly. Wet clothes did not take off.

   So He Ying frowned, pinched Zhou Yi’s wet clothes with **** of each hand, rolled up a little bit, and undressed him.

   Zhou Yi’s wet sweat on his clothes and clothes, for He Ying, who is a little clean, this is really not a wonderful experience…※※※PS, two things.

   The first is that the football diary I wrote while in Madrid has been updated on the UU reading public platform. It is the text I saw and heard in Madrid, and there are many photos. If you are interested in Madrid football and what I do in Madrid, you can follow UU’s public account on WeChat, which is serialized. Another thing is that our book is published in Sanjiang and we are voting. I hope you don’t forget to vote for Sanjiang. You can get one in one day. Although you don’t have to take the first place, you haven’t even entered the top five. It’s not very good… I think the quality of this new book is still very good, so I still have confidence in the book, please everyone!

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