Champion’s Heart

V2 Chapter 3: Physical fitness

In fact, Keyster need not worry too much about Zhou Yi, because for the Dortmund youth team, Zhou Yi is not a completely newcomer.

After all, Zhou Yi once played against them and had two assists and one goal in that game, which left a very deep impression on Dortmund’s youth team.

This is true both of Zhou Yi’s advantages and disadvantages.

This can be seen from the training content that youth coach Eker arranged for Zhou Yi.

In addition to training with the team throughout the day, Zhou Yi also has more physical training than other players, especially physical training.

Zhou Yi’s most lacking is physical fitness, his physical fitness can not meet the requirements of a professional player.

Of course, Zhou Yi is not a professional player now, but becoming a professional player is the goal of hard work.

The youth team does not have a full-time physical fitness coach, so Zhou Yi’s physical fitness training is the responsibility of the first team physical fitness coach Oliver Bartlett.

It can also be seen that Klopp’s emphasis on Zhou Yi is indeed more than just talking.

You know, Oliver Bartlett is a physical training expert that Dortmund Club attaches great importance to. He is willing to open a small stove for a young team player.

In the first physical training class taught by Zhou Yi, Bartlett didn’t immediately arrange a physical training plan for Zhou Yi, but instead asked Zhou Yi with his arms around him: “How do you understand physical fitness, young man?”

After listening to Kist’s translation, Zhou Yi did not understand why the coach asked this question, but he answered honestly: “It is endurance.”

“Wrong.” Bartlett shook his head after hearing the answer.

“Wrong?” Zhou Yi was surprised. He has always understood physical fitness all the time. Physical fitness is equal to endurance. A player with good physical fitness has good endurance and can run longer and farther on the court. Is there something wrong? Is it?

And not only did he understand it, in football games, FM and live football…all this.

How could this be wrong?

Seeing Zhou Yi’s surprised look, Bartlett asked him back: “I heard Tim say you have been insisting on going to the morning run every morning during this time?”

Zhou Yi nodded proudly. With his character, it is indeed a matter of pride to be able to persist for so long.

But Bartlett doesn’t think so.

He directly denied Zhou Yi’s practice of increasing physical fitness by jogging: “Although jogging at a balanced pace in the field and in the park can improve jogging ability, but such training cannot improve your physical fitness in the game. Physical fitness is not just simple The concept of’endurance’. Remember, football is a sport that includes many sprints and high-intensity anaerobic movements, with some low-intensity aerobic recovery periods in between to prepare for the next high-intensity round of operation.”

Zhou Yi opened his mouth wide after listening to Kist’s translation.

Seeing Zhou Yi’s expression, Keyster asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Uh…the coach said it’s great, but…can I tell him again?”

Kist knew that Zhou Yi didn’t understand it, so he said to Bartlett: “Can you explain in detail? Don’t have so many professional terms…”

“In simple terms, you will make sprints, shots, jumps, tackles, or steals in the game. These are high-intensity anaerobic actions. Your body needs to consume adenosine triphosphate (ATP), using Some glucose supplies muscles to perform these high-intensity actions.” Bartlett explained.

Although there are still many professional terms, Zhou Yi understood this time, that is, what kind of ATP and glucose does the body need to consume if it wants to do movements.

“Then the player will recover during the low-intensity phase of the game, such as walking, jogging, and standing, so that the ATP will be replenished and the acid will be eliminated. Acid is what causes your body to feel after heavy exercise The cause of soreness. Acid is metabolized by aerobics, which is one reason why people breathe more after slowing down or stopping after strenuous exercise.”

Bartlett continued to explain, he explained with practical examples, even if still full of professional terms, but Zhou Yi can understand.

To put it simply, you need to rest after strenuous exercise, so that the body can recover and get the energy to continue strenuous exercise.

“The time interval for a player to restart high-intensity exercise depends on the rate of ATP supplementation, the amount of acid metabolized, and the completion of some other electrolytic processing related to muscle contraction. Recovery is an aerobic process. The player’s The higher the aerobic capacity, the faster his recovery speed and the higher the frequency of running at full speed. Therefore, the longer the time to play in the best state without feeling tired.”

“So, what we call physical fitness in football is not simply your ability to run for a long time, but the ability to recover quickly. Football is not a marathon, you don’t need to run ninety minutes without stopping, but There will be many very frequent anaerobic exercises. If your body cannot recover quickly from anaerobic exercises, then you will naturally not be able to stay in the game for too long, and you will easily feel tired.”

“After understanding what is the concept of physical fitness in football, you will understand why I said that you jogging in the park does not improve your physical fitness in the game. Because improving your ability to jog does not let you in Quickly restore energy during the game.”

Zhou Yi has been silly, but this time he was not shocked by the professionalism of professional football clubs, not because he didn’t understand.

Yes, after listening to Bartlett, he has two words in his head: professional!

This is a professional!

I used to think that it would be good to run up to 10,000 meters with sandbags, but now I know that it is nonsense.

And it’s not just him. Judging from the slogan of 10,000 meters every day in Haigeng spring training, Chinese football is not very professional…

No wonder the level of Chinese football does not go up.

If Chinese football practitioners are so unprofessional, they are still thinking about rushing out of Asia and going to the world… that is indeed a fool’s dream.

The Chinese team has once participated in the World Cup finals, but that time was just good luck, it does not mean that the strength of Chinese football has improved, and everyone has seen it later, which fully shows that Chinese football has not yet found the right direction. .


Zhou Yi then further saw the professionalism of the European clubs.

Bartlett didn’t immediately start training Zhou Yi after explaining to Zhou Yi what the concept of “physical fitness” in football was. Instead, he conducted a test on Zhou Yi. According to him, this is to detect the distribution of fiber types in Zhou Yi’s muscles.

According to the previous explanation about physical fitness, it can be seen that football players will continue to cycle in anaerobic and aerobic sports during the game. The two types of muscle fibers in the body correspond to these two types of exercise.

Large fast-twitch fibers can produce a large amount of tension very quickly, but they cannot continue to produce this amount of tension during multiple contractions. Smaller slow muscle fibers produce less tension at a slower speed, but can continue to contract repeatedly.

Therefore, fast muscle fibers can generate a large amount of anaerobic energy for the rapid generation of tension. When players sprint, jump, shovel, and shoot, they need explosive power, and all the anaerobic energy plays a role in the body. Slow-twitch fibers can produce large amounts of aerobic energy for repeated contractions.

The distribution of fast muscle fibers and slow muscle fibers is largely determined by genetics, which is called “talent”.

Some people are born to run fast, which is the proportion of fast muscle fibers in the body.

It is impossible to change the distribution ratio of muscle fibers through the acquired day, so we must first figure out what kind of muscle fiber Zhou Yi has more, so that we can make targeted training arrangements.

But it’s not what everyone thinks, if Zhou Yi’s physical fitness is not good, then go directly to the training content of physical fitness enhancement.

How to test Zhou Yi’s muscle fiber distribution?

It is actually very simple, just test the muscle endurance. First, use the equipment to test the maximum strength of Zhou Yi’s muscle contraction. For example, if you want to test the proportion of muscle fibers in part of the muscles of the leg, let Zhou Yi sit on the adjustable leg exerciser, then let him press the front baffle hard, and then gradually increase the weight. Observe Zhou Yi’s situation. If a certain weight Zhou Yi really can’t pedal, then the last weight he can pedal is the maximum strength of his muscle contraction.

Then take 80% of this maximum power as the test strength standard. Let Zhou Yi repeat the training on this strength to see how many times he can persevere.

If it is more than fifteen times, it means that the slow muscle fibers account for a relatively high proportion of this muscle. If it is less than five times, it means that fast muscle fibers account for a high proportion.

Just part of the muscle test.

Finally Bartlett reached a conclusion.

The ratio of Zhouyi fast muscle fibers to slow muscle fibers is 54:46.

He has fewer slow muscle fibers, so his physical fitness is poor.

This result disappointed Zhou Yi: “That doesn’t mean that my physical fitness is born, I want to improve my physical fitness?”

Bartlett shook his head: “If this is the case, what do our physical fitness coaches do? Our physical fitness coaches are specifically responsible for cultivating and improving your physical fitness. You must know, lad. Speed ​​is born, but physical fitness can be improved through acquired training. of.”

He patted Zhou Yi on the shoulder: “So rest assured, you will never play half-time forever.”

Zhou Yi quickly defended: “It’s seventy minutes.”

But Bartlett doesn’t care about the difference.

“It’s almost the same.” He shrugged and shrugged. “Okay, this concludes today.”

Zhou Yi was surprised: “No training?”

“Wait for me to go back and make a targeted training plan before you start training.” Bartlett said. “Tomorrow we will start the formal training. Today you have a good rest, don’t be too tired, you have to start training when you fly from China, so it’s no good to show your own attitude. Remember, rest This is the first step in physical training. If you don’t take a good rest, don’t think about training well.”

Bartlett picked up the book with all the muscle data of Zhou Yi and left. Zhou Yi was still stunned, remembering his last sentence.

Rest is the first step in physical training…

This is the first time he heard.

But… it seems very reasonable!


“Mr. Bartlett is this He speaks straight, he doesn’t like nonsense. So you don’t want to go to your heart, Zhou Yi.” Keyster thought that Zhou Yi Leng Shen was stimulated by Bartlett’s words, and quickly comfort him.

Zhou Yi shook his head: “How could it be, Mr. Kist. There is such a coach who directly pointed out my problem, saving all of us time, I am too happy to be too late. Rest assured, Mr. Kist. I am not a glass heart! ”

“That’s good.” Kist laughed. “Okay, let’s leave too. Did you forget that you are moving today?”

Zhou Yi froze for a moment, only to remember that there was such a thing!

The club has approved his application to stay in Wagner’s house, and today he will move from the hotel to his teammate Mark Wagner’s house!


PS, there is one more change in the afternoon, please

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