Champion’s Heart

v5 Chapter 327 - God\\\'s perspective

Although watching Zhou Yi’s first-person perspective when playing football is enough to shock, there are more shocking waiting for them in the back.

Mark Laurensen proposed an advanced test.

The purpose of the test is whether Zhou Yi can really grasp as much information as he has observed. After all, a glance is really different from really remembering it and using it effectively.

He asked Zhou Yi to re-view the video that he had just shot in his first-person perspective.

Then there was a sudden suspension without warning, and then Zhou Yi quickly re-prepared the stadium to mark the position of the players on both sides.

The result Zhou Yi portrayed surprised everyone present.

Whether it is front, side, or back, 360-degree omnidirectional no dead angles are all marked.

Of course, the player who is completely behind his body, his standard position is not very correct.

But both players in front of him and in two lateral positions, Zhou Yi is correctly marked.

Aside from the goalkeepers of the two teams, a total of twenty people, he scored eighteen! There are two wrong ones, but they are not too far apart, and considering that the position is not important, even if it is not right, it will not affect the overall situation.

Seeing this result, there was a sound of inhalation in the crowd.

“Radar.” Mark Laurenson’s voice rang. “It’s like radar, accurate and efficient. This test is a good illustration of why Zhou Yi knows every corner of the court and knows where you are. So he saw you and really took you Remember it…”

Mark Laurenson then hired several players to do this test.

These include Pires.

Pire’s results are still good, he can find ten out of twenty.

The other ordinary players can only find five at most, the gap is very obvious.

“… their field of view narrowed.” The film crew asked the experts to explain. “This is normal. When people are nervous and highly focused, their vision will narrow and focus on their goals, but they will completely ignore the situation outside the goals, so that the brain can focus on resources and resources. Goal… But Zhou Yi is obviously different from ordinary people. His eyes are always moving, and he rarely focuses on a certain target for a long time. This may be a performance of inattention, but he can gain more than others. There is much more information, and this information can help him get more information and analyze it on the court, so that he naturally has more information than others…”


Is this enough?

Of course not. Mark Lawrence also prepared a test for Zhou Yi.

He prepared a special futsal match.

Participants will wear a closed device similar to goggles, which is actually a screen. This device receives video signals from several cameras above the football field.

So the players wearing this equipment see the picture from the perspective of looking down from above their heads.

They are going to play through this special “third person perspective”.

When the game starts, almost no one can run and play normally, with one exception.

That person is of course Zhou Yi. After a very short period of adaptation, he was born on the court.

He took the ball with ease and passed the ball accurately, but his teammates were really uncomfortable with this strange perspective and performed poorly.

There is no way to continue this game.

So Mark Laurence called out.

Although the game didn’t go on normally, Mark Lawrence had already got what he wanted.

“I have always had a conjecture, and finally it was verified today!” Looking at Zhou Yi, Mark Lawrence said excitedly. “When I explained your game in the Olympics, I had a feeling. I think you are playing the game with the “God’s perspective” just like our explanations. Now I have proved my guess. It is indeed playing with the’God Perspective’! It’s incredible! It’s crazy! It’s amazing!”

Pire also nodded: “Yes, this is really amazing. If it is not what I saw, I can hardly believe…”

Then he faced the camera lens, explained to the audience behind the lens, and also explained to the director why he and Mark Laurenson were so excited because of this matter.

He asked the director: “Do you know why many people find it easy to play football?”

The director does not know: “Why?”

“Because they are not on the court.” Pire replied.

“Not on the court?” The director was puzzled.

“Yes, what’s the difference between being on the court and being on the couch?” Pire asked again.

The director shook his head: “I don’t know…”

Pire is tempting: “What do you think about the theme we photographed today?”

“Vision?” the director guessed.

Pires nodded and gave a definite answer: “Yes, that’s it. People who watch TV will think why you don’t pass this, don’t pass there. But we, the players, don’t see so much on the court Yes, there are 22 people on the court, leaving me alone, and 21 others, but you have seen the test results just now, and I can only see 10 people, we can’t see everything, we can control Not everything. This is a very normal and reasonable result, so sometimes people who watch the ball will feel that the person playing the ball is stupid. There is obviously a big space there, why is it not passing? Because I didn’t see it at all, no How do you see it?”

Pire spread his hands.

“But Zhou Yi is different. He can see almost everything and he can control everything. When you can grasp the situation behind you, is it not easy for the heel to pass? When you can monitor the whole game At that time, you can naturally find those empty spaces that others cannot find. This is why he is so young, which is the reason for the top midfielder in the world. Because he is like a chess player, he is like God Same as playing football.”

The directors were all frightened. I didn’t expect that former French international Pires could give Zhou Yi such a high rating.

Seeing the director’s expression, Pire asked: “Do you think I’m exaggerating?”

The director nodded subconsciously.

“No, I’m talking about facts. Zhou Yi, the future is limitless…” Pi Lei said with a smile.


Zhou Yi’s performance in this test is surprising and even more curious-how can his brain quickly receive so much information and process so much information?

This is the turn of a professional scientific team.

The film crew found a professional team to study how the human brain works in action to test Zhou Yi.

MRI instrument was used to scan and model Zhou Yi’s brain.

Through imaging technology, Zhou Yi’s brain structure can be seen. Then the scientific team discovered that a part of Zhou Yi’s brain is very active compared with ordinary people, and this part is the area that determines the spatial cognitive ability of the brain.

Then let Zhou Yi watch his own video of the game while scanning his brain with MRI, and then pause the playback immediately before his pass, allowing him to choose the pass object among the three options. At the same time, in order to be closer to the effect of the actual game, the option stays for only half a second, and then the picture is completely dark.

Use this test to study how Zhou Yi’s brain uses the information it masters.

In general, it is not easy to grasp the position information of players on the field, let alone choose the correct pass target in such a fleeting situation.

There are two hundred and forty groups of such tests, and the test is repeated within one and a half hours.

Then MRI scans and records every brain selected by Zhou Yi.

In the end, a total of 17,000 cross-sectional brain pictures were taken and analyzed.

It can be clearly seen that there are more active parts in Zhou Yi’s brain, especially the basal nucleus of the brain, this area has been in a state of intense activity during the experiment.

“…We have found other players to do similar tests before. Their basal nucleus shows few signs of activity…” Dr. Li from the scientific team introduced. “Their active area is the frontal area on the surface of the brain. This is the area of ​​the brain that we usually use when thinking and making decisions. The active frontal area means that the player is making decisions while passing. But Zhou Yi is completely different. The basal nucleus of the brain used by Zhou Yi is the area in the human brain that is used for the experience and knowledge gained from repeated practice of long-term memory…”

Dr. Li said on the cross-sectional view of Zhou Yi’s brain pointing to the brightest area.

“So I have a guess. I think Zhou Yi’s brain basal nucleus has accumulated a huge amount of game experience accumulated in the game like a huge chess game. So the brain can instantly select the best for the current game situation Choice, but this series of choices are made subconsciously, so Zhou Yi may not feel that he is thinking about choices. This is also called intuition…”

“But there is a doubt.” Mark Lawrence said. “Zhou Yi is very young. It has only been five years since he started to participate in the professional league in 2009. The accumulated game experience should not be so huge and huge…”

Dr. Li spread his hand and said, “This is the only place I am confused…”

Zhou Yi listened to their discussion, and cold sweat came out unknowingly-he did not expect this MRI and Dr. Li’s speculation that he was almost approaching his core secret…

Of course, the huge amount of game experience was kicked out one by one in the virtual space, where I can play seven or eight games one night, every night, 365 days a year, Even if seven games are played every night, that is 2,550 games.

And he has been doing this for six years from 2008 to multiply by 2,555 games every year and multiply by six, that is, 15,330 games experience.

If an ordinary professional player plays normally, he can’t play 10,000 professional games in his life…

Zhou Yi certainly has far more experience and game experience than any other player on the planet.

Therefore, the basal nucleus of his brain would be bright like a little sun.

Zhou Yi quickly spread his hands and said: “I was a loyal fan before I started playing professional football. I have seen a lot of games. And… I can only say that I am talented, ha!”

Dr. Li turned his head to look at Zhou Yi, and then nodded: “Well, I can only say that. Your talent is really amazing. Before, we all thought that playing depends on the body, not the brain, at least the brain is not the most important. . But you have subverted this perception. I now think that those top players in the world, even if they are not good at learning and have low academic qualifications, will definitely not be bad brains. Fools can’t play football…”

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