ChangNing’s Imperial Army

Chapter 29 - Changan City

Chapter 29 – Changan City

There are several hundreds of countries in the world. Naturally, the most powerful one was Great Ning. Within the several hundreds of countries were several hundreds of cities. Naturally, the biggest one was Changan.

They had to embark a ship first, before riding a horse. Every single day, they slept four hours every single day and spent the rest of the time rushing the journey to their destination. In general, they had field rations for meals. He was unwilling to waste any time stopping for food. That was when Master Cha knew how much of a rush Shen Leng was in.

Du Weiming felt as though he was about to collapse at any time, but he did not say a single word. Naturally, it was unable to tell whether or not he was loyal to Shen Leng, but he was more afraid than anything. The majority of the fear came from Zhuang Yong.

He gritted his teeth and pressed on because firstly, he no longer had his freedom; secondly, he was unwilling to lose to that girl. Since she did not find the journey arduous, who was he to complain about it being tough?

Furthermore, Shen Leng’s self-discipline was Du Weiming’s greatest motivation. The four hours of rest they got every day was extremely precious to him. Whenever he laid in bed, he did not wish to get up. However, when the four hours were up, Shen Leng would announce to them to resume their journey in high spirits.

Mr. Shen said he would not tag along with them; this was the first time he was genuinely putting their abilities to the test. However, after Shen Leng and Shen Cha Yan headed out, Mr. Shen went to look for Zhuang Yong to borrow a speedboat and a fast horse that were faster than Shen Leng and company’s. When Shen Leng and the rest had reached the outskirts of Changan city, looking at its high walls, Mr. Shen was already in Changan itself.

When he was about to leave, Zhuang Yong asked Mr. Shen why he did not want to tell Shen Leng and company about it. Mr. Shen said that they would perform their task best without any assistance.


After hearing his response, Zhuang Yong became pensive.

“So high.”

Master Cha raised both hands to shield her eyes from the piercing sunlight as she lifted her head to look and realized that she was unable to see where the wall ended. When she put down her hands, she realized that it was not just the sunlight that pierced her eyes – the Great Ning’s golden banner that was fluttering about in the wind contributed to that too.

It was their first time in Changan. Before they entered the city, they were already stunned by its high walls. Shen Leng personally felt that Anyang was already very big, hence at this moment, he felt that the extent of his knowledge and experiences was very little.

Staring down from the high walls of Anyang, it looked like a mere corner. Whereas, on the other hand, staring down from the high walls of Changan, it looked like the entire world.

Shen Leng passed their proof of granted access to the guard. He took a close look and passed it back to him. “What are you coming to Changan for?”

Shen Leng replied, “To see a friend who has been in Yanta Academy for ten years. It’s my first time visiting.”

When the soldier heard that his friend was in Yanta Academy for ten years, he assumed that his friend must be a wealthy and respectable person. Hence, he was polite and courteous to Shen Leng. “After you enter the city, follow the main street and walk straight. After about 1.5 miles, make a right and enter the institution of higher learning street. You will see a stone pagoda, and that is where Yanta Academy is.”

Shen Leng thanked him and the soldier added, “You came at the right time. The graduation ceremony for the scholars who have completed their ten year education will be held in two days. This is also a huge event in Changan.”

Shen Leng smiled and nodded. He walked into the city with Master Cha and Du Weiming. They followed the main street and followed the instructions given by that soldier and made a right. In the corner of the street was a huge establishment named Deng Di Restaurant. It was very well-known in Changan city.

Deng Di was not far from Yanta Academy. About half of the academy could be seen from the third floor of Deng Di Restaurant,

They were not allowed to ride their horses in Changan city, hence the three of them walked alongside their horses, as they looked for a nearby inn to put up at.

On the third floor of Dengji Restaurant, at a seat by the window, Meng Changan, who was decked in the azure academy robe, placed his hands against the window. He had a profound look on his face. He seemed to be somewhat displeased. He looked at the three people with their horses absent-mindedly. One of them looked very familiar, but he did not think too much about it.

“Brother Meng.”

The person sitting next to him, who was also wearing the same azure robe, looked slightly older than Meng Changan. He looked mature, and had a gloomy look on his face. Even though he sounded polite, his eyes were filled with disgust.

“I’m just here to persuade you. If you did not have a good relationship with him, I wouldn’t be bothered to say anything…brother Meng, you know the significance of the third rank (Note: graduates who passed the imperial exams split into three ranks). A third rank candidate could become a Senior Secretary of a board, if he chooses to go into politics; and become a military officer, if he chooses to take the military route.”

“Chen Zishan’s father is the second-in-command at the Northern Depository Military Repository. It goes without saying that he is in a position of authority and power. You should spare a thought for yourself…Chen Zishan had been suppressed by you for so many years and all he longed for was to be a third rank. What’s the harm of giving in to him? He has agreed to help you talk to his father to give you a position in the government if you’re willing to step aside.”

Meng Changan turned around. “Are you done talking?”

The person who was talking to him was called Zhang Bohe. His father is one of the officials in the Northern Depository Military Repository. Chen Zishan’s father was his father’s immediate boss. Naturally, he wanted to curry favor with him.

Zhang Bohe said furiously, “I did my best to persuade you. You should know that I have your best interests at heart. The great competition is held two days from now – Yu Dian and Bai Xiaoge are of the same level as you. It’s uncertain which one of you three will win. Chen Zishan has already talked to both of them. He does not want to be a zhuangyuan (note: first rank), but he wants to be a bangyan (note: second rank). If you step aside, you will not lose much. Instead, the benefits you get in return would be a lot more.”

“My best interests at heart?”

Meng Changan laughed. “Do I need that?”

Zhang Bohe finally could no longer tolerate. He slammed his hand against the table hard, “Meng Changan! Know your place. Do you think I don’t know who you are? I heard that your father is a water bandit. Even though there aren’t any substantial evidence, you should know that the imperial court will never put people like you in important positions. You’ve offended an important figure before you even leave the academy. Aren’t you afraid you’ll get into trouble? If something happens to you, is there even anyone in your family who got your back?”

Meng Changan let go of the window. He turned around and said, “Go back and tell Chen Zishan, the only way he can get me to make a compromise is if he defeats me.”

But was this still considered making a compromise?

Zhang Bohe cursed at him before turning around and leaving. When he got to the stairs, he heard Meng Changan say plainly, “Don’t forget to foot the bill. You were the one who wanted to treat me to a meal.”

Zhang Bohe muttered the words, ‘obstinate and rude’, under his breath before making his way down the stairs.

Meng Changan sat down and started eating. He wolfed down his food. Ever since he left Yulin town, he did not have the desire to take a single cent from his family. He truly struggled a lot over the past few years. He could not afford the sumptuous food laid out before him on the table.

Zhang Bohe left Deng Ji Restaurant and got onto a carriage Chen Zishan was already seated in it. He asked anxiously, “How did it go?”

“Obstinate thing!”

Zhang Bohe looked at Chen Zishan, “I couldn’t persuade him.”

Chen Zishan’s face sank. “What are we going to do then? Yu Dian is the son of Yu Guanen, the lieutenant imperial guard. As for Bai Xiaoge, he is a member of the Bai family. I cannot afford to offend either one of them. Meng Changan is my only hope.”

A nasty look flashed across Zhang Bohe’s eyes. “Since he refuses to comply…why don’t we make him get into an accident?”

Chen Zishan’s face went pale in fright. “What are you even suggesting! Don’t forget, we are in Changan”

Zhang Bohe replied, “Of course I know we are in Changan. Precisely because we’re here, nobody would believe that we are the ones behind it. Let me think of a way…not everybody leads an honest life in Changan anyway. There are a lot of shady people hidden underground. These people only care about money, not people. They are willing to do anything. Don’t worry, I will make sure it does not get traced back to you.”

Chen Zishan pondered for a moment and nodded thereafter. “Alright, make sure you do a clean job.”

“Is Uncle Lao still here?” asked Zhang Bohe.

For ten years, he had been in Changan city protecting Chen Zishan in secret. He was originally a member of the underworld, who was sentenced to death. However, the Chen family sent someone to save him in secret, and he ended up becoming Chen Zishan’s bodyguard ever since. He was very well-skilled in martial arts.

Uncle Lao was Chen Zishan’s family servant.

“Uncle Lao cannot do it personally.”

“Uncle Lao will not be the one killing Meng Changan. In the afternoon, I will look for some members of the underworld and get them to carry out the deed. After that, I will arrange a time and place to pass them the remaining money, and get Uncle Lao to kill them instead. It will be a clean job.Who is going to find out that we are the ones behind it?”

After Chen Zishan heard this, he was in a much better mood. “Since that is the case, let’s do as you say. However, it’s not easy to look for those people.”

“Young master, you and I are different.”

Zhang Bohe sighed softly. “From the start, you are meant to become someone great and achieve great things. As for me, I knew that I was meant to be someone who will help you to achieve that, right from the start. I spent years searching constantly for areas in which you have no access to. I’m not good with academics and neither am I great at martial arts. I will have no future if I depend solely on myself. Hence, I can only count on you, young master.”

Chen Zishan hend Zhang Bohe’s hand. “Rest assured. As long as I succeed, I will always have a position opened for you.”

Zhang Bohe looked rather moved. He thanked him greatly before getting off the carriage and heading in another direction.

Chen Zishan sat in the carriage and thought to himself: If everything goes according to plan, do I kill Zhang Bohe after?

It’s the third rank of Yanta Academy’s big competition amongst the tenth years; it will allow me to become a Senior Secretary of a board, if I go into politics, or become a military officer, if I choose the military route. It’ll be a great start for my career. Several people spent half their lives making their way up and are still unable to become a Sixth pin Official.

Speaking of which, the second-in-command of the Four Depositories Military Repository was a Class B Fourth pin Official but his power only stayed within the military repository. Outside of it, who would acknowledge his father? If he started off as a Sixth pin Official, it would not be difficult for him to surpass his father.

He clenched his fist and muttered to himself, “Meng Changan, don’t blame me. You asked for it.”

In Deng Ji Restaurant, Meng Changan finished his food and patted his tummy. He called for the waiter, who assumed that he wanted to tip him. He smiled happily as he walked over. However, Meng Changan told him that he wanted to take the rest of the food to go. Hence, the waiter had a displeased look on his face.

“There is only a little bit of food left, you still want to take it to go?”

“Of course, I don’t normally come to your restaurant to eat. Even if it’s a little left, I must take it to go.”

The waiter thought to himself: What is this wretched customer doing in our restaurant? He’s wearing Yanta Academy’s robe. Could it be that he stole it?

Nonetheless, Deng Ji Restaurant did not condone poor treatment towards customers. The owner of the restaurant instructed the waiters to fulfill each and every one of the customer’s wishes, and if it was unreasonable, they should just ignore it. That was because in Changan, nobody dared to create any trouble in Deng Ji Restaurant.

In the past, it happened before. But after that, it never happened ever again.

Meng Changan took the food and went downstairs. All he thought about was whether that fella ate such scrumptious food before. In the future, if they were to meet again, he would bring him to Deng Ji Restaurant to eat.

He touched the the money pouch. It was deflated.

“I need to save more money…”

And at this moment, Shen Leng and the rest had already arrived outside of Yanta Academy. There happened to be a huge inn right across from it. Just as Shen Leng and company walked their horses into the inn, Meng Changan had already gotten back with his food.

Shen Leng subconsciously turned around to look, but did not see anything.

The worker of the inn hurriedly greeted them and took their horses. Another person came to greet them. Shen Leng asked said, “One main room and one side room. Please feed the horses with the best quality feed you have.”

He looked at Du Weiming. “You and me will sleep in the same room.”

Master Cha was somewhat disappointed.

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