Changying the Lady

v3 Chapter 8 - Can achieve virtue

Biquge, the latest chapter of your daughter-in-law will be updated as soon as possible!

[Chapter 2 Volume 2]

Chapter 43 Chapter 8

Mrs. Song returned to the big room with a somber face, and the ambassador’s thrush gave an agarwood drink according to the habits of the past. The corners of her mouth were raised, her fingers crossed or hooked up like orchids, and she was about to say something inconvenient. She didn’t want Madame Song to glimpse Chen Xiangyin, and she immediately thought of Fang Caiwei’s mother, Mrs. Su, who had mentioned Shen Cangfeng in deliberate publicity The agarwood beads on the wrist were sent to Zhi Lingtang of Zhibentang. A anger rushed from the bottom of his heart and suddenly raised his hand to knock over the silver candle!

Yinzhan flew upside down and fell to the ground with a thump. The thrush was caught off guard and she was thrown all over. Fortunately, it was hot, this agarwood drink was only simmered in the well, except that the clothes were wet.

However, when she looked up in surprise, she saw Madam Song’s face complexion, and she was about to spit fire-although she didn’t know what was wrong, the thrush was still agitating! With her legs softened, she knelt down and pleaded guilty: “Mrs. Forgive!”

“In the future, such sour things are not allowed to be brought!” Mrs. Song overturned Yin Zhan, and she was so angry that she slammed a few cases and said, “It’s annoying when you see it! Remember it for me! It’s up! “

“Yes!” Everyone was too dare to come out. They answered timidly together, and they were a little at a loss. Among the five spice drinks passed down from the previous dynasty, agarwood drink was the best. , Is the eldest lady in the house again, of course, does not use the second-class reason.

This agarwood drink Mrs. Song has been drinking since she was a child. She hasn’t changed her mouth for so many years in the Wei family. This would suddenly annoy Chen Xiangyin … even Shi Yan was very surprised.

But just looking at Mrs. Song’s face, she knew that she would be angry, and that was hard to ask. Shi Zhe turned his mind, and tried to mention what Mrs. Song was most concerned about: “Mrs., Mrs. Cai said that the people around the five sons had to be beaten. Madam, this matter …”

Sure enough, Madam Song heard something related to her children, and in the end cheered up some spirits, temporarily depressed the anxiety for her daughter, and said, “Since the old lady has ordered, you can’t ignore it. You go back to the courtyard. Tell Guan Shiduo a little bit more heart! If the maids are not useful, they will send another batch! “

Shi Yan agreed to go, Mrs. Song pressed the forehead, and then ordered: “Call me that evil barrier!”

The word “sin barrier”, listening to the tone of love and hate, you don’t need to ask to know who it is.

The painting hall went according to his words, and soon afterwards, he brought Wei Chang.

The mother and daughter met each other, and Mrs. Song wasn’t as good-looking. After Song pointed out in the water, Wei Changyu, who had already worked out a response, had already taken the lead, and threw into her arms a “panic” cry and cried: “Mother Looking at my face, Aunt He just watched crying for a long time, saying that she was going to get tanned-what can I do? “

Mrs. Song immediately forgot about the things she was going to scold her, and she gave me a lot of gentle consolation: “Don’t be afraid, just for a day, it won’t be so dark. Go back and ask Shi Ye to give you a pair of ointments. Then, just hide in the house for two more days. “

After entrusting her cheeks to look carefully into the light, she saw that her daughter’s original snow-like skin was glowing with pale red, which was obviously a sunburn under the hot sun at noon.

Mrs. Song was angry and distressed at the same time, but she thought her daughter was already scared. Besides, she shouldn’t scare her, so she had to swallow all the words of blame, and whispered and coaxed until she saw her daughter. His expression calmed down, and then he was relieved.

Napazi wiped his face for Wei Changyi and coaxed her to sit beside him. Madam Song glanced around: “Go out first.”

Huatang and others bowed their knees and saluted, pulled up the thrush that was still on the ground and fell back silently.

Seeing this situation, Wei Changxi was a little confused, and said secretly: “It’s over, how can my mother be so savvy today? Is it because she pretended to be pretending to be me? Is this going to send someone to scold me?”

There are only two mothers and daughters left in the house. Madam Song fixedly looked at her daughter for a while, but sighed deeply: “It is the end of May. Your wedding date is the coming year, but the day is April 9th. Shen Cangfeng will definitely pick up his relatives in advance, but you will leave Fengzhou no later than the end of March. “

Seeing her daughter’s complexion turn from doubt to embarrassment, Mrs. Song’s mood became more and more complicated, and she continued, “In that case, in fact, your life at your maiden house is less than ten months.”

“It’s only about ten months.” Wei Changxi rolled his eyes, raised her arm flatly, and coquettishly said, “According to Aunt He, I should learn female red, piano, calligraphy, painting, cooking … this Many things, where is enough to learn in ten months? I do n’t want to learn anything! ”

Mrs. Song had always loved to look at her daughter’s beauty, and could never help her daughter in two soft words. Especially today, Wei Changxi has sunburned her face, and Mrs. Song is very distressed. This will make it difficult for Wei Changxi to say anything. However, this time I thought about defending what Zheng Yinxin said. He hardened his heart and lowered his face, and said, “No!”

Wei Wei moaned and fluttered into her arms, shouting: “I’m stupid, I can’t learn!”

“If you can’t learn it, you must learn it!” Madam Song pulled her up hard, pinching her ears, and yelled, “You don’t want to be entangled with me, I’m everything by you-you think I’m happy and you’re in trouble No? Only your second aunt wrote a letter back, and your ‘good idea’ of learning martial arts and convincing your husband has been passed on to your future mother-in-law’s ears by your second uncle’s family! Last month, your mother-in-law’s birthday was in front of The face of your second aunt beat you up! You still do n’t learn well, what do you say you are going to do in the future? ”

Mrs. Song said more and more sad, her eyes were red, choked and said, “If it depends on me, our family does not have a lifetime to reach out to the rich and open mouth. How do you love, as long as you are happy, why should I be restrained? You? But the girl is always going to marry. When you arrive at the Shen family, you are not born by Mrs. Su, then Shen Cangfeng is her biological flesh! Whoever gave birth in October is distressed, not to mention the biological son, In the case of Changfeng, would you like his future wife, and would you like to hit him before you pass? “

Wei Changxun heard that his calculations had been known by her mother-in-law, and couldn’t help but pause. After thinking about it, he tentatively said, “This … the mother doesn’t have to be sad. I think even if the second uncle buried his eyeliner in this house, he took me Occasionally, the words passed to the Shen family. But it was unfounded. Besides, because of the inheritance, the grandmother didn’t like the second uncle. Is n’t that many people know about the imperial capital? The Shen family may not know Why should we admit it? Please tell the second aunt to tell Mrs. Su that it is the second uncle who does n’t talk to his grandmother, and deliberately makes rumors, is n’t it? Ask the second uncle for a crime of filial piety! “

Mrs. Song came up with a solution when she heard a little thought. Although she was pleased that the daughter was thinking of the ridiculous idea of ​​convincing her husband in the future, it was not just that she would not use her brain. I used it to deal with myself and gave her a glance before saying: “Then you always want to go through the door. After going through the door, your mother-in-law asks what you have learned at home, how do you tell her?”

“Are you saying that two things aren’t going to work …” Wei Changyi heard the words, revealing a hint of embarrassment, and said, “Just say two things don’t matter.”

“So what tricks do you have that you can handle?” Mrs. Song sneered. “At that time, it’s useless. How do you call Mrs. Su believe you will be a virtuous wife?”

Wei Changzheng condensed for a moment, and said positively, “I can’t be virtuous, I can be virtuous-a woman without talent is virtue … Ah!”

Madam Song was so angry that she held her ears for a long while before letting go, and said resentfully: “You’re so angry!”

“Mother! You said you said, I’m listening!” Wei Changzhen saw the situation was not good, and hugged her arms to please, Madam Song could not shake her away even with two blows, and had to let her be discouraged Hug and sigh: “Are you perfunctory? If you are only dealing with me, you need to perfunctory? You just have nothing to learn and do nothing in your life. You are born to me, and I hate it again and again. The tone is there, after all, I can’t be wronged! But now you are going to perfunctory, is it me? “

“But it’s been ten months now. I’m just going to sleep and learn from now on. What can I learn?” Wei Changxuan took the excuse and darted her side by her side, “It’s not as good as I said Continue to learn martial arts! In the end, Mrs. Su’s ladies, I expected her to embarrass me, and did not openly call a group of people to hit me? If she embarrassed me, I will go back to Shen Zangfeng! Mother does not say who is born who is distressed Is it true that Shen Zangfeng is her own flesh and blood, and is n’t it painful for Mrs. Su to see Shen Cangfeng being beaten? In order to make Shen Cangfeng better, I do n’t think she would bother me … ”

… Mrs. Song vomited blood secretly, and unbearably raised a chestnut on the head of Wei Wei and hated, “You are a fool when you are Mrs. Su? Don’t say that they are your mother-in-law. This single status is enough to overpower you. She can’t jump out of her palm in her life! This Su Xiuman City Mansion is deeply savvy and has been operating in the Shen family for many years. Have you ever played with her? You haven’t dreamed here much! “

Wei Changyi covered her head and grieved, “I see my mother is upset, just a few jokes to tease my mother!”

When Mrs. Song heard her say that, her heart was soft again, and she suddenly slowed down, saying, “As long as you learn something serious, I can laugh a lot—you don’t think that Chen Guang is short, you can learn a little Yeah! It’s a sincerity anyway! “

What did she want to say when she saw her daughter? Madam Song was struggling. Second, lest the daughter would continue to coquettish, and she would follow her like before, she would sink her face and yell, “All in all! Now you are still In my hand, what I say is what! Go to it! Learn to beat me tonight, let He’s teach you needlework every night-you dare not learn, I will Drive Jiang Yan out of the house! Tell him he can’t even stay in Fengzhou! “

Jiang Yan is the same Jiang Bo who taught Wei Changyi Wu Yi. His father was a dartist from a dart board in Fengzhou. In his early years, he was hired to send several things to the Wei family, so he met a Wei family chief. Later, in order to protect the goods in a dart, the thieves cut off their legs and dragged them to death. The goods were also stolen by the thieves.

Not only was Jiang Yan bereft of his father, but also 30% of the darts entrusted by the client to be compensated by the dart board. Therefore, he owed debts and was forced by the dart board every day. In desperation, he found the head of the Wei family he knew. The head of the Wei family knew that the martial arts of the ancestors of the Jiang family were quite weak. The reason why Jiang Yan ’s father died with hatred was nothing more than the enemy, and he was defeated with exhaustion. Even so, he also killed and killed dozens of bandits. Brave. It was thought that after Jiang Yan repaid his debts, he was asked to join the Wei family as a guard to pay back the Wei family’s grace.

Although the director ’s move was a little dangerous, the Wei family Sangzi Fengzhou paid great attention to the Wei family ’s reputation in Fengzhou, and they treated the subordinates and guards well. Jiang Yan was full of the years agreed with the director, but he didn’t want to leave.

In this way, Jiang Yan became Jiang Bo.

Wei Changzheng has been taught by this Jiang Bo for many years. Although he has not formally worshiped because of his identity, he still feels the same as the apprentice. When he heard that Mrs. Song wanted to drive Jiang Yan away, she was anxious—she knew her mother. It means that Tian vowed to treat his children, Wei Changzheng was not afraid, but Mrs. Song would not be weak to others at all.

Since Mrs. Song said that Jiang Yan could not stay in Fengzhou, Jiang Yan would definitely not be able to stay there!

Wei Changzheng still has to entangle–Mrs. Song has decisively called in: “Bring me back to Title Frost Court! Don’t hit ten tonight … five … don’t hit three lines, Minger Everyone calls Jiang Yan to leave! “

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