Changying the Lady

v4 Chapter 37 - Poor parrot

Biquge, the latest chapter of your daughter-in-law will be updated as soon as possible!

[Chapter 3 Volume 3]

168 Chapter 37 Poor Parrot

So he returned to the inner room, Wei Changyi deliberately did not look at Shen Cangfeng, and settled in the account.

When Shen Zangfeng saw the situation, he kept up with them. The two had a good fight for a while, and Wei Changzheng was unwilling to kiss him on the face. This is the only explanation for Shen Zangfeng. The original poem was titled “Sifu” Poetry, but that day there was only one female dependent in the Min family’s courtyard, so the people of the Min family didn’t have to go back to ask and knew who Nianzhen saw.

The problem is that this family member of the Min family is Miss Min’s family and has yet to be accepted. Nian Xun spied outside the hospital, just because she saw her going upstairs and wrote a poem “Sifu Poems”, did the servants of the Min family know why they could not hesitate?

Wei Changxi could not help but laugh and said, “This Miss Min is really pitiful, but Kasuga went back upstairs and was offended by him like this … if I didn’t meet you in the field, this year I was so stigmatized that no one came out of the cabinet Girl, my father and brother know, and it ’s strange not to discount his legs! “

Shen Zangfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, saying: “It’s not all my face, but he is also lucky. Although this Miss Min family is the granddaughter of Duanmu family, her father Min Zhicai’s Qu Yin Min family is only the first order by name. Min Zhicai He is still a child of a remote branch of Min ’s family. His ancestors have fallen, and his family has no permanent property. However, he is a embarrassed boy when he is a gentleman. After studying hard, he went to the imperial capital to visit each family and got help from Duanmu ’s wife. In other words, it is recommended to enter the DPRK, which is only significant. This person has made a fortune because he suffered a lot of poverty and illness when he was a teenager, and stood up to everyone to study hard, so he is very forgiving to scholars. Mr. Nian offended his daughter, and his family thought that the host valued the readers, so he didn’t care too much. Changing to another family, involving the major events of the girl ’s festival, how could it be possible not to show him to the officials? Brother Min Rannuo is a colleague and cannot be persuaded. “

The two talked and laughed a little, lingering, and then settled.

The next day, Shen Zangfeng went to the palace on a business trip, and Wei Changyu went to Mrs. Su to make rules.

After a night of rest, Mrs. Su’s complexion was much better. After taking the ginseng tea with honey reduced, she took a sip and nodded slightly, expressing her satisfaction.

The daughter-in-law flattered and praised Mrs. Su, and when she saw that Mrs. Su was in a good mood, Liu asked: “Yesterday a daughter-in-law forgot to ask, did the four sisters not return with their mother this time?”

Wei Changyi heard the shame, ashamed. After all, Mrs. Su took her daughter back to Su’s house to serve Mrs. Deng less than three days after she entered the house. Wei Changyi was not used to the atmosphere of the Shen family-no, Shen Cangning was so noisy Xing, such a big person didn’t come back with Mrs. Su, she didn’t even remember …

In contrast, Liu and Duanmu only asked until today, but it was because three daughters-in-law had a fight yesterday and didn’t find the time to ask. Even so, today Liu was asked to ask the aunt first.

It’s just that Shen Cangning is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Su, but …

Upon hearing the words “Four Sisters”, Mrs. Su, who was still full of smiles, immediately glared, and sneered, “It’s best not to come back to this little evil barrier! Yesterday, if it weren’t for your grandmother and auntie, I am You have to discount her legs! “

Everyone was busy persuading Mrs. Su not to get angry, so as not to hurt herself, Liu gave herself a gesture, saying: “It’s not good for your daughter-in-law. You know that your mother just came back from Su’s house, and you need to talk about your mother’s anger!” Speak, “Four younger sisters are young, and their innocence is innocent. If there is any place that hits the mother, the mother must not care about her. After all, the four younger sisters are young, and when they grow up, they will naturally be dignified and honest, saying When we get up like our younger sister, we also worry our elders at home! “

Mrs. Su angrily said, “What is she? It’s time to talk about the age of the pro, and don’t learn it all day long! What blood and tear makeup I learned with Yu Fei and Yu Yin a few days ago is a loss for me to see during the day! This If at night, I would scare me when she was deliberate! In the past two days, she was kind of filial, and I was lacking in myself, so I didn’t pay much attention to it … As a result of negligence, she ran to cause trouble again! “

Of course, the daughter-in-law asked her to be angry, and waited for Madam Su to be slightly angry, and then asked about the specific process.

“A few years ago, when Qingzhou sent things to the imperial capital, it brought ten southern wild-colored parakeets. The feathers were gorgeous and plump, and the tongues were dexterous. But this kind of parrot is in a hot place like Nanhuang. I am used to growing, and I do n’t accept water and soil after leaving the South Famine. Ten died on the road, eight died, and two lived by the imperial capital. Your grandmother kept one to try, and the other gave it to you. The five cousins ​​fish dance. “Mrs. Su drank the tea of ​​the ginseng tea, angrily.” Afterwards, the parrot raised by your grandmother died, but the one of your five cousins ​​was gradually raised by him and has survived! “

The three Lius felt a little bad, and tentatively asked, “Then … this parrot now?”

“The little evil barrier wants to eat the parrot tongue, and it is too unusual for the kitchen to take the ordinary parrot, so … he hit his idea on that parrot!” Mrs. Su felt so embarrassed and complexion so far. Embarrassed, “How much is the parrot tongue? There is only one parrot! She actually ran to the third room to steal the parrot and forced the kitchen to do it! It is really hard for her to be in such a parrot tongue. Find that one! In order to feed the parrot, Yuwu did not know how many books were checked, and he personally consulted several housekeepers who raised poultry in the royal garden … Last year, he sent away two close-hand maids around him because of them. I did n’t care about raising this parrot, but this little evil barrier … After the fish dance knew the day before, I hurried to the kitchen and saw a pile of hair in the corner. My sad hand pumped the chef several whip, or your third aunt rushed over to drink him ! “

“Not only that, when the fish dancer was annoyed when the little sin barrier sent the parrot to the kitchen, no one went to report to him, and he had to attack the kitchen up and down. Your grandmother was afraid that he was furious and spoke. He-but the steward in the kitchen is the dowry of your aunt, your three aunts are embarrassed, and you have to go to your grandmother for a gift, and explain to your grandmother … “

Mrs. Su caressed, “In the days when your grandmother was ill, the Su family was up and down. It was easy to look forward to the day when he was healed. The family size was relieved, only to be relieved. This is small. There is such a thing as evil barriers, so that there is a gap between your grandmother and the third aunt! I do n’t know how to explain to your two aunts now! “

He hated again, “The last child was stopped by her aunts, so I said, I must show her the color when I come back! I don’t want this little evil barrier to be so arrogant. When I came back yesterday, I couldn’t find her I actually hid directly in the fish flying house! I called Tao Yan to go in search of someone. This little evil barrier jumped up to your grandmother with a leap, and I cried in tears and came back. My grandmother has always been soft-hearted, and she was protecting her at the moment and asked me to come back alone … this … this evil barrier! “

Speaking of which, Mrs. Su Tieqing’s face was severely shot!

It’s no wonder that Madam Su is angry—offending her family is still second, and Shen Zangning has fourteen this year. Even if she is a young girl, her parents want her to be more happy for a few years, and her family affairs should be said. It’s about to say that the pro-girl can’t be treated as a child anymore. As a result, she still has to do such a ridiculous thing … Even if the Su family reads the face of the relatives, the ridiculous daughter Mrs Su herself can’t rest assured to go out!

At first, the concubines guessed that Shen Cangning had plucked the parrot’s tail feathers, and they were ready for things such as “see if I can grow out in a few days”, “just a few feathers, the five cousins ​​have always been generous, I don’t think it’s accounting I didn’t expect this little aunt to be so fierce and took the cousin’s beloved parrot directly to the kitchen to eat!

The three articulate daughters-in-law were silent for a moment, before Liu smiled reluctantly: “This … since it is from Qingzhou, or this will write a letter back to Qingzhou, can we bring another one over at the end of the year? “

Mrs. Su sighed and said, “You didn’t enter the door when you sent the parrot that time, so I don’t know. There aren’t many such parrots on the south side, and it’s hard to catch them. I only made up ten of them last time. Try it, but there are eight folds on the road, and the one your grandmother left behind will not feed. If it is less than ten, I’m afraid it’s useless to get on the road! Moreover, your grandmother gave the parrot to the school test school that year. The five best cousins, your other cousins ​​and cousins ​​are all grieved. So your grandmother promised at that time, if Qingzhou can send parrots again, then give it to other people. It ’s … unless it ’s so much that everyone else has, how is that possible? ”

The eldest granddaughter, Shen Shujing, is ten years old, and Liu’s family has been in the door for eleven years. After so many years of raising, Su Yuwu’s affection for this parrot can be imagined! It’s no wonder that Shen Cangning didn’t dare to come back with her mother yesterday, just to give an explanation to her family, Mrs. Su had to beat her well after she returned!

However, it is impossible for Shen Cangning to have been living in the Su family. Mrs. Su now puts forward her attitude to teach her daughter severely, so that Shen Cangning’s steps can only be taken by women. So everyone, you said to me how to make up for the Su Yu Dance, and consoled Mrs. Su to forgive Shen Cangning … Liu said: “After two days is the cousin of three cousins, we might as well take the four sisters back. She backed up the ceremony. When the three cousins ​​Fang Chen banquet, the five cousins ​​will definitely arrive. At that time, let the four sisters toast and salute the five cousins ​​in public, so that the five cousins ​​can take this breath away, how? “

Duanmushi also said: “What kind of cousin is my sister-in-law, and the fifth cousin likes that parrot again, but is it a plaything, and where can I compare it with my relatives? Even when I was angry for a while, I was afraid for a day or two.

It’s Wei Chang’s turn and is about to speak. Duanmu’s eyes twitched and he exchanged a glance with Liu’s. Suddenly, Napa covered his mouth and said, “The daughter-in-law forgot, the uncle’s uncle and aunt Is n’t it the mother of five cousins? The niece and niece who has always been the most aunt, but now, is n’t it that the mother loves five cousins? The fifth cousin is also filial and thinking that the third mother will give the third brother the face Let the three siblings say, it will be done! “

Liu said with a smile: “You did n’t say I almost forgot! Speaking of five cousins, it is better to be called cousin and cousin than the three cousins. It ’s just kinder than our two cousins. But the three cousins ​​are still It ’s not a full moon, and it ’s not easy to go out. How can you tell your third aunt to comfort five cousins? “

Duanmushi laughed: “The grandmother’s bones are good now, and the third aunt naturally can’t get away! But you can ask your fifth cousin to go to the house and let the third brother come forward to make peace … How do you say that the third brother or her first meeting with the fifth cousin, How could cousin five give face to three brothers and sisters? “

He said to Mrs. Su, who was still silent, “Mother, now the parrot has been eaten, and you can’t get another one from Qingzhou to compensate the five cousins. Even if you can get it from Qingzhou and give it to the five cousins ​​again, what? It ’s not the one that has been raised for more than ten years. Let ’s just say that we can only do our best to compensate the five cousins ​​… But the five cousins ​​have always been filial to their elders. If the mother asks, the five cousins ​​must not have anything, that ’s all Don’t care about it. Regardless of whether you care about it or not, the five cousins ​​must still be sad. Letting the three siblings come forward and He Meimei solve the problem, wouldn’t it avoid the embarrassment between the aunt and the aunt? “

The two sister-in-law sang one by one, and Wei Changzheng could not insert his mouth. He originally only comforted Su Yuwu, but Wei Changzheng felt nothing. The two are uncle’s cousins. Even if they haven’t met before, as Duanmu said, in the face of Mrs. Song and Wei Zhengyin, it is expected that Suyu Dance will not be too difficult.

After all parrots have lived but come on …… exchange a cousin Shen Ning possession of the Soviet Union also counted the fish dance, dance sport of the Soviet Union fish cook whip, forcing dowry he can leave the great aunt, you can also hide the Shen Ning arrested could beat ? After calming down, he calmed down and realized that he was almost here, and the elders would feel that he had a small amount of care. For the parrot to be so worried about his cousin, it was not a man’s proper amount.

But Liu and Duanmu now talk all the way down, but actually gave her the task of clearing the gap for Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su?

Not to mention that Wei Changzhen is the uncle’s uncle niece of the third wife of the Su family, Mrs. Su simply would not believe her in this capacity-only that she was a junior, and He Dehe could mediate the two elders, Or elder surname?

Wei Changzheng said positively: “The two sister-in-law should not blame me for speaking frankly. I am young and only enter the door. I must ask the sister-in-law for everything! If you rely on the face of my mother’s grandmother and aunt, the five cousins ​​will be relieved when they come to the door. Sure, this should be. But I don’t dare to talk about the Su family. “

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