Changying the Lady

v7 Chapter 49 - Golden Hammer

Biquge, the latest chapter of your daughter-in-law will be updated as soon as possible!

Shen Shujing’s marriage from marriage to marriage was only a few months before and after. Although it was said that she would marry Shen Zangning to get married, Wei Changzheng had also prepared for Shen Shujing, but the dowry was not complete.

Fortunately, Mrs. Song had already expected this. After the Shen family allowed her to marry, she wrote to tell Wei Changzheng that the Wei family could help prepare a part. When the marrying team arrived near Panzhou, they would send it in. .

Of course, Shen Shujing is not the daughter of the Wei family, so for this part of the money, the money must be paid by the Shen family. But in Xiliang, you can’t buy anything with silver money. It was also Madam Song who hurt her granddaughter and was afraid that Wei Changxi would worry too much, so she helped this one.

But even with the sharing of her maiden house, Wei Changzheng was still too busy.

It was so easy that five days before Shen Shujing left the house, everything was done eight or nine, so I could sit down and catch my breath.

Huang poured mint tea: “Mrs. drink this, refreshing.”

“Aunt sit down and talk, you two have been working hard for the past two days.” Chang Weiwei nodded, took a sip of light green tea, only felt a refreshing mint aroma rushed into his head, making people all over Yi Yi Su said with satisfaction, “When Jinger goes out, you and Aunt He will have a good rest for two days. Don’t get tired.”

“Now the sister-in-laws are still tough, and they can worry about their wife for a few years. It doesn’t matter.” Huang smiled and took the first seat, smiling. “It’s the wife who has reduced a lot in the past two days.”

“Is that so?” Wei Changyi touched her face, but now she doesn’t care much about this problem and puts down the tea bowl. “How have the two brothers and sisters smelled like these two days? Then Miss Wen is still tangling?”

Huang nodded: “Xunzi hasn’t seen someone as savvy as Miss Wen.”

Wei Changxuan thoughtfully: “The previous few idioms, Wen Yulan hasn’t seen his father very often, nor has he been particularly favored because he is the only daughter. But then again, Wen Xunzi was willing to give up They sent it out, and it was clear that even the usual love for them was unreliable. “

Huang smiled and said, “These rural people have the opportunity to climb up, where are they willing to let go? Besides, Wen Xunzi is in his prime, not to mention that this time he also left a Yuanzizi next to him. I’m ready. According to his idea, I don’t think there will be more children in the future. “

“No matter how many children you have, which one isn’t your own bones and blood?” Wei Changzheng swaggered her lips. She didn’t like people like Wen Xunzi very much. Even if Wen Xunzi had decided that the Shen family would not leave Wen Zhiqi and Wen Yulan, but when the soldiers were in trouble, let a half-large pair of children casually go to the next opponent’s site, and the middle and small The battlefield … It’s too dangerous.

Before Shen Zangfeng wanted to take both Shen Shuguang and Shen Shuyu to Diecuiguan, Wei Changzheng could not rest assured.

The two masters and servants felt the cruelty of Xunzi for a while, and Huang said, “Miss Wen is extremely easy to learn, and then the son of Wen is honest, like a twelve-year-old boy in the countryside.”

Wei Chang said, “The two brothers and sisters have been following their mother Qiu Shi. It is because of this.” He also said, “This is also why Wen Xunzi sent them. They saw less of Wen Xunzi. Xunzi’s bottom line has nothing to do with his current forces. We don’t think it’s important to tell the truth. “

“But it’s funny to hear Gongzi. Before Miss Wu met him in the huā garden, he asked him to eat peaches.” Huang thought of it, and smiled. “It turns out that Gongzi has cleaned the peach cores completely. I still have to look for stones everywhere. Miss Wu heard that she was very surprised and asked him why she wanted stones. Then the son of Wen said that the kernel in the peach core was also edible and could not be wasted. As a result, Miss Five came to interest and asked someone to take it It’s time for him to use the little golden hammer. “

Speaking of Huang’s pause here, Wei Changxi asked curiously: “Then what? Two people hit the peach core?”

“Where!” Huang said with a smile. “When the son saw Xiaojin Hammer and thought it was copper at first, he said to Miss Wu: ‘This copper hammer is so small that it won’t be of much use except to hit the core.’ The lady said: ‘This is a golden hammer, which was originally for smashing walnuts.’ As a result, Wen Gongzi was so frightened that he dropped the hammer directly on his feet … Miss Wu had to bite her lip because she did not laugh at him for etiquette. I’ve bitten my lips! “

Wei Changxi asked quickly, “It’s okay to smell the son’s feet?” Shen Shuxi is a family member, and biting her lips is not a big deal. It can be up to two or three days. Wen Zhiqi was a guest in Ming Pei Tang. This guest made a mistake, but Shen’s face was not good.

In particular, Liu Rong changed his methods and wanted to keep the two brothers and sisters in Xiliang in Xiliang. Don’t use this excuse to refuse to take Wenzhi away.

“Such a small hammer, Wen Gongzi was wearing boots at the time, how can it be a big deal? But the toes are blue, the sister-in-law sends someone to send the ointment over, and the little maid is wiping him. I want to come again for a day or two “It will be fine.” Huang smiled. “It seems that Wen Gongzi was frightened by the golden hammer. When the little maid took the copper basin to wash his feet, he repeatedly asked whether the basin was copper or gold …”

Wei Wei cried, “I mention some people, so don’t lose your courtesy!”

“Xunzi’s exhortation has passed, who dares to laugh at Wen Gongzi or Miss Wen for this, immediately choked out!” Huang’s busy.

Wei Changzheng asked Huo Qingling’s pregnancy again: “Is the sixth vomit better?”

“The number of times has been reduced in the past two days, but sometimes I can’t help it.” Huang said, “I think it’s because of the six masters.”

“Well, Die Cuiguan has been deadlocked for too long. But now the main force of Rongren is out of the gate, and they will come back if they want to come a few days.” Wei Chang sighed. “Look tomorrow when you see when I have Leisurely, come and see her. “

Huang whispered softly: “According to Xunzi’s opinion, Mrs. Liu is now worried, because she is still a lady because of this child.”

“There was something in the workshop that opened the huā first, and it turned out that the four younger sisters were not an example?” Because of Huang’s reminder, the next day Wei Chang went to the sixth room, and when speaking to Huo Qingling in private, he pointed out the temptation, “I am now I ca n’t think of a daughter. If you look at Guang Er and Yun Er, which one is not a little older, they are taken by their father, saying that it is my son, except eating and putting on his head, there is no mouth to plug in! I would rather One is a daughter, and I can accompany me before and after this time! “

Huo Qingling’s face turned red, and hesitated for a moment before he said, “Just the person who was sent to the husband to deliver things to the husband in Diecuiguan listened to the second brother in private to tell the husband, why is this child a girl? The man is just fine. The husband didn’t say anything, but I thought it might be a bit regrettable? “

She lowered her voice. “I don’t care about it myself, because I was born horizontally and vertically. I’m afraid the husband doesn’t like it. You think about Yan’er, we must protect her, but the child’s previous two grievances are really … It ’s even more ashamed now. I really do n’t want my child to be like Yaner. “

Wei Changxi’s face was overcast and overcast, and the two uncles also lost their gaze! He has a preference for sons and daughters, and his nieces are becoming increasingly ridiculous, and now he wants to toss his brother’s room into trouble?

It is strange that Huo Qingling is now seven months old, and has not seen any frustration in the past few months. Instead, it is more uneven as the period nears the birth.

After thinking about it, Chang Wei said, “Don’t worry about this. The sixth brother is a man, I still know it. He is not a man who cares about his own flesh and bones, and you are still young. What is the matter of this son-in-law? Anxiety? Furthermore, do you still believe the disposition of your third brother? If the sixth brother treats your niece like Yan Er, can your third brother forgive her? “

Huo Qingling remembered that her husband was really afraid of the two brothers, Shen Cangfeng and Shen Cangfeng, especially Shen Cangfeng-not all because Shen Cangfeng is now the master, but also because his younger brother Shen Cangfeng managed the most. After all, Shen Zangfeng was the successor to Shen Xuan ’s public support. Instead, Shen Xuan had to avoid suspicion. Before Shen Xuan ’s death, he had hardly taught his younger brothers.

So until now, when Shen Zangji and Shen Rongkun saw Shen Zangfeng frown, they immediately panicked, for fear of being beaten.

With Shen Cangfeng, you don’t have to worry about Shen Yankun being confused.

Huo Qingling Zhanrong smiled: “I was confused, thank you Xunzi for waking up.”

Wei Changxuan was relieved to see how she wanted to open, and asked a few words of living-because Shen Shujing was about to go out the next day, and she didn’t have much time to go, so she left.

After she left, Huo Qingling smiled with a touch of smile, stroking her abdomen slightly: “There are already two sons under her knees, and five siblings also gave birth to twins at the end of last year. It is my daughter who is pregnant with me. . Alas, the third brother and the third brother are all reasonable people. Otherwise, the husband is chosen by the second brother to be the son of the boy, but what should the child do in the future? “

Although the Li Li who served her was replenished from the Shen family’s sons two years ago, she was often taken seriously by Huo Qingling because she was careful and considerate.

At this moment, when she saw the expression on Huo Qingling’s face, she guessed what she was worried about, and then waved back and forth, poured a warm rose dew for Huo Qingling, and said softly, “Mrs. Do you worry that the second master is always in our house? The master talked about it, and it was not helpless. “

Huo Qingling’s eyes lighted up and he asked quickly: “Please tell me!”

“The second master has no children under his knees, and sooner or later he will be recruited again,” Li said softly. “If there is a better pillow person in charge, how can we try to provoke things in our room?”

After hearing this, Huo Qingling sighed: “Where can I get in the mouth? Let’s talk about the second brother and the other, how can it be managed by the woman? You haven’t seen the late second wife, then It is the daughter of the Splendid Duanmu family, although it is not the house of the lord, but it is a spouse. Marrying and marrying the second brother are considered to be the right households. Moreover, Erhuang was a well-known virtuous man in the emperor in the early years. Women are praised by everyone. Yan Er moved to the Emperor’s capital with his name at the age of three, but it was all the teachings of Eryi! But this is how he sends his wife, occasionally stirs up his mouth, and his brother wants to do it! “

Li Yan laughed: “The second master is really anxious, but you forgot it? Not all women in this world can only be beaten. Although one is also a woman, it is not the third master that beats the second master twice. Can’t afford the couch? “

“She ?!” Huo Qingling said for a moment, and said, “Mrs. Ji? She is really different from others … but how could the second brother marry her? This status is so bad. Not to mention, this season is a widow. She also had a daughter! Second brother hated her! “

Li Yan laughed: “You can’t be your right wife, you’re a wife! With Ji’s doorkeeper, it’s good to be a wife for the second master. As for the second master who hates Ji’s wife, the sister-in-law doesn’t necessarily look right, right? If the second master really annoyed Ji Niang, as the second master, can she not be held accountable for her disrespect? “

Huo Qingling didn’t know much about Shen Chenshi and Ji Chunmian. At this moment, he was puzzled and said, “Maybe I looked at San Yan and Ji Shenyi’s face?”

“You are still unclear about how the second master is. Xunzi said something disrespectful. In the eyes of the second master, the women of the same generation and the younger are nothing!” Li Yidao, “As for Ji Shen, he is just a doctor.” Can you compare with our house? “

“… This is a trivial matter, let’s just wait and talk.” Although Huo Qingling hoped that Shen Chenshi would never come to provoke Shen Jingkun in the future, she was calm and thoughtful, but she shook her head.

Seeing this, Li Yi passed a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

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