Changying the Lady

v7 Chapter 51 - Firstborn

Biquge, the latest chapter of your daughter-in-law will be updated as soon as possible!

Fortunately, Shen Shuguang, who has been working hard to learn in recent years, is much smarter than Shen Shuming, a cousin who has not learned anything.

He was neither stupid enough to rush to the enemy ’s camp to “change” Shen Shuming; nor did he go to his father to cry and plead—in the past few years, his father, Shen Zangfeng, has been rigorous in preaching and teaching. He was still hesitating in his heart. Shen Shuguang thought that since his father had made a decision, it was almost immutable; not even his younger brother Shen Shuzheng told him.

After much thought, he chose to stop it.

… Before the two younger brothers were taken to Diecuiguan, Wei Changzheng and Huang Shi packed them up.

Because it was spring and everything was recovering, Die Cui Guan had a lot of grasshoppers inside and outside-there were many insects and ants. In addition, children are susceptible to illness, and Shen Shuzheng also has dysentery, so people around them take a lot of medicine with them when they leave.

Most of these medicines are insect repellent and cure diseases.

But there are also one or two special poisons.

There is a reason to bring them poison-the rolling hills and mountains around Diecui Mountain are lush, not only with many insects and ants, but also with many birds and animals.

Although it is said that officers and soldiers in Guanzhong often go to the mountains to steal their mouths, their main task is to stay here, and it is impossible to hunt every day. There are not many private households in Diecuiguan.

So as long as you go deep into the nearby mountains and some roads, you still have the opportunity to meet the larger beast.

Shen Shuguang and Shen Shuzheng had always known that they would go to Diecuiguan with their father, and they clamored to take this opportunity to hunt for a few good skins and come back to honor their elders-oh, this is a good saying, in fact, they want to take the opportunity to hunt and play.

At that time, Shen Zangfeng was ready to exchange his son for his nephew, and he was guilty of guilt. He naturally said nothing to his sons’ longing. And Wei Chang believed that if her husband only took their brothers to see her, because Shen Cangfeng had tight control over the children, she hurt her son more, and she would not even object.

Huang always keeps close to these two little boys. When they see this, they plan for them: at the age of the two brothers, it is good to shoot a rabbit now. Basically, they want to hunt bigger beasts. possible. For the two brothers full of imagination, this fact can be described as a blow.


They have Aunt Huang!

Although Aunt Huang doesn’t have the power to bind chickens, she can make all kinds of poisons!

So in the luggage of the two little boys, one or two pill packs that were blood-sealed were stuffed.

Knowing that Shen Shuzhen is naive and ignorant is not as reliable as Shen Shuguang. Huang shouted Shen Shuguang quietly into the corner and told him, “When you do that, you will put the arrow on it a little bit, and your aunt promises that if you scratch the skin, you won’t be able to escape by how big a beast!”

Just shoot an arrow that can see blood, and then wait for the unfortunate beast to kill the poison under the protection of the guard … Can this not be regarded as the little boy’s own hunting? !!

Safe and long-lasting!

Wei Changxun felt that his son would take over Ming Peitang in the future and set up a name of “bravely, who can hunt beasts at an early age” is not bad, so he agreed. Just in case, Huang was also given the antidote, so as not to accidentally hurt himself.

And Shen Shuguang was holding a pack of Huang ’s medicine powder for small animals such as rabbits and a pack of blood-seeking throat throat poison. When he served his father with tea, he used the former to treat his son. The unprepared Shen Zangfeng fell down; then he went out to find a general named Shen Xun who falsely conveyed the meaning of Shen Zangfeng and made him manage to shoot Shen Shuming with a poisoned arrow …

Such a big thing, of course, Shen Xuan cannot rely on Shen Shuguang, a small child, even if he is the owner of a small number of people.

So he asked to see Shen Cangfeng to confirm.

It’s just that Shen Shuguang finally brought his father down and seized the opportunity to find Shen Xun.

According to Shen Xu’s later explanation, Shen Shuguang looked at him indifferently at the time, and slowly said, “Do you really want to continue to spend so much with Rongren? Just for those‘ Jiaochi Guards ’that were broken up by my grandfather?”

…… As for Shen Shuming’s fall into the hands of Rongren, the Shen family has argued several times. Because Shen Cangfeng was determined, it was not convenient for him to express himself easily.

The rest of the people were divided into two camps. On the one hand, they thought that Shen Cangli could not ignore Shen Shuming; on the other side, they believed that this sect was not without other sons. In a few years, they passed on a sister-in-law to Shen Cangli. Rongren’s hands and feet for a ignorant child?

And Shen Xun is the latter.

However, he was willing to pretend that he was not only confused by Shen Shuguang, but the threat that Shen Shuguang did when he was unsuccessful: “I am the parent and the eldest son of the uncle! Only you and I have heard what happened today, and you will It ’s to go out and preach, there may not be anyone who believes in you, but it will lead to the killing of you! And you really want to offend me? Even if my father considers the candidate of the young master because of today ’s things, do n’t forget that I am his bones after all! And you However, it is one of the many children of the Shen family. Even now, depending on their talents, they can be the generals, but the Shen family is fine, and they are not outside the family. There are not one or two who can replace you! “

“You do as I say, and you can push it to me then; you don’t do as I say, don’t think that if I am young this year, I won’t die you!”

After finishing this remark, Shen Shuguang didn’t even bother to wait for a continual reply. He left the poison and went away!

In the end, I thought about it for a night, and did not dare to disobey the young master who was only nine years old and arrogantly designed to kill the prostitute in the lobby. He started the next day …

Hearing here, Wei Changxuan was surprised: “Don’t you say Shu Ming was replaced?” Isn’t this not dead?

“Although Shen Xuan cheated Rongren to bring Shu Ming to the city to prove that Shu Ming was still alive and took the opportunity, he didn’t know if he was timid, or if he had the will of God, but he missed it. He did not shoot Shu Ming, but only shot Shu Ming. Rongren, the Rongren did not hum, and died at the spot! “

Shen Zangfeng sighed, “Rong people later agreed to send Shu Ming back just after making some trouble, which is also related to this matter. Because when I woke up, I told them that the family was not willing to redeem Shu Ming’s Some people are here, for example, when my napping hands are poisonous. They are also afraid that the chickens will fly in the end, so … “

The eldest son had no time to be proud of his intelligence and decisiveness, and Wei Chang was confused: “But what does this have to do with how difficult it is for you to speak? Don’t tell me, you’re teasing me!” So she just left The palm of the dead can’t help but move again …

“Although Shen Xun didn’t succeed, but he shot. I couldn’t hold him accountable.” Shen Cangfeng said helplessly. “He was also sensible and didn’t say what he was doing. He just said that he was tired of Shu Ming’s drag on the Hezu. Only to start. Polarized children have to protect him in public … At that time Shu Ming had changed back, I can’t go without penalty … “

“Why!” Wei Chang was so angry that he gave him a slap! She distressed her son and was in a grudge, and this second half was not polite, she smacked Shen Cangfeng, and a clear palm print was immediately printed on her fair face.

This is not enough to resolve the grievance, and then kicked his calf again with a kick, and then sneered, “Your nephew is a treasure, is the son grass ?! If it is not Shen Shuming who is confused, how can our family have these problems now, let alone the Central Plains? There are all the invasions of Rongren this time from our family … Shen Shuming, this troublemaker, you will punish your son if you do n’t punish it! How can you punish it? I tell you, if you dare hit him I turned down Shen Shuming’s bones in person! He didn’t harm my son. I recognize him as a nephew. Since he has dragged down my son … do you think I would care about what kind of reputation does not touch him ?! “

Shen Zangfeng said embarrassingly: “How can I hit him? I just punished him to stay in Diecui for a few days …”

“Do you dare!” Wei Changxi shouted, “Go and pick him up now! If you don’t go, I’ll go! I pick him up and let’s not pass it, you give me a book of wives as soon as possible Let me take Guanger and Yuner back to Fengzhou! Although I have been in the cabinet for many years, my mother would not have let me in! Even if you go back to the fence, it is better than killing your baby nephew in your hands everywhere. ! “

Shen Zangfeng whispered: “You speak softly-listen to me, this is for the sake of the light, he will take over Ming Peitang in the future, why is he suffering a ruthless reputation for his brother now? I ’m so anxious. The reason why I suppressed the continued punishment until Shu Ming changed back, wasn’t it just for Shu Ming to ask him to intercede? I sent someone to notify Shu Ming at that time … “

“Then you won’t talk to Guanger earlier ?! Guanger is so smart. If you click him, he will be the irresponsible person?” Unfortunately, Wei Changzheng did not eat this set at all, but was angry. You have to give him another slap. Although this is a lot lighter than before, it also makes Shen Cangfeng Jun’s face flushed!

Wei Wei filled with anger, “It must be that you deliberately didn’t say it, forcing Guanger to stand up and defend Shen Xun! What’s wrong with him? Then Shen Xuing knew that he had faked your order, or just follow Guang Er’s orders He did things. Even if he did n’t do it, he did it! And if he is punished for this, if Guanger does n’t stand up, there will still be people who will serve him, and who will be willing to be loyal to him? ”

“… How old is he?” Shen Cangfeng said helplessly. “This short guard is also based on occasions and things. I said that Shen Xu had already arranged Shu Ming to the scene. Although Shu Ming was confused, he would not be disappointed. I know. He will plead with him. I mean, the penalty is over … “

“Then why didn’t you talk to Guanger!” Wei Changzheng didn’t slap him again this time, but kicked him fiercely, gritted his teeth, “Did you deliberately test Guanger? Aren’t you ?! My son, you still have a strange face and anxiety !? Have you been a father like this! Did your father treat you this way ?! “

Shen Cangfeng only felt that there was severe pain in both places on his calf, and he didn’t have to look to know that it was blue, it must be purple. But looking at his wife who was angry like a lioness, she didn’t dare to lean over and rub it, saying, “I just think that Guanger was very young and had a deep heart, and he was bold enough to see him in this matter. What will happen … “

“Sure enough, you are pitting him!” Wei Changzheng jumped angrily, “You still punished him … Shen Shuming ?! When will Shen Shuming return? You will punish him for such a thing, don’t tell me you No punishment for Shen Shuming! You don’t punish me for punishment! Did he kill my two sons like this and still expect me to treat him like before? Still hope that nothing will happen to him? I tell you, Guang Eryuer, He added at least ten times to me! If you dare stop, let’s fight it now! “

“… I have let him go to Shouyu Mine in Guanzhou.” Shen Cangfeng felt a short stroke, whispered, “At least ten years. This punishment …”

“Don’t you think I don’t know! You’re punished? You’re protecting him!” Wei Changzhen copied the dust and sneered at him, sneer, “You just worry that he will be cleaned by me when he returns to Xiliang. Send him to Guanzhou to avoid it? Do you think he can hide in Guanzhou? “

“Now you just killed him, what’s the point?” Shen Cangfeng was silent for a moment, and sighed, “Aren’t you saying I don’t blame him for being confused? But these are all things that can’t be done–exchange him for him before, in fact, At first I just wanted to make a gesture, but then the news brought by Liu Rong made me decide to switch back to him-Mo Ye has already spread his life in the Central Plains, even if we immediately send troops into the Central Plains Rongrong, even if we kill ourselves After him, others also talked about our family’s murder. “

“Especially regardless of Shu Ming’s words on this eye section, Moye will definitely use this to publicize our Shen family’s love for the flesh, and how resolute and resolute he is to avenge Wei Tu … you know, we can never give him any more A similar truth is spoken. How can a major event be achieved with only the soldiers and the people? “

Wei Changxuan sneered: “So you need to prove that you are a good uncle. You take seriously the flesh and bones-but I just don’t understand. Is it Shen Shuming’s kiss with you, or my wife kiss you ?! You have to prove you You value bone blood, but give up your son to prove it with your nephew? You must be crazy! “

“I didn’t change it, just found a substitute.” Shen Cangfeng smiled bitterly. “And soon after Shu Ming came back, I spread the news. Rong Ren cheated Shu Ming fraudulently. I used The same way to get Shu Ming back, there is nothing wrong with the principle. And I will use this to attack Rongren’s mouth full of lies … Oh, the reason why Shu Ming will sneak away is because the Rongren forged the eldest brother’s handwriting and wrote The blood book was deceived, thinking that the elder brother was still alive and in the hands of Rongren, so … he managed to hide the blood book in Hanhai Gobi, and it should not have fallen into Rongren’s hands. “

“I don’t care how he was deceived. In short, if it weren’t for him, our family wouldn’t have to have such a catastrophe, let alone my Guanger and Yuner, sorry for what they did wrong at a young age. Brother Jerk is so burdened! “Wei Changyi said coldly,” In short, you will immediately and immediately bring me Guanger and Jier back! Otherwise, I will pick it up myself, and then … “

“Then I want to put my wife’s book?” Shen Zangfeng sighed. “You’re dead, I can’t give it to you. Our youngest sons are so old, we need to get away with a few noises. How can there be such a thing?” Matter? If you still can’t get angry and hit me a few more times, don’t mention it–it’s all for nothing! “

Wei Changxuan sneered and said, “Put your wife’s book? That will be put back-I will rush to Guanzhou myself to torture your baby nephew! You will take care of it!”

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