Changying the Lady

v7 Chapter 84 - unexpected result

Biquge, the latest chapter of your daughter-in-law will be updated as soon as possible!

That night, Wei Changyi ordered someone to pack things according to her husband’s instructions and prepare to move to the rear army.

On the next day, Shen Zangfeng had official work to do, and Wei Changzheng continued to urge the men to cook and dress. In the middle, Shen Shuying knew that he would leave Dingwang’s house in the near future, and he was very disappointed when he was full of joy in the palace and hadn’t had time to become familiar with all the corners.

But now Wei Changzheng has no patience to coax him, and handed him over to Shen Shuyan to suppress it.

But after sending his son off, it didn’t take long for Li Ju to come in and sue: “Several aunts in the backyard of Six Masters want to please the queen!”

After listening to this, Wei Changxi frowned, and said, “Six siblings haven’t come here. These people haven’t given her any tea. The word” aunt “is still unacceptable. Our family is no better than those small doors. Everything must be done in accordance with the rules: this is not done without the permission of the mother, even if you enter the door temporarily, it is not counted. You will remember in the future, these people do not rush to call ‘aunt’! “

Li Ju and others heard that she didn’t wait to see these people, so she responded quickly and replied: “Several Ji people in the backyard of Six Masters asked to see the Queen!”

“Come in them.” Wei Changyi said.

Before she came to the imperial capital, she had faintly heard that Shen Yanshi and Shen Yankun had served several people in the past two years, and made up her mind to help.

It’s only been a few days since I came here, my friends and relatives haven’t seen the lap, and I can’t take care of it for the time being.

This time for the first time, I saw the crowds in Shen Rongkun’s backyard, but I saw them all dressed in red and green, each with their own merits. Huo Qingling is considered a beauty, but there are several people who are more beautiful than Huo Qingling.

However, although they are the main characters who write the word “waiting” on their faces, they are very winking.

When I saw Wei Changxuan, I didn’t dare to take a closer look and quickly drew my head down. Wei Chang shouted lightly and asked them what was happening?

Everyone thought that they would discuss it when they were outside, and they pushed a woman who looked the best to answer.

This woman is about sixteen or seventeen years old. She is as gorgeous as an exposed rose huā, and when she speaks, her voice is like a silver bowl of flying beads, sweet and crunchy.

She also spoke nicely and complimented Wei Changyi very thoroughly—until she was a little impatient to see him, she dared not continue to flatter and said carefully: “It is said that the queen intends to bring your sons, The lady moved outside the city. The sisters also wanted to … and to serve the queen. “

Wei Changxi thought these people were quick to see the opportunity.

Shen Cangfeng had gone with her at first, and this must not leave the Wangfu government alone, so she must be kept guarded.

However, the palace of the owner and the palace of the owner of course are not the same thing. These servants—they have not been recognized by the mother and are not official servants—but they serve Shen Kuan’s pillow.

In a word, their status is lower than that of the ambassador women, and they are not the people who serve the Shen Cangfeng, who is now the Shen family. Who is impatient to care about their safety?

If he stays in this palace, although Wei Changzheng’s control is absent, but no one cares about their life and death … Shen Rongkun received a few beautiful women to serve, Shen Cangfeng would not manage it. But if he dares to be a loyal guard to Shen’s family for the sake of several beautiful ladies, neither Shen Zangfeng nor Shen Jiushi will let him go … Shen Jiokun is afraid of these two elder brothers.

So if these people want to be safe, they must follow Wei Changyu.

But … these are just their thoughts.

Considering that many of these people were sent by other families, Wei Changzheng could not help wondering whether they had asked their followers to avoid the place where the rear army was stationed, if they had other purposes.

So understatement: “I’m not short of people here.”

The woman’s face was white, and she was about to continue to plead, and Wei Changzheng said, “Your affairs, I will ask your husband when I look back.”

She doesn’t like these people, but she says hatred is overdone. Imagine that most of these people are involuntary. If they were born to a wealthy family, such as Shen Shuyan, a lady of everyone, who is a woman who talks back here, is n’t it Zhuwei, and the whole family treats it like jewelry?

Therefore, Wei Changzheng said this instead of perfunctory, but was thinking about turning back to ask her husband, if these people are OK, they can take them to the army, then take them. Although they are not required to serve, it is impossible for them to eat more food.

I don’t want these people to have never seen her before, but faintly heard about her reputation. Among the Shen family brothers, Shen Cangfeng, who is the master of the Shen family, has been the most plugged by the Cypriots. Sitting in confusion, no matter how beautiful he is, he refuses. It is true that Shen Convergence and Shen Convergence have successively accepted many people to serve.

Because Shen Cangfeng was unwilling to add people, the defender was very fierce. Even if Shen Cangfeng was the master of the Shen family, the lord of the king, and the army in his hand … he still jealous of his wife, even if his wife is thousands of miles away. If you dare to add a pillow to serve, it is confirmed.

Although these people are not waiting for Shen Cangfeng, at this moment in the center of the rumor, he is still trembling before the defender who kills the servants more easily than the chickens.

Therefore, after listening to Wei Changxi’s cold and hot talks with Shen Cangfeng, everyone felt that she had refused-who didn’t know that Shen Cangfeng was afraid that she was afraid of the extreme, and the leader was away for a year or two, and he dared not accept it. The person who knows the cold and the hot waits, she discusses with Shen Cangfeng? She ordered Shen Cangfeng about the same!

At this moment these people’s faces became very pale.

In this way, Wei Changxuan also noticed that they seemed to have misunderstood.

However, she claimed that she didn’t need to explain more to them, so she put down the tea bowl and hinted that she would be a guest.

But at the same time, those people have been put to death-

The woman who answered the question on behalf of everyone sided with her heart, suddenly knelt down again, and said positively: “The sister-in-law has something and wants to sue you alone! I also ask you to give the sister-in-law a chance!”

Wei Changzheng was a little surprised and said, “What’s the matter?”

“Xunzi can only tell you alone!” The woman bowed her head and did not dare to look at her, but said firmly.

Wei Changxi smiled a little: “I’m very busy here.” The implication is of course that she doesn’t believe that she has any big secrets worth listening to after she clears the court.

The woman gritted her teeth, but was anxious and gave a head. She said, “Will Rongzi write three for you!”

“… Write it.” Wei Changyi stared at her for a moment, feeling that she was not lying, and he was a little stunned, and was about to call someone to bring her pen and ink, but the woman did not want to turn around and asked for a companion Mei Dai, who was wearing it, quickly wrote three words on the parcel in her hand, folded it, and carefully handed it to Li Ju.

Wei Changxi asked the others to pull back, and then asked Li Ju to slowly open her handkerchief on the case around her.

After looking at it, Wei Changxi looked down unexpectedly: “Somewhat interesting … you all go down!”

Li Ju was a little uneasy: “Queen, this Jiren hasn’t searched yet …”

“It’s okay.” Wei Changyi saw at a glance that the woman had never used martial arts. Although she had been delayed in martial arts because of being busy with family affairs in the past few years, she wasn’t convinced that such a woman could threaten herself.

Seeing her insistence, the people withdrew with other Jiren.

At this time, Wei Changzheng pointed at the scribbled “Mrs. Deng” on the parchment and asked: “Don’t you mean, Madam Deng, who went a while ago?”

The woman carefully said, “Xunzi’s status is humble and she doesn’t deserve to know Mrs. Deng’s name. This Mrs. Deng is the housewife who passed away not long ago.”

“Then what do you know about her?” Wei Changxi asked.

“The sister-in-law met once.” The woman bit her lower lip and said.

Wei Chang frowned and said, “Have you ever met Wanwan? What is it to blame alone?”

“No,” the woman explained quickly. “The time when the sister-in-law met, this lady Deng was meeting with a man who seemed to be a man.”

“Huh?” Wei Changyi’s gaze flickered for a moment, and his tone was solemn. “You say it carefully!”

“Yes!” The woman saw her attitude change, and she was ecstatic, and said in detail. “The sister-in-law was originally from Jiangnan, and was bought into the Song family since she was a child … is your grandfather Jiangnan Song. It was only delivered last year. The emperor came to serve the six masters. When he came, he was not accustomed to soil and water and often became ill. At that time, the palace was not fully built. The doctor was not convenient to enter the door. The carriage that transported the sister-in-law collided with Mrs. Deng’s carriage on the street corner. The driver on both sides quarreled and reported the identity of the person in the carriage to each other. The sister-in-law knew that it was Mrs. Deng. “

Wei Wei frowned and asked, “Then you saw a man in the car?”

The woman said, “No, the sister-in-law just raised the curtain and saw Mrs. Deng, who also persuaded the driver to take care of herself. So when she saw Mrs. Deng the second time, the sister-in-law wrote down the matter, otherwise The sister-in-law would not remember it–the sister-in-law did not seek medical treatment, but … but … “

She blushed for a moment before whispering, “Master Six was about to reach his birthday, and the sister-in-law wanted to have a good time. He didn’t know what to buy, so he asked the driver to walk around aimlessly. Seeing the door of a small courtyard open, a man dressed as Mrs. Deng brought him out. The sister-in-law looked at a gap in the curtain of the car. Mrs. Deng didn’t find the sister-in-law and got into the car with all her heart … but sent her The man was taken aback and immediately turned back and closed the door! The sister-in-law didn’t see the man … “

Wei Changxuan heard the question: “You say … it seems to be a man, and then, a man in a man’s costume?”

The woman knew what she meant, and said affirmatively, “Xunzi thinks that the man … is like a woman posing!”

She was afraid that Wei Changxuan would not believe it, and explained that “Xunzi was sold to the Song family at the age of five, and she studied song and dance for ten years in the Song family. The middle tutor is demanding for every move. So the differences between men and women are subtle … Xunzi Zi I don’t think it’s wrong-the man who sent Mrs. Deng has a 80% certainty that the woman is disguised! “

“Come!” Wei Chang nodded his head, and suddenly yelled, “Call someone!”

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