Changying the Lady

v7 Chapter 92 - Dawn

Biquge, the latest chapter of your daughter-in-law will be updated as soon as possible!

“Incomparable at home, the first public!”

These eight words are words used many years ago to describe Ji Quyi’s medical practice. Because of the temper of this divine doctor and his usual mean words, there are many people who provoke this evaluation.

However, these provocations have achieved Ji Qu’s reputation as a “no-failure person under his reputation.”

This time, Ji Qubing continued to fulfill this sentence.

He arrived in Yanzhou less than two days ago. Although he had not found a cure for the disease, he pointed out why Rong people were not infected with the disease, and Wei people died in large numbers—not because God favors Rong people, but not Rong. There is really no divine power in that great sacrifice.

Instead, a simple, almost ignored by everyone-horse!

If it wasn’t for the season’s illness, everyone who was expecting Duan Muxinmiao to find a way to diagnose and treat would not notice it. Almost all the infected soldiers and soldiers were all strokes! Almost none of the cavalry was infected!

The few who were infected were also careless and very close to those who had been infected; they had taken things they should not have taken; or they had packed the bodies of those who had been infected.

After seeing this in Ji Qu’s disease, then Rong people are very clear from the disease-whether Di people, or Rong people, all grow on horseback. The Da Wei cavalry trained by Tian Tian was not afraid of the disease. Of course, the Rongren who have been on horses for almost a lifetime will certainly not be infected!

After the cause was found, although the epidemic was still spreading, after the horses were divided, it had been greatly curbed.

At the same time, this discovery was widely disseminated to refute the rumors that Rong people were favored by heaven and Wei people were angered by heaven …

The situation finally shows some light.

As soon as Ji Qu’s illness arrived, he had such credit, and everyone was full of hope.

But in the next search for a cure for this severe epidemic, Ji Qu’s illness was also in trouble.

The reason is beyond him.

The more well-known doctors are able to point directly to the source of the disease and treat the symptoms in one fell swoop, the less it can be achieved overnight.

But this kind of severe epidemic died suddenly.

Even if Ji goes to the hospital and tries to dispense a few medicines, often he can’t wait until the effects of the medicine are fully attacked, and the person is already dead …

In a few days, few people he rescued.

Most of these few people are exceptionally fit.

And because of the epidemic, the people who had been raised by the fine grain and fine grains before were able to be strong. Even if they were not infected by the epidemic, they were tormented by the attacks of fear and Rongren … How many people are still healthy at this time?

Even the most favored coach, Shen Zangfeng, has been reduced …

“However, we can only find the source of the epidemic and eradicate it. Then we can use horses to avoid this severe epidemic and prevent the spread of the epidemic. We will then try to cure it.” After discussing the disease, Duan Muxinmiao asked Shen Zangfeng proposed that “I am not a good student and apprentice. For the time being, it is impossible to find a way to diagnose and treat. If I delay this, it will become more and more bad. I also ask Wang to make a decision early.”

Shen Zengfeng, who lost a lot of weight, nodded slightly: “At the source of the disease, I have some clue.”

He looked up at the towering and dead city walls of Yanzhou City in the distance. “After regaining Yanzhou City that day, due to exhaustion of the soldiers, the infantry soldiers entered the city for a rest day. Some cavalrymen continued to hunt down … Destroyed and terrified the remnants of the people. They made them rest on the tents in the streets of the city and were not allowed to enter the household. “

This was for him to care about the people in the city, and also to consider that after the break, he would send these troops to continue northward to help the cavalry expel the soldiers. There was no need for huā to find a place to stay for the rest of the night.

As a result, doing so, it is the way of Rongren.

“It was just that it was late winter, but it was late autumn. I am afraid that the soldiers suffered from cold at night and found a lot of fox, rat, and otter skins in the storeroom. They were not well stripped, many were broken, and even fleas … … Some of the generals took the lead and distributed it to keep them cold … ”

Speaking of which, Shen Zangfeng’s chest was suffocated-his face turned blue for a long while before he continued, “The dead in the cavalry were probably the ones who had taken the leather to protect themselves from the cold …”

In fact, the hides kept by the Rong people in the Treasury of Yanzhou were not enough for all the soldiers and soldiers.

According to the original intention of the distributor, it is only distributed to the pawns.

The main cavalry is usually treated better than the infantry. They generally have enough clothing to protect them from the cold, and if necessary, can hold the horse for warmth. The treatment of the infantry is no worse than that of the infantry.

But it can’t hold up too many people, and the people underneath will do it. Many people think that although the skins are not well peeled and there are fleas, they are always fresh … even if they are not bad for these few pieces of cold protection, they can use some excuses to put them in their arms and pack them up to sell them. .

Let’s return to that question: This is a coalition force, not all of which are connected by Shen Cangfeng.

Therefore, Shen Zangfeng’s order was consistently implemented in the Xiliang Army, but in the army from elsewhere … that is, Yang Fengyin violated!

So this caused a lot of infantry that should not be led, but the cavalry who should not have taken it or took it.

Later when the epidemic became epidemic, according to the experience of the plague in the former army and the defense against Rongren, Shen Zangfeng immediately thought of the wrongness of these batches of leather-in fact, he suspected when he heard that there were such a large number of leather in the storeroom: “The Rong people occupy Yanzhou, but the Emperor and the Central Plains are not here to exchange with us. Why should we bring so many leathers to occupy the warehouses in Yanzhou? If the living thing is fine, the leather cannot be eaten or worn. I’m afraid there is something wrong with this batch of leather. “

The problem is that the warehouse where the leather is stored is relatively remote. As the commander in the coalition and the strongest himself, the generals tacitly gave him the biggest oil and water, which was the place where conventional heavy and valuable predators were stored.

Similarly, it is impossible for Shen Cangfeng to take all the spoils of the city as his own. Some other places must be left for the people like Mo Binwei.

When he said the above words, the leather had been distributed throughout the city, and the Xiliang Army was responsible for telling him what had been found in the city.

And when he summoned the general to express his doubts, the generals did not dare to say it clearly, but what he meant was that he suspected that he wanted to swallow it alone. In fact, when those people divide the treasury, they are afraid that he will swallow it alone. ——Or want to own a big head.

… I ca n’t blame anyone for this matter. After all, in addition to the wealthy and visionary people such as Shen Cangfeng, the generals of the coalition are still from the common people, and some of them are humble, if not in troubled times. When things happened, it became the climate.

They have been used to the humble days, and they have already cultivated to see the slightest benefit and not to let others take away the benefits from their arms … so they excuse the soldiers and take advantage of them … Has long been used to it.

Shen Zangfeng persuaded fruitlessly, and at the time Yanzhou City had just been beaten down, there were a lot of things he had to be busy as a coach … And, Hong Jin and Shangguan Shiyi and others also thought that Yanzhou was only down, and Donghu and other places It needs to be recaptured, and it is impossible for the army to get up in the army for a kupipi-after all, no one has ever heard of this severe epidemic.

Everyone thinks that after the flea skin is sent down, the most serious thing is that the soldier is itchy by the flea and it will affect the combat ability-but this problem is not big. It has wonderful effects on treating this kind of bite. This recipe is not complicated and expensive. The Chinese medicinal materials are very neatly prepared. After the dawn, the pot can be filled with medicine to solve this problem. They will be able to change to a leather that can be exchanged for one night, and they are very happy.

Seeing that it was useless to say more, Shen Cangfeng shook his head and had to tell them to clean up their skins and send them on. The problem is that after the battlefield is cleaned, the sky is dark and there is no sun, so many people rush into the city, drink and eat. Difficult to do, how to clean up? wash? I ca n’t get it dry. How can I keep it warm at night?

So it’s just a shake … The people responsible for releasing the skin did not shake so much, they sent it to the soldiers and let them handle it themselves.

So many people are fleas fluttering on their skins, and it is conceivable that the result will be fleas across the city.

Except for the cavalry who did not have the greed to take the skin of the infantry and accompanied the horses day by day, Xu was because of the horse’s smell on his body, and maybe for other reasons … He was not bitten by fleas …

Yanzhou thus became a dead city.

What makes Shen Zangfeng most distressed is that due to the strict execution of his orders by the Xiliang Army, there were almost no greedy cavalry in the Xiliang Army. His cavalry was intact.

However, almost all Xiliang infantrymen have been assigned skins …

After all, he is the commander-in-chief, and he is certainly not an army, and he must have received extra care. Whether it’s a spoil of war or a reward for merit. This is a matter of public conscience and respect for the coach.

In addition, the soldiers and horses of his family are also the most powerful and powerful of his men.

But this time, this one was taken care of by default, but it hurt the Xiliang Army.

… So far, the proportion of infantry deaths in the Xiliang Army is the highest!

Lu Shengping reported to Wei Changzheng alone that after 3,000 deaths in five days, 1,800 people belonged to the Xiliang Army!

Why is it all fine? When those skins are not enough for all the pawns … as commander, who will not give priority to fine strokes? !!

Therefore, Shen Cangfeng ignored Luan Ping’s gender and identity, and immediately ordered Lu Shengping to ask Duan Muximiao to rush to Yanzhou.

But what he didn’t expect was that even if Ji went to the hospital, he would not be able to deal with the epidemic!

“If so, the anti-flea medicine is a trivial matter. The problem is that the epidemic is now spreading …” Ji Qubing groaned. “Please ask the king to send people everywhere to post notices, and attach the prescription of the anti-flea medicine, and … … and ask the capital to wait and send medicinal herbs … “

Shen Cangfeng listened carefully to his experience and reminder, couldn’t help nodding his head, and finally got up and gave a deep ritual to him and Duanmu Xinmiao, and said in a straightforward way: “Zang Feng got on and off for my great Wei army, thanking your teachers and apprentices for this great grace! I wait, never forget the two righteousness! “

This time the epidemic was so dangerous, but no matter Duan Muxinmiao or Ji went sick, after receiving news and knowing the danger of this trip, he still left without a word.

Duanmuxinmiao was too late to eat, and he did not avoid the difference between men and women, at the expense of his reputation as a lady; Ji Qu was still holding his old son Ai Ji Jiashu, who taught him by hand, after hearing the news. Putting down Ji Jiashu, an understatement, “Go to Yanzhou for your father, you have to honor your elders at home, listen to your uncle and mother,” and walk away without looking back!

Only on the way, these two famous doctors quietly and frequently wet their shirts …

Even if this master and apprentice were unable to treat severe epidemics so far, it was enough to be personally thanked by Shen Zangfeng.

“Although our teachers and apprentices have always looked at the world coldly because of their own encounters, there was no parent’s heart in the past.” Xiang Jiji, who was ill, said indifferently, “But after all, it is the people of Dawei … Even if Dawei has existed in name, it can be Central Plains No matter how to change the dynasty, it is also my family’s business! When it comes to aliens, the husband is also responsible. The decision to rule the king is out of bounds. “

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