Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 101: Golduck-Kai vs Beybladers – White Tiger Resonance! (II)

Kai slithered away from the rain of the bullets as if there was no end to them.

From the other end, Galeon had gained momentum, the Bit-Beast growling as it chased him.

Fuck! Kai cursed, lunging from one boulder to another. If things remained like this, then he would surely lose this war, despite winning the battle. There was only one solution he could see now. One of them… must die.

Far away from him, Lee was overwhelming Meg with his long-range weapon.

Then there was the bit-beast, Galux, who had just ripped apart the last bits of paper creatures. The pink Beyblade came blasting out of the shredded paper and rushed to join Lee against the old woman.

"Galux! Cat Scratch!" Maria cried, her high-pitched voice echoing off the round chamber's walls.

The lynx-like mountain cat mewed, raising its front paws in a hugging gesture.

Two enormous paper wings spawned on Meg's back, and she took to the air, dodging the fatal hug. But then Lee descended from above, rotating the chained Scimitar. He slashed at her, letting out a powerful shout.

Morning Mist flapped her wings, backing away, going out of the Blader’s reach.

Lee grinned, and his grip on the metallic chain loosened. More chain-links passed through his hand like losing the reel of a kite, and the Scimitar, which should have missed Meg, sliced her from the middle, passing through her in a clean arc.

"Haha! Gotcha, bitch!" Lee laughed. Mariah's horrified gasp followed it.

For, the red-haired woman, whom Lee had just sliced in half, turned into a paper doll and fell.

This meant that none had any idea where the real Meg was.

"Ah!" Maria shrieked, firing her Gatling gun in all directions. "Galux! Slice apart everything."

The pink Beyblade spun crazily. The entire earth vibrated as it blurred and then vanished. Long pink slashes appeared here and there, cutting boulders in half in search of Meg.

Kai saw his chance.

Using all his strength, Kai rushed in a beeline toward Mariah.

Unfortunately, Lee noticed him. "Oh, no. No, no, no," he muttered, laughing witlessly. "You aren't going anywhere. Galeon! Dark Lightning!"

The dark Beyblade suddenly rumbled and spit out an enormous mass of Black Lightning.

Its speed doubled, and it caught up with Kai's rushing figure. The Beyblade rolled around him in a 20-meter radius, well away from his Spiritual Waves sensing limit. Black lightning bolts thundered, trapping him in a lightning cage.

"Mariah!" Lee bellowed. "Now!"

Mariah came to her senses and aimed the Gatling gun at the trapped blue figure.

Kai saw her face had become extremely pale as if her life had been sucked out of her.

Just as Mariah's finger was about to press the trigger, the uppermost layer of the foaming puddle, where the waterfall was crashing down, crumpled. For a moment, it felt like the water itself was breaking down. Even if Mariah had noticed something odd, it would have been too late.

Meg's figure erupted out of the water, holding a massive paper Shuriken.

This Shuriken didn't seem like paper, though. A metallic shine was flickering over it under the dancing blue glow within the chamber. Hurling herself horizontally, Meg threw the Shuriken. The distance between them wasn't that much, to begin with. In an instant, the blurry outline of the whirling Shuriken struck the Gatling gun and cut the barrels in half.

It also cut Mariah's hands along with the barrels.

“AHHHHHHH!” The girl let out a ghastly shriek of pain and anger

Away from her, Meg vomited out a bucketful of blood and fell back into the water.

"MARIAH!" Lee roared, already lunging for the girl.

Kai smiled.

His shoes dug into the ground as he pushed himself into a run. Black Lightning bolts struck his back like dark lances, but they failed to annihilate that vile, demonic grin off his face. The flesh on his back sizzled before getting ripped apart. You could see the bone there now, but they too cracked under the lightning barrage. It wouldn’t be long until they hacked him down into pieces.

Blood Demon’s grin widened, reaching his ears.

Kai took out the HP capsule given to him by Red Sun and threw it in his mouth.

Suddenly, his entire blue existence turned red as if he was burning under the reddest fire. Instantly, all his HP was restored. Not only that, the HP Regeneration Rate soared by a full 100%.

Kai burst out of the lightning cage, fully intact.

He rushed, slithering like the snake who had waited long for this chance.

Lee threw the chained Scimitar at Kai from afar to break his rush. The gem on Kai's forehead glowed as he used Telekinesis to fling the weapon away before it could even touch him.

The boy landed beside Mariah, and ran away to the chamber's middle, lifting her into his arms.

Kai was hot on their heels. The puddle under the waterfall had become red from Meg's blood, but he ignored both the color and the servant completely. He could sense it, the bubbling emotions. If he could just approach them…

"Kill them!" Mariah shrieked. "I will kill them both. Lee! Kill them!"

Lee gritted his teeth, his face becoming red, blue, and then purple. "Let's do this," he said, standing up. Mariah pushed herself up too, her murderous eyes planted on Kai's incoming figure. There was still some 50-meter gap between them and him.

Too far, Kai reflected, yet the grin didn't go away.



Both Lee and Mariah roared together and a horrendous fighting spirit exploded out of them.

"White Tiger Resonance!"

The dark bit-beast burst with such a roar that the rocky lances hanging from the roof of the chamber fell, slamming all over the ground. The raging, pink demonic bit-beast disappeared like wind and appeared in front of the duo. Galeon appeared like a phantom shortly after it.

The Beyblades started to revolve around Lee and Mariah in the opposite direction.

The towering bit-beasts over them resonated with each other. A massive dark gray tornado took shape around them. Black lightning thundered, trailing up and down over this tornado, and purple demonic winds howled, cutting apart whatever came into contact with them.

Lee and Mariah disappeared into the eye of the tornado as it expanded at an exponential rate, ripping apart everything in its path.

Kai almost burst out with laughter. This was the exact Skill he had been waiting for them to use. Because, from the holographic video, he had found out that at this moment, Lee and Mariah were at their weakest, taking pills to heal themselves up.

Kai would never give them that chance.


Kai raised the Fangs once more and poured all his MP into them, saving 5 points.

Instantly, the sabers lengthened over 5 times their length. A blinding, whitish glow oozed out from them, coiling around them like smoke. The reptilian eyes on the blades’ flat sides blinked furiously, and a burst of cold escaped them, freezing the water in their surroundings.

Kai’s muscles bulged, veins wriggling under his blue skin, and he hacked.

… Serpent!


Skill: White Serpent

Skill Effect:

  1. HP Consumption: 50-100
  2. MP Consumption: 100-200
  3. Lengthens the blade by 5 to 10 times, depending upon HP supplied
  4. MP Consumption is in correspondence with HP Consumption
  5. Shoots out Mana Serpents upon slashing at the target that wraps around the target, binding them from head to toe


Two, white Mana Serpents shot toward the massive tornado of lightning and… slithered right into it, ignoring it as if it didn’t exist there.

Within the tornado, Lee and Mariah were seeing to their injuries.


The Mana Serpents lunged at them, giving them no time to even think.

In a matter of moments, they coiled around them, each serpent binding Lee and Mariah from head to toe. With their lack of physical Attributes, they couldn’t even put up a resistance. The tornado had sucked them dry of their Mana and Spirituality, keeping the Beyblades occupied. They had no choice but to call the bit-beasts back.

Outside, Kai’s mind phased in and out of blackness.

Then, the tornado which was still coming at him popped out of existence like a bubble.

Kai saw the Spinning Duos, restricted by the Mana Serpents. The Beyblades were rushing back toward them to help them out.

“Ha… ha… ha!” Kai laughed like a maniac, throwing an MP capsule into his mouth.

It would restore only half of its rated value, as he had already used an MP capsule within the last 3 hours, but he didn’t need full MP, either. The Act, Relentless Love, could already be considered a broken Skill.

-Titan's Buff!-

The hiss rang in the Duo's ears like a death knell.

A bronze-colored spartan helmet appeared on Kai's head, and he rocketed towards the Duo like a blue comet. Lee pushed Mariah back, putting himself in between her and Kai. Even the Beyblades changed directions and rushed towards Kai, trying to break his momentum.

Under Lee and Mariah’s urgent call, the Beyblades brought out the tornado almost instantaneously.

Yes, almost instantaneously.

Just not before Selene's mist form could freeze Mariah's soul.

Like her master, the Ghost Serpent too had been waiting for her turn. She had always been underground, waiting for the chance. Kai hadn’t even talked or commanded her. Moreover, Lee and Mariah’s Perception was just too high to catch them off-guard openly.

Mariah’s skin turned blue, matching Kai’s Golduck figure.

The Pink Beyblade wobbled.

And when Selene oozed out of the girl, took her material form, and plunged her venomous fangs into Mariah's neck, the Beyblade vanished.

The gem on Kai's forehead flashed bloodiest.

Still dashing like a bronze blur, blood ran down his nose and eyes as he flung the incoming dark Beyblade and the bit-beast away from Lee. The boy was so stunned he couldn't even move when Kai approached him.

-/Love. The happiness of mutual care and concern. Ah! This is the best./-

Kai's words echoed in the boy's mind telepathically. Then he breathed. A breath that rattled as he sucked deep.

Deep and deeper, drowning Lee in the deepest ocean of despair.


Hey guys,

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Over 100 chapters of revamped fanfic, yeah? The story has diverged considerably from the original, in a much better way than I'd anticipated.

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