5. Lighting up a Volcano

Nero walked back briskly after his tutoring session with Jacob. 

Today was payday, and he just received his payment from Mrs. Sharron for his tutoring services. But that wasn’t just the only special thing today.

He finally made the move. He had passed the ero manga to Jacob.

To make it seem like he was not simply giving it away, he offered it as a reward to Jacob if he scored high on a couple of tests he was going to give. The brat was not buying into it initially, but with a few subtle suggestions about the reward being something a grown man would appreciate, he finally fell for it.

Nero didn’t forget to remind Jacob that he was only lending him the secret forbidden book for a limited amount of time and had denied the right to pass it on to others. He also caringly advised as a good big brother to tuck the book away securely while leaving the house.

He hoped by pressuring the brat a bit he would act suspicious enough to warrant Mrs. Sharron’s attention.

The first thing Nero did when he came home was to put the money in his little penny bank. He has piled up a decent sum. Initially, his savings were meant for unforeseen expenses at the academy, as Granny would take care of most of his costs. However, now that his job was revealed to be non-combat, he realized the likelihood of Granny purchasing him a weapon gear was slim. As a result, he shifted his focus and began collecting money specifically for that purpose.

Setting the money safely inside, he shook the penny bank. The clanking sound of coins sounded like music to his ears. With a small smile, he put down the penny bank, confirming it was three-quarters full inside. This was his money, one he earned with his efforts. Should I buy a new one when the trading caravans arrive? I could fill this up if I keep tutoring Jacob for three more months. 

Lost in his thoughts, he walked into the bathroom, eager to freshen himself up. 

When he returned, Nero sat down on the mat on his knees, facing the prayer altar. Granny, also joined the prayer but didn’t bother getting on her knees, as the poor soul’s old bones weren’t up to the task. A fact she constantly laments about.  

According to my calculation, the brat would probably read the book during sleeping hours. He should act suspiciously or change some behavior starting tomorrow, probably going to brag to his cronies. But since I barred him from giving it to anyone, he would bicker and fight with them. Nero hoped all the brats fought just enough that Mrs. Sharron intervened. Hmm, the odds of Jacob not heeding my warning and crossing me are very low. I should probably wait for three or four days and prod him into doing something stupid.

Nero’s inner monologue was halted with a light knock on his head.

“What are you thinking when praying, Nero?”

“Ouch, I was just reciting the scripture in my mind”

“Is that so?” Granny voiced skeptically. “Keep your eyes down, then. How many times do I have to tell you Nero, Never look at a God directly”.

“Yes, yes, I know” Nero peeked at the portrait of the Goddess once more before fixing his eyes on the floor. She had a featureless face clad in white clothing and a head covering, while an adorable infant nestled in her arms. Her dress had wheat, herbs, flowers, and illustrations of different creatures embedded in it. Her feet grew into roots that spread wide, passing through the earth as if it were to hold the world itself. In the background, the cassia tree stands tall, adorned with vibrant golden flowers that seem to radiate light. 

“Ayoo, kids these days have no respect,” Granny grumbled with a sigh. “Come and eat dinner as soon as you’re done. There is a wedding tomorrow. It will be hectic in the morning.” As Granny’s voice faded, Nero stood up.

I can only hope things play out as I calculated.

Alas, everything didn’t unfold exactly as Nero wished.

Just as Nero assumed, Jacob planned to read the book during the sleeping hours. But recalling how Big Brother Nero kept on yapping about the book, curiosity got the best of him. He just wanted to pry its content before putting it down. 

Though the instant his eyes landed on the drawings of ero manga, he was awe-struck. As a boy who kicked off puberty, he naturally became intrigued by such things. 

Usually, he and his friends engaged in a never-ending competition to outdo each other by boasting about their expertise in matters of sex and passionately debating who among the village’s women was the most stunning, while eagerly vying for their attention. And unbeknownst to poor Jacob, his friends had long come to an undebated consensus that his mother, Mrs. Sharron, was all their fantasized woman who they wanked off to and wished to one day pin down.

In Jacob’s circle, might and knowledge of these things made you the guy calling the shots. So he eagerly flipped through the book before sitting down to read from the beginning.

As he read through the story, he felt his whole body boiling with newfound excitement, and his little willy gaining strength. Jacob imagined he was in another world as the main character himself. The boy was so deeply engrossed in his world that he missed his mother, who was calling for him at the top of her lungs.

“JACOB!” Sharron’s shriek like a banshee was enough for the brat to shake himself off from his fantasy world. When the boy finally regained his senses, he saw with pure terror that his angry mother was glaring at him from the doorstep.

He immediately tried to get off his chair while clutching the book, but in his panic, the legs of the chair got tangled at the study table.

Jacob tripped himself and the book in his hand flipped thrice in the air comically before hitting the floor with a wide open page. It seemed bad luck dogged the poor Jacob.

Both eyes of the mother and child trailed toward the book on the floor.

The page revealed the main character plowing the thick mature woman from behind while holding her hair as a rein.

No words were spoken as the room descended into a pin-drop silence for seconds.

When he saw his mother bend down to pick up the book, Jacob felt his willy deflating like a balloon. He wondered which spot his parents were going to pick for him in the cemetery and what tree they were going to plant over his dead body.

Sharron has been calling for him for the past fifteen minutes to help her with something in the kitchen. When the kid didn’t respond, she came to his room to see what he was doing.

At first, seeing him focused on reading, she assumed he was studying and felt pleased. However, recalling her child’s nature, she became skeptical and wanted to check on him. And behold, the stupid little kid was reading some nasty book. Seeing the vulgar and explicit content as she flipped through the book, Sharron felt her face flush and a rush of heat in her lady bits.

“Where did you get this from? Just wait until your father gets back home. I will let him know what his precious boy has been up to. I’ve warned him a thousand times against giving you any money,” Sharron admonished him with a fierce pinch in his arms while effortlessly hiding her inner turmoil.  

“But Mama, I swear I didn’t spend a single penny on this. I got this as a reward,” Jacob pleaded innocence in his case while squirming in pain. Unfortunately, he met a powerful adversary. During Sharron’s intense interrogation with skills akin to a seasoned inquisitor, the culprit confessed his crimes. He also testified against Big Brother Nero, stating him as the accomplice in the crime. Considering the culprit Jacob’s claim and as the only potential lead in the case, the court judged to put suspect Nero on trial the following day. As for Jacob, the verdict was confiscation of the book and to be punished with humiliation.

Phew… Sharron looked at her child, who had been enduring her harsh scolding for half an hour. The poor child seems to be on the brink of breaking up while tightly controlling his urge to cry.

She felt pity and wanted to end the misery of the cute thing, but some things needed to be said. She didn’t want him to associate these things with shame.

“Jacob, Mama knows you’re a growing boy. It’s only natural and healthy for you to show interest in such things. However, this is not the time. Your father and I are tirelessly working so that all of us can move to the city. We are doing all this in hopes of you having a bright future. So promise me, sweety, that you will focus on studying from now on, letting no distractions hinder you.”

“I understand. I promise to study hard from now on. Eh… that…Mama, are you going to tell all these to Father?”

“Ara, if my precious behaves like a dutiful child, this could be our little secret”

“I swear on it. Believe me. Jacob doesn’t go back on his promise.” Jacob responded with bright eyes and as much honesty as he could muster in his voice.

“Then Mama also swears to keep this a secret,” Sharron replied with a gentle pat on his hair.

That day, little Jacob slept peacefully, believing he was pardoned with a lighter sentence. Unfortunately, his mother was not having a similar experience.

Sharron restlessly tossed and turned in bed, unable to find a moment of sleep.

Months passed since she last experienced the comforting warmth of a man’s touch on her body, or any touch. Instead of soothing her desires, her fingers seem to stoke the flames, intensifying the burning fire within her. Sharron forcefully suppressed any emotions from surfacing when she realized the fire was spiraling out of her control, threatening to consume other areas of her life.

That’s how she lived her life.

These passionate desires were supposed to be silently buried deep in her heart with a mountain on top of it.

Today, peace on that mountain was shattered. Nero’s machinations had ignited a spark, that intends to set ablaze everything.

Quietly, Sharron rose from her bed and reached for the glowstone lamp, casting a soft light that filled the room. She carefully arranged the pillows on the headboard, creating a cozy spot to lean against. Following that, she delicately positioned the confiscated book on the bed, angling it just right to allow the lamplight to cast a gentle glow, while she lay down and comfortably flipped through its pages with her left hand.

As she read through the story, she also felt her whole body tingling with excitement, and her panties soaking in wetness.

Though, unlike her son, she imagined herself as the mother who was getting pounded like a bitch.

Yes, Sharron saw herself as the horny lustful mother that acted prim and proper in front of her son but would spread her legs invitingly for his friend. She would be the loyal wife and devoted mother, taking care of her family while behind their back, shaking her hips on a young man’s dick like a cheap whore. The clean freak persona she projected during the day would quickly give way to a woman on her knees, eagerly devouring a dirty cock.

At some point, Sharron had thrown her wet panties away and was rubbing her fingers in circles on her excited cunt. With the story reaching its finale, our Sharron too reached her climax, imagining the young stud filling the needy mother’s pussy full of cum, .

Sharron gazed at her two fingers, which were now glistening with her honey juice, in deep thought.

Holding them up to the lamplight, she spread them apart slightly to see the thin thread of wetness between them.

Bringing her fingers to her rosy lips, she gave them a faint lick before fully sucking on them.

As expected, rather than calming down, her body craved more. 

Something new and something harder.

In a couple of seconds, she took the book in her hand to scrutinize it.

A man definitely did the writing. But with the unique idea of high-quality drawings paired with quite funny inner monologues, the book still seemed like high above-the-standard ones to her. Though the book cover and pages were nothing extraordinary, they were also decent. It should cost a sizable sum for that guy to buy this. As Sharron herself bought books as a reader, she could discern rather accurately.

Does Granny give him that much money or did he make a haul like that time again? 

The pages show signs of wear and the book cover also lost much of its colors, so maybe he bought it for a cheaper price as a secondhand. That sounds reasonable.

Wait, Secondhand? Eww, Sharron felt grossed knowing what the previous owners had likely used it for. 

She immediately tucked it back into a corner and sat on the bed. 

Now then, what should I do about the situation? She had finally had enough of it. 

Carlos was a good man. He was caring, and empathetic, and brought her all she ever desired. But the guy was never around. And even if he was here, it was not like he would solve her problem. He hardly had ten days of stay whenever he got back to the village with the caravan. His actions in bed revealed their problem. Like a starving dog finally given a bone, he would do the entire deed restlessly. Initially, she was amused by her husband’s eagerness and antsiness like a naïve brat, but soon it grew into irritation. He would finish even before she heats up and turns over in bed.

Throughout the years, this farce hasn’t changed. Now he had even started showing some slight ailing health conditions that made things in bed more awkward.

Knowing his situation was more or less caused by his hard work for their family, she felt it was improper to complain.

It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to take matters into her own hands. Sharron fell in thought about the young man who caused her dilemma.

She considered herself pretty and well-off. It was beneath her to look for a random schmuck. She liked kind and extremely hardworking men. This was one reason for her falling for Carlos. If she was going to lie down with anyone, the person had to be handsome and respect herself and the sanctity of her marriage.

Nero ticked all these boxes. 

The young man’s striking appearance flashed in her mind, with his deep raven hair that ran till his shoulder, a short chiseled beard that ornamented his well-defined jawline, and the sharp narrow eyes of a hunter augmented with flat yet thick eyebrows. His alluring purple eyes were the icing on the cake.

Sharron had never seen him slack off. While his peers were playing around, he would either study or train himself all day. Besides, he started pocketing money even before his Ascension ceremony.

Who in the village didn’t know or envy Nero’s hunting prowess? 

The scene of him pulling a porcine beast twice his size back to the village was fresh in her mind. Carlos had bought it, giving out an enormous price, and commented that it was a lesser minion beast.

A damn lesser minion beast!

One that was supposed to be taken down by a Guardian or experienced adventurer. The catch was a full testament to his skills.

Still, he never acted haughtily or bullied anyone in the village with his talents. He was a restrained young man who just minded his things while helping out his granny, and working around here for all the events.

With his temperament, knowledge, and skills, he had a bright future ahead.

Sharron didn’t have to think twice about her decision. But the nasty thing acted like she committed a grave sin against him when she showed interest.

When he stopped coming over to tutor, she felt like her entire world was crumbling. Back then, she spent her days walking on pins and needles, anxiously waiting for the villagers to point fingers at her and call her a stray wife.

Then, after a few days, he returned, acting as if nothing had happened. Sharron was certain that the jerk just wanted to scare her. The punk must have also taken pleasure in reminding her of her place. Since that day Sharron had been extra attentive around him and would leave the house to make space for Jacob and Nero during their study sessions. 

And now he was pulling this nonsense. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. 

Humph, since you acted all high and mighty, isn’t it only natural for me to give you the taste of your medicine?

Phew, I need a bath and should change the bedsheet too.

Sharron got up and stood before the mirror.

Quickly, she grasped the hem of the nightie from her knees and pulled it over her head. With her wet panties long discarded and the soft fabric slipping off her body, She stood there buck naked from head to toe, feeling the gentle cold of the night against her skin.

Standing silently before the mirror, she carefully angled her body to admire her side profile.

Most men around here, young or old, would ogle at her like a piece of meat. While she utterly hated those lecherous stares, it also made her long realize that men find her irresistible. Hell, she had even caught women gawking at her, let alone men. No one in the village could claim to be her equal, except maybe Mrs. Rafealla.

As Sharron raised her hands to tie her hair into a bun, she checked out her slightly protruding armpit hair from the mirror.

Slowly her eyes trailed down, even her now moist flower was covered in a needless amount of hair. 

According to women in her gossip circle, it was commonly said only mature men appreciated a well-trimmed bush while usually young lads preferred it clean-shaven.

Sharron looked at her flushed face in the mirror. She gently bit her rosy lower lips before breaking into a lascivious smile. Turning around, she lazily walked towards the bathroom to get her razor.

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