Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 538: Another Divine Ability Unlocked...

Chapter 538: Another Divine Ability Unlocked…

Blood dripped down the wounds, painting the spear in his chest red as Zeras lay there, head bowed, rivulets of blood dripping down.

And with cold disdain, it walked back towards its throne as Hades’ smile widened in mockery…

‘Even though he was truly strong, he is still not without his limits!’ Hades thought in his head, but his and the face of the devil suddenly changed as they turned back their attention to the wall, which showed Zeras who raised his bloody left arm and grabbed hold of the spear tearing through his chest…

And with a painful grunt, he slowly tore out the spear from his chest and it came to rest in Zeras’ own hands as he stood on his two feet, even though there was a gaping hole in his chest…

“Odio micantes fastidia in uroque Oculo, Hoc piget anume mea” [I hate the disdain flickering in both your eyes. It irks my soul!] Zeras whispered as he raised up his head and suddenly different scales slowly began manifesting on his left arm holding the spear. Casting an array of light in the Hellish domain…

And then there was an outburst of an incredibly pure source of energy, each empowered Zeras’ right arm as he suddenly took a single step forward, arched his back while bending backward a little before….



The air was blown apart by the power as Hale roughly flung the spear forward which moved faster than a shooting star and before the devil could blink, its head violently exploded into mush, and the spear continued on its path before completely tearing apart the wall which also caused the domain to shatter like glass as Zeras found himself standing where it had all begun in the first place.

And that place was none other than the Undying realm.

In front of him was none other than Hades, who strangely had a spear digging into his chest and a sword piercing nailed directly on his left shoulder, and right before Zera’s gaze, he crashed onto the ground on both knees, as golden blood oozed out from his chest and shoulder…




The sound of footsteps rang out through the glassy plain as Zeras walked towards him, with an expressionless face…

“I have never been defeated before…” Hades whispered, even though it was clearly heard by Zeras through the silence of the area.

Golden blood staining the ground, he faced the side-effect of casting the forbidden art of the Angelia race..

An art that takes its opponent through 3 gates of Nirvana, and forces them to overcome a power which is beyond what they are capable of.

Anyone targeted with the technique will face nothing but sure death, but if they in some way were able to win the challenges, then the one who will face the backlash will be none other than the caster of the art.

Hades had practiced the first two parts and he had casted them both on Zeras.

Unfortunately, Zera had defeated the two challenges and he was now the one who faced the full wrath of the technique without any defense formerly set up.

He had been sapped completely of energy and now his defeat was already confirmed. And that was truly the first time he had lost a true battle.

Zera’s white hair ruffling in the air as his eyes flashed with two strange depictions, which were none other than the Astral giant and the Hellish devil.

“You have truly opened my eyes to what true power is. For that, I am grateful…” Zeras replied to him as he closed his eyes and felt the new art which was now filling his head.

It was a profound art, more powerful than anything Zeras had ever seen, and he could tell through the complexities of the art, that even Hades himself had yet to truly unleash the power of those two constellations.

“As for your defeat, it’s nothing but an honor of yours…” Zeras replied as Hades’ lips parted apart…

“Do you mean to mock me?” He asked, silence reigning king as Zeras slowly turned his back and walked into the distance…

“You have fought a good battle, Hades. Perhaps you should go rest now…” His listless voice filled with no emotion rang out through the plains as Hades’ image slowly flickered in and out, a sign of him getting moved out of the domain…

“This won’t be the last, I promise…”


“You copied the art!!!” The system’s shocked voice rang out as Zeras sat down cross-legged on top of the mountain top, his eyes flashing in delight and…exhaustion.

“Yes. I did…” Zeras confirmed it to the system with a smile on his face, “You have discovered one of the abilities of your scales.

And seemed to have quite the good grasp on it too…” The system praised as Zeras heaved in and out slowly, trying to take control of the tempestuous energy running amok in his veins, while also gleaming as much as he could learn from the art he had copied.

“With such an ability, I would not need to spend endless years practicing various techniques. I’ll just wait for others to do the practice and then simply copy them…” Zeras said his plans aloud, the benefits of his new ability enveloping his mind and the various ways he could better put it to use flashing in his head…

“Hades mentioned that he would defeat me and then tell me the number of people who could do the same in less time.

That means there is probably some or a group of people lurking in this domain who have the same power level or even greater than that of Hades.

My job is still not done yet…” Zeras mused out loud to himself as he rose up after calming his energy and looked over at the glassy plains, his eyes settling on one particular direction.

“Let me see what more I can learn about myself,” He mused out and in the next second shot forward into the distance, the mountain he stood on reduced to dust, five seconds later…

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