Chaos Fiend

Chapter 116 - Difficult Ye Chen, emerging fields

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, “That’s no way. I must take part in the competition of the three major forces anyway. — End of the book, the United States and Hong Kong and Taiwan romance )))”

Ye Chen is definitely going to shine in the three major forces, not because he wants it, but because only after winning the three major forces can he ask the Mingshui Palace to give him a Xuanbing recipe.

As long as Xuan Bing Jue is available, he can practice the Purple King of War, otherwise he does not know how to practice it. After all, Xuan Bing Jue can only support him to practice the blue Jiu Xing Wu Shuai.

And only after the Purple King of War could he really start to practice the Devouring Heavens. Unlike now, it can only be used once, and he must be in a battle mode that consumes a lot of power, otherwise he will definitely be exploded.

“Oh.” Ye Chen’s sentence directly provokes more enemies. After all, there are only three disciples who can participate in the three major forces. It must be the core disciple in the top three this time. The meaning in Ye Chen’s words is not Is it sure that he has one of the first three? This sentence has annoyed everyone, especially they are all geniuses! Still the older generation, Ye Chen is just a newcomer. Where can Ye Chen be arrogant? A few of them haven’t spoken yet, Ye Chen is going to grab a spot.

“Buzz! Let me try to see if you have this strength!”

However, after Barry Lele finished speaking, she did not shoot first because she had not seen Ye Chen’s shot yet because it was played at the same time. Every time she solved the opponent, Ye Chen was also solved, which caused others to know Ye Chen is powerful, but I don’t know where Ye Chen is powerful.

And Ye Chen saw Baile Lele get serious, and he became serious.

Although Barry Lele ranked sixth among the core disciples ten years ago, if you look at Wang Fatzi who ranked second and Wu Yidao who ranked third, you know how strong the core disciples were in that session, although he It seems to say that she has won, but she still attaches great importance to it, especially Barry Lele is the granddaughter of Beili Beichuan. Baili Beichuan might give her the same powerful skills as virtual magic.

Oh yes, Barry Lele is the granddaughter of Beili Beichuan. Is that what you want to call your uncle?

Ye Chen thought about it, but then she crooked. It was strange to look at Baili Lele.

“What’s your look?” Barry laughed angrily.

“Oh, there’s nothing I can do. In theory, you should call me Uncle.” Ye Chen laughed. “Since you are my teacher, I must let you.”

“What are you talking about?” Barry frowned. “Did you deliberately make me angry and find out my flaws?”

“You say yes.” Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, “Your grandpa is my master, do you say I am your uncle?”

“What? My grandpa accepted you as a disciple? Is he confused?” Barry did not dare to agree.

“Ha, isn’t it normal for your grandfather to accept me as an apprentice? After all, I’m romantic, handsome, unpretentious, eye-catching and talented.” Ye Chen laughed haha.

Because the two people’s voices were very loud, several people who knew Ye Chen felt blushed, and they would pretend not to know Ye Chen no matter where they were.

Baili Beichuan also blushed. Although I felt Ye Chen was very handsome in his youth, wasn’t this a bit shameful, especially Ye Chen was actually facing her granddaughter. Although it was not her own granddaughter, but Just like his own granddaughter, he was adopted by Baili Beichuan from an early age …

Of course, other people do not know the thoughts of Beili Beichuan. They are extremely shocked. Ye Chen is actually a disciple of Beili Beichuan. Because of the two top purple tasks, one is to kill the traitor and the other is to strike. Killing the Ice Toad Demon King, everyone knows about Baili Beichuan. I did not expect Baili Beichuan to accept his disciples again. This is really an unexpected thing.

However, Barry Le suddenly became furious, but did not expect Ye Chen’s face was so thick, he could not help but take the initiative to attack.

Because Barry Lele cultivates the wind-based elementary force, she is extremely fast and arrives at Ye Chen in an instant.

The white palm with Yuan Li hit Ye Chen’s chest.

“Phoenix spreads its wings!” Ye Chen’s body and magic skills were placed here, and instantly vacated and moved away from Bai Lele’s attack.

But Barry did nothing unexpected. Her first attack was an experimental attack. After being avoided by Ye Chen, her second attack has arrived.

The second attack was of course the other palm. The palm of the hand condensed a semi-curved wind blade and cut it towards Ye Chen’s chest.

Facing the semi-curved wind blade, Ye Chen was not afraid of danger and escaped easily again.

Barry Lele then showed an unexpected look. This second attack was her usual attack. Facing a person weaker than her, she easily killed the other side, but did not expect Ye Chen to escape.

Barry Lele really has Ye Chen ’s wingspan of the Phoenix. After all, this is a god-level skill, and Ye Chen ’s wing of the Phoenix ’s wings is also the first half that the Emperor Puming gave to Ye Chen. To the blue martial arts, but even so, Ye Chen’s speed is already comparable to the purple four-star warrior, and it can be seen that the wings of the Phoenix are spread out, so it is normal for Ye Chen to avoid the attack of Baile Lele.

And Barry Lele also saw that Ye Chen’s strength is his physical power. Such a powerful body must consume a lot of power, so it is good to consume Ye Chen’s power.

Thinking of Barry Lele taking two steps back, then the two white palms were raised at the same time, two wind blades shot at the same time, attacked in two directions towards Ye Chen one by one, and then she could completely use it. Ye Chen was dead.

After Ye Chen avoided her two wind blades, Barry Lele released the wind blade again and threw it at Ye Chen.

“Hey.” Ye Chen saw it. Barry Lele wanted to use up the power of the blade with less power, but unfortunately she didn’t know that she had the power to swallow the sky. Of course, Ye Chen did not plan to Using swallowing tactics, he rushed towards Barry Lele. Since Barry Lele wanted to consume him, he took the initiative.

Seeing Ye Chen rushing over, Baile Le faced contempt, Ye Chen already has a powerful body and magic skills, can it still have a strong attack power?

“Lion in the prison like a fist!” Ye Chen rushed to the side of Barry Lele, fist hit Barry Lele’s “chest”, oh, don’t you want to be crooked, Ye Chen is really just the first reaction to hit someone.

Sure enough, Ye Chen’s shot was a fistful of lion elephant fists that can be learned by disciples inside and outside the Little Arctic Palace. Barry Lele despised even more. Of course, they were all warriors. There was nothing special about Ye Chen’s punch to her chest. Reaction.

But everyone who was watching on the outside exploded, especially the male compatriots who liked Barry Lero instantly screamed.

Now the fourth-ranked core disciple is named Zhuge Beixing. When he sees this scene, his eyes will stare out. “Shameless! Pervert! Hooligan! Where are you going to fight that bastard? Let me kill him. ! “

“Yes! Kill this stinky wolf!” Others echoed this when they saw it.

And Tang Linger and Zhang Yihan are also thinking, how can Brother Ye Chen hit the chest of Barry Lele? Tang Linger looks mediocre and not as good as Barry Lele because she hasn’t developed well yet, but Zhang Yihan has more bumpy ‘Mature Lady Royal Sister’, which is more than Barry Lele. Brother Ye Chen should be interested if he is interested They are interested.

I originally thought that Ye Chen’s normal Barry Lele passed the call of the people around her, and instantly blushed, and then also felt that Ye Chen was a shameless person! Want to hit her in the chest? ?

Baili Beichuan covered his head. Is your kid thinking that women want to go crazy? My granddaughter dares to make fun of it, and he has agreed with his brother that he will marry Bailele to Zhuge Beixing, also the master of the palace. Zhu Gejie’s descendants, but if Ye Chen looks at Barry Lele, he could consider marrying Barry Lele to Ye Chen …

If Zhuge Jie knows the thoughts of Beili Beichuan, he doesn’t know if he will be mad at him.

Although Ye Chen heard the shouts of the people around him, at this time it was too late to change his direction, and he still beat.

Although Barry was angry, he did not forget the defense, “Shield of the Wind!”

In front of her, a white shield formed by wind power suddenly formed. Ye Chen’s Hell Lion Boxing fist hit the wind shield of Bailele, and the wind shield formed a ripple. , But still blocked Ye Chen’s attack.

However, the posture is not so elegant, after all, Ye Chen’s fist is facing Barry Lele’s chest. Although it is not hit, it looks very hooligant.

In this way, Barry Lele did not want to slowly consume Ye Chen, and while Ye Chen attacked her before her fist was retracted, Barry Lele said, “Fengshen roll, tornado !!”

With the fall of Barry Lele’s voice, the tornado formed by the two groups of wind forces instantly rolled towards Ye Chen, because the distance was too close, Ye Chen was directly drawn into the tornado.

“Aeolian scroll, death is like the wind, the sickle of the wind!” But Barry Lele thought that Ye Chen was a grandfather’s disciple, and felt that it was not safe enough, and once again formed a sickle of the wind with the power of the wind, and cut into the tornado like the death sickle. In the eyes of outsiders, he thought it was Barry Lele who wanted to cut Ye Chen in half because of his previous satyr behavior.

When Ye Chen saw Barry Lele’s series of attacks, he was still scolding Bai Beibeichuan. Where did he need him to make it? If he had hid before, it was a pity that he was too close to Barry Lele and was trapped in the tornado. He could only be passively beaten!

But it ’s okay, it ’s wrapped in a tornado, all violent wind power, outsiders can not see the situation inside.

“Swallowing Tianjue!” Ye Chen didn’t even take his hands. Swallowing Tianjue used it instantly. The huge power of the earth and earth squeezed into Yechen’s body instantly. Yechen’s face became painful instantly. Before that, it was about two purple stars. Yuanli, this time it seems to be a purple four-star. Although Ye Chen’s strength is also improving, the power of devouring Yuanqi is also increasing.

Fortunately, in the next second, Barry Lele ’s sickle of wind has arrived and cut to Ye Chen ’s physical body. He was supposed to squeeze Ye Chen ’s powerful power and was instantly attracted by Barry Lele ’s attack against the wind. The sickle, while fighting the tornado.

Barry Lele’s two attacks are both super powerful, extraordinary power, and Ye Chen’s swallowing huge power to consume each other.

And Ye Chen is still the old way to cultivate the strong cow demon tactics, although he will not cultivate to the realm of the strong cow demon king, but it is still possible to cultivate to the peak of the blue marshal. Now he has only the blue elementary body and can continue to improve.

When Ye Chen took the opportunity to improve her physical strength, Barry Lele didn’t know, but after the release of her two big moves, she felt that she should be a stable winner, and said, “Ye Chen, let it go and I will take back the attack Then, if I hurt you, I’m sorry for my grandpa. “

The outside of the tornado is full of powerful wind power. Outsiders can’t see what’s going on inside. Barry Lele didn’t hear Ye Chen’s reply. Some people were worried about whether Ye Chen would be wrong. Elder Han, I don’t know if I won this game? “

“This?” Elder Han didn’t know what was going on inside, and looked at Zhuge Jie and Baili Beichuan.

“It’s not over yet.” Beili Beichuan Road, after all, Baili Beichuan is the silver Emperor Emperor. After seeing the situation inside, the elders knew it clearly, but he did not expect Ye Chen to suddenly increase his strength. Directly increased to the realm of purple Wu Wang, it seems that Ye Chen has nothing to hide from himself.

“Oh.” Elder Han nodded and said to Barry, “You heard that too.”

And just as Elder Han’s words fell, Ye Chen’s figure slowly showed up, and Barry Lele’s two magical tornadoes and sickle of the wind also slowly dissipated.

“It looks like your strength is not good.” Ye Chen vigorously raised Niu Mojue directly to the blue middle level, and his mood was also very good. Although the process was a bit painful, he was totally able to hold back.

Barry Lele was a little speechless. I did not expect that Ye Chen was really difficult to entangle. His two previous magic skills were already able to fight the purple junior warlord, but Ye Chen didn’t seem to do anything at all. It was her strongest move.

Thinking, Barry Lele slowly became serious, and began to mumble in his mouth, “Fengshen rolled, Fengshen came!”

With the fall of Barry Lele’s words, a figure enlarged ten times as much as Barry Lele shrouded on Barry Lele, making Barry Lele look more sacred and extraordinary.

The wind around Ye Chen and Barry Lele slowly grew, and both seemed to be shrouded in the wind.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Jie and Beili Beichuan all became serious. They looked at each other, and they couldn’t believe it. It seemed that Barry Lele had touched the power of the field, but how is this possible? She is still a blue marshal. Even if the presence of the purple peak martial king and the demon king is not necessarily able to reach the field, has the blue marshal’s Barry Lele already been contacted?

The two couldn’t help but think of the words before Barry Lele, the longer they stayed in this realm, the stronger the power was suppressed, and the stronger the power of the outbreak, it seems that Barry Lele really has a certain grasp Domain strength? ?

Baili Beichuan worried about Ye Chen. Before that, he still thought Ye Chen was OK, but as soon as Barry Lele’s initial exposure to the field came out, Bai Li Beichuan did not like Ye Chen, and he was even ready Ready to shoot at any time, because worried that Barry Lele seriously injured Ye Chen.

Just when Beili Beichuan was worried, Ye Chen frowned. This feeling is not wrong. When Wang Fatty and the Ice Toad Demon King fought last time, the Ice Toad Demon King was in the field of gravity, which seems to be this breath.

It’s just that the realm of Barry Lele is extremely small, just like a newborn baby. But even that is terrible.

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