Chaos Fiend

Chapter 153 - Arctic Star Emperor

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

The imperial emperor has not stopped the people who left, and those people still have a certain strength, especially the elders of the two major refining medicines and refining tools. There must be a lot of hole cards, plus the Xuanbing Crane King, which can cause them a lot of Casualties, these people are leaving now, reducing their unnecessary casualties!

And Zhu Gejie saw that the tinders in the Little Arctic Palace were preserved, and there was no worries. He originally thought that the barbarians would kill them all, but he did not expect that the barbarians actually let go of some of them. This also made him understand that they left these. I am afraid there is no way out! The point of victory is probably between him and the Emperor!

“Hey, it’s time for us to make a victory!” The pretty emperor smiled and rushed to the sky first. (((Catino Novel Network )))

Zhuge Jie followed closely behind, and the two fought in the sky!

The battle was extremely fierce, and the sound of thunder rang through the sky instantly.

Below, Wang Fatzi and Wu Yidao stopped in front of Man Xing Tian. Now Man Xing Tian is already the silver emperor. In addition, Man Xing Tian is a peerless genius who can challenge him and can only intercept him together.

Nevertheless, the barbarians of more than a hundred purple powerhouses have already started killing among the disciples in the Little Arctic Palace.

With the exception of individual geniuses and elders, almost no one can stop them.

“Brother Wang, Brother Wu, for so many years, your strength is still so weak.” The three also knew each other, and they saw the strength of the two and laughed at them.

“Weak strength does not mean weak attack power!” Wang Fatzi and Wu Yidao said.

“Is that so? I’d like to learn some lessons!” Barbara is not in a hurry, everyone in the Little Arctic Palace has fallen completely into the wind now, basically sticking to his teeth, but under this absolute strength gap, As long as you drag on for a while, the Little Arctic Palace will be completely destroyed. Their barbarians have waited too long for this moment. Of course, destroying the Little Arctic Palace is only the first step. The next step is to unify the Arctic ice field and return to Phoenix Continent!

“Yuanli Pill!” Wang Fatzi took his own Yuanli Pill, and all his fat was transformed into Yuanli, his breath was about to reach the peak of purple.

And Wu Yidao was wrapped in a huge knife, and the sharp breath made Wang Fat’s skin shave.

Wang Fatzi was surprised, and it was only a few days after the last test, Wu Yidao’s strength has increased again. Hey, with the talent of one knife, I should follow the sister Honglian to find a chance to leave, so I died here with myself, really Is worthless!

Even when Wang Fatzi sighed, Brute Sky was also slightly surprised, “Yes, yes, it seems that for many years, you have not lived in vain! So, I can be the master, Brother Wu, as long as you sincerely join our barbarians, I I can keep you safe! “

“Oh, different ways don’t work together! Since you did that 20 years ago, we can’t be friends!” Wu Yidao rejected directly.

“Then don’t blame me, Brother!” After Xing Xingtian finished speaking, he rushed savagely towards the two. The barbarians themselves were fierce and fierce symbols on the Phoenix continent, so they were driven to the extreme north by the Phoenix Emperor. Place, but the harsh environment of the extreme north has made the ferocious and powerful.

This collision of brutality is a real human beast! Even that stout muscle flashed a metallic sheen.

“I’m here to restrain!” At this time, Yuan Fat has reached his own peak, “North Pole Stars!”

Wang Fatzi uses the Arctic Star Technique to wave his Arctic Star Sword, and cuts to the body of the wild Xingtian!

However, the Arctic Star Sword was cut on the barbarian sky, but the sound of metal crashing was made!

Wang Fatzi did not expect that with his full strength, even the brutal skin did not break.

The barbaric skin is already equivalent to a silver weapon! At the level of barbaric sky, even people of the same level cannot hurt him, unless he is too high.

“Hey!” Barbara smirked, a pair of big hands grabbing Wang Fat’s neck!

On the other hand, this time is enough for Wu Yidao!

“A knife in the sky and a ground, breaking the ground!” Wu Yidao turned into a giant sword in the ground.

The huge blade shone with a chilling chill, which made Wang Fatzi extremely uncomfortable, and he couldn’t help thinking about the growing gap between him and Wu Yidao, like a smart rabbit, quickly avoiding the wild attack.

Although Wang Xingtian’s attack was avoided by Wang Xingtian, he did not continue to pursue, but waved to block Wu Yidao’s attack.

With a stab, the skin on Barbara ’s arm is cut like a cloth, but that ’s it, because after breaking the skin, he ca n’t cut it anymore!

“Yes, yes!” Barbara revealed his appreciation, “Brother Wu, I still say that, as long as you agree, the barbarians open their arms to you, and when we unify the Phoenix continent, all the humans in the Phoenix continent will be delivered You rule! “

“Haha, don’t be fooled by dreams!” Wang Fatzi said disdain, “Our little Arctic Palace is now only one of the three major forces of the Arctic Icefield. In the middle of the mainland and the three empires, which empire is not far beyond our small Arctic Palace, even if it is in 10,000 At the peak of the Arctic Palace, it is estimated that it can only be compared with one of the three major empires now, because of your barbarians? Still want to unify the Phoenix continent? “

“It ’s impossible for our barbarians!” Barbara did not deny, “But do n’t forget, it was not only our barbarians, but also the western demons and the southern hundred that were driven out of the center of the mainland by the Phoenix Emperor! What if we all attack together? Do you think the three empires can still be blocked? “

Wang Fatzi stopped talking, if that’s the case, it would be terrible!

And just when the two were talking, Wu Yidao shot again. “Dare to talk at this time? Take my strongest move, kill the world, kill the world!”

This time, Wu Yidao ’s giant sword has a ground-breaking potential. The power of a sword is dozens of times stronger than before!

“Sneak attack me!” Even though Fang Xingtian was furious, he faced a knife that was dozens of times more powerful than before, and waited for it without any slackness.

“Oh, what is the attack on life and death now?” After Wu Yidao two swords out, there is no breath. This is also the strongest one at present. !!

“Icy Demon!” When the battle sky broke into the sky, a large amount of black ice emerged from the sky, protecting his torso.

It turned out that the barbarians had cultivated the flesh on the Phoenix continent. After the emperor rushed the barbarians to the far north, the barbarians realized the other ways of refining and cooperated with the extremely cold environment in the north to cultivate the black. Bingbinghan Demon, but this can only be practiced by the senior members of the barbarians, and this method is also practiced in Dianqing.

Obviously, the practice of the barbaric sky is much more powerful than that of the celebration, and the thick black ice condenses directly in front of the barbaric sky, just like a giant shield.

The decisive blow was also cut at this time.

Knife-shield slamming first made a squeaking sound, followed by a squeaking sound like an egg breaking.

Of course, the black ice shield was broken at this time. After a little shattering, the whole black ice shield was like glass, and it was all cracked!

Barbaric Sky was horrified, but his arms appeared cross-shaped above the sky, and the sky was broken. After the black ice shield was broken, all the remaining power screamed and crossed Barbara ’s arms!

In the next second, he saw that Xingxingtian flew with his arms and flesh. The body of Xingxingtian slipped back and forth under the sky, and then stopped after it slipped back to dozens of meters!

And the people or barbarians in the small Arctic palaces along the way died under the sky.

After the barbaric sky is completely stabilized, he will find that his body is shaking constantly, and his arms are only left with bones.

“Strong, very strong, you are really strong, I am really reluctant to kill you now! But I know that you will not join our barbarians, so you ca n’t stay like this genius! You must die!” Barbara said The smile was even more horrible. Although his arms were left with bones, he could still easily control them, although he looked extremely penetrating.

Of course, Wu Xingtian will not use his bones to kill Wu Yidao.

Instead, the whole person bounced up again, a pair of legs that were as thin as a giant elephant, and stepped on Wu Yidao from the sky.

“Oh.” Wu Yidao has consumed all his strength now. He is now like a lamb to be slaughtered. He also closes his eyes. He just hopes that his brother can live in peace before he dies.

“If you want to live, you can’t die if I die!” At this moment, Wang Fatzi stood in front of Wu Yidao and pushed Wu Yidao out.

“Hum!” Barbara snorted quietly, and stepped on a pair of giant feet.

Wang Fatty could have been fighting, but because Wu Yidao was pushed out, he had no power to escape at all, and he could only fight hard with Man Xingtian!

Wang Fatzi mobilized the strength of the whole body, once again condensed into a fat body, completely changed into a defensive posture.

“Boom!” In the next second, Barbara ’s giant foot had stepped on Wang Fatzi, sounding like a cannonball, Wang Fat was stepped on the ground, and then Barbara stomped his foot, Wang Fat was completely breathless. .

Similarly, the ground is like an earthquake because of the trampling force of the wild walking giant feet.

Wu Yidao, who was originally pushed out by Wang Fatzi, was stunned by the force of the earthquake.

“I can’t help it!” Bruce hummed softly, his eyes converging into the sky.

A bang sounded as if in response to the brutality, Zhu Gejie’s old figure fell down from the sky!

Zhuge Jieben is about to reach the limit, and his strength is declining. Because of the Baili Beichuan incident, he has to stand out and retake the small Arctic Palace. This time he was attacked by the imperial emperor. In addition, the imperial imperial power was above him. Winning and losing.

“Master, it seems that we are really trying to escape today, and we will become sinners in the Little Arctic Palace!” After falling from the sky, Zhuge Jie flew to Baili Beichuan.

“Well, we can only say sorry to all our ancestors to die!” Baili Beichuan nodded.

“Let’s let our two old guys die together, but we can’t make each other better before we die!” Zhuge Jie said, “Let’s see the last card of our little Arctic Palace! I sacrifice me Zhuge Jie and Shibai Li Beichuan, summon the ancestor of the Arctic Star Emperor, and destroy the enemy in front of him! “

Just as Zhuge Jie’s words fell, he and Baili Beichuan appeared blue light of stars, the fire of the stars, burning them to ashes. At the same time, a transparent figure wearing a blue robe appeared above the two men’s original standing position.

He wears a star crown and a majestic face, which is exactly the idea of ​​the Arctic Palace founder, Arctic Star Emperor, who appeared after the sacrifice of Zhu Gejie and Baili Beichuan.

“Death!” A dead word without any emotion was spit out from the Arctic Star Emperor’s thoughts, and a burst of light from the stars centered on the Arctic Star Emperor. Similarly, the thought of the Arctic Star Emperor was finished After the word, disappeared without a trace.

Of course, the light of the stars is not chic, just like a sharp sword penetrates all the people standing along the road. Of course, the people in the Little Arctic Palace are dying. The power of each light of the stars is equivalent to the silver one star emperor. There are about a thousand stars of light! Very fast, launching irregularly in all directions!

“Abominable! You are all behind me!” Manhuang originally thought that the winning ticket was in his hands, but he did not expect that Zhuge Jie had such cards in his hands. His body, which was close to five meters high, instantly became fifty meters high, blocking this direction. The light of all the stars!

“Retreat first! Take away all the dead people …” The pretty emperor carried the full light of the stars, but his body was shot like a horse honeycomb, his breath weakened. As for his barbarian warriors, hundreds of people have died because of the light of the stars just now, and all the people in the Little Arctic Palace have perished.

However, Barbara did not know if Zhuge Jie sacrificed himself before he sacrificed himself, and a part of the light of the stars shot at him. He was originally a bone in his arms and was directly penetrated by the light of the stars, but his power was It wasn’t enough to kill him, it could only hurt him.

Under the command of the barbaric emperor, the barbarians quickly evacuated.

Although the pretty emperor suffered heavy losses this time, there will be no gains. After all, the next attack on the underworld palace and Qian Jue Zong will definitely not be the case. Maybe the two forces will definitely have the same cards as the Little Arctic Palace. .

Wait until he recovers from injury, come back! The Arctic ice sheet will be the world of their barbarians.


Ye Chen was taken close to the Phoenix Empire. The silver Emperor Emperor can cross a long distance for an hour or two, but Ye Chen ca n’t. Ye Chen can only use the wings and wings of the Phoenix to reach the purple nine-star. Speed, but again, the two can only be used together for more than a dozen times. With more than a dozen times his elemental power will be used up, so he uses the normal speed of the blue nine stars to rush.

But it was a day after the little Arctic Palace.

A day later, Ye Chen saw a small arctic palace full of corpses and corpses, her eyes suddenly became red, and her heart became angry.

“What’s going on ?!” Ye Chen even roared with his words. The Little Arctic Palace counted as his second home, but he did not expect such a thing to happen.

“I don’t know.” After all, Heihei is not a god. He doesn’t know the past, especially if the corpses of the barbarian warriors have been taken away. I don’t know what happened.

“Look if there are any living people!” Although Ye Chen was very angry, she forced herself to calm down. After all, if she wanted to know what happened, first of all, she had to check whether she was alive.

“Master, there is a living person …” Xiao Hei helped Ye Chen glance around through the chaotic magic beads, and he actually found a living mouth.

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