Chaos Fiend

Chapter 88 - Annihilation

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

“Liu Ershao, do you mean to kill as much as possible?” Wang Hu slowly calmed down from the most angry look. (((Catino Novel Network )))

“Ha ha, of course not.” Liu Feidao, “Just give me your daughter to play, I will let you go.”

“You look for death!” Wang Hu was provoked again!

And Liu Fei and the people behind him looked at Wang Hu as if they were looking at a fool.

Wang Luoting stood up and said, “Father, this incident was caused by me. It has nothing to do with everyone, so let me solve it.”

“Luo Ting, you are my daughter, how could I be wronged?” Wang Hu said, “I will defend you today even if my father died here!”

“Yes, miss, I will defend you even if we die here today!” The servants who can leave with Wang Hu are naturally loyal and have already put aside life and death!

“You, you.” Wang Luoting was very moved, but still said, “The father, your friends, they are innocent, we can’t involve them!”

“Luo Ting, you’re right, we can’t get them involved.” Wang Hu said, “Ye Chen and Zhongtian, brothers, let’s go. The other party’s goal is us, and we shouldn’t embarrass you.”

“Uncle Wang Hu, what are you talking about?” Ye Chen said uncomfortably. “When my brother was in trouble before, you also helped maintain it. Now that you have trouble, you just let us leave. Impossible.”

“Yes, Uncle Wang Hu, this group of people robbed the people and dared to come and kill them. The second generation of my trousers didn’t dare to do this. They dare. I will see what they can do! “Yang Zhongtian said.

“You guys, you don’t need to do this.” Wang Hu sighed. “You still have a bright future, you and your brother …”

“Uncle Wang Hu, needless to say! We are going back to Qingshi City with you!” Ye Chen resolutely said.

And Ye Qike said, “Uncle Wang Hu, I listen to my brother!”

Zhou Mingdao, “Yeke is my apprentice! I support everything!”

“Thank you, and thank you, Ye Brothers. In that case, today I will let go of this old life!” Wang Hu was infected by everyone, infected by Ye Chen’s firm attitude, and a long time has disappeared Years of pride have also been born from the bottom of my heart. For family and friends, we must go out alive! And Wang Hu’s heart has made the worst plan, that is, he died, leaving Ye Chen and Luo Ting to leave alive!

“Papapa!” Liu Fei slaps his palms, agreeing, “It’s a touching scene! Unfortunately, some people just can’t help it and always think about something unrealistic. Today I will tell you, you No one can run away! “

“Hmm! You dare to say such a big word?” Wang Hu stood out from the crowd, showing the strength of the blue four-star marshal.

“Oh, I’m trousers, but I have men, brothers, come on!”

With a wave of Liu Fei, more than a dozen men quickly rushed over on unicorns. At the same time, the Yuanli badges were lit. The weakest were all cyan four-star generals. The blue marshal also had seven or eight. The strongest one. Even the blue Qixing Wushuai.

Seeing so many strong players, Wang Hu is not surprised. After all, this is Liu Fei’s long-planned plan, and he must be far superior to them.

Wang Hu stared at the strongest blue seven-star marshal and greeted him.

Although he is full of pride, but for so many years in the Chamber of Commerce, his strength has already degraded. Although it looks like a blue star, the actual combat effectiveness is not as good as the blue star.

Wang Hu was crushed as soon as he was greeted. If it wasn’t for the blue seven-star marshal who was teasing Wang Hu, I am afraid that Wang Hu would be knocked down in a few seconds.

As for Wang Hu’s domestic servants, the strongest was not the blue generals, and those guards who had some strength were also dismissed. Now these people have almost no effect.

Wang Huoting’s daughters, Wang Luoting and Ye Qike, are just the strength of the green warrior, and Yang Zhongtian has just been a blue general. The three can only fight the weakest blue general.

Zhou Ming also stopped one of the weakest blue marshals. After all, he was only a blue one marshal, especially after so long. In order to take care of Ye Qike, he did not practice much, and his strength was barely strong, and A blue marshal got stuck.

But don’t forget, there are more than a dozen people on the other side. Now a group of talents are entangled with so few people, and there are still seven or eight people left!

On the side of his side, Ye Chen himself is left. Now Ye Chen does not stand up, who else can stand up?

Ye Chen’s double fists condensed Xuan Bingbing Sha, and rushed to the remaining people! Last time, he and the robber leader of the Purple King Wu took a hard blow and were seriously injured. Although it was just a random hit by the robber leader, they also had the strength of the blue nine-star marshal, which also allowed Ye Chen to control his own strength. With a clear understanding, even if there are seven or eight people in the other party, as long as he is careful and coupled with the soft armor of ice jade, the other party will definitely be destroyed!

The other party was naturally not too particular about it. When he saw Ye Chen greeted by himself, all of his brain attacked Ye Chen.

“Come here!” Ye Chen yelled, and Phoenix spread his wings. He found that, in addition to his own accidents, martial arts can only be improved rapidly in battle.

The wingspan of the Phoenix is ​​suitable for such a small place of melee, and it is extremely convenient to move around. In addition, he wears soft jade armor and does not care about the attack of seven or eight people. Even if he is wiped, he does not care.

Ye Chen ’s Hell Lion Boxing is heavy and heavy, coupled with Xuan Bing Bing Sha, as long as he hits the other side, the other side will vomit blood backwards, especially the blue warrior, will punch down.

But after all, seven or eight people besieged him. Even if he injured one person, someone would come to fill the gap in an instant to protect the injured person. The injured person could rest for a few seconds before joining the clan.

Of course, two blue generals have been beaten down by Ye Chen, and now only the blue marshal is besieging Ye Chen.

The remaining blue marshal also found Ye Chen’s intractable, not only flexible, but also fist powerful, more importantly, even if they hit Ye Chen, they did not hurt or itch, and could not hurt Ye Chen at all.

The annoying thing is that Liu Ershao is staring at the back, one by one, trying his best to kill Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen has ice jade soft armor, they still can’t hurt Ye Chen!

The remaining blue marshal was frowning, as was Ye Chen. With the combined efforts of five people, he couldn’t solve it at all.

But the power of the dragon roar in the beast sound tactics, he couldn’t be clearer, and he can calm the ordinary blue one-star marshal like Chen Yiping. If he uses it now, he can also kill a few low-level blue marshals. , But the middle-level marshal can’t help it.

However, Ye Chen also practiced the introduction of virtual magic skills, so Ye Chen tried the power of virtual magic skills with beast sound skills!

Although his strongest now is the dragon dragon roar, he can’t simulate the dragon dragon, but it doesn’t matter. Under the dragon dragon, he is a big snake monster, he can simulate the big snake monster, using the dragon dragon roar.

If you want to do it, Ye Chen first opened a position with a few blue marshals, and then all his mental powers were mobilized. “Virtual magic skills, animal sound tactics, howling dragons!”

As Ye Chen’s words fell, a lifelike, white and white snake formed in the void, and opened his mouth instantly, and the dragon roared out.

The remaining few blue marshals did not understand what was going on, and a huge spiritual impact came over them.

A few people only felt as if a gust of wind was blowing, all of their seven tricks bleed, stood still on the ground, and if they looked carefully, they had completely lost their vitality.

And Ye Chen’s mental power was completely exhausted. Although she had the power, her mind was empty and even stinging, and her strength could not be exerted much.

But the effect was unexpectedly good. Ye Chen was even more attentive to the practice of virtual magic skills, and he was very strange. He didn’t know where such a powerful magic skill was obtained from Beibeichuan. Weak, virtual magic skills and beast sound skills are really tailored for him.

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