Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 30: Clash of Fates

CG Chapter 30: Clash of Fates.


Tom sprinted forward without turning back, resisting the urge to witness the epic battle that was about to unfold behind him.


"Will he make it out alive? And how many of those cultists do you think he can take down before they overwhelm him?" Tom inquired of Noor, his voice tinged with hope for any form of insight.


Lacking substantial data, Noor responded, "Considering that Tian Chang concealed his abilities throughout your time with him, I'm unable to draw any conclusions. Moreover, my knowledge of the cultists' strength is quite limited."








The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two combatants stood locked in a silent battle of wills. Tian Chang's breaths were heavy as they hung in the air. They mingled with the scent of dust and conflict. His shoulders shifted left and right while his gaze stayed fixated on Monolith's movements.


On the other side, Monolith exuded an air of unwavering confidence, as if he hadn't spared a second thought for this battle. Yet beneath this façade, his breaths were uncertain, and his eyes danced with hesitation. After all, the person he was about to face was his former leader, someone who had saved his life multiple times and had been a companion who walked alongside him for what seemed like an eon.


A gust of wind swept through the battlefield, carrying with it a bittersweet promise of change. The wind whispered secrets, promises of a bloody ending for all who were near. It tousled the warriors' hair while rustling the leaves of trees.


The duo's scar-riddled forms advanced, their movements graceful and deliberate. The scars etched into their flesh seemed to writhe like living things, telling tales of the battles they had fought. The echoes of their past battles resonated in the air, reminding the observers of their skills and experience.


Monolith spoke first, his voice clear and commanding, breaking through the charged silence. "Tian Chang, it's time. Our battle has been delayed for long enough. Today, only one of us will survive, and whether I die by your hands or live to take your life, I, Monolith, will finally find my long-awaited answer--the answer that I have been searching for all these years."


Tian Chang simply responded by nodding. He sheathed his anger and hid any emotion that would disturb this long-awaited battle.


"To hate yet not underestimate."


"To desire bloodshed while maintaining self-control."


"To hide all emotions."


"Only a warrior who possesses both patience and wit can rise to the top, seizing the opportunities presented by the enemy to take him down."


Tian Chang dusted his body as if he had shaken off all the rust accumulated during his rest. Memories of the years he spent training and the countless hours he dedicated to refining and sharpening his own unique martial arts flickered through his mind. Tian Chang was no stranger to adversity; throughout his life, he faced numerous obstacles and challenges. His 'Eight Predatory Rings' weren't predatory by choice; instead, his art became stained by the blood of the countless people he had killed. He was once a killing machine, a marionette that worked solely for the organization's benefit.


The initial strike tore through the air, igniting the fire that signaled the start of the fight. Monolith's technique was masterful, each movement of his precise and calculated, a testament to his years of experience. And yet, with every blow he delivered, he was met with an unwavering wall.


Tian Chang matched each assault with equal determination. His unorthodox tricks defied the natural order.


Their opposing styles clashed in a strange harmony of movement, the echo of each blow reverberating through the air. The village itself seemed to join the chorus, its buildings shuddering as if protesting the violence that was unfolding upon its once tranquil streets. The wind played the role of a constant companion; it howled and bore the weight of the battle's significance.


The battle raged on, a symphony of skill and determination. Monolith and Tian Chang seemed to move as one; a mutual understanding of movements was born as the two became dance partners. Each action, each strike, held a deeper meaning. It was an unspoken dialogue between two friends who, under the strings of fate and greater forces, had become mortal enemies.


Monolith's orthodox 'Eight Sealed Rings' technique clashed with Tian Chang's unorthodox 'Eight Predatory Rings.' Each strike of the duo signified their different and distinct paths."


Monolith attempted to launch a fatal strike at Tian Chang's abdomen. However, his attack was futile as Tian Chang used 'Death's Embrace' to redirect the assault against him, causing significant damage to Monolith's face and resulting in the loss of a couple of teeth.


Monolith spat out his broken teeth as he roared, "Tian Chang, don't you dare. Don't you dare think that you are better than me just because you landed a single attack."


Consumed by rage, Monolith swiftly drew a concealed weapon and launched it at Tian Chang, unleashing an attack.


The weapon reached Tian Chang swiftly, puncturing his right leg, which made him lose part of his mobility.


"Is this what you call a fair fight? What do you think you're going to prove by using such tactics?" Tian Chang asked, his voice tinged with rage, fully aware that killers have no honor to speak of.


"What do you want?" Monolith chuckled. "It's not like I said we'd be limiting ourselves to only our fists, did I?" he asked mockingly, firing another weapon at Tian Chang. However, this time, Tian Chang skillfully evaded the attack, having deciphered Monolith's true intentions.


Monolith's attacks came like calculated thunder, each strike a masterstroke in the art of combat. His movements carried the weight of battles past, a testament to his experience. Tian Chang, on the other hand, matched him with a seasoned predator, each parry and counter a testament to his tenacity and intuition, reminiscent of a precise and deadly beast. Monolith, like a graceful cat, executed his strikes that were full of wild elegance.


As the battle reached its peak, the sweat of the duo mingled with the dirt on their skin, a sign of the fatigue that started to settle in. Monolith's controlled facade slipped; beneath it lay a warrior straining against his own doubt. In contrast, Tian Chang's raw ferocity held steady, driven by his need to protect and survive. With his opponents outnumbering him, Tian Chang became a cornered beast, fighting with desperate intensity.


Monolith's voice broke the rhythm of battle, determination lacing his words. "Tian Chang, I will win no matter what … You have overtaken me for long enough."


Tian Chang's response was wordless, a fierce, primal roar that encapsulated his resolve. He surged forward, tapping into his last reserves. Monolith countered with an intricate sequence, every move meticulously crafted, but underneath the precision, his spirit wavered.


The two forces collided once more, and the clash rippled through the air, a testament to the struggle within their souls. The battlefield seemed to pulse in rhythm with their heartbeats, trees, and buildings bearing witness to their strife.


Tian Chang's movements gained additional momentum, fueled by determination and despair. With a series of rapid, unpredictable strikes, he suddenly broke through Monolith's defenses, forcing him back to a corner. Monolith felt that his strength dwindled and that his techniques were faltering as he reached his end.


Tian Chang felt that the moment was ripe, as he seized it without hesitation. With a final strike, he shattered Monolith's guard, leaving him open. A final, resounding blow connected, sending Monolith crashing to the ground.








Tian Chang stood indifferent to his exhaustion as he knew that there were more enemies to face. His body bore the scars of battle, and blood flowed from his wounds like a river as he looked down at the lying Monolith.


The two shared their final glances, a fleeting moment where chaotic emotions of love and hate intertwined.


"You... surpassed me. It appears that this will always be my fate. I will forever be your second," the words spilled from Monolith's lips, mingling with the blood he coughed up.


"I want you to know… that I."


"You don't need to speak. I've never underestimated you," Tian Chang's eyes glistened. They were slightly watery, a result of the smoke swirling in the air, or so he convinced himself.


Monolith's smile formed as he absorbed his former friend's words. Shifting his gaze to his new team, he issued his final directive, "Colossus, Whisper. This is my last command to both of you. Stand down and allow Tian Chang to depart unscathed. Well, aside from the injuries I caused."


With those words spoken, he glanced at Tian Chang and chuckled for the final time.




Tian Chang was absorbed in the depth of this heartwarming scene, unaware that on the opposite side of the village, a slim and skinny figure stared at him with eyes resembling a viper's that brimmed with lethal intent.

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