Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 32: Echoes of Destiny

CG Chapter 32: Echoes of Destiny

Tian Chang's battle with Colossus and Whisper not only aggravated the wounds he suffered during his first battle but also inflicted new injuries. His body was battered and broken as he staggered toward the cave where he and Tom had trained. He thought that just maybe, in this unforgiving world, that place would shelter them from its harsh winds.

His journey to the cave was far from easy; every step was accompanied by an excruciating amount of pain. Tian Chang was driven by a turbulent mix of love and hate. He despised 'The Covenant of Ennead' for the pain they had inflicted on him and his family, yet he loathed himself even more for his weakness and his inability to protect his loved ones.

"I'm going to see them for one final time," he thought, determined to ensure their well-being as he disregarded his pain.


Each heavy step brought Tian Chang closer to the cave. After what felt like an eternity to him, he reached the cave's entrance. As he rested his hand against its walls, he could barely support himself.




As his eyes darted anxiously around the cave, he searched for the two individuals who, with a simple smile of theirs, could turn his darkest day into sheer happiness.

"Li…" His voice trembled from fatigue. He couldn't even utter her name.

Silence hung in the cave, with no response from any man or woman. It seemed lifeless, a stark contrast to its previous self. It seemed that it forgot the boy who once filled its walls with passion and determination.

"Long… please… anyone," Tian Chang's desperation grew, and for the first time in his life, he felt utterly lost. The relentless fight he had waged to ensure their survival now seemed futile.


Tian Chang's limbs grew heavy, and slowly, he sank to his knees on the damp soil, his eyes closing as he sensed his strength waning.



Moments before the grim reaper could claim his scythe back, Tian Chang heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

"He's alive," a gentle, familiar voice reached his ears, and with renewed hope, he allowed his body to be cradled.



"Wake up. Don't leave me alone," Tian Chang's eyes fluttered open to find a woman clutching his hand. His body was adorned with various herbs and peculiar mixtures.

Upon seeing the two figures beside him, he couldn't help but smile. That smile gradually transformed into laughter, filling the cave with warmth.

"Don't laugh, you idiot. Your wounds will reopen," the woman scolded him, her tone masking her concern.

As Tian Chang extended his right hand to caress her face, he whispered, "In my life, I have never seen a woman more beautiful than you, nor have I met a healer with greater abilities than you. If I can feel it, I'm sure you can too. My time is near, and I don't have much…" He trailed off as he began to cough up blood.

"No, I won't let you die like this. I can save you," Li Mei said confidently, but her wavering voice betrayed her disbelief. "Please, don't."

"I know it would be selfish of me to ask you this, but I hope that you won't mourn my death. Instead, I wish for you to cherish and smile at the moments we shared. Who would have thought that two strangers from different worlds would fall in love and live together peacefully in a remote village for so many years? And that their love would bear such a fine man." Tian Chang tried to turn his face toward Tom, but his body wouldn't comply with him. Tom noticed this as he stepped closer.

"The clock is ticking, and my time is running out. I'll keep this short as I don't have time for long farewells. I hope you can forgive me," Tian Chang uttered, his voice trembling with emotion.


When I was young, my village was burned down, much like what happened here. Back then, I thought they were simply a bunch of bandits driven by greed for our limited resources. From the depths of our despair, 'The Octavian Society' arrived, clad in white armor, and rescued us. Once they gathered hundreds of children in an unknown location, they delivered a speech about their ideology, claiming we were the chosen ones who would bring peace to this corrupted world.

After the speech, they separated us into groups, taking us to 'The Caves.' Each child received their own personal room. At the time, I saw it as a luxury, but now I understand they wanted to isolate us for easier brainwashing. They dressed us in black clothes with an emblem of nine rings. Mornings were dedicated to our ideological brainwashing education, and nights were for relentless training to improve our skills. As my skills grew, I became a member of 'The Triad,' known for our skill and loyalty. We served directly under 'The Eight Keepers.' After a while, I even became its leader, with Monolith as my right hand.

But I didn't grasp the depth of what was happening at the time. 'The Eight Keepers' summoned me and Monolith to their meeting room, with veils covering their faces and nine giant chains. A chain connected under each chair, while the largest one was in the middle, separating them into two groups of four. They slowly revealed the true nature of 'The Octavian Society' to us. I should have realized they weren't heroes when they made me kill mothers and snatch their children. The true purpose of 'The Covenant of Ennead' was to unseal 'The Sealed One,' whom they believed created mankind and was sealed by some giant eyeball. I should have listened to my heart, but their brainwashing was too strong. I should have seen that they were simply a bunch of madmen and that they were a cult.

I only saw their true nature when I wanted to leave because I found the love of my life. After he uttered the word 'life,'" Tian Chang lost his own. He closed his eyes, finally at peace.



"Ahhhhhhhh!" Li Mei's anguished cry filled the cave, leaving even Tom stuttering.

The scene before him, with Li Mei holding Tian Chang, reminded Tom of the 'Evanors' bird.

'Evanors birds mate for life. When one dies, the other flies to the highest altitude possible, then closes its wings and falls, choosing death over living in a world without its soulmate.'

Tom recalled a poem often associated with these magnificent creatures, reflecting their unwavering loyalty:

"It's silent now, our voices are of no more,


Once, we soared high, but now, they broke your wing, and mine they tore.


Drib, drop, goodbye, my beloved, as I bid this world adieu,


Farewell to my friend, my lover, your absence, I will forever miss."

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