Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 34: Fragments of Self

CG Chapter 34: Fragments of Self

The morning sun had ascended above the cave's entrance, banishing the lingering darkness and unveiling the sanctuary within the cavern. Its golden rays penetrated the depths of the cave, imbuing the stone walls with warmth and vitality.

As the sun's gentle caress graced their faces, both Tom and Li Mei began to stir. The fatigue that had weighed them down from their previous day's adventures seemed to have dissipated overnight. It was as if the very touch of the morning sun had breathed renewed vitality into their beings.

Tom's eyes fluttered open, and as his gaze met the serene beauty of the sunlit cave, a rare smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The sunlight danced in his eyes, infusing him with an inexplicable sense of hope. He allowed himself to savor the simple joy of being alive in the tranquil moments before his consciousness fully returned.

However, Tom's happiness was short-lived. On the opposite side of the cave, Li Mei's eyes snapped open with sudden intensity. Her abrupt awakening was followed by an ear-piercing scream that shattered the tranquil morning silence, echoing through the cavern's chambers.

"Ahhhhhh!" Her voice carried the anguish of a thousand sorrows. "Tian Chang, Mother…"

"Why, why, why did you leave me all alone? Why…" 

The teardrops streamed down Li Mei's beautiful face, mingling with her snot to create a raw, visceral blend of anguish. It was as if a floodgate of grief had burst open within her, releasing an uncontrollable torrent of pain and heartache.

Tom watched the scene that played in front of him with shock, not understanding how her state changed so suddenly.

'This doesn't make any sense,' Tom mused, his analytical mind racing to comprehend the situation. 'I thought she had developed some kind of psychological barrier around the memories of their deaths. Unless... unless what she developed wasn't a barrier at all, but rather...'

'No, I mustn't come to any conclusion just yet, and if I truly want to be certain,' Tom decided, 'I'll need to conduct further tests.'

Tom moved slowly and deliberately towards the weeping Li Mei, although the pace of his approach hardly mattered, for she was deep within the abyss of her despair, unaware of his presence. Her cries of anguish continued, each wail laced with a profound sense of loss.

As Tom stood behind her, his sinister hands reached out to her neck with a careful intent to render her unconscious.

With a calculated touch, Tom's fingers found the precise pressure points on Li Mei's neck, and he applied just enough force to induce unconsciousness. He was aware that Li Mei's unique condition made her vulnerable in this state, and he intended to use it to his advantage.

As Li Mei's body went limp in his grasp, her sobs and cries ceased, replaced by an eerie silence that enveloped the cave. Tom's face remained impassive, revealing nothing of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface. 

'Most psychological traumas have some kind of trigger that can suddenly change the behavior of the people that it affects. This trigger can shift the state of the patient from a peaceful and loving person to a beast that can only see destruction in moments like these. They will do anything to defend themselves from their environment.' Tom carefully examined Li Mei's body. '

Now, what might your trigger be?'

Tom gave it his all as he tried to find out what caused Li Mei's state to suddenly worsen after she was all peaceful yesterday. Unfortunately for him, his effort bore no fruit as he couldn't figure out anything.

'Noor, anything?' Tom inquired, his voice tinged with a glimmer of hope.

[Zero results]

Tom sighed. However, he refused to give up. After all, this was far from the worst situation he had faced. He knew that in the future, he would face even harsher challenges. Lost in his mind, Tom didn't notice Li Mei's eyes flickering as they slowly opened up again.

"Long, where is your father? I thought he would come back by now?" Li Mei asked him with a worried tone, unaware of the turbulent whirlpool of emotions that he was feeling.

Tom's head snapped around abruptly when he heard her ask this question. 'What the fuck is going on?' He thought.


"He will return soon, don't worry about it. He told me that he needed to gather a couple of herbs for a weird mixture of his." Tom answered innocently.

Li Mei smiled at him once she heard that and asked, 'Well since he might take a while, is there anything you want to do?' waiting for him to reply…

A moment of silence passed as Li Mei waited for the answer while Tom took his time thinking. Unexpectedly, Li Mei didn't interrupt his train of thought as she waited patiently on the side.

'Morning… Stress… Trauma… Peaceful and Chaotic. Finally,' Tom thought, filled with joy at his sudden realization. 'She developed a dissociative identity disorder from what happened, and the cause of her sudden change in personality has to do with morning. I am not quite sure, though. I might need to knock her out each day.'

As he gathered his thoughts together, Tom took a deep breath heavily and gave Li Mei a smile.

"You know," Tom began with a heartfelt sincerity in his voice, "I've always yearned to learn the art of healing from you. Can I?" His eyes met Li Mei's, revealing a genuine eagerness to embark on this new path.

Li Mei didn't expect this sudden request. However, after seeing his innocent face, she couldn't help herself from agreeing to any of his demands.

"Fine, but I won't accept anything other than exemplary results from my son. Are you okay with that?" She asked, her tone both demanding and encouraging.

Once he heard her agreeing to his request, his smile grew even wider as he gave her a hug.

This moment painted a beautiful picture of the mother and son bond. However, the thoughts of the people in this picture were utterly different.

The duo sat down as Li Mei began her explanation of this new path.

"As you've seen before, I use herbs extensively to create various concoctions. However, that's not where my true expertise lies. If I were only skilled in herbology, I'd be merely an apothecary or an alchemist," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. 

She paused for a moment, as if reminiscing about her past experiences, before continuing, "My primary focus is the use of precise finger techniques to target critical points on the body, inducing specific effects. Initially, it may seem like this skill is limited to pain relief. But as you progress and reach its pinnacle, you gain the ability to control and redirect the flow of blood from certain areas. This can be a lifesaver in cases of severe injuries or even loss of limbs. This is the true power of the 'Blossom Fingers,' and though the name might not carry the same martial resonance as your father's art, this healing technique of mine has saved more lives than his has taken."

Tom chose to disregard the latter portion of her revelation, recognizing that Li Mei's current state was far from ordinary.





As days melted into weeks, the cave continued to cradle Tom and Li Mei, a sanctuary where Tom delved deeper into the mysteries of the 'Blossom Fingers' in his pursuit of the art of healing.

Tom's understanding of this newfound art deepened, and his mastery of it continued to grow. The passage of time was marked not by the sun's rise and fall but by the progress he made in his journey, a testament to his unwavering dedication to knowledge.


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