Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 42: Welcome back, Young Lord

CG Chapter 42: Welcome back, Young Lord


Rain fell through the night as if there were no tomorrow, each droplet dancing with the wind that shook the trees. Undeterred, the resilient voices of soldiers persisted, echoing through the relentless storm without care.


"Focus, keep your back straight, soldier."


 "You, over there, keep your legs steady."


 From within the castle, the commands of a fierce captain echoed through its hallways, reaching beyond the outer walls. 


"We're finally here, huh?" a crimson-haired young man asked. 


Tom's body had become exceptionally fit after days of training. In just a few short days, he nearly reclaimed the height that he had achieved at his peak. Like a bird freed after years of captivity, Tom felt that he could finally soar through the skies. The shackles that once bound him were now gone. At last, he could surpass his cursed mortality. 


"Welcome back, Master," Alfred exclaimed, happiness welled within him at the sight of his Master's return.


Tom nodded his head before moving towards the castle, 'I am afraid that some people won't be happy after they see that their plans have failed. Well, it's not like they have long to live anyway.'


After recognizing Alfred's familiar face, the two guards at the gate wanted to console him for the death of his Master. After all, the thought of the trash of Flameheart coming back after such a dangerous mission wasn't something they could even consider. 


Fortunately for them, a young man walked behind Alfred before they could utter a word, leaving them too startled to speak. They were certain that the firstborn would die. However, witnessing him enter the castle before their eyes, they could only exchange questioning glances.


The reactions of the soldiers training inside the castle were no different than those of the guards. They stopped their training once they laid eyes upon Tom. The thing that returned them to their training was:


"Soldiers, focus! Am I training pigs or what? Instead of welcoming the return of the young lord by showcasing your hard work, all I see is a group of pathetic kids playing around."


Captain Reynard was as surprised as the soldiers, if not more so. After all, he was once his instructor and knew well how weak the firstborn was. However, after years of working among the nobility, he understood that maintaining appearances was of utmost importance.


Amidst the soldiers' bewildered expressions, the unexpected interruption prompted them to snap back to reality. Speaking in unison, their cries echoed far and wide: "Welcome back, young lord!"


"Well done. You may continue with your training." Tom displayed a gloomy face as he started to walk; however, he suddenly stopped near the soldiers. "I am going to hold a funeral at midnight for the dead crew and guards. I hope that you will come to honor the souls of the fallen."


Seeing the respectful gestures of their lord, the soldiers thought that he had changed, as the original Edward wouldn't have cared even if they died here and there. This made his image grow a bit in their hearts. However, it was still far from enough to change their minds. The poor impression that Edward left was too strong, and their trust wasn't so easily gained.


The moment Tom stopped, Reynard noticed something different about his body. After he focused, he observed that Tom's bony arms had now become quite muscular, and his body had changed drastically since he left for the voyage. He considered asking Tom about it but decided against it, understanding that there were things he shouldn't question.


"Master, would you like me to prepare the bath for you?" Alfred asked the drenched Tom.


Tom thought for a few seconds before replying, "Sure, I guess it's been a while since I took a bath." 


Hearing his reply, Alfred hurriedly led the way to the bathing chamber.


Walking behind him through the hallways, Tom couldn't help but notice a level of luxury that he didn't expect from a Baron's residence. The paintings adorning the walls were exquisite pieces from the kingdom of Valoria, and the tables were all made of the finest quality of wood that could only be found in the kingdom of Danloor. Seeing the opulence of the castle with his own eyes, Tom became a bit suspicious but knew he didn't have enough strength just yet to explore these secrets.


After walking for a while, Alfred led Tom to one of the chambers on his right. As the door swung open, a comforting haze of steam escaped, enveloping the corridor. Once inside, Alfred closed the door behind Tom, standing guard to ensure his lord's privacy.


Once Tom secured the place, he removed his clothes and laid his sword beside the marble hot bath. The castle of Flameheart lay above a sleeping volcano, providing a natural resource: hot springs that could speed up the healing of the soldiers' bodies after training and fights.


His body slowly sank into the water, revealing the fatigue that he felt through his journey. With a mental command, he said, "Noor, show me my stats."


Stats Panel


Thomas Blackwood (Current: Edward Von Flameheart)
















"Interesting. I felt that some wall was about to break within me recently. However, since we were traveling, I didn't feel that it was the appropriate place to breakthrough. Now that I am here, I can breakthrough in peace."


After washing his body, he started to swing his sword at an enormous speed. His goal was to reach the point of exhaustion and surpass it to become a knight.


The sweat pouring from his body, combined with the steam rising from the bath, created an ethereal atmosphere around him. The rhythmic sound of his sword cutting through the air echoed in the chamber, harmonizing with the soothing gurgle of the hot spring.


'Today, I am going to become a knight.' Tom screamed from deep within. His heart was unwavering.


Tom continued with his relentless training in the bathing chamber. It was the best place to train, given his current circumstances, as here he would be shielded from the prying eyes of any bird that might spread his secrets.


Suddenly, he felt as if his surroundings began to blur, and his focus narrowed as waves of pain washed through his body. A euphoric feeling spread through him, accompanied by the sensation of needles slicing through his muscles.




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