Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 46: Mockingbird

CG Chapter 46: Mockingbird


Upon receiving the notification of the improved technique, Tom realized that it was about time he continued with his training. Simultaneously, he recalled that he needed to hold the funeral.


Before he left the library, Tom said goodbye to Elizabeth. After all, they had now established a weak thread of alliance due to their common interests in Bon Vincent.


If he wanted to strengthen these ties, he must keep up the facade so that he could control her better, although it wasn't much of a facade since they both pursued knowledge.


On his way to the main ground of the castle, Tom found himself coming across a fear-stricken Alfred.


“Master, I was afraid that the Baron did something to you.” Alfred checked Tom's body with his head full of sweat.


"Alfred, can I ask you something?" Tom asked suddenly, ignoring Alfred's worries and displaying an empty look.


The fears of Alfred increased; nevertheless, he replied, “Ask anything, and I will do my best to answer.”


“Where does your loyalty lay? Does it lay with the Baron, who holds the highest authority in this castle? Or does it lay with Solarus, who can't even affect whether a candle lasts for one more second? Might it lay with the kings who, due to nothing other than being born into royalty, wear crowns full of jewels?” asked the crimson-haired boy with words that held the weight of a mountain. If any outsider heard the words of Tom, then he would be labeled as a heretic, chased by all.


“Why are you asking this master?” Confusion filled Alfred as he was at a loss for words. Everything that he believed in was being challenged by his once weak-minded lord.


Tom, of course, didn’t do that out of nowhere. Everything was to serve his greater goal. Some people can be swayed to your side through a long time of affection, but others must be impacted by something stronger. Yet, there are the few who, no matter how much you try to gain their favor, would only use you for their agenda. Unfortunately for Alfred, he was in front of such a man.


Silence filled the hallway until it was broken by Alfred's voice: “I am sure you are not saying that out of nowhere. I have lived my life in a small village and traveled to the city of Balorn to learn and explore the bigger world. Throughout my journey, I believed in the power of Solarus because without him, what purpose would my life mean? Well, that didn’t matter much, as at some point in my travel, I was chosen by the Baron to become a butler to a small, playful boy who didn’t care if he angered his heartless father or not.”


“You still didn’t answer my question, Alfred,” Tom inquired.


“Oh, but I did, master. I searched for purpose, so I made you mine.”


Analyzing Alfred's every little gesture, Tom found one thing: everything his new servant said was true. With that, he decided to place the next piece.


You know, Alfred, I didn’t tell you the full story before. There were no pirates that raided the ship; the only killers were the soldiers sent by my young brother to assassinate me. I ended up killing them all, including the innocent crew members, by poisoning their drinks. Maybe I didn’t have a choice, but the blood of the innocent is on my hands. So, are you still willing to follow me?” Tom was prepared for any reaction that Alfred might show.


Upon hearing this new revelation, Alfred's eyes grew bloodshot. Observing his reaction, Tom felt a sense of satisfaction, realizing that his plan was unfolding just as he had intended. The confirmation in Alfred's subsequent words only strengthened Tom's convictions.


“He… dares. Just give me the order, and I will make sure that his head is thrown to the dogs.” Hatred toward Timothy filled Alfred. You may offend a person a thousand times, but once you lay your hands on their cause, only death awaits you.


“Don’t worry, Alfred.” Tom assured, “Everything will come in due time. I am quite happy for your trust in me. So, help me to carry the weight of the funeral for those who died.”


Alfred slowly regained himself, walking behind his lord as the loyal servant that he was.


Reaching the outer yard, Tom looked at the moons that hung in the sky while listening to murmurs of the few soldiers who came to watch him fail.


“Lord Timothy is going to become the next lord. I don’t see why we need to come.”


“He is not meant to be a knight, let alone a baron. What a shame to have such a weak boy amongst the men of flames.”


Among those who mocked in the shadows, a knight watched in silence. He wanted to understand whether the oldest of Flameheart truly changed or if it was all but an act he put on to save his own skin. That silent man was none other than Captain Reynard.


As Tom moved deliberately ahead of the group, he methodically collected pieces of wood from the nearby trees. Illuminated by the flickering flame of a torch he held firmly in his grasp, he skillfully ignited a fire before addressing the soldiers with a quiet air of confidence.


“I am sure most of you standing here know of my infamous deeds. The infamous son of Flameheart and the outcast, the undeserving of the title. Well, I do not care for your approval as I am here for the ones who I truly consider soldiers of this family. They gave their life for their lord. Uncaring for anything but to serve their cause, and as such, I, Edward Von Flameheart, pray to the seven gods to carry their souls from the land of the living toward their heavens. And for their families whom they left behind, they shall receive a monthly salary. Their daughters may become maids in this castle, and their sons are to be given the chance to become a knight.”


Those who thought that the eldest was going to make a fool of himself yet again were in shock at the reward he gave to the fallen. They went through fire to become soldiers of the family without seeing any chance to become a knight. Yet, they now see that if they simply give up their life for this family, their sons might become knights who are respected by all.


‘How can you change so much?” Captain Reynard thought, “Glorious now you stand, yet once a playboy.”

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