Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 48: Fiery Golden Eyes

CG Chapter 48: Fiery Golden Eyes


Tom believed that everything was fine until a sudden burning sensation overwhelmed him. It felt as if his eyes were on the verge of melting from intense flames and that they were about to turn into liquid.


In a rush, he inquired, "Noor, analyze my body changes quickly."




Time hung heavy, an oppressive weight that mocked Tom's vulnerability. Each second felt like an eternity, the pain an unwavering companion as he grappled with the unknown forces at play.


The analysis seemed to drag on for hours, forcing Tom to improvise by attempting to control the escalating fire that burned within him.


Tom sat cross-legged and away from the ember; he wanted to avoid absorbing any more of the heat coming from it. He regulated his breath and delved deep within; he directed the energy towards his whole body.


As the moments passed, a realization dawned on him, "I've been approaching this incorrectly. If this fiery vitality can temper my muscles, why can't it also strengthen my eyes? Why would I only stop there? I might be able to temper my soul with it later on." Suppressing his laughter, the idea of devouring the flame and transforming it into his own tool filled his mind with euphoria.


Tom acted promptly upon his decision. While channeling most of the heat to his heart, he retained some close to his eyes.


The sizzling sensation gradually decreased, and Tom began directing a portion of the energy towards his eyes.


Tom sighed, feeling comfort. His mind cleared, and his thoughts flowed seamlessly. He gradually opened his eyes, which was akin to looking at the sun upon waking up.


[Master, the…]


Noor was about to present her analysis, but Tom had already formulated his own conclusions, so he stopped her.


'Noor, I believe you need an upgrade soon.' Unfortunately, he needed to enhance his soul powers to boost Noor's capabilities, 'I am still not sure how to improve my soul, though.'


Tom's thoughts raced, but he acknowledged that this world lacked what was necessary to meet his requirements.


He wanted to test his new, improved eyes, so he stood up to look out of the window. He was shocked by the fact that in the middle of the pitch-black night, his surroundings were clear. His eyes could now absorb much more light and see much further.


Happy with his improvement, Tom decided to go check on Alfred's progress.


Moving through the hallways, Tom came across one of his enemies. 'Truly, the more you hate a person, the more likely you are to meet them,' he thought as he tried to move away to avoid wasting time on useless things.


You've become quite courageous, haven't you, boy? Do you think surviving the voyage qualifies you as a worthy successor? You are a trash who should have died in the sea with that trashy crew instead of wasting the family resources and fighting Timothy for his rightful place." Violet De Marshal, the second wife of Folek, and a certified bitch stopped him.


Having grown up in one of the wealthiest families in the kingdom of gold, 'Auroria', she was spoiled from a young age. Unlike the members of the Flameheart family, whose strength fueled their ambition, the Marshal family became overly proud of their wealth, leading to arrogance that clouded their judgment.


"Do you forget how you used to cower in fear when you saw me? Did you forget the pain of my lash? Do you want to be hit again?" Violet looked down at Tom with disgust while moving her hands to slap him.


'Clap' was the sound she expected. However, she was shocked and even more angered to find her hand being held by Tom.


"You…" She wanted to curse at him, but...


"Oops. It seems your hand slipped. I hope you're well, Lady Violet." Tom looked at her, smiling. However, his smile and gaze burned through her, making her reluctant to meet his eyes for any longer.


She left in haste as she huffed, holding her hand in pain.


Tom looked at her coldly. He wanted to stab her in the back as she walked so proudly, but he told himself that it wasn't the time.


Throughout his journey, he encountered many people who had lost themselves in power, unable to see the bigger mountains they could climb. His greatest blessing wasn't Noor or the fragment of Samsara. It was the void within him, a pit that could never be filled by anything other than immortality.


Beauty, authority, and money were nothing more than the jewels of mortals that they used to conceal their inevitable deaths. They were moving corpses and playing pretend and dressing up.


As Tom continued his walk, he found Alfred at the spot where he had instructed him to wait once he completed his orders.


"Did you prepare what I asked for?" Tom inquired.


"Yeah, but, Master, your eyes," Alfred noticed the change in Tom's eyes as he responded.


Smiling, Tom asked, "What is wrong with them?"


"They are redder than usual, as if I am looking at blood. Never mind, I might be a bit exhausted. Sorry for asking," Alfred didn't want to waste his lord's time with unnecessary questions. "I investigated and found out that Timothy's mother is within the castle..."


"Yeah, I already met her. She is as annoying as I remember," Tom spoke, not letting that fact distract him.


"I hope she didn't cause you any trouble," Alfred asked, worried for his lord.


"Don't worry. Continue. She is simply rushing toward her own death by provoking me," Tom replied, his killing intent spreading.


"As for the third lady Selina left for her family house in the city of Mansea," Alfred continued, following his lord's orders.


Tom frowned, asking, "What about Violet? Does she have any plans of leaving the house?"


Alfred paused, having a brief idea of his lord's plan. "Yes, she is also going to visit her family. While she doesn't leave for as much or as long as Lady Selina, she will still leave soon. My best guess is that she is going to ask for reinforcement from her family."


"She might meet an unfortunate accident on her way to the capital. She might come across a group of bandits. It's quite ironic, Alfred, don't you think?" Tom grinned at Alfred.


"It's truly an unfortunate thing. However, since she and her son dare to go after my lord, they deserve what is coming to them." Alfred replied expressionless.

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