Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 88: Sowing Distrust

CG Chapter 88: Sowing Distrust


“Whether you believe in fate or wish to become the architects of the new world; whether you seek to overthrow the old order out of hatred or simply to pursue glory--the reason that unites us here doesn’t matter. What is important is that we share a common goal. Our path is a harsh one, so I can’t promise you victory, but I swear that the heads of the filthy seven kings and their sires will fall by our hands.”


A noble from Aeolantis replied.


“We will follow you through fire if need be. Our families have only survived this long due to the grace of Flameheart; without it, our houses would have become just another nameless family wiped out by the games of royalty.”


Understanding that Folek wouldn't bring anyone they didn't trust, Tom began to lay out the first steps of his plan while pointing toward the map.


"We are outranked in terms of grand knights and outnumbered in soldiers. The seven kingdoms have six grand knights, while we have none. That is why we need to fight a long-term battle. Your noble households must continue to operate as usual on the surface, without attracting any attention, while growing your forces in the shadows. You need to do this for a duration of three years."


One of the nobles asked, "What will change after three years?"


Tom smiled at this noble. "After three years, we will have three grand knights of our own."


When the nobles heard his words, they felt extreme disbelief but decided to stay silent out of respect for the person they had placed their faith in.


They also knew they had no other options. They were far too deep into this; if the kingdoms caught them, all their houses would be wiped out.


While the nobles had many doubts, Folek and Hidden, on the other hand, didn't seem affected at all. They had blind faith in Tom--or, more precisely, they had blind faith in the awaited son of the 'Nobua.'


"I am sure you now feel doubt, distrust, and fear. But I can assure you that after witnessing the ceremony of ascension, I now know the secrets of the royal families for creating their grand knights."


Of course, the royal families didn’t possess any secret method for creating grand knights--they simply harnessed the power of a higher-ranking world to elevate their ranks.


However, this didn’t mean Tom was lying. After witnessing the ceremony, he was inspired to forge a new path. If the royal families could ascend by using bloodlines, why couldn’t he? Tom intended to use his own blood to help Hidden and Folek overcome their final step and become grand knights.


With the two mysterious bloodlines from the earrings, Tom felt his idea was increasingly plausible.


The shock the nobles felt was even greater than their earlier disbelief. They couldn’t restrain their excitement, as this news would change everything.


If before they only saw a glimmer of hope and followed Tom’s plans out of necessity, now they genuinely wanted to follow him.


Maybe they could even become grand knights and be remembered in history not only as the people who overthrew the seven gods but also, if they gained enough merit through the war, as grand knights.


Tom continued with his plan, "But even after gaining three grand knights, we would still be at a disadvantage. The will of the common people is united and strong, and their faith in the kingdom won’t be easily shaken since they worship the same gods. That’s why we’ll strike from the shadows, sowing doubt and discord."


He paused before adding, "The assassins of Alamut will ensure that none of the seven popes survive, and if they try to appoint a new one, they will meet the same fate. We’ll also create a new faith: the Eternal Flame, which will herald a new dawn."


As Tom concluded his speech, he cast his gaze over the nobles, letting the silence weigh on them before roaring, "We will not fall! Place your faith in me, and I swear that my light will be yours. I will forever be the honored one."


After he finished, the disbelief in the hearts of the nobles disappeared as if it had never been there.


They knew at that moment they were part of something greater and that the young man before them was going to lead them there.

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