Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 9: Trial of the Kings

Chapter 9: Trial of the Kings

Tom didn't enter the sixth trial directly after finishing with the fifth after all the information that Yang Yang revealed wasn't simple. Tom was informed of the existence of higher "ranked" worlds when he went to the pagoda and the fact that his world was only a rank 0 world which probably meant that it had only mortals in it. What he didn't expect was that there was such a significant connection between the worlds that made even the Buddhist scriptures that you can find online have a link to a higher world.

Does that mean all mythologies, tales of old legends, and powers that shatter the world are real? Tom thought that he realized the full extent of the path he was walking, but only now did he understand that he was simply a frog in a well, a person that doesn't understand how high the sky is.

Tom thought to himself, "If I get to the higher world, will I meet those old monsters? No, I shouldn't overthink it. The road to the peak is long, and I am sure I will get there. And if I don't get there at the end of the day, I would at least know that I did all I could, and you know what they say there is no regret in a path that you put your all into."

Tom didn't know it at the moment, but what he did was reconfirm his path, or as they like to call it, in some higher world, he strengthened his Dao's heart. The Dao's heart was mysterious; the ins and outs of it weren't something a mortal could strengthen so easily. It's brought about by experiencing many challenges.

After wondering about what happened in the fifth trial, Tom realized that he needed to work even harder and get the mysterious reward, no matter what. According to Yang Yang, the award might help him reach immortality.

Getting all excited, Tom entered the sixth trial with his reignited flames for a dream that no one reached.

The atmosphere in the sixth trial was similar to the previous ones. But, of course, there was one glaring difference, and that was a purple-violet Fog.

"Behold a wall that obstructs all from seeing the beauty of truth and a limit that blinds a man to the truth, causing even those who have reached the peak of knowledge to fall into their own folly."

Tom thought that the ancient voice was angry at him for succeeding at the fifth trial with ease, making the hint of this trial extremely vague and almost indiscernible.

The best way to analyze something is to break it apart piece by piece, so Tom did just that. The first part of the sentence was, "Behold a wall that obstructs all from seeing." meaning an obstacle that prevents people from understanding the truth. The next part was "causing even those who have reached the peak of knowledge to fall into their own folly."  Tom thought, "This obstacle was probably great if it made even those called as reached the peak of knowledge fall."

After a while of trying to figure it out, Tom wanted to curse at the ancient voice. However, he knew better than to do that, not letting his anger get the best of him.

Tom concluded that he wouldn't get anything more out of the hint. Thus, he entered the Fog without the advantage he had in the previous trials.

[Pov change]

Tails have it of an ancient kingdom with a King that seeks the finest clothes, the grandest crown, and the best of anything he can get his hands on.

The King thought that he was the best King compared to the Kings of the neighboring kingdoms. He believed that he was the smartest, and as such, he deserved to rule them all.

The one who controls the body of this grand King is no one else other than Tom, who finds himself taking over the body and memories of the King, leading him to believe that he is actually the King.

The King looked all around, knowing that the grand council of Kings was going to gather for their special once in a decade conclave. Thinking about it, he knew that HE must show up with the most fabulous attire for this occasion.

"Listen carefully, Doaa," called the King in an irritating tone, summoning his personal butler Doando. He gave him an important message to deliver to the kingdom's people: "Make an announcement throughout the kingdom that I, the King, am searching for a tailor who possesses exceptional skills, one who can create the finest clothing fit for a King. This Tailor shall be rewarded with the highest honor of the greatest Tailor if he succeeds in this task. Furthermore, he shall be granted a mountain of gold equal to his own weight. Instruct them to present their work at the end of the week."

Hearing this announcement, hundreds of tailors from around the kingdom and some from the neighboring kingdoms came seeking the rumored mountain of gold.

Looking at the King's castle entrance, the tailors stood with their fabulous clothes. Still, the King didn't put any of them in his eyes, thinking that those clothes were not worthy of him, making him continue walking and see more and more dresses from the different tailors.

Finally, after looking at almost half of the Tailor's work, he reached a unique tailor, but what was special about this Tailor wasn't the clothes he brought to show him, but the fact he didn't bring any.

The King was angry, wanting to behead this insultant Tailor here and now, but before that, he had to ask him why and how dare he come here with empty hands?

"Tailor from cursed lands that created such a hideous being coming to MY kingdom and standing in MY castle knowing about the challenge I put out and requirement yet coming here empty handed. Explain yourself now or stay silent for the rest of time."

The Tailor was fearful, but knowing the King's personality from the rumor and seeing his personality now confirmed it even more; he thought that he could get what he wanted.

"I wouldn't dare, your highness, this lowly one came from far away and wouldn't want to anger you, my King. I came here empty-handed, but for one reason, I received the inheritance of a great tailor, and the technique state that I must use threads made of gold. But, unfortunately, with my lowly status, I can't financially make it for you." the Tailor said, hoping this would convince the King.

And just as expected, the King believed him thinking that no one would dare to deceive him, saying, "Good Good, if what you said is true, then this King shall provide you with all the resources you need."

The Tailor felt happy knowing his plan was going on the right track.

"Doa Doa," called the King.

Doando replied with his usual voice that emitted a hint of deep sadness, having to follow this King. "Yes, my King, DOANDO is here to serve your every wish."

The King ignored Doando's hint to remind him of his name "Doa, Take this tailor to the tower and bring him the gold threads he needs."

Tom was falling into the illusion of the King more and more. And unfortunately, he was falling for the King's sin, the sin of pride. He thought he knew all and that no one else was better or wiser than him.

The golden threads decreased day by day, yet the clothes were nowhere to be seen when the King wanted to ask about his clothes. Yet, his pride stopped him, not wanting to show that he was but a foolish man or that this Tailor knew something that he didn't.

The days came and went, and the concave got closer and closer, yet the King's clothes didn't seem to be any closer to finishing; thus, the King called Doando, wanting to make him ask in his steed about the progress of the clothes.

Reaching the tower, Doando asked the Tailor about the progress of the clothes wanting to make sure that the King's clothes were ready after this much time.

The Tailor answered, "OH, can't you see it? The technique I used wasn't your everyday sewing technique. It's a technique of time long past. Using the golden threads with the technique made the clothes special. Thus, they can't be seen by those who are unsuitable for their current position. Those clothes can only be seen by the worthy ones."

Doando looked at the Tailor in front of him with a hint of skepticism. He couldn't see anything, but he stopped caring long ago. Making him say, "You know, now that you mention it, I can actually see them. These clothes are simply exquisite, the finest I've ever laid my eyes upon."

Doando brought the Tailor with the "clothes" to the King's court. The King couldn't see anything and was about to explode in anger. Doando quickly interjected, "Your Highness, the Tailor told me that only those who are worthy and pure of heart can see these garments."

The King was taken aback by Doando's words, and his anger dissipated into confusion. He didn't want to seem unworthy in front of his subjects, so he simply nodded in agreement and praised the Tailor's craftsmanship without ever admitting that he couldn't see the clothes.

The Tailor said, "your highness, I think such fine attire shouldn't be hidden from your people. If I may suggest, how about you wear it and go out to show them their King after all the people seek for you."

The Tailor wasn't satisfied with simply taking the gold and going away. He wanted something more. He wanted to humiliate a King, the King.

The King thought about it and said, "What a fine Idea I would know who of my people are unfit for their current position, and once they say that they didn't see the fine clothes, I shall replace them."

Doando and the Tailro Left the King alone to change into his new attire.

Looking at himself in the mirror wearing the magical clothes, not seeing anything The King... Tom thought to himself, "I see nothing. Am I a fool, or am I unfit? Was I too proud or too arrogant to see the lies in front of my eyes? A lowly Tailor deceived me."

Once he thought about that, Tom felt as if he was breaking away from the Fog, feeling the freedom of exiting it once he wished, yet he chose to stay a little longer.

"Doando," called Tom.

Doando entered with Tailor, who wanted to see the foolish King, only to see him wearing the same clothes before exiting the room.

Doando replied with happiness that King said his name right for once, "Yes, your majesty, your wish is my demand," saying it with a sincere voice this time.

"Prepare the guillotine. We shall have a show," Tom said.

Doando understood what was going on and said, "Right away."

The Tailor said, "Will since you tested it out, I am going to take my leave."

"HALT" How can today's star leave without seeing the shower of blood? Tom said with a somewhat demonic voice.

The guards took the Tailor to the guillotine, which made the crowd gather to watch the show having nothing better to do. Once a bunch of them gathered, they announced his crimes "The criminal here tried to fool the King, yet the King saw through his lies right away and gave him chance after chance, to tell the truth yet even with the mercy of our King, he didn't repent, and thus he shall be an example for all those who walk a path of evil."

Once they said that, they took down the head of the Tailor, leaving the "legend of the evil Tailor and merciful yet just King."

The legend should have been the "legend of the Tailor and Fool King," but the one that lived and won at the end of the day was Tom giving him the authority to write history.

With that, Tom exited from the Sixth Trail, a trail where he lived as a king blinded by pride and arrogance. Yet at the last moment, he realized the truth behind the wall of pride.

[End of Chapter]

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