Chaotic Nights

Chapter 140 - Lost Her Life

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 140. Lost Her Life

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 2/4

Every time Jihak took a step forward, his shivers intensified. The cold atmosphere he had when he was Crown Prince was gone, now he exuded madness.


The Great Prince knelt before the King. It was only at that moment that everyone observing them also knelt down.

“How are you?”

The King ignored the question and turned away, opening the door to the Geunjeongjeon.

The door shut immediately after Jihak stepped inside. The King then ascended the stairs to the throne and tossed the sword that was close to Jihak.

The blade halted at the Great Prince’s feet. The King, who suppressed his anger, sat down on the throne. He pointed to the sword he had thrown with his chin.

“I hope you commit suicide in my presence, otherwise return. I have no words for you.”

Jihak approached the King with the sword.

His haughty expression made him feel inferior. It was not necessary for a son to want to surpass his father. Particularly, the son of the woman who had ridiculed him.

“It was a lie that you were blind. You mocked me. How could you have the audacity to enter the Royal Palace! You left after you became Prince Deposed.”

His voice cracked with anger.

Jihak raised his sword without the slightest hesitation.

The King, taken aback by his unexpected actions, leaned his body as far back as he could. He was about to called a Naegeumwi.

“My maternal uncle, Park Hyeok, was killed. My mother committed suicide, so now we are the only ones left.”

Jihak, who hoarsely muttered, cut his palm.

He extended his bleeding hand towards the King’s quivering eyes.

“Can you see it?”

“Yes. You’ve gone mad!”

Suddenly, his father stood up.

“You are right. If my blood were tainted in any way, I wouldn’t resemble my father so closely.”

Blood flowed from the King’s forehead to his chin.

“Am I not a monster like my father?”


The Ministers’ eyes grew wide as they entered.


“Quick! A doctor!”

Jihak raised his bloody hand to silence the commotion.

Immediately the atmosphere changed.

“I will go blind at any moment. Before I become useless, I will become my father’s sword. I want to protect the Crown Prince from the cruel enemies. ”


When he lifted his head, his eyes were filled with sorrow, resembling an abandoned animal’s. However, his mouth remained cold.

“There will be a rebellion. I must do my duty as a son. I am Jihak.”


The hawk, which had descended, swallowed the raw meat in his palm.

It had returned safely with the letter.

Yuljae, who was standing near the door of the Heungnyemun, was in disbelief as he read the words written on the paper. This should not have happened even in a dream.

For the first time in a long time, his hands trembled. He felt like he had entered an abyss. He didn’t even pay attention to the commotion in the place.

I can’t believe it.

He immediately realized that he had to burn the letter. Someone rested his forehead on Yuljae’s shoulder, who was standing like a statue.

“You came back.”

His blood-covered hand gently took the letter from him.


Without looking back, Yuljae sensed that Jihak’s breathing had quickened. He felt an indescribable murderous intent.

He looked into his bloodshot red eyes.

“Maybe there’s a mistake.”

But Jihak heard nothing. His focus was on the text.

—Eunha lost her life.

Jihak raised his head with trembling lips. With trembling lips, Jihak lifted his head and laughed maniacally at the sky. Suddenly, he pulled out the sword that was strapped to Yuljae’s waist.

“Let’s go.”

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