Chaotic Nights

Chapter 142 - Find

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 142. Find

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 4/4

He rubbed his face with his wounded hand. Before realizing, Seohwi reached out and grabbed his wrist with a nervous look.

“Your wound needs to be treated.”

Jihak smiled because Seohwi was worried. In this Palace, where trust was a rare commodity, tending to a wound could endanger his life.

“I can’t trust anyone. Don’t worry. I’ll show my wound to those I trust.”

“The bleeding isn’t stopping. You’re going to be in danger soon.”

“In case I treat my wound now, I may not return home alive.”

“Why do you think that?”

“That’s the life I’ve lived.”

Jihak released the Crown Prince’s grip.

“Someone get the sword I left outside.”

Then the door opened. The court lady who brought a sword on a silk cloth quickly approached him. Jihak looked at the confused Seohwi.

“Now I must return. My sword will save your life.”


“I’ll be able to survive as long as you stay alive.”

Seohwi didn’t stop Jihak as he turned around. He looked at the sword in silence. The rough, undecorated handle showed that it did not belong to royalty.


Seohwi hurried out late and found the warriors in the front courtyard of Donggung Palace. They were Jihak’s Shadows.

He looked in the direction where Jihak disappeared.


“We must find her.”

The riders who followed Jihak had sad expressions on their faces.

After instructing the Shadows who were to remain in the Palace, Yuljae mounted his horse.


Despite his loudest shouts, it appeared that Jihak couldn’t hear him.

When he heard the news that Eunha had died, he immediately unsheathed his sword. No one could convince him to change his mind about going to the East Palace.

Sir Jo was furious when the Great Prince appeared with a sword in his hand. The Prince stopped the Queen Mother in her quarters.

When they left the Royal Palace, the Crown Prince looked like a weak young man. However, upon their return after a year, he now carried an expression that suited his status.

He began to understand why Jihak declared that Seohwi would become a wise King.

Yuljae silently followed Jihak.

Until now he only wanted to have the Shadows around him. But now that Eunha was with him, he even envisioned a future together with her. That’s why Yuljae was even more worried that Jihak wasn’t as angry as fire.

“I don’t think a Shadow would have sent a fake letter.”

Yuljae sped up the horse, aiming to obstruct Jihak’s way and prevent him from discovering Eunha’s body. But the moment he saw his gaze, he couldn’t say anything else.

His eyes were bloodshot.

I can’t believe it.

He felt a misfortune fall on his head.

Despite Eunha’s news, had he mustered all his patience to warn the Crown Prince that his life was in danger?

Jihak gritted his teeth.

Eunha had not died.

If she had lost her life, his life would be broken at the same time.

That was why he didn’t think she was dead.

His smile grew wider, but with each increase, his breathing became more labored.

Her existence, no matter the location, was driving him insane.

Jihak gripped the reins tighter. Blood dripped from his unhealed wound.

Eunha, I will find you.

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