Chaotic Nights

Chapter 22 - Meeting (8)

Chapter 22. Meeting (8)

At Jihak’s air of self-assurance, the Minister of Defense bowed his head,

“Nice to see you, Your Highness. This humble servant is Yoon Jongshin, head of the military forces.”

“Oh, weren’t you my father-in-law?”

“Yes. I lost my daughter, Her Highness the Crown Princess, several years ago. I still feel a deep pain… I regret not having spent more time with her.”

Jihak raised the empty glass, which Yuljae handed him, in the direction of the voice. The Minister of Defense took a look around, then approached Jihak with a bottle of alcohol and tilted it.

A clear liquor filled the white porcelain glass with a splash. The Minister of Defense looked at Jihak with shaking eyes and bit his wrinkled lips.

She was the first daughter he held in his arms. A beautiful girl. Although he gave her away in marriage at a young age, he did not expect her life to end so prematurely. Not once did she receive her father’s love or support. The Minister of Defense had not yet gotten over the loss of his daughter.

“I take this opportunity to express my condolences, father-in-law. I’m sorry I didn’t do it at the time. Well, let’s not talk about that anymore. Why don’t you all pour me some alcohol in my glass instead? I can’t see, so I don’t know who’s here. I’d appreciate it if you’d tell me your names while we share a drink.”

Everyone shivered in fear at Jihak’s words and swallowed dry saliva. Today’s meeting was top secret. Therefore, as soon as the owner of the courtesan house reported Jihak’s arrival, three of them ran away in panic.

“Lee Cham, who watched Jihak stare into space with his glass raised, was the first to pluck up his courage. Your Highness, this humble servant is the Deputy Minister of Justice. I serve Park Myunreo. How have you been?”

“Not as well as you, Lee Cham. Who’s next?”

One after another, they revealed their position and name as they served some alcohol to Jihak. He listened to their names while he drank. After everyone introduced themselves, the courtesans smiled, played their instruments, danced and performed flirtatiously.

However, the owner of the courtesan house did not put any courtesans with Jihak. She already knew what would happen if she went against what he wanted, even by mistake.

“By the way… I may be blind, but I can hear perfectly. My men have told me that there are some insects conspiring against me. Do you know anything about it?”

Jihak then took another sip of alcohol. Those who had begun to enjoy the show looked at each other and cleared their throats.

“I don’t know what vermin would dare do that… the reason these humble servants gathered here today was to discuss what would be a good day to visit His Highness.”

“I see. I appreciate that you think of me, but I’m no longer interested in politics. Now that I have left my position as crown prince, there is no reason to pursue wealth or glory. I’m satisfied with women and alcohol.”

“Hehe, that’s true! Don’t you think so, colleagues?”

The official laughed as if he had a knife in his mouth. The people gathered here didn’t trust Jihak, and he didn’t trust them either.

Both sides tried to deceive each other with plausible flattery and eloquence.

“I’ll give precious silk to the first bitch who gets naked.”

Once the tension seemed to ease considerably, official Lee Cham leaned back into the arms of a courtesan and raised his glass to Jihak, who was drinking non-stop.

“Your Highness, it’s a pity that you can only delight in sounds.”

“Kyahh, Sir!”

Beyond the intertwined flirtatious laughter of the courtesans, an air of danger hung over the officials. They glared angrily at the drunken official and placed their hands on the daggers at their waists. Those who gnashed their teeth with faces red with rage were what still feared Jihak.

Jihak chuckled at their fake behavior. Although he could see everything, he pretended to see nothing. How many were sure that he was pretending to be blind? 80%? Or 50%?

“Now that you talked about sounds, the reader I have with me came to mind… She’s a very cute girl… Do you know what she reads to me at night?”

They all swallowed dry saliva and focused their attention on his composed voice. They seemed half curious and half scared. It was as if their worries had been cut with a knife and exposed before their eyes.

“I’d like to tell you, but I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. I only know her voice, so I can only imagine what she looks like… Still, I’m very glad to have met her. She gives me a different kind of pleasure.”

Jihak smiled, closed his eyes and raised his glass to his mouth. At that moment, he deliberately spilled his drink on himself. Surprised, one of the courtesans lifted the hem of her skirt and immediately pressed on the wet area.

“Sir, let me clean it…”

But as soon as a sword reached her throat, her beautiful face became as pale as a corpse. A heavy silence enveloped the hall. Yuljae was the one who pulled out the sword.

“I’m, I’m sorry.”

The courtesan slowly backed away with a frightened expression and hid behind another nobleman. Only then did a mischievous smile appear on Seo Jihak’s face as he brushed off the wet bottom of his clothes. Madness was reflected in his eyes and he scanned those present.

“Well, shouldn’t we continue to enjoy the alcohol from the courtesan house? Is there anyone who wants to bet with me? What do you think?”


After Yongi carried Jo Youngho, whose balls were cut off, to a pair of guards, she returned to her room, took off her clothes, and wiped the blood off her body.

The man who cut off Jo Youngho’s topknot in front of her was no ordinary person.

‘But how does a man like that know my younger sister? He called her ‘mine’ without hesitation and seemed to love her… It’s not the time to think about that.’

As soon as Yongi finished getting ready, she left the courtesan house dressed in a thick robe and a hat. Two guards of the owner of the courtesan house suddenly began to follow her.

“Why are you following me? I have the mistress’s permission!”

“It’s an order from the mistress.”


“She tasked us to protect the ‘Flower of Buyeong’, so we only obey her orders. You can continue on your way.”

Yongi stopped and smiled bitterly. To head to Shihoon’s house, she had to turn left, and to head to the bookshop, she had to turn right.

‘If I turn left, Eunha should be there, but then…’

Yongi didn’t want the mistress to find out about Eunha’s location, so she walked to the other side without much thought.

When she arrived at the front of the bookshop, the door was closed. At this time the shops had already closed. Yongi smiled and wrote a note. Then she folded it carefully, slid it through a crack in the door, and turned around.

“I just came to deliver a letter. You followed me in vain. I’m on my way back, it’s cold outside…”

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