Chaotic Nights

Chapter 28 - Fawn

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 28. Fawn

Translator: Atlas

Her tears caused his body to cool.

Jihak looked down at Eunha in his arms. She did not resist. When he saw the fear in her eyes, he felt that something inside his heart had become disordered.

He finally released her waist, but felt her pulse with the hand he still had on her neck. His eyes were fixed on the slender neck that looked as if it would break if he squeezed it, her cheeks red as if a vein had burst and her lips tight as if she were enduring humiliation.

“What should I do…? You are my pleasure.”

He slowly recited, unusual because a moment ago he had been excited. Then he opened the bathroom door, steam came out like smoke. Jihak, who stepped on the floor with wet feet, stood still as if time had stopped.

This long winter would soon end, and spring would arrive. A spring so mild that there would be no need to look for warm arms.


“There’s nowhere in this mansion that my lord cannot go. You don’t have to worry. He is already so used to this place that he can move around without help.”

Yuljae turned her back to Eunha. She was relieved by his words.

Eunha, who had been sitting dismayed in the bathroom where Jihak left a while ago, stood up. When she remembered that Jihak had gone out alone, she ran to help him, but ran into Yuljae.

“Thank you. Call me when I should read the book.”


Eunha returned to her room with tired steps. She looked like a wet rat. Her clothes were uncomfortably stuck to her skin.

After she put on the clothes she had brought in her luggage, she dried her wet hair with a towel and lay down on the floor.

Why did you kiss me? Because I grew up in a courtesan house, did I really start acting like a courtesan? No, I didn’t. He bewitched me with his flirting.

Eunha rubbed her lips to remember the sensation. Then she covered her eyelids with both hands. She was sleepy because she had spent the whole night in a cold place.

Her mind was confused.

His drunkenness was gone, he would soon have to eat…. Maybe he’ll call me soon.

Eunha curled up. Her chest heavily throbbed.

“I saw her when she came out of the bathroom. She asked me how you had gone to your room if you were blind.”

“…Then, you must have seen it.”

Yuljae lowered his head.

“I didn’t make eye contact.”

“Didn’t you see her n!ppl3s visible through her clothes?”


“I like that answer.”

Yuljae waited for Jihak to finish his meal. He could tell that his master considered that girl special. Yuljae knew in what way.

Long ago, he had brought a fawn to the palace that was crying because it had lost its mother. The deer adored Jihak as if he were his own father. It cried when it did not see him. Jihak thought the deer was foolish, but he dressed it in beautiful silks.

Jihak gave an order to the royal guards. He asked them to kill the deer in the nearby hills. The spirit of the Crown Prince had changed.

The day Yuljae finally killed the last deer. Jihak smiled cruelly as he stroked the neck of the deer he had raised.

‘Now it’s the only one in the world… it’s completely mine.’

That woman had replaced his master’s fawn.

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