Chaotic Nights

Chapter 35 - Corpse

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 35. Corpse

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 7/7

She was inert when ice water poured over her face. When she opened her eyes in surprise, she saw an attendant with a bowl in his hand.

Gari screamed.

“Why did you do that? Why did you throw water on her?”

The attendant, who ignored Gari, grabbed Eunha by the neck.

“The Lord said to bring you, I could even throw water on you. In case you die, you’d better do it before him. So hurry up.”

Eunha, who had wet hair, sighed.

Due to the cold water, her vision became sharper.

“…Do you want me to read a book?”

Eunha asked. The attendant forcefully removed her from the room.

“A visitor has arrived. I hope you don’t hate me.”

“Why? I’ve been lying down too long.”

She paced as she spoke with determination. The employees were frightened when their master got angry. That’s why she wanted to do it.

Eunha, who staggered down the corridor, was startled when someone grabbed her.


“You’re going to die before you get there.”

“I’m sorry.”

Yuljae looked with sad eyes at Eunha, who lay limp in his arms. It irritated him that the attendant had thrown water on her. He had heard rumors about her while touring a town. He sympathized with her because she was leading a wretched existence.

She had to hunt tigers with a woman’s body, but wore men’s clothes she had collected to save money. Moreover, the fact that she had gone through so much hardship to help her sister disturbed Yuljae’s heart.

That girl looks familiar. I don’t know why.

Yuljae did not tell Jihak what the attendant had said. That meant that there could be a connection with destiny. But also that the situation could turn bad in case they didn’t leave her in time.

“I brought her.”

He opened the door with Eunha in his arms.

The late Yulje opened the door, holding Eunha in his arms.

Lee Cham’s eyes grew wide.

“What? Did you bring a corpse?”

Yulje didn’t answer Cham’s question. Jihak had a cold look in his eyes.

“He still hasn’t come to his senses.”

Jihak tapped his knee with a bamboo stick. That meant to bring the girl to him.

Yulje carefully placed Eunha in Jihak’s arms.

“She woke up a while ago because the attendant threw water on her, but then she fainted again, likely due to the elevated fever.”


Jihak brought his nose close to Eunha’s face. The breath she exhaled was hot.

Lee Cham swallowed saliva as he watched Jihak, he seemed to want to taste the woman’s flesh. The Prince, who was supposedly blind, created such an erotic atmosphere that words could not explain.

Her curves looked like a mature woman.

“Eunha, someone has come who wants to hear your voice.”

Eunha opened her eyes at Jihak’s voice. Her long eyelashes repeatedly fell several times. Cham smiled as he looked at Eunha, whose fever had risen.

“She doesn’t look like a reader, but like an ornament. She looks so adorable.”

Jihak, who had his nose in Eunha’s cheek, moved his eyes to Cham. He felt he had made eye contact with Jihak.

“Is that an insult?”

“No. I’ve never seen such a pretty girl before.”

“Is she so pretty?”

“Yes. She’s so pretty I want to taste her flesh.”

“I see. What should I do? She looks so sick, I don’t want to ask her to read.”

His eyes were scary.

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