Chapter One of the Night

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Bite Bait

Chapter 94 Bite the bait

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Bangdao specially arranged a car to take Du Xuelan over. After picking up Xu Zhenghua, he went straight to a movie theater. He arranged for the show in advance and arranged for Du Xuelan, who had been heavily disguised, to sneak in with Xu Zhenghua. I went to the cinema and watched the movie called “Shark Machines”.

is quite nice.

But after reading it, Du Xuelan still wants to go shopping.

is no longer possible.

Red to the level of Du Xuelan, especially now, when “Beautiful Eyes” is still popular, for her, shopping is definitely an extravagant hope.

Once they are recognized, accidents are easy to happen in places where there is a lot of traffic.

It is possible to book a box for a meal.

She seemed to have recovered from the fatigue of running around. She was bouncing and jumping all the way, not only excited, but excited, and she talked a lot more than before, chatting non-stop, talking about some interesting things they encountered on the way to publicize.

Those who don’t know her, especially her fans, must not know very much. In real life, she is neither cold nor sexy, but rather cute.

Silly kind.

Then came the next day, Monday, July 26th.

The last issue of the Voice of the East music chart in July was released.

The top five on the list have not changed in the slightest.

“When Love is Approaching” won the first place in a row, and An Xiaojing won the second consecutive title of her singer career.

“Thousands of Que Songs” continued to be stuck in second place.

Card two for four consecutive weeks.

The Tree Chopping Band’s “Kankan Faltan” remained strong, sitting firmly in third place.

“Beautiful Dance” is still stable at No. 4 – after six consecutive weeks, it has been No. 4 for two weeks, and it is on the B chart sales list. In three weeks, according to Liu Ju, the shipment has already exceeded 4 million pieces, and is approaching 5 million pieces.

Now, as long as either Xu Zhenghua or Du Xuelan proposes, the second royalties can be settled immediately – for Xu Zhenghua, it will be another large check amounting to more than 1.5 million.

And once the single-disc sales exceed 5 million copies, for Xu Zhenghua, just the royalty income brought by this single-disc will add up to more than 4.2 million!

In other words, after subtracting the 1.5 million that was settled last time, in the short term, he will still settle back to 3 million from Kojima Records.

Although “Thousand Thousand Que Song” has not been able to rush to the first place so far, it has been ranked No. 2 in four weeks on the A list, and has been in the top ten in the B list for three weeks. In fact, the conditions for settlement have already been met.

And once settled, it will be an income of more than 1.5 million.

There is also the third settlement of “Short Hair”, the settlement of “When Love is Approaching”…

It is a simple estimate that in the next one to two to three months, Xu Zhenghua will earn about 5 million from just the royalties of these four songs.

Together with deposits, this is a fortune of over 7 million.

In today’s Ming Dynasty, he is absolutely qualified to be called a “rich man”.

Of course, his income is still incomparable to those singers.

Du Xuelan estimates that she doesn’t know how much money she earns. If Xu Zhenghua doesn’t ask, Chen Bangdao won’t tell the truth to the extent of revealing these things seriously, but it can still be roughly guessed – not counting royalties, just the promotion of “Beautiful Eyes” During the period, her business performance income and the income brought by her new advertising endorsements have exceeded 10 million.

And for at least the next six months, she will still be the darling of show businessmen and advertisers.

Especially in performances, as long as she wants to take over, the work can be almost connected – the Ming Dynasty is too big, there are too many people, and there are too many places. In addition, there are Chinese people living together, accounting for 60% or even 70% of the local population. Southeast Asian countries, and as the descendants of the Ming Dynasty, the cultural customs and so on are simply Qiongnan and Xinqiongzhou, which are completely the same as the Ming Dynasty. Together, this is a huge market of nearly three billion people.

Fusang and Goryeo, which are close neighbors, together have a population of over 200 million.

That is also the traditional coverage of the Chinese music scene.

If you want to expand further, there will be Chinese everywhere in the further overseas.

Even in European and American countries, Latin American countries, and African countries, where the Mandarin is not spoken in many places, there is still a certain degree of “pan-sinicization” and “Chinese culture”. Listening to Chinese music is a very high-level thing. , “Mingliu” is very compelling.

An out-of-date singer runs a circle in the past to make money, and he can make a lot of money at every turn.

Not to mention the popular Du Xuelan.

Compared to Du Xuelan, who is almost a goddess, An Xiaojing seems to be slightly inferior in terms of making money, but not too bad.

After all, she is now a supernova Xiaotian queen who has won two championship singles.

From the beginning of “Short Hair” to the present, not counting royalties, even if her income is less than 10 million for the time being, it must be fast-two consecutive songs have become popular, and her value will definitely rise.

Even Jin Xiaoqing, don’t look at the constant calls to sue Xu Zhenghua for grievance and wipe her tears, she has been stuck for four consecutive weeks, and now the price of a single commercial performance has soared to 40,000 yuan!

She is greedy and diligent, as long as someone invites her, she must go.

Make money and get soft hands.

Of course, Xu Zhenghua is not envious of them either.

They earned that, in Xu Zhenghua’s view, it was still just money and strength.


Tuesday morning, Guan Yulan suddenly called, feeling a little frightened when she spoke, and asked, “Just now, Zhao Tianping, Mr. Zhao, called me and said you want to change jobs?”

Xu Zhenghua was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed.

The bait you gave yourself is tempting, but in fact, there are many ways to swallow this bait, and even the more patient and self-possessed you are, the more ways there will be.

After all, bait is just bait. No matter how fragrant it is, it is only a small piece of meat.

But he never expected that He Jianliang would actually choose the stupidest path.

He can actually wait patiently until Guan Yulan comes back. At that time, he won’t be able to continue to talk in vain, anyway, he will always bring something out to show him.

In that way, in fact, he has always been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

They hold An Xiaojing’s contract in their hands, and they also hold the copyrights of two big hit singles like “Short Hair” and “When Love Is Approaching”. Of course, they can and should be so stable.

At that time, he can directly propose to sign a contract with himself, at least after the two parties reach an intention, and then negotiate with the Oriental Star – facing this situation, although Xu Zhenghua still has a solution that he has long conceived, he must still It’s going to take a lot more work.

Or take a step back, even if he doesn’t wait for Yulan to come back, he can directly take out the three million liquidated damages he needs, and bluntly express that he wants to sign himself and bear the liquidated damages.

is a good way and a good idea.

But unfortunately, he first ratted both ends.

is too greedy.

actually try to ask the Oriental Star for the price first?

He didn’t dare to force his true attitude, he was greedy for the songs he had written for An Xiaojing, and he was still thinking that he was close to the first album he had prepared. .

However, with such a big ambition, with a mere 3 million business, he still intends to negotiate the price!

Never thought that He Jianliang, who has always been shrewd and strong, would be so stupid!

“What do you mean? I didn’t say I was going to change jobs!”

Guan Yulan’s scheming is not strong enough. Xu Zhenghua has considered this matter from the beginning, and until the dust settles, he does not plan to tell her all his arrangements-although it will make her feel a little silly in the middle of it.

She said: “Mr. Zhao called me just now and said that Mr. He of Kojima Records went to see him, proposed to buy out your contract, and gave an offer of 1.5 million. Don’t you know about this?”

Only 1.5 million? This……

“Oh…that’s it! But that’s not right, I didn’t promise He Zong to go to the island!”

“Then…he made an offer without your consent?”

“He did mention it, but I definitely didn’t agree… You hang up first, I know, I’ll call and ask Mr. He to see what’s going on!”

In fact, there is no need to make a call. He Jianliang just gave the offer and handed it to the desk of the Oriental Star. In other words, when the words “Xu Zhenghua is going to quit” began to appear in many people’s hearts, this matter Even if the curtain is opened – but one and a half million… Who are you insulting!

The phone hung up, Xu Zhenghua couldn’t help but snapped his fingers, feeling happy!

1.5 million is good! Good quote!

He got up to cut himself an apple to eat, but before he got up, he was still worried and turned the ringing sound of his mobile phone to the maximum.

As soon as his **** got off the sofa, the phone rang.

picked up, “Hello? Who is it?”

“My star, Liu Junxian.”

Xu Zhenghua was stunned for a moment: How fast!

The voice on the other end of the phone was slightly anxious, “Are you going to Xipo Records?”

Xu Zhenghua pretended to be stunned, his mind spinning, “What… what does this mean? What Xipo Records?”


Liu Junxian on the other end of the phone laughed, “Zhenghua, your acting skills are not enough. Tell me, why Xipo Records? Are the conditions they gave you better than the conditions I gave?”

“I really don’t understand what you mean, Mr. Liu. I’m with Xipo Records? I don’t know them very well… Why… Who told you that I’m going to quit? And I’m going to Xipo Records?”

“Ha! Zhenghua, you’re still young, I’ve been in the record industry for almost 20 years, I’ve seen so many tricks like this! Do you want to tell me that you’re willing to go to Kojima Records? Give it to them? Don’t leave the 60% equity I promised you, don’t leave your own label, and go to work for Kojima Records?”

As he talked, his voice became more and more serious and serious, “Let’s be serious, Zhenghua, tell me, what exactly did Xipo Records promise you? Let you be 100% yourself. Holding? Or will Du Xuelan and An Xiaojing be transferred to your company’s label?”

Xu Zhenghua took a deep breath, “Mr. Liu, I really don’t know what you mean…”

On the opposite side of the phone, Liu Junxian pondered for a moment, “It seems that you are already unwilling to talk to me? Let me tell you this, Zhenghua, the moment He Jianliang of Kojima Records walked into the Oriental Star, I already got the news. He made a $1.5 million offer for you, right?”


Xu Zhenghua was silent.

“Do you know what I think? I think this price is just insulting you! Of course, it is also insulting me! As long as you want to leave, the Oriental Star can’t keep you now, but even if you want to come to wrestle with me , at least it has to be Cai Zhuoqun of Xipo Records, what is Xiaodao Records, and what is He Jianliang, they are not qualified to be blindfolded!”


“I’m in the car, going to catch the nearest flight, which will land soon. Believe me, Zhenghua, don’t rush to promise them, don’t promise anything, let’s have dinner together in the evening and talk face to face. I promise, I’ll give you everything you want!”


Second update!

(end of this chapter)

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