Chapter One of the Night

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Face

Chapter 96 Face

At seven or eight o’clock at night in the imperial capital, the heat never subsided.

Almost all the vehicles on the main roads were blocked into a long queue.

Motorcycles are the most suitable for this kind of road conditions.

Xu Zhenghua was a little excited. When he was driving through the traffic, he felt that his driving skills were so good that he was about to fly – a pure hallucination, and a hormone that he didn’t know the name was secreted in his brain.

and fun.

He felt that his whole body was exuding heat and fire.

Specialized in walking on the path, and he soon found the cafe where Yuan Wei worked.

But as soon as he parked the car, he could already see Yuan Wei who was taking orders for customers in the glass window, but the phone suddenly rang, and he took it out to see that it was Guan Yulan, “Hello? What’s the matter?”

“Zhenghua, I’m always a little uneasy, why don’t I go back? Anyway, here Xiaoqing, things have been straightened out now, the whole team the company has built for her is quite reliable, I It’s almost been sorted out, and it’s not a big problem to leave for a few days…”

“No, what are you doing here?”

“I don’t think… if Kojima Records really want to dig you up…”

“They can’t dig away!”



Xu Zhenghua didn’t hesitate, “1.5 million to buy out my contract? It’s a fantastic idea. Don’t pay attention to him! … Well, I still have something to worry about, I’ll talk later! You don’t have to come back, just follow her. Run the propaganda, give me a good look at her, don’t do anything to me, or I’ll find the two of you to settle the account when I come back! Oh, it’s okay, it’s really okay, don’t worry, even if I change jobs, it’s just a record company, and I don’t plan to quit. You, hang up!”

should be the last sentence to work, Guan Yulan didn’t say anything.

Actually understands her anxiety.

She should now understand better than anyone else that her greatest interest lies in herself. If she has to choose between the two, she will definitely throw away Jin Xiaoqing’s contract without hesitation and keep hers.

Now that Kojima Records is eyeing its own singer appointment, it doesn’t seem to be scary, but a person who has been in the rivers and lakes for a long time will not fail to understand that any major changes, major changes in the interests of the parties, will inevitably lead to instability, and it will inevitably lead to instability. It attracted a lot of people who had been waiting for an opportunity on the periphery, and rushed up to bite.

What’s more, she knows that she has a lot of dissatisfaction with her.

There was dissatisfaction in the early days, and then it was still dissatisfied. Until recently, as her buttocks became more and more upright, she began to really stand on the side of her own interests to consider the problem, and even put on a pair of people who can always put Jin Xiaoqing together. With the attitude of giving up all the interests of her, I was a little satisfied with her.

But even so, she should understand that among the agents she can find, her ability, literacy, skill, knowledge, and even contacts, etc., are absolutely low-level.

So she has become more and more obedient recently.

So when she heard that there was a change on her side, she would immediately panic.

However, Xu Zhenghua really didn’t plan to quit her.

At best, it will take the opportunity to threaten, and when exchanging contracts, be sure to lower the share!



A bell rang, and Xu Zhenghua pushed the door in.

“Hello sir, how many are you?”

“Find someone, just her…” Xu Zhenghua walked over quickly and patted Yuan Wei’s shoulder. When she turned around, she was instantly surprised, “Why are you here? I’m at work!”

“Take a leave, hurry up, there is something urgent!”

“Ah I……”

She still obediently asked for leave.

When she got on Xu Zhenghua’s motorcycle, she couldn’t help laughing after hearing his reason for asking her to take leave, “You really… can’t you be late?”

“No! Today is the happiest day for me in the past six months. I must have a good time! And I can’t wait for a while, I’m dying of suffocation!”

Yuan Wei patted him on the back in the back seat and laughed, “You slut!”


Xu Zhenghua was really excited today.

When eating with Liu Junxian, he could try his best to suppress it and not let himself be too obvious, but once he left that Lu restaurant, he could no longer control it.

It’s not easy!

The business of making records has almost completely different operating rules from all the businesses he has done in the past. When he slammed into it, he was actually a little ignorant, and he could only learn while doing it.

Fortunately, this industry is too conducive to getting rich.

And far more superstitious genius than any other industry.

This will give you the opportunity to win every step of the way and strategize.

This kind of start-up experience is rare in almost all other industries.

The only exception    is probably the sports world.

But the sports world cannot achieve this kind of industrialization and assembly line in the record industry.

But even playing records is still not easy.

He didn’t miss a single shot along the way, and He Jianliang’s just the right amount of stupidity made this thing fall to the ground so quickly and easily.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be delayed until the end of the year at least.

So cool!

stood up.

Really stood up.

However, he didn’t know if he was too excited. It was over in six or seven minutes, and he immediately felt that he couldn’t hold on to his face.

Yuan Wei was paralyzed there for two minutes before he woke up from his absence and leaned over, “Like a lunatic! What the **** happened today to make you so excited?”

is very good, no matter if this sentence is true or false, Xu Zhenghua feels that his face is picked up again.

“Today…hehe, don’t ask, it’s for your benefit to look back.”

“Huh? What? Talk about it!”

I can’t say too much, things have been negotiated, but after all, the contract has not been signed, and even a rough agreement on the general direction has been reached. Many details have to be discussed slowly, and if the secret is not secret, it will be harmful, “It’s a good thing anyway. Son, don’t ask too much, you’ll know in a while!”

After saying this, Xu Zhenghua pushed the back of her head and gestured with his eyes.

Yuan Wei smiled and glanced at him, turned around and pulled a few pieces of toilet paper before lying down.


At nine in the morning the next day, Xu Zhenghua arrived at a hotel near the Conservatory of Music on time.

Day Star Records rented a small conference room in this unassuming hotel.

Xu Zhenghua came alone, but Qiu Jianfeng, the general manager of their Imperial City branch, led the team at Qixing Records and dispatched a team of five to negotiate with Xu Zhenghua.

Qiu Jianfeng’s character is very gentle, but the team under him is by no means simple.

Of course, this is not a reciprocal negotiation.

Until now, Xu Zhenghua still holds the initiative in the negotiation.

With the confidence that you can stop talking at any time, of course everything is easy to talk about.

He has absolutely no intention to entangle with the other party’s professional negotiating team on the details. After taking over the other party’s long-term distribution agreement, he began to review the manuscript and revise it smoothly.

He only focuses on the big stuff.

Billing cycle, advance agreement, account sharing rules, agreement restrictions, default clauses, betting clauses, etc.

Are there any traps in this contract that you cannot see? that’s not important!

Because this contract, which has been revised repeatedly before signing the contract, must have passed the hands of countless people, and the eyes of countless people, and finally got the endorsement of a professional-level lawyer before Xu Zhenghua could sign it.

What we are talking about now is actually still a general direction.

A morning was not wasted, because both sides have a desire to cut through the mess, so many places can be basically finalized in a few words.

The billing cycle is six months, but for newly released albums, Xu Zhenghua has the right to request a settlement once the sales volume reaches one million copies.

The accounting rule is 55 to 45. Xu Zhenghua, an unregistered label, will receive 55% of the record sales, and Venus Records, as the issuer, will retain 45%.

Of course, the label as the producer, the so-called 55% share, after deducting the share given to the singer, lyricist, composer, arranger and producer, it is usually around 20% to 25%.

In the same way, it is impossible for the issuer to take 45% of the total. They must reserve a certain amount of profit for the distributors and distributors below. The retailers are even more amazing. The record is 25% off, it’s a routine operation – the gross profit they get is also around 20% to 25%.

Because of the existence of the gambling agreement, Xu Zhenghua proposed to set up the rules of step-by-step account sharing.

Qiu Jianfeng verbally agreed.

But Xu Zhenghua doesn’t plan to talk to them about the details for the time being.

For example, whether a single disc or an album disc has sold more than 3 million copies, can the producer get an extra share? What about over 4 million? 5 million?

This all needs to be discussed.

But that’s all about the future Big Sister and Guan Yulan.

Cai Xu Zhenghua will not spend a lot of time poking around with their professional team.

The copyright is 100% exclusive to Xu Zhenghua’s label, but the copyright management rights of all works exclusively released by Venus Records during the release period are exclusively and permanently owned by Venus Records.

One morning, probably almost the same.

went through all the major items and all the places involving fundamental interests. At half past eleven, the two sides shook hands and adjourned the meeting.

This first round of negotiations is over.

Next, when Venus Records go back, they will sort out the progress of today’s negotiation and draw up a brand new contract for the next negotiation as a draft – but the next negotiation will definitely go to August. . Xu Zhenghua had to wait until the elder sister Xie Shuyi and Guan Yulan were seated. He himself would not sit here and quarrel with these professionals.

has lost the dignity of an artist.

Having a meal with Qiu Jianfeng at noon, it was a great conversation.

When    was about to part, Mr. Qiu, who seemed to maintain a sincere and affectionate attitude at all times, took Xu Zhenghua’s hand and said repeatedly, “Then I’ll wait for your call. Contact me anytime!”


Fourth update!

There will be more tomorrow!

(end of this chapter)

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