Chapter One of the Night

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Contract

Chapter 99 Signing

“Zhenghua, I have to remind you that according to my understanding and the information I have collected, in the past five years, there are only four people in the entire Chinese music scene who can sell three consecutive albums with a total sales of more than 20 million copies! In addition, there is still one person who has not released three albums in five years, but the total sales of the two albums have exceeded 20 million.”

The time is August 6th, Friday.

Noon recess time.

It was still in that humble hotel near the Conservatory of Music. Xu Zhenghua also opened a room for his negotiating team to rest, negotiate, and gather opinions.

The day before yesterday and yesterday, Guan Yulan, on behalf of Xu Zhenghua, went to talk to Venus Records for two days.

Many places have been basically finalized, and the conditions have been obtained to make Xu Zhenghua more satisfied. Today is the last day. Xu Zhenghua has dispatched all the forces that can be dispatched. Guan Yulan is an agent, Xie Shuyi is an accountant, and he has cooperated many times before. That lawyer Jiang — his name is Jiang Liangjun.

In fact, the basic terms have been negotiated. Today, it is mainly a scrutiny of words.

Jiang Liangyun, the lawyer, is the absolute main force.

Yesterday, he saw the revised draft after the second negotiation. It seems that he has worked hard. When he confronted the other party in the morning, he also behaved very actively and excitedly. He criticized and asked to revise and adjust the other party. several passages, but nothing else.

On the contrary, it was after lunch, when everyone returned to the resting place, that he raised this question, “I know Zhenghua, you are in the red right now, and I have absolutely no intention of questioning your creative ability, but really, three pictures in five years. The album requires a total sales of more than 20 million copies, not including singles, this… it is too much! No one can be so stable in a high position forever, it is normal to have ups and downs.”

After a pause, he turned to the page of the contract, and added: “Also, the conditions presented by both parties to this gambling agreement… I don’t know how the two of you discussed it before, it’s seriously asymmetric.”

When he said this, he turned his head and glanced at Guan Yulan.

Of course he knew that the previous negotiation was led by Guan Yulan.

Facing his gaze, Guan Yulan opened her mouth, but when she finally said something, she didn’t have the slightest anger after being targeted, “It’s impossible to be reciprocal, they didn’t ask for any shares, this is in the record industry. Absolutely unreasonable. Normally they should take half of the equity, but the distribution contract we won is only on the condition that we have a completely independent label. For this, of course, we must agree to their harsher gambling conditions .”

She could feel that Xu Zhenghua seemed to trust this lawyer Jiang, and as his business became bigger and bigger, he even started to have his own independent label. Of course, both individuals and companies need professional lawyers, or even a team of lawyers. To provide legal services, at present, this lawyer Jiang is likely to get this opportunity.

And he himself is obviously aware of it, and is working hard to fight and perform.

His full firepower this morning is proof.

In this case, Guan Yulan really didn’t want to have the slightest conflict with the other party.

She knows that she is very weak now, and Xu Zhenghua can replace himself at any time as long as he wants to. The little liquidated damages are no longer a problem for him.

Fortunately, judging from the past, he is a very nostalgic person.

He likes to keep using people he already knows.

“But if the total sales of the three albums do not exceed 20 million, the other party will automatically own 51% of the label and become a major shareholder in an instant, even if the sales volume is 19.5 million… The total sales of the three albums can reach close to 2,000. If the number is ten thousand, as far as I know, their copyright value is amazing, and at that time, the other party will directly take 51%…”

He turned to look at Xu Zhenghua, “But even if we win the bet, we can only get a cash reward of 10 million yuan, which is really unequal…”

Yeah, very asymmetrical.

But that’s the rules of the game.

When Xu Zhenghua was talking with the other party in the first round, he didn’t even bother about it at all.

To put it bluntly, this gambling agreement just helped me win an opportunity to own an independent label in advance. If the total sales of three albums exceed 20 million copies, you are indeed qualified to discuss this issue with the big distribution company. , Of course, whether it can be said that it is two or not is only qualified to discuss it. And if there are less than 20 million copies, the other party will take 51% of you, isn’t it normal?

Business game, if you want to take it for nothing, what good things do you want!

Xu Zhenghua pondered for a moment, and said, “Don’t talk about this, this is one of the prerequisites for reaching a consensus and forming this distribution contract!” After a pause, he smiled, “They are the top six in the industry, they don’t take advantage, take advantage of less, yes For them, it’s actually a loss.”

Jiang Liangyun sighed, “Then I have nothing to say.”

After a pause, he smiled again, looking at Xu Zhenghua with sincerity and sincere admiration, “One yard is one yard, although I think this is unfair and the risk is very high, but I still have to say that it is possible to learn from Qimingxing. In the hands of such a big company, you have won a distribution contract with such conditions, Zhenghua, you are really amazing!”

Xu Zhenghua smiled, “That’s fine, that’s it, everyone has no opinion, I’ll sign in the afternoon!”


After three o’clock in the afternoon, a small conference room.

Jiang Liangyun handed the contract, which had been carefully reviewed and reviewed, to Xu Zhenghua, “No problem.”

Xu Zhenghua raised his head and looked towards the afternoon before rushing over. At this moment, Liu Junxian, who was standing in front of the window watching the scenery and smoking, said, “Mr. Liu, shall we sign?”

Liu Junxian turned around, walked over, sat down directly opposite Xu Zhenghua, stretched out his hand to pick up the pen, “Come! Sign!”

Both sides signed quickly, and exchanged texts to sign again.

As a result, “Zhenghua Music Co., Ltd.”, which has just been registered for a few days, has its own distributor.

“Haha, Zhenghua, happy cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!”

The two signed, and they shook hands across the conference table.

The flash light suddenly came on. It should be Qiu Jianfeng’s assistant, the general manager of the Imperial Capital Branch of Venus Records, a beautiful sister. “Mr. Liu, can we officially take a few pictures? This is an important moment for our Venus Records.”

Liu Junxian laughed when he heard the words, “Okay!”, and then waved at Xu Zhenghua.

Apparently, this flattery made him very comfortable.

Xu Zhenghua was not at all unhappy because of this obvious call to place himself as a subordinate. He quickly walked around the long conference table and walked to Liu Junxian’s side. The two stood shoulder to shoulder, holding hands together. .

Crack! Click!

The flash comes on frequently.

Xu Zhenghua suddenly noticed that Guan Yulan also took out a camera and hung it around her neck at some point. At this time, she was also focusing her long lens on this side and snapping it.

Then she took the initiative to say hello, “Let’s take a big group photo together?”

Liu Junxian also readily agreed.

He seemed to be in a very good mood today.

At this moment, everyone in the conference room gathered together. After Liu Junxian, Qiu Jianfeng, the two bosses, and Xu Zhenghua were all seated, they spontaneously gathered behind them and stood in a circle, lining up their positions.

Guan Yulan took off the camera and gave it to the little beauty, “Help me take a picture with mine.” Then she walked over quickly, joined the team, and squeezed into Xu Zhenghua’s side for the first time – but turned around , she saw Xie Shuyi standing on the outermost side, thought for a while, stretched out her hand and pulled her over and put it next to Xu Zhenghua.



“Husband, I’m tired and don’t want to run.”

On the other end of the phone, An Xiaojing’s voice did sound a little tired and frustrated.


Xu Zhenghua put one hand on the table to answer the phone, reached out with his right hand subconsciously, grabbed the left hand of Senior Sister, and played with it in the palm of his hand. Smooth and rich, as if boneless.

does not delay her eating and chatting with people.

“I have discussed with Lao Lu and President He. After this week, I will go back next week. The competition is so fierce now that I am not even sure I can stay in the top ten in the next list.”

“If you want to go back, go back. You don’t have to care about this ranking so much. It has already won the top single for two weeks, which is very impressive. It was also 13th in the B list in the last issue, and it will definitely be in the top 20 in the next issue. The sales will not be Worse than ‘Short Hair’, that’s already good. Come back!”

“Well, husband, I want to make an album! Mr. He is right, an album is the embodiment of real strength. Only a big-selling album can really stabilize the status and so on. … You make me one. album!”

Xu Zhenghua paused slightly before answering, “Okay, I’ll talk about this when you get back.”

What He Jianliang said?

is a hint? Or did you say it clearly?

No, he probably won’t explicitly say that he has prepared the remaining eight songs for An Xiaojing’s album, which is not conducive to creating poor information for him, and Dongfang Star refused without hesitation. With the 1.5 million offer he made, he didn’t know that Guan Yulan had come back. At present, he was still anxiously waiting for Guan Yulan to come back so that he could get his contract first.

Therefore, it should be a hint to An Xiaojing, asking her to find her for an album!

can be regarded as putting some pressure on yourself.

But “Thousands of Que Songs” came later, and now is the most popular time. Jin Xiaoqing is almost always under the exposure of the spotlight and the pursuit of flashlights. Guan Yulan, the agent, disappeared from her side. It is impossible to hide it for too long – at most, it will last until next week. Even if He Jianliang didn’t think about this aspect at the beginning, no matter how slow he is, he will definitely find out.

So, let’s showdown next week.

“Really?” An Xiaojing on the other end of the phone was extremely surprised, “Then you’re going to start preparing songs for me, I want a big-selling album! I’m better than Shen Jinyan’s! It is said that Lu Xiaosui is already there. I’m preparing for the album, I’m going to fight her on stage, I’m going to blow her up!”


I am afraid that what discourages her is not simply the fact that the market influence of “When Love is Approaching” is declining too fast. Lu Xiaosui’s new orders are rising rapidly, which is also one of the key factors.

Although Lu Xiaosui had already been beaten by her once when “Short Hair” was released, it is clear that An Xiaojing is still ready to compete with her, who is also a newcomer.

According to Lu Ming’s phone call, they met privately when they were participating in the recording of a program. Lu Xiaosui was very rude to her and said some rather offensive words. Of course, An Xiaojing was not soft. Temperament, he responded on the spot, and the scene was once uncontrollable.

“Hey, there seems to be a lot of noise around you. Are you outside? Where are you eating?”

“Well, a group of friends, my senior sister, and my sister Guan, let’s get together for a while.”

“Oh, then I won’t talk about my husband, wait until I go back! Hee hee, everyone misses you, and when you go back, I will haunt you for three days and three nights!”

“Ouch, good!”

“Well, hang up!”

“Boom, bye!”

hung up the phone and put the phone by the dining table, Xu Zhenghua returned to the atmosphere of the dining table.

The contract was signed in the afternoon. According to Qiu Jianfeng’s intention, it must be celebrated, and even a grand party was planned to advertise to the industry, but Xu Zhenghua declined.

For nothing else, whether Kojima Records or Oriental Star are still holding on to Xu Zhenghua’s large sum of accounts, they have to settle those accounts first, so as not to cause trouble once they are torn apart.

Especially with Kojima Records.

The third transaction of “Short Hair” can apply for settlement, and the second transaction of “Beautiful Eyes” is even bigger, at least 2 million to 2.5 million sales can be settled, and “When Love is Approaching” has not even been settled yet, It is estimated that the sales volume has exceeded 2 million copies. All these add up to more than 5 million copies to be settled.

Once settled, there is no problem with the income of more than 4 million.

The “Song of Thousand Thousand Que” by the Oriental Star has almost certainly sold 3 million copies…

If the other party has to settle with the card, although it will only be a matter of time, if you delay it for a year or two, you have nothing to do. At the extreme point, if you have torn your face anyway, if you file a lawsuit, the other party is destined to lose the case, but only You need to spend a little legal fee, from the time you file the lawsuit, it can easily drag you for a year or a half, and in the end, the big deal is to pay the full amount of the out-of-court settlement.

For nothing else, just to disgust you, you are really uncomfortable.

Not only record companies, all companies can play this set very well.

The    contract is only the last bottom line guarantee.

A lawsuit is just the last choice in desperation.

It is the right way to get all the big heads into your own hands before tearing your face off.

But after all, it’s such a big happy event, and we still have to celebrate a little bit.

So it was just a few people who knew about it, Xu Zhenghua, Xie Shuyi, Guan Yulan, Jiang Liangyun, including Jiang Xiaomi who had to come to join in the fun after knowing the news.

Just these five people, simply find a restaurant, don’t even need a private room, just choose a card seat by the window, eat and drink, it is also quite enjoyable.

They were talking about “the Jiang family in Northern Zhili”. Xu Zhenghua suddenly got into the topic, and he didn’t understand a little, so he let go of Xie Shuyi’s hand and buried his head to eat first.

Listen and listen, you will probably understand.

“Yo, Sister Xiaomi, it turns out that your family is still a very rich man!”

“Hee hee, my grandfather is, I am not.” Jiang Xiaomi responded with a smile.

Everyone didn’t care about it at first, but they couldn’t stand Jiang Liangjun, who has been in the legal profession for more than ten years. He can be said to be well-known and knowledgeable. When chatting, when he asked Jiang Xiaomi’s place of origin, he immediately asked the other party if he had heard of them. The Jiang family, Jiang Xiaomi didn’t deliberately hide it, and as a result, the number was immediately matched.

The top 300 richest people in the world and the 137th richest person in Daming’s domestic rich list, Jiang Xinyu, known as the “North Zhili Textile King”, is actually Jiang Xiaomi’s grandfather.

No wonder he was just taking an ordinary class in an accounting firm at a young age, yet he already owns a big house of his own, which is worth several million!

People have it since birth.

This is really worthy of the title of “Miss Qianjin”.

“Come, come, let’s be as rich as our grandfather, do it!” Xu Zhenghua took the initiative to raise his glass.

Xie Shuyi, who was sitting between them, laughed, and patted him angrily, “What grandpa is blindly recognizing!”

Jiang Xiaomi is also proud. It seems that as long as Xu Zhenghua doesn’t go to her house and has to live with her, she has nothing to worry about. “Come on baby, I’ll take you home to see our grandpa when I get back.”

With a    ding sound, the two of them clinked their glasses and drank it all.

The opposite Jiang Liangyun has already taken out his business card and handed it over seriously, “I don’t have my own office anymore, but please believe me, I have always been a very good lawyer, feel free to find me if you need it!”

Jiang Xiaomi politely accepted and agreed.

The two clink the glasses again, but this time, no one drinks it up.

Xie Shuyi just filled the glass for Jiang Xiaomi, and was about to pour a new bottle for Xu Zhenghua, but saw that he had already poured tons of it, so she came over and said softly: “Drinking too much hurts the body. , your alcohol intake is not very good, no matter how happy you are, you can’t drink too much. It’s almost enough, is the last drink okay?”

For many years, she has always used this tone of coaxing children.

But Xu Zhenghua just liked her, “Okay.”

Seeing that the two of them are so intimate, Guan Yulan and Jiang Liangyun on the opposite side both turned a blind eye and looked at Jiang Xiaomi and talked to her.

Whether it is a lawyer or an agent, observation is a very important part of professional skills. Although today is the first time they have met Xie Shuyi, they have already understood Xie Shuyi’s speciality without delaying just one morning. status.

Xu Zhenghua was almost obedient to her.

The two became intimate, and when they got together to bite their ears, holding hands were all pediatrics.

Xu Zhenghua often put his hands on her waist and put his arms around her, sometimes he just hugged her.

The kind of intimacy, the natural intimacy with almost no barriers… It was something Guan Yulan had never seen before.

From An Xiaojing, and Yuan Wei, who I saw after returning this time-they were obviously very close to Xu Zhenghua, and they were close to a negative distance, but they were still not as natural as the two of them.

No one dared to inquire about their relationship.

I just heard Xu Zhenghua say that it is senior sister, that is senior sister.

After eating a meal for nearly two hours, everyone drank a little too much, so Guan Yulan called the chauffeur company—there is no rule against drinking and driving in this era, but everyone knows that drinking too much is not safe to drive.

Not only drunk driving, Xu Zhenghua learned not long ago that it was not until 1986, that is, seven years ago, that the domestic Pan Asia Airlines, as the last airline, announced that it would also ban smoking on the plane.

So far, smoking is not allowed on all airline planes.

So in fact, people who flew on a plane seven years ago were even allowed to smoke on the plane – it’s weird to think about it, but it’s a reality.

What’s even more bizarre is that it was not until 1981, that is, 12 years ago, that Xinqiongzhou, under pressure, announced the official abolition of the concubine system, and restricted the men who originally had concubines to be on December 31, 1985. Before, properly house all your concubines and go through the divorce procedures.

Of course, the Ming Dynasty abolished the concubinage system much earlier, in 1941.

While waiting for the driver, Guan Yulan said with a smile, “Zhenghua, you should buy a car. If you have a four-wheel drive, find a driver. You always ride a motorcycle to run around and delay things. It’s not safe to say no.”

Xu Zhenghua thought for a while, then nodded, “Alright!”

It is indeed time to buy a car.

And more than one.

is not for safety, nor for convenience.

The main reason is that if you want to go to bed with An Xiaojing next, you have to hide your head and face.

And the contract has been signed. After you have your own label, it won’t be long before you even become famous. If you don’t get some equipment, you won’t be free in the days to come.

(end of this chapter)

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