Chasing Tides

Chapter 31

At 7:30 in the evening, the live broadcast of AOW member Ning Lan’s birthday began.

The live broadcast was nothing new. Ning Lan had to pretend to be surprised and keep a smile, and his facial muscles were sore. After cutting the cake, hiding behind the camera and flipping over the phone, except for the text message that implicitly urged him to pay for his living expenses, there was no other message.

At the beginning of last month ’s Mid-Autumn Festival, my uncle and Uncle called him together and asked him why he had n’t been home for Mid-Autumn Festival. I ca n’t plug it in. I deeply suspect that they have prepared in advance and are reading a draft on the phone.

But I have to say that this trick is very effective. He is born to eat soft and not hard, especially when his uncle said that he almost was killed by his father several times when he was a kid. It was his uncle who stopped him and brought him home for his food. Ning Lan’s heart hardened a little, and it softened. In fact, they don’t need to spend this time. He didn’t plan to cut off the living expenses. Ning Xuan’s university is ready to continue to provide.

Just hearing the word “home” many times is inevitable.

Ning Lan opened WeChat, drew a few circles up and down the recent contacts interface, and finally did not click on the top of the dialog box named SY.

He’s so busy, it’s normal to forget, so don’t bother him.

Ning Lan’s birthday party had no surprises. If the company brought his mother over, it would not be a surprise, but a fright. The parents of other people’s faces have loving smiles-“Baby, happy birthday.” His mother is-“Son, is there any money?”

It’s kind of funny to think about it.

After receiving a gift from everyone or attentively or perfunctoryly, Lu Xiaochuan and Wang Bingyang sang a song for him, I do n’t know who changed the word, added his name cleverly, and repeatedly sang “Lanlan is cute and lovely “Cute,” Ning Lan couldn’t stop laughing, took out her cell phone on the spot and let them sing again, saying that she would record it as an alarm.

Since all AOW members were not there, the process was relatively simple, and the birthday party began to end in less than an hour. When Ning Lan said to the camera, “Thank you for your blessings, I will continue to work hard”, the door of the meeting room was pushed open.

Sui Yan was standing in the door dustily, beside her was a suitcase with a shipping label.

He threw the suitcase in the door without dragging in, and quickly walked to Ning Lan: “Happy birthday, I’m late.”

Ning Lan stunned for a while, then the heart started beating like a green leather train that was accelerating after starting, sighing, getting faster and faster.

Sui Yang turned over the windbreaker pocket and took out a gift box from the left: “This is the birthday present that Fang Yu asked me to give you.” Then he took another from the right, “This is for me.”

“Happy birthday.” He repeated again.

Fang Yu gave him a pen, and the note left inside told him to hold this pen to fight for a harmonious society for life, and everyone around him laughed.

When opening Sui’s gift box, Ning Lan didn’t know why she was a little nervous. He quietly wiped off the sweat from his palms before slowly opening it.

Inside lies a red agate bracelet.

Sui Yan looked at his thin, white wrists and said, “When I went shopping, I saw that it was suitable for you, so I bought it.”

Ning Lan stared for a long time, touched the moist and delicate surface of the red beads, and said in a low voice that only she could hear: “Thank you … I like it very much.”

In the evening, Ning Lan took off the bracelet that had been worn for less than two hours, enjoyed it for a long time under the light, and then took it back as a treasure, and put a red cord pressed under the box as a gift as a gift. on.

Sui Yue asked him why he changed it. Ning Lan was embarrassed to say that he was afraid of being hit, but he didn’t want to wear it, because he was afraid of being cut off by fans.

Sui Yan laughed but said nothing.

Ning Lan squatted down to pack with him and asked him why he had come back so early. Sui Yue said that just after the filming this afternoon, thinking about his birthday, he didn’t stay for another night, and changed his plane ticket to return first.

Ning Lan’s face was still flushed with excitement, almost red past the string of red agate. He had noisy thoughts in his head, always wondering why Sui Yang would come back in advance, and now he got an answer from his mouth, still not convinced.

Is he really … back for my birthday?

At this moment, Ning Lan had to admit that the string in his heart was long agitated, even if it was just thinking of Sui Yang’s name, it would make a brisk and pleasant sound.

Did you come back for me alone?


Does he also …

In the heart, the heavens and the heavens are fighting with excitement. If anything, Ning Lan’s fingers are trembling slightly. When he picks up a piece of clothing, he moves too much and lifts the things underneath.

A box similar to the gift box given to him by Sui Yue fell to his feet, and the lid opened.

Ning Lan leaned closer. He picked it up one step first. Inside the box were a pair of star-shaped earrings, one large and one small, with a simple design. The black gemstones flowed through the incandescent lamp.

Sui Yang didn’t have a piercing ear, and Ning Lan asked in doubt: “This is …”

Sui Yan glanced at the pair of earrings, his eyes flickered, and his hand hung in the air dropped, and whispered, “It’s for you.”

Ning Lan blinked: “But I don’t have piercings.”

“Well, I didn’t expect it when I bought it.”

Ning Lan looked at Sui Yang with an uncomfortable look, thinking he was embarrassed, and Ren Jun couldn’t help but said, “Thank you Captain, it’s beautiful.”

Sui purses her lips and keeps packing.

Ning Lan didn’t sleep well all night. He fell asleep in the middle of the night and pressed the two boxes under the pillow. If he couldn’t sleep, he could feel it by moonlight. He couldn’t stop the corner of his mouth. Going up.

Fang Yu and Gu Yankai returned at noon. While Zhang Fan and An Lin were away in the morning, he sneaked out of the company and took a taxi to the door of a hospital in the south of the city.

This is the second time he has been here. The man who received him was the same male doctor last time. He did not recognize Ning Lan who had only one side. He saw that the guest was well-dressed and his attitude was not as bad as last time. .

However, when he heard that he was only going to pierce the ears, the doctor rolled his eyes to the sky and pointed out the door: “Go left and then turn left, and holes are made everywhere.”

According to the doctor’s instructions, Ning Lan found a small shop selling accessories in the alley. He spent twenty dollars to punch two ear holes in the left ear, one on the earlobe and one near the edge of the auricle.

“Please help me put these two earrings on.” After punching the ears, Ning Lan said, pulling out the box from his pocket.

The owner of the jewelry store is a middle-aged woman in her thirties. She was surprised: “How can I wear earrings just after I pierced my ears, and I’m not afraid of inflammation and pussy?”

Ning Lan said that she was not afraid, and begged the boss to help him wear it. Where can the boss hold the little boy’s milk and flirtatious flirtatiousness, seeing that the star stud earrings are platinum, and it is not easy to cause wound infection.

The silver nails that had just been pierced into the meat were still bleeding after being pulled out. The boss lady couldn’t bear to change him directly, and asked, “Is it from my girlfriend? It’s such a treasure.”

Ning Lan’s face behind the mask smiled brightly, and before she could talk, she was snarled and suffocated by the pain of piercing her skin.

On the way back, Ning Lan was in the back seat of the taxi and turned on the front camera of the mobile phone as a mirror to look at his left ear. He placed the larger star on the earlobe, and pressed it on the auricle. The obsidian reflected the sunlight outside the window and was dazzling.

Fairly pleasing, except that the ears are a bit swollen.

Running out to pierce the ear was not only his impulse, but he also thought about it all night long.

Ning Lan touched her chest with her hand, and a heart buried under the sun and rain dew was about to emerge.

Even if he repeatedly told himself not to have unrealistic delusions like a fool, after all, his silent heart could not resist, and he was tempted by the bombardment of sugar-coated shells.

Not to mention sugar-coated shells.

Ning Lan finally summoned up the courage and guessed boldly–

Maybe … he likes me too?

Why else come back to celebrate my birthday?

Otherwise why is it so gentle and good to me?

Ning Lan seems to have searched for the answer in these questions. He was dizzy with this answer, and exhausted a little bit of rationality to suppress the overwhelming happiness.

There has never been a moment as urgent as now, want to go back quickly, see him quickly.

He looked back at the scenery along the street backwards, raised the hand wearing the red rope, and touched his left ear. The smile was printed on the bottom of his eyes and fixed on his eyebrows, and never faded.

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