Chasing Tides

Chapter 37

On the evening of December 31, all AOW members of the Capital Satellite TV performed on New Year’s Eve.

Because it was a live broadcast, they arrived one day in advance, and rehearsed before and after the official appearance.

Recently, the music scene has set off a wave of competition among various fans. Before coming to the company, I heard that most of the singers chose to sing true. AOW is also a singer’s debut, but singing and dancing is great for the stability of the breath and sound. Zhang Fan asked the teenagers to practice singing and breathe out a few days in advance. The effect on the scene was still not satisfactory. Coupled with the fact that the staff members were neglected to make a full-scale wheat because of the negligence of the staff, members were caught by surprise and sang under the strain.

Wang Bingyang’s position in the group is double-tasting, singing and dancing. Perhaps he was robbed of the role before and has not recovered his energy. He frequently walked on the stage and forgot a lot of words. Ning Lan helped him to take a few words. The live broadcast did not end in the supertalk, some said that Wang Bingyang’s professionalism was too poor, and the lyrics could be forgotten, some said that Yangyang was sick before, he was young, everyone should not be too harsh, and a group of people called Ning Lan nosy. , Want to be red and crazy, what are they singing? Just the scene of the car accident.

In fact, objectively speaking, Ning Lan sang well. At least in such a high-intensity dance, the characters were clear and not out of tune. He could not hold his body with many black spots. No matter what he did, some people thought about it.

Immediately after the day of New Year’s Day, a certain entertainment gossip trumpet PO starred in the drafting list of “Covering the River and Mountain”, which caused a thousand waves. Before receiving the audition script, Wang Bingyang couldn’t help but get excited, took a picture secretly and tweeted. At that time, the original fan recognized the lines in “Covering the River and Mountain”. The fans were happy for him. Now At first glance, where is the shadow of Wang Bingyang on this list? In AOW, only Ning Lan’s name appeared on it.

Coupled with the recent depression in Wang Bingyang’s various rice shoots, various conspiracy theories have emerged. What Ning Lan was sneaked by the director and Ning Lan was sneaked by the senior executives of Starlight Entertainment. Ning Lan brought funds into the group for this role. Waiting for all kinds of unrealistic speculation, not only fans, onlookers passers-by have to believe.

After Ning Lan himself heard Anlin talk about it, she touched it and found that their guess was quite logical. Wang Bingyang hasn’t been fighting with him recently, he is almost out of touch with the rice circle.

“The Public Relations Department is already planning to declare, if you want to hold accountable …”

Ning Lan said decisively: “Don’t pursue it, don’t waste this money.”

Seeing him so open-minded, Anlin was a little scared: “Are you fighting for your strength based on your strength, isn’t it angry that you have been misunderstood?”

Ning Lan smiled: “The mouth is on them, this black spot has passed and there is the next one. Let them go and talk, and it will be better to have a lot of skills to prove that I still have a bit of topic.”

This idea is very dangerous, An Lin advised: “That being said, but this is generally a choice when there is no way out. You are young and it is more appropriate to accumulate popularity with a positive image.”

Ning Lan repeatedly nodded and said yes, she sent away Anlin, who had broken her heart, and left the matter behind her back.

There is no room for gain, since you have thought through this layer, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Soon to January 9, the company held a live broadcast of the birthday party to Captain Sui Ai of AOW in accordance with the usual practice.

Ning Lan did not hide in the corner to make a background board, but squeezed beside Sui Yan to stand. Gu Yankai couldn’t get close to Sui Yan’s body when he gave a gift. Strict.

It was his turn to give a gift. He tricked the staff to dim the lights. Everyone thought that he was going to put in a big move. After a long while, he sang “Happy birthday to you”.

The barrage was all brushing “ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha”, Sui Yang also coerced with a look of persecution and asked him: “That’s it?”

Ning Lan nodded: “Well, I have been preparing for a long time.”

Some fans in the barrage said that Bubble Lan was not true. The captain rushed back from the field last time and sent a bracelet that looked very valuable. Did you just sing a song?

Ning Lan said mysteriously to the camera: “The rest is private and not for you to see.” Then he put his wrist out and showed off, “Do you want to see it?”

He wore that red agate bracelet today, and a large ruddy bead lined his wrists with white skin, and a bunch of “licking licking” in the barrage. Of course, the discordant voice still existed. After a barrage of “bubble black rolls out of the entertainment circle”, he smiled and said, “You let me roll and I roll away? Then I’m too shameless, wait until I want to roll myself and roll smoothly, ha? Da. “

His open-minded behavior has attracted good feelings. Many people in the super talk at night turned black and turned pink, and it was not easy to think of the bubbles, and there was no real hammer for them, so don’t take the children for a while. Kill it with a stick.

The “Suibo Chasing Lans” superword also ushered in a new wave of fans due to Ning Lan’s intimate attitude towards Sui Yan tonight. Everyone learned the lessons from the last sway to Lan Lan’s blacks and closed the door secretly. Beauty.

Back to the dormitory at night, Ning Lan took a bath and lay on the bed to play with a mobile phone. Fang Yu and Lu Xiaochuan next door were tired of going to the dormitory and went home. Gu Yankai packed and went to the next door again. With a bang, Ning Lan lifted his head from his mobile phone and looked at him: “Do you believe it or not, the resident who fell downstairs two more times will find the door?”

Gu Yankai and other round eyes looked at him, and did not seem to think he would provoke himself.

Ning Lan rolled over and lay on his side. “If it wasn’t for the trouble of moving things, I wouldn’t mind moving to the next door, otherwise you would call your brother away? It wouldn’t be much better if one person occupied one room.”

Gu Yankai hummed away.

Ning Lan sighed a long time, took the slippers and went downstairs to get the courier.

When his custom bow arrived, the luthier sent it with a white hard plastic water pipe about one meter long, and Ning Lan was startled when he got it.

“What the **** is this way of dressing?” The little express boy asked curiously.

Ning Lan dressed casually, but her face was tightly covered, and he smiled across the mask and said, “Golden hoop.”

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into Wang Bingyang, who also came to pick up the courier. Wang Bingyang saw him look away, Ning Lan thought for a while, and stood there waiting for him to return.

When he got to the elevator, Ning Lan said, “Yangyang, that … I apologize to you. I’m sorry. I’ll invite you to eat delicious food tomorrow.”

Wang Bingyang was silent for a moment, extruding a less calm smile: “It’s all right, all brothers.”

Wang Bingyang often hangs by his mouth as “Everyone is a brother.” A heartless kid, but Ning Lan knew that he must have spoken his teeth this time.

To say that it is not uncomfortable is definitely false. Wang Bingyang is the first member to show his goodwill to him after joining the group. He also feels that he is not a thing to do such a thing.

But this is his choice after weighing the weight, no one can complain.

Going back and taking off the mask, Ning Lan just wanted to take the water pipe apart, and Sui Yan pushed in the door.

Ning Lan threw things into the bed, Sui Yan glanced and asked, “What is it?”

How difficult it is to awaken the curiosity of the captain, Ning Lan can’t help but be proud: “Do you guess?”

Sui Yan did not guess, and sat down and wiped his hair.

Ning Lan took the initiative to help him clean it, whispering, “Which is filled with drugs …”

Sui Yan’s shoulders were visibly stiffened, and he turned to look at Ning Lan: “Really?”

Ning Lan narrowed her eyes with a smile: “Guess.”

Sui Yue got up and went to get something on his bed. Ning Lan held him and couldn’t stop laughing: “Do you believe this? How can drugs be so bold?”

Sui Yan was a little annoyed by him. This guy has always loved to joke with him recently, saying that he is practicing acting skills, and lies can’t help but sometimes he can’t tell whether it is true or false.

Ning Lan leaned up and patted his chest: “Rest assured, how can I have the courage to do things that violate the law and discipline? Not to mention under your eyes.”

Sui Yan looked at him coldly. What else in your heart did you dare?

“Don’t be embarrassed with me, ugly and dead.” Ning Lan frowned, raising his hands with the index finger and ring finger to support the corners of Sui Yang’s mouth.

Sui Yan snatched the towel from his hand and continued to wipe his hair.

“Well.” Ning Lan pushed and laughed after pushing him, “Do you like my birthday present to you?”

Sui Yang didn’t speak.

If you like it, that birthday song is too simple and casual. Lu Xiaochuan received a box of cookies made by Ning Lan on his birthday. If you don’t like it, this is the first time Ning Lan has sang for him. He has always felt that Ning Lan’s voice is very pleasant, like the spring water in the mountains, and singing a birthday song makes people’s ears bright.

Ning Lan took it as his acquiescence, sitting next to him, shaking his head and shaking his head, a melody that Sui Yue had not heard, and talking to him one after another: “Captain, have you seen the humanities?”


Ning Lan froze, covered her mouth, and laughed again: “If it doesn’t, you should ask‘ what is humanism ’?”

Sui Sui glanced at the so-called “humanism” two times while occasionally looking through private messages. She was pierced through her mind and stood up angrily with a towel to walk away. Ning Lan stood up and hugged him from behind, nibbling his fingers one by one into Suiyang’s pajamas.

“I read an article today, that fan wrote … write me wearing **** lingerie to seduce you.” Ning Lan’s hand lingered on his hot abdominal muscles and touched all the way down, “Guess, will I wear what?”

Sui Yang didn’t want to guess, if he guessed wrong, he would be laughed at by this little liar.

Ning Lan let go of him but did not let him go. He took off his coat in front of him. The black lace straps inside had already made his fair skin red.

Perhaps it was the reason why I had been stunned for more than half a month.

Ning Lan leaned his hands against the wall and was pushed from behind by his buttocks. His limbs were trembling, and they would fall apart next second.

“Hi … uh … do you like this birthday present?” Ning Lan asked, moaning.

Sui Yan just worked hard, rubbing the soft buttocks in his palms and flattening them.

“Then … then I’ll treat you … like it.” Ning Lan’s voice was crushed and shattered, and she turned her head to kiss, Sui Su sucked the lips that had been sucked, and could not hear Ning Lan’s moans that made him double Feeling anxious, he kissed his earlobe back just after kissing for a while.

“Well … the stars … the stars are over here …” Ning Lan turned her neck and tried to show him the left earlobe. Sui Yue heard the word “stars”, he paused, and then straightened his waist faster. Sending cymbals, leaving Ning Lan with only gasping and moaning.

The lively **** / event ended, and both were tired. Sui Yue stayed in the bunk and let Ning Lan sleep with him.

Ning Lan didn’t fall asleep for a long time with her eyes closed, freeing her hand and quietly touching the cold plastic water pipe thrown to the corner of the wall, listening to Sui Yan’s long breathing, and continuing to hum the song that was not finished.

This was originally a song that he was going to sing to Sui Yun at his birthday party. He even thought about his excuses, and said that he would only sing such a popular song, so no one would doubt it.

Why didn’t you sing?

Perhaps the atmosphere at the scene was too good, he could not bear to destroy it, or it might have come to his lips before he realized that the lyrics were so lyrical that people like him could not sing.

[The person I love is not my lover

Every inch in his heart belongs to another person]

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