Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 13 [Sam and Julia]

Support Link: https://www.patr

⭐As of now, Pat reon is 9 chapters ahead⭐

(No double billing) (Exclusive NSFW chapters only on pat reon)


I woke up to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room. Stretching my arms above my head, I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The events of the previous night still lingered in my mind, the adrenaline rush and the sense of danger gradually subsiding.

As I sat up in bed, I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It read 9:00 am. It was a relief to know that I could enjoy a leisurely morning without any pressing obligations or unexpected visitors.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, feeling a bit sore from the tension of the previous night. I walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains, allowing the sunlight to flood the room. The cityscape outside greeted me with its usual hustle and bustle, people going about their daily routines.

I decided to take a refreshing shower to wash away the lingering tension from the previous night. The warm water cascaded over me, soothing my muscles and calming my mind. As I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, I found myself alone, ready to prepare breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and the sound of sizzling bacon added to the delightful ambiance.

I glanced around the kitchen, deciding on my breakfast menu. I grabbed a few eggs, some vegetables, and a slice of bread, contemplating whether to make an omelet or a scrambled egg. After a moment of consideration, I opted for a delicious vegetable omelet.

As I chopped the vegetables and whisked the eggs in a bowl, I hummed a tune to myself, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning. The events of the previous night still lingered in my mind, but I was grateful for this moment of tranquility. It was a chance to gather my thoughts and find some peace amidst the chaos.

After finishing the omelet and setting it aside to cook, I prepared a fresh pot of coffee. The rich aroma filled the kitchen, adding to the pleasant atmosphere. I poured myself a cup and took a sip, savoring the warmth and flavor as I turned on the TV.

I tuned in to the morning news, hoping to catch up on any developments in the city and beyond. The news anchor's voice filled the room, providing updates on various topics, from local events to international affairs. It was a good way to stay informed about the world around me.

As I sipped my coffee and watched the news, a piece of certain news caught my eye. I increased the volume.

I furrowed my brow in surprise and concern as I watched the news report about the strange creature in New York. The footage was indeed bizarre... A giant black lizard-like creature with web-flinging abilities and its whole body shimmering with tiny tendrils like things was something out of a sci-fi movie.

However, at a glance, I know what that freak is, thanks to my prior knowledge of the Marvel World. Fucking hell! That's the Lizard with a Symbiote attached to it.

I continued to watch the news report, my mind racing with thoughts and implications. The Lizard, a villain from the Marvel Universe, combined with a Symbiote? This was no ordinary threat. It was a potentially catastrophic situation for the city.

The news report mentioned that the creature had been causing chaos and destruction in New York, and authorities were struggling to contain it. But before the heroes' arrival, it disappeared into the sewer system.

I finished my breakfast, my mind swirling with a mix of curiosity and concern. The situation was far from ordinary, and I knew that it could have far-reaching consequences if left unchecked.

Should I just leave a clue to the heroes about how to defeat a symbiote? But, it will bring unnecessary attention to me. Then the best thing I can do is just drop in some clues in front of Gwen and hope that she catches them.

But considering the power and tech those heroes had at their disposal, they will be able to find it without any problem. I mean, Reed Richards is there... What could possibly go wrong?

Well, time to dress up and pay a visit to the ongoing work of my new restaurant. Today was supposed to be the paint job day. Hopefully, things are moving smoothly.

Dressed and ready for the day, I left my apartment and made my way to the location of my new restaurant. It was an hour's walk from my place. And since I didn't exercise today, I decided to take a walk.

As I walked towards the location of my new restaurant, my mind continued to ponder the news of the Lizard-Symbiote creature wreaking havoc in New York. I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility, knowing that I possessed knowledge about the Marvel Universe and its characters. However, I also understood the risks of involving myself directly in such a dangerous situation.

With each step, I weighed the options in my mind. Should I intervene and try to help the heroes? Or should I focus on my own life and the new venture I was undertaking? It was a difficult decision to make.

A sudden tug on my sleeves made me stop in my tracks. I turned back and saw a kid, around 7-8 years tops, wearing dirty clothes, his feet were naked and bruised.

A homeless kid!

The sight of the homeless child tugging on my sleeves brought me back to the reality of the world around me. It was a stark reminder that there were people in need, even amidst the chaos of extraordinary events like the Lizard-Symbiote situation.

Kneeling down to the child's level, I offered a warm smile and asked, "Hey there, are you okay?"

The child looked up at me with wide, apprehensive eyes but remained silent. He quickly removed his hand from my shirt.

"I... I am sorry. I didn't mean to dirty your shirt, sir," He trembled as he took a step back.

I gently reached out and placed a hand on the child's shoulder, trying to reassure him. "It's alright, you didn't dirty anything. Don't worry about that. Are you alone? Is there something I can do to help you? Just tell me anything you need."

The child hesitated for a moment, glancing around nervously before finally nodding. "I... I saw you in a newspaper. You are good at cooking food, yeah?"

"Yes, that's right. I do love cooking," I replied, trying to maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor.

The child looked at me with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "Can... can you cook my sister something? We... she is really hungry and she is having a fever. No one helped. I tried. I don't know what to do, sir. I saw you feeding orphans and the homeless before in the newspaper... Help her, please."

My heart went out to the child, and I immediately felt a sense of duty to help. I nodded empathetically and reassured him, "Of course, I'll help your sister. Take me to her."

The child's face lit up with relief and gratitude. He eagerly led the way, guiding me through the streets towards their makeshift shelter. As we walked, he told me a little about their situation. Their parents had passed away, and they had been living on the streets, struggling to find enough food and shelter.

His name is Sam Weller, 7 years old and his sister's name is Julia Weller, 10 years old. Apparently, the authorities kicked them out of their old dwelling and were forced out in the rain, at midnight, a couple of days ago. She got sick after that, so she couldn't get to her sweeping duty at the mall and they fired her when she went the next day to work as she failed to do her job with a fever.

Upon reaching their temporary dwelling, I saw a young girl lying on a thin, worn-out mattress. She appeared weak and pale, her small frame engulfed by her oversized clothes. It was clear she was in need of immediate care and nourishment.

Kneeling down beside her, I gently placed my hand on her forehead to check her temperature. She was indeed running a fever. It's really hot.

I quickly took out my phone and dialed the emergency hotline, requesting medical assistance for Julia. I explained the situation to the operator and provided them with the address of our location.

While waiting for the medical assistance to arrive, I spoke softly to Julia, trying to offer her some comfort. I assured her that help was on the way and that everything would be alright. Meanwhile, Sam stayed close by, his eyes filled with concern for his sister.

I turned to Sam and said, "The paramedics will be here soon. They will take care of your sister and make sure she gets the medical attention she needs. I will pay for everything. So, no need to worry."

Sam's eyes widened with a mix of relief and gratitude. He nodded, a glimmer of hope returning to his face. "Thank you, sir. Thank you so much. I was so scared, but you're really nice."

I smiled warmly at Sam, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're welcome, Sam. It's important to take care of each other, especially when times are tough. You are strong. Don't let that courage fade away, ever, you hear me? And from now, you and your sister deserve better, and I'll do what I can to help."

I know I can't help everyone, but...

Just then, the sound of sirens grew louder as an ambulance approached. The paramedics quickly arrived at the makeshift shelter and began assessing Julia's condition. They were gentle and efficient, providing the necessary care and assuring me that she would be taken to the hospital for further treatment.

"Hey, I want her the best treatment, you get it. I will be paying the bills, so, make sure she gets well soon, yeah?" I requested, making it clear that I was willing to cover any expenses required for Julia's treatment.

The paramedics nodded, understanding the situation. "Don't worry, sir. We'll do everything we can to ensure she receives the best care. Thank you for calling and providing assistance."

With a reassuring smile, I watched as Julia was carefully placed on a stretcher and taken into the ambulance. Sam stood by, holding onto my hand tightly, seeking comfort and reassurance.

"Well, let's get you someplace safe, alright? Then, I will pay a visit to your sister," I said to Sam, gently guiding him away from the scene. I booked a taxi and went to my second office. I will leave him in Gwen's care for now.


Support Link: https://www.patr

⭐As of now, Pat reon is 8 chapters ahead⭐

(No double billing) (Exclusive NSFW chapters only on pat reon)

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