Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 16 [Accidents]

I watched as the man stumbled towards the edge of the dock, clearly in a hurry to relieve himself. This was the perfect opportunity to set my plan in motion. With a deep breath, I focused my powers, ready to manipulate gravity and create an "accident" that would teach them a lesson.

As the man reached the edge of the dock, I released a surge of gravitational force beneath him. Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet became unstable, and he lost his balance, teetering precariously at the edge.

"Whoa, what the hell?!" he exclaimed, trying to regain his footing.

I intensified the gravitational pull, causing the ground to give way beneath him. With a loud crack, the wooden planks beneath him broke, and he plummeted into the dark waters below.

The other men gasped and rushed towards the edge, peering into the water in disbelief. They called out his name, but there was no response. Panic and confusion filled the air as they realized their comrade had vanished.

Using the chaos as a distraction, I swiftly moved away from the scene, making sure to stay out of sight. The darkness of the night provided cover as I made my way to a nearby vantage point, where I could observe their reactions.

The remaining men exchanged worried glances and frantically searched the water for any sign of their missing companion. They shouted his name repeatedly, their voices filled with desperation.

"What the fuck just happened? Gim was right here!" one of them exclaimed, his voice trembling.

"He must have fallen in! We need to get him out!" another shouted, panic evident in his tone.

"What the fuck are you lots standing there for? Pull that drunk motherfucker out," the ringleader yelled.

I observed as the men rushed to their fallen comrade's aid. They formed a human chain, reaching out to try and pull him out of the water. The ringleader took charge, barking orders and directing the rescue efforts.

Unbeknownst to them, I continued to manipulate gravity, subtly increasing the weight and resistance they encountered as they tried to retrieve their companion. Their efforts became more strenuous, their movements slower and more labored.

As they struggled against the increased gravitational force, frustration and exhaustion began to take their toll. The ringleader's face turned red with exertion, veins bulging in his forehead. The others grew weary, their muscles trembling with fatigue.

Eventually, their attempts to rescue their comrade proved futile. The ringleader, visibly enraged, turned towards his remaining subordinates, his voice filled with fury.

"You useless pieces of shit! Can't even pull a goddamn body out of the water?!" he yelled, his face contorted with anger.

The tension among the group escalated as blame was cast, accusations flying between them. The situation devolved into chaos, with tempers flaring and threats being exchanged.

This was just the beginning. I wanted them to suffer, to feel the weight of their actions. They had caused harm to the vulnerable and exploited those who couldn't defend themselves. Now, they were reaping what they had sown.

It was too dark. And it acted as my ally.

I decreased my pressure for a bit, letting them pull out their drunken comrade. After all, leaving him underwater will kill him fast.

Finally, they pulled him up.

"Boss, he is out cold," one yelled.

"Get the water out of his system," Another yelled.

They started to press his chest to release the water that had filled his lungs. I was happy to see them caring enough to revive him. After all, he was their friend and friends should share the same pain, isn't that what friends are for?

One of the men suddenly called out, "Boss, he isn't responding!"

"Give him CPR! Don't let him die on us," another screamed.

"What the fuck, boss? Who will kiss this fucking diseased-filled bastard? Let's just toss him back in the water," one yelled.

"Shut up! Are you gonna help or are you gonna stand there and talk shit?" the leader yelled. "He is the only one who knows where that bitch is. If he dies, the authorities will be all over our asses. Whoever gives him CPR will get a 3% extra share from the trade."

He was willing to offer his own men a share of the profits if they revived his buddy. This was the time to make my move. It was time to give him a dose of his own medicine.

"Fuck! I will do it," One of them, a thin and lean creepy guy with bushy hair, said as he stepped towards their fallen comrade.

He quickly placed his hands over their fallen friend's chest, giving it a few quick thrusts. Giving up on that, he then held down their comrade's nose and blew into his mouth. He was trying his best.

I used my gravity power to prevent the lean creep from putting his head up.

"Ooummm!" He tried to pull his mouth apart, but I ain't gonna let that happen.

"Boss, this bastard is kissin' Gim!" one yelled, laughing hysterically.

The ringleader slapped his face in disgust. "Dumbass! He is trying to save Gim."

"No, boss, just look at him. He is definitely kissin' him like a creepy maniac, and even making funny sounds," the man replied, still laughing hysterically.

The creep continued trying to get his head up, but I forced it down. "Uuuurrmph!"

He started struggling harder, his body writhing on the ground.

The men laughed harder, pointing fingers and laughing at him.

"Ouuuumm, urrrrrm!" the creep squirmed, trying to get his head up.

The leader kicked the thin guy giving CPR in the face, "You motherfucking piece of shit! What is wrong with you? Fucking creep. Are you enjoying it?"

I let the gravity go and the thin guy stumbled and rolled and crashed on the nearby stacks of boxes.

I used my gravity power to squeeze the water out of Gim's lungs while hiding in the shadows of the trees and docks, watching the situation escalate. It was my way of silently mocking the men and reminding them of their own cruelty and how it now haunted them.

"Ouuuummm!" He convulsed on the ground. "Cough! Cough!" He coughed out water.

"Gim! Are you alright?!" the men surrounded their comrade in concern.

After a few minutes, he recovered and sat up, holding his head.

"Argg! What the fuck happened? I feel like someone sucking on my face..." Gim said in a slurred voice.

"Your buddy was kissing you," the ringleader replied, laughing.

Gim looked at his boss in confusion, then turned to look at his friends, his head still woozy.

"No. Fuck no. Are you guys making fun of me?" Gim said as he turned to the creepy lean guy, "Fred?"

"Wait! Gim, my man, let me explain..." Fred pleaded as he raised his hands up in defense.

Gim instantly slapped Fred. "What the fuck, man?!"

"That hurt, man!" Fred covered his face, shaking his head.

The others laughed at the two as Gim gave Fred another slap, but this time, he tripped and fell, giving Fred a chance to retaliate. Fred tackled Gim and proceeded to punch him repeatedly.

"Oww! Stop! Fuck!" Gim screamed and tried to get out of Fred's grip.

"You ungrateful piece of shit, I gave you CPR and saved your life, man!" Fred screamed in a fit of rage.

He continued punching Gim.

"No, you were kissing me! You son of a bitch!" Gim yelled back.

"Dude, stop! You are gonna kill him!" The others tried to restrain Fred, but he pushed them away.

"I didn't kiss you! I gave you CPR!" Fred screamed in exasperation.

"CPR my ass. You think I don't know what you do in that car of yours, fucking fapping bastard?" Gim yelled.

"Fuck you, Gim, you dumb fuck!" Fred yelled.

"Dumb fuck, huh? You are the dumb fuck! Sucking on my mouth with that filthy mouth of yours..." Gim shouted as he swung at Fred, "Fuck! I am going to throw up."

"Stop, guys, you are gonna attract attention," the leader shouted.

The two kept fighting, ignoring their boss's pleas. They were in too deep, both too consumed by emotion and rage.

Now is the perfect chance. I manipulated gravity to break the wooden plank beneath Fred's feet. He fell into the dark waters with a splash.

"Arrgghh! My legs are stuck!" Fred yelled.

"What the fuck is going on? You shitheads get your shits together. I am out of here, you get out of your own, fucking creep. Gim with me," the ringleader barked as he ran off with the rest of the gang inside the warehouse, "We need to discuss the location of the next trade."

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?" Fred exclaimed as he tried to pull himself out of the water. "Somebody get me out of here!"

I used my powers to slowly pull Fred under the water, causing his head to hit a rock on the way down. He didn't make a sound as he sank into the dark depths.

Gim was speechless as he stood in the water, his head slowly turning in the direction his boss left, "Boss, Fred... I think he sank."

"Oh, that creep is a better swimmer than anyone of us. Let him be. His is just messing with us," the leader said, laughing.

Fred's body lay on the bottom of the river, his eyes staring lifelessly up at the moon.

As I observed the scene, I realized that my plan had taken a much darker turn than expected. But it was too late to change things now. Fred was already dead. But who will get into trouble if the higher authorities find out about this situation? I released the pressure. Fred's body floats up.

I guided Fred's body up to the dock and took him toward their ringleader's car and put him inside the trunk.

I still had plenty of options left for my plan to work out. I needed to take advantage of this opportunity to make them pay for what they had done to the vulnerable, to show them what happens when they cross the wrong people.

I noticed a small mobile lying near my feet... must be Fred's. I took it up and called the police.

"A murder near the northern docks. The body's in a car trunk, a red Mustang parked near the third warehouse. Gim and his pals killed him," I said before hanging up. Then I crushed the phone and threw it far into the ocean.


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(No double billing) (Exclusive NSFW chapters only on pat reon) (I have started working on a Fallout fic. Will release it soon enough. Adv chs are available on Patreon.)

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