Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 25 [Under moonlight]

As I approached Peggy and Gwen, a plan formed in my mind. I decided to use Gwen's presence to make Peggy a little jealous and see how she would react. It was a risky move, but I needed to understand where Peggy's feelings stood.

"Hey, Peggy, Gwen," I greeted them with a friendly smile. "I hope you're both enjoying the evening."

Peggy's eyes met mine, and a hint of surprise flashed across her face. "Brian, it's good to see you. And congratulations on the restaurant opening. It's quite impressive."

"Thank you," I replied, trying to keep my tone casual. "I'm glad you could make it. And Gwen, thank you for joining us as well."

Gwen smiled brightly, her green eyes sparkling. "Of course, Boss. I wouldn't miss it for the world. The restaurant looks amazing, by the way."

I noticed Peggy's gaze flicker momentarily towards Gwen, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. It was the reaction I was hoping for.

"I'm glad you think so, Gwen," I said, emphasizing her name. "We've put a lot of effort into making this place special."

She chuckled, playfully nudging my arm. "You've done an excellent job, Boss. You should be proud."

I turned my attention back to Peggy, gauging her reaction. "Peggy, have you had a chance to try any of our dishes yet? We've got some incredible options on the menu."

She nodded, her gaze shifting between Gwen and me. "Yes, I have. The food is fantastic. You've really outdone yourself, Brian."

I could sense a hint of tension in Peggy's voice, a subtle sign that my plan was having an effect. Now, it was time to take it a step further.

"Well, Gwen here has been helping me with some of the recipe testing," I said, purposely using Gwen's name again. "She's got quite the palate. In fact, her feedback was instrumental in perfecting a few of our signature dishes."

Gwen blushed slightly, glancing at Peggy before turning her attention back to me. "Oh, it was nothing, Boss. Just happy to lend a hand. Anna and Johnny helped too."

I noticed a flash of annoyance cross Peggy's features before she quickly composed herself. It was the confirmation I needed that my plan was working.

"I see," Peggy replied, her voice tinged with a touch of coolness. "Well, I'm glad Gwen could be of help."

Then I turned my attention to the other girls, probably their friends.

"Well, ladies, I won't disturb you anymore. Hope you enjoy your evening," I said with a polite nod.

The girls exchanged quick glances before one of them spoke up. "Thank you, Brian. The restaurant looks amazing, and the food is delicious. Congratulations again on the opening."

"Thank you," I replied, offering them a warm smile. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to let our staff know."

With that, I excused myself, giving Peggy and Gwen a final nod before moving away. I could feel a mix of emotions bubbling beneath the surface, both excitement and uncertainty. This risky move had stirred the waters, and now it was time to see how the currents would flow.

As the evening progressed, I decided to take over the role of Head Chef. While the staff were great at their jobs, they couldn't prepare everything without mistakes occurring, and I didn't want anything ruining tonight's special occasion. I want to make sure everything was running smoothly, and it wasn't long until the restaurant was full of guests.

After about a half an hour, the dinner service began in full swing. The order kept coming in steadily, and I found myself rushing from station to station, ensuring everything was going smoothly. It wasn't long until the staff had become a well-oiled machine, and I was able to relax and focus on the task at hand.

"So far, so good," I muttered to myself, checking around.

"Hey, fry those fishes 2 minutes more!" I called out, waving the next order to the kitchen. "And get that veggie platter out here."

"I'm working on it, Chef!" John shouted back, barely containing his exhaustion. "It'll be out in no time!"

"Okay, good," I replied, feeling a little satisfied that nothing had gone wrong. "You, Lori, get working on the desserts. Jules, I want you to clean up the plates and hurry. Ray, keep an eye on those orders."

"Yes, Chef," everyone replied with a chorus of affirmations.

As the orders started to thin out, I was able to return to the main dining area, observing the restaurant. I spotted Sue and Johnny sitting at a table near the back, eating and talking as they watched everyone around them. Reed Richard, as always, must be busy with his so-called work. The Thing is guzzling down beer like nothing.

Peggy was sipping wine and talking with Tony Stark. Humm... I don't see Gwen. Well, she must be here somewhere. But, today, many big names are here.

I made my way to the roof for a quick breather.

It's great that I was able to get the kitchen running smoothly, and there were no complaints so far. Can't believe it's already 10 PM.

Just as I was about to go back inside, I heard footsteps behind me.

"There you are, Boss," I recognized the voice at once.

Gwen came out to the rooftop, smiling warmly as she joined me. "I saw you come out here. I thought I'd say hello."

"Hey, Gwen," I replied with a grin. "You had dinner, yet?"

She shook her head. "Not yet, I thought I will eat with you, Anna, and all the other staff."

"Oh, that would be nice," I chuckled, feeling a flutter in my chest. "We'd love to have you."

I noticed a slight blush appear on her cheeks, her lips curling into a faint smile.

"So, taking a breather, I guess?" She said while fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I cooked for so many guests." I chuckled.

"I bet," she said. "So far, I can't believe how well it's going."

I nodded, unable to hold back my grin. "I know! Truth be told, with all those big heroes around, it's kinda nerve-wracking."

She looked at me, her eyes sparkling. "Well, you know what they say - the best way to overcome your fears is to face them."

"Is that so?" I turned toward her and looked her in the eyes, wondering if this is where I would lose my courage and find myself frozen on the spot. "I fear that if I try to kiss you right now because you are looking too beautiful, you will slap me hard."

Gwen's eyes widened slightly in surprise at my words. There was a moment of hesitation before a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Well, Boss, you won't know unless you try," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of playfulness and warmth.

Encouraged by her response, I slowly closed the distance between us. My heart raced in my chest as I reached out to gently cup her cheek, my thumb lightly brushing against her soft skin. Gwen's gaze locked with mine, and I could see a flicker of anticipation in her eyes.

Leaning in, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against hers, savoring the sweet and tender connection. It was a kiss filled with a mix of longing, uncertainty, and a shared desire to explore what lay between us.

Time seemed to stand still in that moment as we lost ourselves in the embrace. The world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us, connected by the simple act of a kiss.

When we finally pulled apart, we both gazed at each other with a mix of surprise and affection. The rooftop seemed to hold an air of magic, the night sky twinkling above us, as if celebrating this newfound connection.

"Wow," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "That was... incredible."

Gwen's smile grew wider, her eyes shining with joy. "Yes, it was. I've been wanting to do that for a while now."

"I'm glad you did," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity. "I've been wanting to as well."

As we stood there, basking in the afterglow of our kiss, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and possibility. The restaurant's success and the bustling energy around us seemed to mirror the potential for our relationship. It was a new chapter, filled with promise and the chance to explore something beautiful together.

*********[You better give me some more hearts if you want to see the upcoming 3some scene.]******

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