Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 3 [Meeting an EX]

As I walked towards my car, I noticed Captain Carter walking beside me. Her presence was a pleasant surprise, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity.

"Captain Carter, it was an absolute pleasure to have you here tonight," I said, breaking the silence. "I hope you enjoyed the dinner and found it to your liking."

"Is that all you have to say to me?" She spoke with a glint of anger in her voice.

"Ummm...?" I am confused as hell. What else am I going to say to her? This is the first time we met, or...

"You just ghosted me! Why?" She asked.

Well, the thing is when I woke up in this world, the owner of this body was in a hospital bed, dying after getting caught up in a cylinder explosion at his home. And that's when I woke up. To make things look normal, I pretended to be suffering from amnesia and spent years trying to learn everything about this new body's life. But as far as the info I collected, I don't think I ever heard of having a connection with any heroes. I even met Johnny during an event.

"I apologize if there has been any misunderstanding," I replied, my voice filled with genuine confusion. "But I'm afraid I don't recall ever having any prior communication or connection with you. This is the first time we've met, and I'm not sure what you mean by ghosting."

She grabbed me by my collar, pulled me up in the air, and slammed me on the nearby pillar.

"You bastard! I... I thought we had a thing... But you..." She said angrily, "I trusted you, Brian."

Struggling to catch my breath after being slammed against the pillar, I quickly realized that there was a major misunderstanding. As I regained my composure, I spoke with a mixture of confusion and urgency.

"Captain, please listen to me," I pleaded, my voice filled with sincerity. "I understand that you believe we had a connection, but I woke up five years ago with amnesia. I don't have any memories prior to that time. I have no recollection of our supposed relationship or any interaction between us."

She released her grip slightly, still eyeing me with suspicion and anger. "Amnesia? That's your excuse?" she retorted, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"I know it may be hard to believe, but it's the truth," I continued earnestly. "I woke up in a hospital bed with no memories of my past. Since then, I've been piecing together fragments of my life and trying to adapt to the world around me. I assure you that I would never intentionally ghost or deceive anyone."

She seemed to soften slightly, her grip loosening further. She threw me on the floor, "Get up and take me to that hospital. I will confirm it myself if you are telling the truth or lying."

I struggled to my feet, dusting myself off and trying to regain my composure after the intense encounter. Nodding in agreement, I replied, "Of course, Captain. I understand your skepticism, and I'm more than willing to take you to the hospital where I woke up. Perhaps they can shed some light on my situation and corroborate my amnesia."

We made our way back to the car, and I drove us to the hospital where my journey in this unfamiliar body had begun. The tension in the car was palpable, but I remained hopeful that the truth would be revealed and our misunderstanding would be resolved.

Upon arriving at the hospital, I led her to the reception desk, explaining our situation and requesting information about the circumstances surrounding my arrival. The hospital staff was initially hesitant to disclose any confidential details, but her authority and insistence helped expedite the process.

After some investigation, the hospital staff located the records pertaining to my arrival. They confirmed that I had indeed been found unconscious and suffering from amnesia five years ago. The records detailed the extent of my injuries and the subsequent medical treatment I had received.

With the official confirmation of my amnesia, her suspicion began to wane. The hospital staff's testimony provided evidence that supported my claims, validating my previous statements. I turned to her, hoping to see a change in her demeanor.

"I hope this clarifies things," I said, my voice tinged with relief. "The hospital records confirm my amnesia and the events surrounding my arrival. I truly had no knowledge of any previous relationship or connection between us. I apologize for any distress this misunderstanding may have caused."

Captain Carter stood there, her gaze fixed on the hospital records in front of her. The anger in her eyes began to fade, replaced by a mix of surprise and realization. She slowly closed the file and looked up at me, her expression softening.

"I... I'm sorry, Brian," she said, her voice filled with a hint of regret. "I didn't know about your amnesia. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."

I could sense the genuine remorse in her words, and I appreciated her willingness to acknowledge her mistake. Taking a deep breath, I replied, "Thank you. I understand that it was a confusing situation, and emotions can sometimes cloud our judgment. I appreciate your apology."

She nodded, her features now reflecting a mix of relief and uncertainty. "The day before that explosion, we had a big fight. You were angry with me for being always busy with my work and not spending enough time with you," she continued, her voice tinged with sadness. "I thought... I thought you had left me, after waking up and decided to let you live your life happily. But when I saw you today, I couldn't control my emotions."

"I had no knowledge of our past, but I can understand why you would have felt that way," I responded empathetically. "Losing someone you care about and not knowing what happened would undoubtedly be painful. I'm sorry for the hurt you experienced."

She sighed heavily, her shoulders visibly relaxing as the weight of her anger and confusion lifted. "Thank you for understanding," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "It's just... it's been hard for me, not knowing what happened to you, thinking you had left without a word. I should have given you the benefit of the doubt."

I reached out and placed a comforting hand on her arm, offering reassurance. "We've both been through a lot. Misunderstandings happen, but what's important now is that we can move forward and rebuild trust, if you're willing."

She nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "I want to try," she replied sincerely. "I want to understand what happened to you. If you don't mind I can take you to the Professor and he might be able to help you regain your lost memories."

Ah! I can't let that happen. If I agree to her then, that telepathic baldy will find out about my real identity, which won't do any good for anyone of us. I mean, what would his reaction be after learning that they were nothing but mere comic characters from the world I came from?

Nope. Can't let that happen. I have to persuade her somehow. Humm... Oh, I know.

"And then what?" I replied.


"After I regain my memories, then what? We fought and were on bad terms, right?" I continued, "What if my personality changes and I go away again? Right now, I have a life that I build up from the ground in these five years without any memories. What if I lose all of that again? I don't want to risk everything I have now."

She looked taken aback by my response, her expression shifting from hopeful to uncertain. "I... I didn't think about that," she admitted, her voice filled with a mix of realization and concern. "You're right. It wouldn't be fair to ask you to risk everything you've built in these past years."

I could see the conflict in her eyes, torn between wanting to help me regain my memories and understanding the potential consequences. Taking a step closer, I spoke gently, trying to convey my perspective.

"I appreciate your offer and your concern for me," I said sincerely. "But I've come to appreciate the life I've built here, even without my memories. It's important for me to focus on the present and the relationships I've formed. I don't want to jeopardize that by delving into a past that may not necessarily define who I am now."

She sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I understand," she replied, her voice tinged with disappointment. "I guess I got caught up in the idea of finding answers and possibly rekindling what we once had. But you're right, it's not fair to you or to the life you've created."

I could sense the sincerity in her words and the genuine conflict she was experiencing. It was clear that she had cared deeply for the person she believed I was, and it was difficult for her to let go of that hope. I reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I appreciate your understanding," I said softly. "Our encounter tonight has been eye-opening for both of us, and it's given us the opportunity to clarify our perspectives. Let's take this as a chance to start anew, as friends or colleagues. We can build something based on the present, rather than dwelling on what may or may not have been in the past."

She looked at me, her gaze softening. "I'd like that," she replied, a small smile forming on her lips. "Starting anew sounds like a good plan. Friends, then?"

I returned her smile, relieved that we had reached a mutual understanding. "Friends it is," I affirmed, extending my hand for a handshake.

She accepted my hand, and we shook on it, sealing our newfound friendship. It was a small step, but an important one towards moving past the misunderstandings and forging a connection based on trust and acceptance.

"Oh, and call me Peggy," she insisted.

Phew! Dodged a bullet there. But damn! To think that this body was the lover of Captain Carter. Lucky me...


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