
Chapter 68

  1. A month in the life of a chemical company team leader(13)

After escaping from the pressure of being a team leader, Jeong-woo’s days returned to a peaceful state. With the added overlap of the Lunar New Year holiday, he found himself spending an extended period of time at home, away from the office.

The holiday wasn’t particularly special. Since they didn’t perform the traditional rituals separately, they simply had rice cake soup and bowed to a few elders in the neighborhood.

He met Soo-chan for a drink in his room, gave his younger brother some pocket money to establish his elder brother status, secretly gave his mother the new spring clothes he had bought, and appealed for extra meat in the beef soup. And just like that, a week passed in the blink of an eye.

Compared to the days spent focusing on the project’s success, it was a modest and ordinary time. Yet, as the end of the holiday approached, Jeong-woo couldn’t help but feel a sense of regret.

Who would have thought that a period marked by the continuous attachment of red markers for just two months of work could be so sweet?

As the last day of the holiday approached, he wanted to stay at home even more, and the fact that he had to go back to work tomorrow made him all the more disappointed.

“Mom, I’m coming out!”

At Jeong-chan’s shout, Jeong-woo, who was washing his face in the bathroom, rushed out as he was.

“Ah, come on! Finish wiping yourself before you come out.”

“It’s fine if you wipe me~”

“Ugh, seriously!”

As Jeong-woo wiped his face on his clothes, Jeong-chan grimaced and rolled to the side.

“Shake it off, you guys!”

At Hong Ji-sook’s call while she was cutting fruit, Jeong-woo reached out and took a bite of an apple, smiling.

-Today, we’ve brought fresh ingredients from the traditional market to create the best flavors.

As the show ‘Delicious Feast’ from Channel Olove played on the TV, the attention of the three people sitting in the living room was drawn to the screen.

“Wow, Mom, the camera captures you well.”

“Just be quiet.”

Despite Hong Ji-sook’s curt response, she smiled a bit, as her face on the screen looked quite decent.

Jeong-chan pointed to the young lady trailing beside his mom.

“Who’s that older sister? Does Mom know her?”

At this question, Jeong-woo clicked his tongue.

“Ignorant guy. Because he was just hanging out with Su-jin instead of helping, he probably didn’t notice.”

“Who are you talking about?”

“Yoon Yi-seol.”

Jeong-chan’s eyes widened.

“Why is Yoon Yi-seol there? Did she make a special appearance? Oh geez, I should have gotten her autograph.”

The contents on the screen transitioned to the final cooking competition. With a 2:2 tie, Jeong-chan looked nervously at Hong Ji-sook.

“She’s taking out the stir-fried pork. Mom’s secret weapon.”

“Just something I did.”

“So who won? That quiet, Mom?”

Instead of revealing the result, Hong Ji-sook turned to Jeong-woo and asked, “What’s Yi-seol up to lately?”

“She’s really busy. She went to Paris for a concert.”

“Paris? By airplane?”

“Don’t be surprised. She’s a big star, a big star. Mom treats Yoon Yi-seol as if she’s the girl next door.”

At this, Jeong-chan snapped his head around.

“How do you even know that big star?”

“Shh, you’ll get hurt if you know.”

“You’re the one pretending to be familiar with her for no reason, and you’re the one who’ll get hurt by Yoon Yi-seol’s fans. Be careful.”

“You’re the one who’s going to get hurt right now. Come here.”

When Jeong-woo tried to grab him, Jeong-chan quickly stood up and hid behind Hong Ji-sook.

“Mom says you’re making dust fly around!”

On the last day of the holiday, the scene inside the house at 8 p.m. was no different from usual.

Jeong-woo walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water, but his phone buzzed, and he picked it up.


It was Michèle’s secretary’s number.

“Yes, Secretary.”

-The CEO asks if you can meet briefly.

“Right now?”

-She has a business trip to China in the early morning, and she’s at the Conrad Hotel Sky Lounge.

After hanging up and thinking about why she would want to meet at this time when she has to leave on a business trip, Jeong-woo felt a sense of wonder.

That affectionate look she gave him after successfully completing the project. A late-night call right after the holiday ended.

“…Could she be interested in me?”

It seemed very possible.

30 minutes later, Jeong-woo arrived at the 37th floor of the Conrad Hotel.

As he stepped out of the elevator, a staff member approached him and guided him to his seat.

On the other side of the quiet area, tables were set up, and Michèle and her secretary were there.


As Jeong-woo approached, Michèle exchanged a nod and gestured toward the seat in front of her.

“Would you like a drink?”

Michèle had already been sipping on a cocktail. Jeong-woo shook his head.

“No, I have to work tomorrow.”

“Kim, order a drink.”

While the secretary was away, Jeong-woo’s gaze lingered on Michèle. She was an elegant woman with blue eyes, exuding charm as she wore a sophisticated suit with a coat draped over her shoulders.

‘Is this for real? Did she call me out here to suggest a casual meeting or something?’

A foreign woman of great stature and beauty. However, Jeong-woo didn’t feel entirely comfortable with her attention.

Even if he felt some affinity due to her appearance, he didn’t quite enjoy meetings that felt forced.


As Jeong-woo was about to decline definitively, he was taken aback by Michèle sliding a leather-bound notebook across the table, making him go, “Huh?”

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo.”


“Do you have any interest in working at Audrey as a perfumer and special researcher? We’re willing to offer a signing bonus of any amount you desire.”

Michèle indicated the leather-bound notebook she had pushed forward.

Jeong-woo’s gaze followed hers and cautiously opened the notebook, revealing a single sheet of paper. It was a check issued by the Bank of Korea, without any numbers.

‘Again? A scout offer?’

While it was an invitation driven by genuine interest, it wasn’t the type of interest Jeong-woo had been expecting.

‘By the way, this blank check gives off quite a feeling.’

Compared to the various conditions that Yujin Chemical’s Yoon Jae-gil had been proposing to treat him well, this straightforward and heartfelt means was much cleaner.

For a while, Jeong-woo observed the check, then smiled at Michèle.

“I appreciate the offer. The world of perfumery is intriguing, but I still have work to do as a chemist.”

‘And there’s still 10 months left on my contract.’

As Jeong-woo closed the leather-bound notebook and was about to return it, Michèle calmly nodded her head.

“I thought you might refuse. However, the offer remains valid.”

As a staff member brought their drinks, Jeong-woo accepted it and nodded his thanks. Michèle spoke quietly.

“The number of fragrant ingredients in Paradise is 613. If you had mixed these ingredients together randomly, it would have been olfactory noise. Mr. Han Jeong-woo’s research is the same. If you had mixed fragrance molecules without any thought, you would never have created such fragrances.”

Michèle raised her glass for a toast, so Jeong-woo raised his drink as well.

“Watching you, Han Jeong-woo, I’ve become convinced that perfumery and chemistry are not so different.”

“It’s an honor. To be recognized as a chemist by the world’s greatest perfumer.”

In a more comfortable atmosphere than he had anticipated, Jeong-woo continued the conversation. Conversing with a European beauty in a place like this Sky Lounge was a form of enjoyment in itself.

Their relationship as client and team leader had ended, but the conversation flowed smoothly.

“Brandy. Double.”

Seo Mi-hee sat at the bar, ordered a drink, then turned her head and her eyes widened. Sitting at a table by the window was Michèle, the CEO of Audrey Perfumes, a figure of respect for her.

“Wow, I’m trembling. Since when was she there…? Huh? The guy with her is Han Jeong-woo?”

The man she only knew as a friend’s colleague was actually engaged in a conversation with Michèle. It looked like they were on a date.

“Song Boyeong. Are you interested in this guy?”

Seo Mi-hee discreetly took a photo with her phone and sent it to Song Boyeong. A quick reply came back.

[Are you an idiot? Didn’t I tell you that Han Jeong-woo was involved in the Audrey project? He’s probably entertaining clients.]

“Ugh, seriously? I sent that to make you jealous.”

Seeing Song Boyeong’s nonchalant response, Seo Mi-hee hesitated, then glanced at Michèle. The CEO, known for her icy and strict demeanor, was looking at Han Jeong-woo with a soft expression.

Her intuition as a woman strongly conveyed that this was more than just favorability.

“Even though I don’t think Boyeong is lagging behind in terms of looks, this girl is way too strong. It shouldn’t be like this.”

Seo Mi-hee observed Jeong-woo, her expression deep in thought. Then, she sent a text to Song Boyeong.

[Once this client meeting is over, I’ll also do some entertaining. They say Han Jeong-woo is quite handsome~]

While sending a series of mischievous animal emojis, her phone rang. Seo Mi-hee grinned.

“That settles it then.”

The conversation with Michèle, where they had shared useful information about perfumes, ended around 11 o’clock. Jeong-woo left the Sky Lounge and entered the elevator.

After pressing the button for the 1st floor and waiting for the doors to close, someone else entered.

“Oh? Seo Mi-hee?”

“Oh my, running into you here.”

“Coming for drinks again… Oh, you work here, right? My apologies.”

At Jeong-woo’s muttering, Seo Mi-hee smiled brightly.

The elevator began to move. Having only met twice before, their interaction was still a bit awkward. Jeong-woo glanced at the floor numbers, staying silent.

Seo Mi-hee stole a quick look at Jeong-woo and then asked, “Could I ask you a favor while we’re at it?”

“To me?”

“It’s nothing serious. I called a friend to drive me after having a drink, but something suddenly came up. Could you tell them to wait for 30 minutes? I just asked in case you could help.”

“Why not call them?”

“That friend is Boyeong. If I tell her to wait, she’ll pluck out my hair. She’s waiting outside. Please, I’m begging you. I’ll show my gratitude.”

Ding dong.

The elevator stopped on the 9th floor.

“By the way, this is where my office is located. Feel free to visit the hotel anytime. You know, because you’re quite interesting Jeong-woo.”

With a playful smile and a wink, Seo Mi-hee walked out, leaving Jeong-woo stifling a sigh.

‘Why? Why would she find me interesting, someone like me?’

Musing over this, Jeong-woo descended to the 1st floor, passed through the lobby, and stepped outside.

‘Where are you senior?’

Looking around for Song Boyeong, Jeong-woo’s gaze was drawn to a car parked in the waiting line. The car had the number ‘5050’ displayed on its yellow background, with a black horse emblem – a sports car so impressive that it was hard to miss, let alone think about getting inside.

‘Wow, amazing, so cool~’

As he marveled at the car, Jeong-woo realized he hadn’t found Song Boyeong yet, so he took out his phone and made a call. He had intended to meet in person and talk, but he worried he might lose his signal.

A signal went through, and Song Boyeong answered her phone.

-Yeah? What’s up at this hour?

“Senior, where are you now? In the parking lot? I just met Mi-hee and she said she’ll be a little late. About 30 minutes.”

-What? Mi-hee, seriously I already warned her!


Jeong-woo was startled as Song Boyeong suddenly appeared from the driver’s seat of the sports car.



In casual attire, with her bangs swept back into a high ponytail, Song Boyeong had the look of a typical student.

Perhaps because of that, the fact that she was driving such a flashy sports car left Jeong-woo even more surprised and bewildered.


A black sedan waiting behind the sports car honked its horn. Song Boyeong awkwardly got back into her car.

The window rolled down, and Song Boyeong turned her head toward Jeong-woo.

“If you’re heading home, get in.”

“In this car?”

“This one, yeah. It’s not like she’s going to use it anyway. She has nowhere to take it by herself.”

Jeong-woo climbed into the passenger seat in a hasty manner, and his eyes wandered around the opulent interior decorations.

“This is my first time in a car like this.”

“Me too, unless it’s Mi-hee… or Mom!”

As she pressed the accelerator, the engine roared, startling Song Boyeong. Despite not accelerating too rapidly, the dull growl of the exhaust system that transmitted through the seats and the interior was enough to elicit admiration from Jeong-woo.

5 minutes later.

Jeong-woo looked at Song Boyeong, who was driving while hunched over, then turned his gaze to the front windshield.

The speed at which the scenery was passing by was far from the kind of rapid pace one might expect from a car like this.

A taxi zoomed past in the adjacent lane with a swish, while countless other vehicles had already overtaken the sports car and sped ahead.

In the blink of an eye, a compact car had overtaken them with flashing hazard lights and a mocking gesture, then sped ahead and vanished from sight.

“Senior, I just got overtaken by a Matiz. There’s a difference in engine displacement between that car and this one…”

“Keep quiet!”

A sedan swished by from the right lane. The window rolled down, and the driver shot them a scornful look that seemed to say, “Are you going to drive such a fine car like this?”

“Sorry, Ferrari. My heart hurts so much.”

Jeong-woo reached forward and gently patted the sports car, as if consoling it for the wounds inflicted by Song Boyeong’s driving skills.

This action earned him a suspicious look from Song Boyeong.

“It’s the other cars that are weird! The sign says the speed limit is 50!”

“That section ended a while ago. It’s 80 here. Senior Boyeong, you know how to read the GPS, right? It’s written here too.”

“But, but you need to have some leeway with the speed for safety. Don’t you know safe driving? It’s my rule.”

“It’s actually worse to disrupt the flow when everyone else is going over 80.”

As Song Boyeong regulated her breathing, she increased the speed to 80, and the number of vehicles overtaking them gradually decreased.

“Senior, does Mi-hee know of your driving skills? Why did she entrust her car to you, a substitute?”

“I was just teasing her. I don’t want her finding weaknesses in my driving.”


In response to Jeong-woo’s inquiry, Song Boyeong’s face turned flustered, and she pressed the accelerator.



With mere speeds of 50, Song Boyeong’s driving alternated between sudden acceleration and abrupt deceleration, making Jeong-woo’s heart race. He could do nothing but applaud Song Boyeong’s unique driving style.

“Senior, can you tell me something?”


“How many times are you planning to look for your mom while driving? I want to be prepared. Before I have a heart attack.”

“You keep making fun of me.”

“Whoa, keep your eyes on the road!”

“Oh my!”

The sports car safely arrived in front of Jeong-woo’s neighborhood.

“Phew. You’ve been through a lot, my heart.”


Song Boyeong, who had received constant teasing throughout the ride, glared at Jeong-woo, but suddenly remembered something and chuckled.

“Jeong-woo, tomorrow we’re meeting in Research Room 1, right?”


“Finally, I can pass on the microbe lab work to the youngest. Since the new assignment hasn’t been decided yet, you can’t escape this time.”

“Oh, right.”

Seeing Jeong-woo’s bitter expression, Song Boyeong shrugged and cheered up.

“Go in safely, see you tomorrow. For sure!”

“Same goes for you, senior. Let’s see each other tomorrow. Make sure to turn on the lane departure prevention option and drive.”


The sports car turned its head and disappeared down the hill.

After waving goodbye, Jeong-woo walked down the alley toward his house.


Suddenly, his phone rang, and he looked at the screen. The incoming call was from a restricted number.

“Who could it be? … Hello?”

After a brief pause following the beep, a voice came through.

-Is this Han Jeong-woo?

“Yes, but who is this?”

-You’ve probably heard my name before. I’m Dr. Cheon Seung-guk.

Jeong-woo’s steps came to an abrupt halt.

“Really… Dr. Cheon, is it?”

-Is there any reason not to be? Why would someone impersonate Cheon Seung-guk?

“Well, you’re right about that.”

-I’ve heard about the company from Dr. Moon occasionally. He mentioned that you’re a late bloomer in chemistry. Now it’s time to do real work.

The tone of the voice on the phone was overflowing with confidence.

-Inside my lab’s cabinet, there’s a safe. I’ve marked the combination for you to find. If you open it, contact me. I’ll send you my contact information via text.

As the realization that this person was indeed Cheon Seung-guk dawned on him, even though it wasn’t the way he had imagined, Jeong-woo’s heart raced with anticipation.

Upon receiving the call, Jeong-woo rushed to the company and arrived at the private research area on the 25th floor. He urgently opened the door.


He opened the door to the office space inside and stood in front of the cabinet.

Jeong-woo took a deep breath and opened the door.

Inside was a pile of research-related documents.

He took out a box and carefully examined the inside of the cabinet.

Something caught his eye that he hadn’t noticed before.

‘Is this it?’

There was a slightly different colored section on a metal plate. When he touched it and pulled, it came off easily.

In the revealed space, there was a dial-operated safe door that looked very sturdy.

‘Where is the password?’

He looked for a while, but there were no numbers, not to mention any similar scratches.


Jeong-woo extended his molecular-level vision to examine the safe again.

On the handle of the safe, there was something so finely crafted that it would be imperceptible without an ultra-precision microscope.

‘Is it numbers? 38… 27… 19.’

It was like a molecular-level numerical model left just for him. Jeong-woo combined the numbers in a trance and turned the dial.

Thunk, the safe door opened.


Inside the safe, there was a cylindrical container sealed tightly, containing only two fingers worth of space.

The sealed container was filled with liquid, and within the container floated blobs of greenish jelly. No chemical information came to mind. It was self-evident that it was a compound that hadn’t existed before.

One thing he could infer was that the content inside the ‘AF-12’ capsule looked very similar to the blue jelly he had seen inside the blue capsule, as revealed by Cheon Seung-guk.

Jeong-woo dialed the number Cheon Seung-guk had provided on his phone.

After a while, the signal connected, and finally a voice came through.

-Did you find it?

“Yes. It’s green. Is it a protein compound?”

-Explaining that over the phone would be complicated. First, let’s meet face-to-face.

“Where are you now?”

-I’m in Innsbruck. I’m about to head to Bolzano across the border.

Jeong-woo had to be suspicious of this. It was a place he had never heard of before.

-Since the final destination is Venice, let’s meet there.

Fortunately, Venice was a place Jeong-woo knew. A city in Italy.

“Yes, then let’s meet in Venice… What?!”

-Why are you so surprised? Bring what you’ve found and come to Venice right away.

“But I have to go to work tomorrow.”

-Did you forget how you ended up traveling for that company? Take a few days off, it won’t take too long. When you get to Venice, give me a call. You have a passport, right? If not, even illegal entry will do.


The call ended.

Jeong-woo alternated his gaze between the unidentified substance in the safe and the phone that had just transmitted Cheon Seung-guk’s voice. Just a few hours ago, he had been lying on the floor watching TV with his younger brother. But now…

As if a storm had swept through, countless thoughts raced through Jeong-woo’s mind.

‘Is this for real? What could it be?’

Code: AF-?

Case: Effects Unknown

Research: Appears to be a protein polymer with a greenish appearance based on its external characteristics.

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