Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 680

Chapter 680: Fanwai Qu Weizhen Sister And Brother (9)

“Liu Erlang is really good,” Qu Jingxi glanced at the blushing eldest sister, and said to Qu Weizhen, “Let’s meet again a few more times, I’ll go check on his house again, and I can’t listen to Wang Po. One person said.”

Qu Weizhen nodded and whispered: “I’ll get you some money, don’t let your parents know.”

Qu Jingxi understood that if the parents knew that the third sister still had money, the family would definitely be in trouble again.

Qu Jingxi was very careful, for fear of hurting the eldest sister, so she checked the situation of the Liu family and confirmed that their family members were really good before they should get married.

Because they will go back to Beijing to study after the new year, so they hinted to Wang Po that they hoped that the Liu family would propose marriage as soon as possible, preferably before they leave.

If you have money but no money, it is better to marry a daughter-in-law for Chinese New Year. Now time is tight, and it is impossible to marry a daughter-in-law before Chinese New Year. However, you can get married in the first month of the year, so that the family will have an extra labor force in the spring.

The Liu family is naturally willing, and the reason why they don’t mind Zhao Di’s previous marriage is because her younger brother and younger sister are studying in the capital.

Listening to what Wang Po said, her brother and sister are very good to her and have a good relationship with her. After that, there will be a good family in the family, and the advantages always outweigh the disadvantages.

They also want to get closer to each other, Qu Jingxi and Qu Weizhen can’t go away after attending the wedding.

So after the two sides made some hints, the Liu family asked Wang’s wife to come to the house to say kiss.

Mother Qu curled her lips in disdain when she heard the Liu family’s family background, and asked, “How much dowry can the Liu family give?”

“Don’t worry, little sister, the dowry won’t be small, there are three or two…”

“Thirty taels?” Mother Qu said with a sharp “ha”: “This is to send beggars, the dowry gift we recruit for a family is twenty taels, although the Liu family is not as good as the Wang family, but only three taels are given. You two want to marry my daughter, is it too delusional?”

“Hey girl, why do you have such a high dowry gift from the Wang family? You really can’t bear to jump into that fire pit with your own daughter who has been raising for more than ten years. The dowry gift of the Liu family is not comparable to that of the Wang family, but you can see Look at Liu Erlang, then go to see Master Wang, can this be compared? Besides, who do not know that the dowry gift for marrying a daughter-in-law is generally two taels now? Three taels is already quite a lot, and it is only the Liu family’s family background. It’s not bad, other people can’t come up with this amount. Add in the money for the banquet for you and the money for buying some clothes and fabrics for Zhao Di, then you can go for five taels of silver.”

Mother Qu said disdainfully, “My son is a scholar, and he wants to be a scholar in the future. His sister can’t marry too badly, right? Anyway, this marriage…”

“I promise!” Qu Jingxi pushed open the door, came out of the room, and said to the grandmother in the main room, “I have agreed to this marriage, please ask them to bring Geng Tie.”

Mu Qu was stunned, grabbed him and shouted in a low voice: “Xiaobao, what are you doing nonsense, the Liu family is very poor, how can their family deserve it…”

“Our family is poorer than theirs, what’s not worthy of it?” Qu Jingxi held her arm back and said bitterly: “Mother, the most important thing for sisters to marry is to look at people, as long as sister and wife are good It’s enough that their family is not bad. Qi Dafei, sisters don’t have enough confidence to marry like that, and life won’t be easy?”

“What, what lotus root?” Mother Qu stomped her feet and said, “Aiya, with you here, how can they not have enough confidence, and if they marry well, they will have a better life in the future, so they can help you too…”

“Mother,” Qu Jingxi looked at her seriously and said, “You can marry your sisters if you want, so I will leave a message here. In order to make their lives better, I will give double the dowry in the future.”

Qu Mu opened her mouth wide.

“Mother, the eldest sister is not too young, the third sister and I can only come back once a year, so let’s arrange the marriage for the eldest sister while we are still at home. If you can find a good relative, you can let the other party come to the door, as long as the other party If the character is good and the character of the family is not bad, I will agree to the marriage. When the time comes, they will give 20 taels of betrothal gifts, and I will accompany them to send 40 taels back.”

Mother Qu clutched her chest and was speechless.

Father Qu couldn’t listen anymore at the door, got up and walked in and asked, “Where did you get so much money?”

“I don’t have it now, but I can borrow it from my husband and teacher, and I can pay it back later when my son can earn money.”

“Oh, why is my life so hard? The girl who has been raised so hard has to give it to someone else to be a daughter-in-law, and she has to pay so much dowry.” Mother Qu couldn’t help but patted her thigh and cried, “I am this What is the picture?”

Qu Jingxi looked down at her mother quietly and said, “I think they are doing well, mother, they are your daughters, don’t you want them to be doing well?”

“But you can’t be hurt because of this.”

Qu Jingxi smiled and said, “Don’t worry, mother, I don’t think it’s a liability, I’m very happy to be able to do something for my sisters.”

Qu mother vomited to death and could only stare at Qu father.

Father Qu’s face is not good-looking, and the mother-in-law can’t understand it, doesn’t he still understand? The son is inspiring them to agree to this marriage.

He closed his eyes, he has always been smart, how could he be as stupid as he is today?

If he agreed to this matter, they would not be able to be the masters of the marriage between Di and Dai in the future, but they would all have to listen to Qu Jingxi.

But I don’t agree…

Looking at his familiar and unfamiliar son, recalling the alienation of these **** to them, he closed his eyes and asked, “After you leave this time, when will you come back next time? It won’t be another few years, right? ?”

“No, Dad,” Qu Jingxi felt a move in her heart, knelt in front of him and raised her head: “My father and mother are both old, and my son should serve him, but he is still studying, so he can’t come back from time to time, but he can come back once a year. You can do it twice.”

Father Qu’s eyes lit up.

“Before, it was because I was young that I couldn’t go on the road, so the academy had a long vacation, so the teacher and the teacher wouldn’t let us come back, but now I’ve grown up, not to mention the winter vacation, if there are no major events in the summer vacation, I will come back too. .”

Father Qu let out a sigh of relief and finally felt at ease, “Okay, as long as you remember your parents, you can decide your elder sister’s marriage.”

“His father!”

Father Qu turned his head and glared at her, nodded to Wang Po, and then reached out and dragged her back to the house.

Mu threw off her hand and said angrily, “Why don’t you let me speak?”

“In the end, we still have to rely on Xiaobao in the future. Over the years, he has only had Pandi by his side, and she has taught him to only recognize his sister. Now he is biased. What’s the use of saying more? It’s just pushing him further and further. Yuan, do you really want to divorce your son?”


“Okay, let them marry if they want to, and you can take all the betrothal gifts you give. We don’t have to worry about their lives from now on.” Father Qu was also heartbroken by his daughters.

What’s wrong with marrying Master Wang, do you think he’s really doing it for the bride price?

He has been poor all his life, and he knows the hardships of being poor, but Mr. Wang’s family has money and land, and they can enjoy happiness directly after marrying. Many people can’t ask for good things for so many years, but they don’t know how to enjoy happiness.

Qu’s father and Qu’s mother no longer intervene in this matter. The marriage of the two families went very smoothly.

The six ceremonies were simplified in the countryside. The day of the marriage was decided, and the mother Wang asked the Liu family about the wedding date. Finally, the two parties agreed to get married on the fifth day of the first lunar month.

The Liu family brought a piece of red cloth to Zhao Di. Although it was coarse and had no pattern at all, Zhao Di was also very happy and was about to take it to ask the third sister to make a wedding dress. in the cabinet.

Qu Mu looked at the cotton-padded clothes on her body and said, “Isn’t this clothes made of new clothes? You can wear this clothes when you go out. The wedding clothes are made of good cloth, and you can’t wear them after wearing them for a day. Look at the clothes in the village. Big girl, little daughter-in-law, who gets married wearing a red wedding dress?”

Qu Zhaodi squeezed the corner of his clothes, bowed his head and said nothing.

Qu Weizhen was leaning against the window to do her homework, when she heard the words, she pushed open the window and said to Qu Zhaodi: “Eldest sister, leave that piece of cloth to my mother, maybe my mother has other uses. I’ll teach you to write when you come back. ”

Qu Zhaodi responded and headed back to the house.

Qu Mu pouted at the window, feeling that the gas that had been blocked for the past few days had finally disappeared.

Qu Weizhen smiled at Qu Zhaodi, who was drooping her head, “Eldest sister, go and find the sewing kit I brought back. It’s not the small one, but the big one with a lot of embroidery thread. I don’t either. I knew that the Liu family would send a red cloth, so I told him to buy it when my brother went to the city this morning. Treat the piece of lunch that the Liu family sent as your filial gift to your mother, and we will use it when my brother comes back. wedding dress.”

Qu Zhaodi couldn’t help but asked in a low voice, “Sanmei, where did you get so much money, didn’t you really borrow it from your husband?”

She said anxiously: “Your husbands are good people. You and your brother follow them for free, and teach you so many skills. You can’t, but you can’t…”

“It’s an inch and a step,” Qu Weizhen took her words and smiled: “Don’t worry, my brother and I have something in mind, you don’t need to worry about it.”

Qu Zhaodi raised his eyebrows.

“There is only one thing I have to ask eldest sister.”

“What? You said.”

Qu Weizhen said in a low voice, “The eldest sister’s marriage is fixed, and the second sister is about the same age, so my brother and I will not be able to take care of you as soon as we leave, so you have to come back often to see them, if your parents want To marry the second sister, if you can stop it, stop it, if you can’t stop it, ask someone to pass a message to us, the guards in the city will come to Beijing every once in a while, and they can help.”

Zhao Di experienced a divorce, but her temperament has changed a bit. Hearing that, she nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I know you are worried that your parents will find someone like Mr. Wang for Laidi. I will watch it often.”

Qu Weizhen pursed her lips and smiled.

What she can help them is really limited, after all, she can’t be by their side all the time, she can help them for a while, but not for the rest of their lives.

Even if it is very slim, she hopes that the three sisters can change a little, even if they become bad people and evil people, it is better than being slaughtered like before.

The experience of this period really gave the three sisters Zhao Di a great impression. From going to the county town to peeking at Mr. Wang at Wangjiazhuang, to breaking off the marriage, the three sisters felt that the memory of these days was more profound than the previous ten years.

In the past, they thought it was good to just listen to their parents. They didn’t dare to resist, nor did they think of resisting, but after watching their younger brother and third sister (third sister) push their parents back step by step, they realized that they didn’t necessarily have to listen. parents.

Not only the younger brother, but also Pandi can make their parents step back. They don’t expect their parents to step back on them, but they hope to have more breathing space.

As a result, the life of the Qu family changed slowly and unknowingly. For example, no matter how cold it was, as long as there was no heavy snow outside, the three sisters Zhaodi had to go to the mountains to collect firewood after they got up.

dried and piled in the yard. If you can’t burn it at home, you can carry it to the city and sell it.

But now, Zhao Di and the others no longer get up and take the initiative to go up the mountain. Instead, they will go back to their room after breakfast to read, learn to needle and thread, and only go up the mountain when the sun is at their highest. firewood.

After the sun was at its best, the three sisters started not coming out of the cell again.

Qu’s father and Qu’s mother have been unilaterally fighting with their daughters recently, so they didn’t notice this at all. It’s been a long time since they found out that their daughters are not as easy to use as before.

And the reverse is 10%, and it will be too difficult, too difficult to think about it.

Laidi sisters all have their own ideas, and they will not have less work to do, but they are no longer like the old days when their parents don’t stop, but they will deliberately adjust their work and rest to make their bodies less uncomfortable. At the end of the day, I feel that my body is not my own.

Qu Jingxi went back and forth to Runing City many times under the guise of the Chinese New Year. Not only did she buy red cloth for Qu Zhaodi, but she also bought a few more pieces of cloth, and made another set of clothes for each of them, so that Qu Fu and Qu Mu. Very distressed.

couldn’t help but grabbed him and asked, “Xiaobao, honestly, how much money do you have on you?”

Xiaobao blushed and said, “This money is not mine.”

“Whose is not yours?” Qu Mu’s eyes widened, “Could it be that little girl from Pandi…”

Qu Jingxuan saw her mother’s face turned ugly, she subconsciously shook her head and said, “No, it’s not Third Sister’s either.”

“Whose is that?”

Qu Jingxi lowered her head and said, “It’s from the teacher and the wife.”

These money are the monthly money they give, and it is indeed theirs. This is the first time Qu Jingxi has told such a lie, so her forehead is sweating.

Qu’s father and Qu’s mother are not suspicious, because they know that their son is very good and will not lie.

“Did you borrow money from them?”

Qu Jing lowered her eyes and said nothing.

“Aiyo” Qu Mu patted her leg and said, “Why are you so disobedient, borrowing money to spend is endless, look at our family, no matter how poor or poor we are, we will never borrow money from others, just because the more we borrow, the poorer we become. You borrowed money just for your eldest sister to get married…”

“It’s not for eldest sister,” Qu Jingxi looked up at her mother and said, “Mother, my son is also for you. I’m not by your side. I hope your life will be better.”

Qu’s father and Qu’s mother stayed for a while.

Qu Jingxi turned around and took out the things he bought, and counted them one by one: “This piece of cloth is for mother to make another winter coat, and I have already bought the cotton. This is for father, and these two are for summer clothes. , when the time comes, you two elders will also do a set of each, you can change and wash.”

“This strip of cloth is for my father’s hair, and this hairpin is for my mother.” Qu Jingxi took another basket and took it out the same way: “My father’s waist and shoulders are not good, I bought it on purpose. The ointment, you can put it on after taking a shower at night, and once every other day, I bought you 20 stickers.”

“Mother’s stomach is not good, just like the sisters, so I bought more millet this time, and you will cook some every day in the future, and slowly raise it, even if you can’t raise your stomach well, at least it won’t get worse. There are also red dates, which are also for my mother…”

Mother Qu and Father Qu couldn’t help lowering their heads and wiping their tears. They hugged Qu Jing and cried, so they didn’t ask about money anymore, and turned a blind eye to the things he bought for the three Zhao Di sisters. Just let go.

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