Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 122

Chapter 121 Incorporate prisoners of war from the Wu

Liu Ji and his party were temporarily placed in the county government office. Zhou Kai took the initiative to suggest to Liu Ji. Liu Ji nodded as soon as he heard it. Zhou Kai clearly showed his favor to Liu Ji. Naturally, Liu Ji could not refuse Zhou Kai’s kindness.

Among the county offices, Liu Ji learned about Chengyin City and the entire Chengyin County from Zhou Kai. Liu Ji didn’t feel any frustration, but he was relieved.

Now Chengyin City’s frontier army only has more than a hundred people left, including those who are seriously injured. In this way, if I want to incorporate these frontier army, there will be basically no obstacles. If Chengyin City’s frontier army is very strong, instead It is inconvenient to receive the entire Chengyin City by yourself.

As for Chengyin City’s poor money and food, Liu Ji doesn’t care. Now Liu Ji has enough money and food in his hands. Just gold, Liu Ji has more than 80,000 taels in his hands. This gold is enough for Liu Ji to buy tens of millions of catties. Food is here to feed the soldiers.

Hearing that Zhou Kai gathered all the orphans in Chengyin City and brought them up by the frontier army, Liu Ji couldn’t help but nodded secretly to Zhou Kai’s character. If such a top military commander with good character is not included, he will suffer. To the thunder.

Liu Ji smiled and said to Zhou Kai: “Brother Zhou, don’t worry. This time I came to Cheng Yin City to defend the border. This general brought enough money and food. The money and food alone would be enough to feed 10,000 soldiers for several years! There are nearly 5,000 infantrymen, more than 700 cavalry, and more than 1,700 auxiliary soldiers. These troops guard the city of Yin, even if it is an army of 30,000 or 40,000 Hu people, we don’t need to be afraid!”

After a pause, Liu Ji continued: “Furthermore, in the first battle last night, this general seized more than 8,000 horses. It is perfectly possible to continue to expand the cavalry and form a large cavalry group! By the way, last night, except for more than 900 beheadings. In addition, more than 1,300 Wuheng cavalry were captured, most of them were war slaves of the Wuheng tribes. This general wanted to incorporate these war slaves, even ordinary Wuheng cavalry, into our city. Among the cavalry soldiers, they serve for us in Chengyin City. I wonder what Brother Zhou thinks?”

Hearing Liu Ji said that more than 8,000 war horses were seized last night, Zhou Kai couldn’t help swallowing his throat. You must know that even in the northern border of Da Jin, the price of ordinary war horses would have to be around 200 taels of silver, more than 8,000 war horses. The value has to be more than 80,000 taels of gold, which is a wealth that will fascinate anyone.

You must know that the frontier army of Chengyin City had only 45 horses, and there were some horses in it, which were captured by Zhou Kai and the cavalry squad of Chengyin City when they attacked the grassland.

Originally, the money and food in Zhou Kai’s hands was almost exhausted. If Liu Ji had not rushed to Chengyin City with the frontier army, Zhou Kai would have sold most of the horses and replaced them with some food and silver.

However, Zhou Kai frowned when he heard that Liu Ji was about to recruit the war slaves and ordinary cavalry from the Wuheng tribe.

“General Liu, people who are not of my race must have different hearts. Many years ago, there were also generals in the northern frontier. They recruited the Hu people on the grassland and formed a cavalry force with the Hu people as the main force. However, when fighting against the nomadic tribes of the grassland, this group The cavalry unit with the Hu people as the main force suddenly turned back. Not only did it cause a very large loss to our Da Jin frontier army, the general who recruited the Hu people has also been sluggish from then on, so General Liu had better be more cautious.”

Hearing Zhou Kai’s advice to him, although Liu Ji did not dispel the idea of ​​recruiting war slaves from the Wuheng tribe and ordinary Wuheng cavalry, the smile on Liu Ji’s face was even more triumphant.

Zhou Kai’s appearance is obviously willing to stay in Chengyin City and become Liu Ji’s subordinate. As long as Zhou Kai is willing to stay, Liu Ji believes that one day he can receive Zhou Kai’s sincere allegiance and be rewarded by the system’s serial hidden mission.

Liu Ji then smiled and said to Zhou Kai: “Brother Zhou, this general also knows that there is a great risk of including the Huren, but this general has come up with an idea that may allow the war slaves and ordinary cavalry among those Huren to, Willingly work for us in Chengyin City.”

On the afternoon of February 5th, 426, Dajin, just outside the north gate of Chengyin City, more than 1,300 Wuheng cavalrymen, **** with their hands, were escorted here by nearly 1,000 infantrymen under Liu Ji’s command. 1,300 Among the many Wuheng cavalrymen, dozens of officers and nobles were escorted to the side in solitary confinement.

Liu Ji, Zhou Kai, Su Lie, Le Yi and others all stood in front of the city gate. Seeing these Wu Heng prisoners being taken, Liu Ji took a few steps forward and shouted to the Wu Heng prisoners: ” This general is the new defender of Chengyin City, as is General Liu Ji! Now you have invaded the territory of Dajin, but you are captured by this general. You should have cut your heads to avenge the soldiers and civilians of Chengyin City!”

After Liu Ji finished shouting these, he had not waited for the soldiers who knew Wu Heng’s words to translate what Liu Ji said into Wu Heng and re-speak to the captives, which caused more than 1,300 U Heng prisoners. confusion.

Most of the nomads on the grassland have their own languages ​​and scripts. However, for many years, the nobles of the nomads have been proud to speak the language of the Dajin and write the scripts of the Dajin. This trend is among the nomads. Spread from top to bottom, many people of all ethnic groups in the grassland can understand the language of Dajin.

Seeing the chaos of Wu Heng’s prisoners, Le Yi who was beside Liu Ji suddenly waved his hand, and looked around at the foot soldiers of the Wu Heng prisoners. They were nearly a thousand infantrymen under Le Yi’s subordinate. The fierce battle last night gave Le Yi the The ministry has lost dozens of celebrities, and the total number is less than one thousand.

Seeing Le Yi waved his hand, Liu Pei and Gong both took their pawns with their weapons, and yelled at the Wu Heng captives. Some of the Wu Heng captives standing nearby were kicked a few times. , More than 1,300 Wuheng prisoners suddenly became quiet again.

After acting as a translator , after repeating what Liu Ji said just now in Wuheng’s words, Liu Ji shouted again: “But God has the virtue of good living, this general can give you a chance to survive. It is to join the cavalry unit under this general and fight for this general. Of course, this general will not force it if he doesn’t want to.”

Then Liu Ji suddenly showed an intriguing smile, and then shouted to the Wu Heng prisoners: “In addition, before joining the cavalry unit under this general, there are some procedures that you need to complete.”

Standing next to Liu Ji, Zhou Kai couldn’t help but twitch his mouth when he heard Liu Ji’s procedures. You should know that after hearing Liu Ji’s idea of ​​making Wu Heng captive willing to work for Chengyin City, Zhou Kai was a little bit cold. of.

Liu Ji’s idea is absolutely ruthless enough. Zhou Kai carefully pondered it over. If he is a prisoner of Wuheng, unless he chooses to die, he will definitely become the public enemy of the nomads on the grassland once he takes refuge in Liu Ji’s command. There is no chance to return to the various tribes of the grassland, and can only honestly play for Liu Ji.

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