Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 125

Chapter 124 Destroyed defile fortress

When Zhou Kai heard Liu Ji’s question about the training situation of his cavalry and how he got along with Youtong, Zhou Kai immediately said with some excitement: “Thank you for the general’s cultivation. His subordinates never thought that one day would be able to lead more than five years. A hundred cavalry, you must know that in every frontier fortress in Qianzhou, no county can come up with five hundred cavalry now. In addition, his subordinates get along well with Yusma. The subordinates assured the general that they must be the general. The cavalry is trained as an elite team!”

Liu Ji smiled and said, “Brother Zhou, now we have 10,000 horses in our hands, but only 2,000 cavalrymen. In the future, we will have more cavalry in Chengyin County. This general assured Brother Zhou that in the future, Brother Zhou has more than just a few hundred cavalry under his command.”

Zhou Kai nodded. In the past few days, Zhou Kai has learned about how Liu Jilai became a Yincheng defender. He knew that the thousands of troops under Liu Ji’s command were all created by Liu Ji himself. There was nothing at all. With the help of the family, Liu Ji is not a child of a family or a wealthy family. Liu Ji’s family is just a small landlord.

For Liu Ji, a 17-year-old senior official, Zhou Kai admired him very much. If he was replaced by Zhou Kai himself, he would definitely not be as good as Liu Ji. Of course, Zhou Kai didn’t know if he also had a Chinese generals summoning system. It’s not worse than Liu Ji’s.

As for Liu Ji’s statement that the cavalry unit will continue to expand in the future, Zhou Kai believes that Liu Ji will be able to do it. After all, 10,000 war horses are placed outside Chengyin City. , And this is no longer a problem for Liu Ji.

Thinking of the 10,000 war horses outside the city, Zhou Kai hesitated and said to Liu Ji: “General, the 10,000 war horses outside the city are extremely precious to us in Chengyin City and to our entire northern four states of Da Jin. However, there is no grassland suitable for grazing near Chengyin City. There is no problem in a short time. Let the soldiers mow some hay nearby and add a small amount of soybeans to feed these 10,000 war horses, but 10,000 war horses are consumed every day. The amount of hay in China is huge. Over time, the supply of hay near Chengyin City will definitely be insufficient. We must plan early and must not let these 10,000 precious war horses have any problems.”

Liu Ji also considered how to raise 10,000 war horses. Hearing Zhou Kai mentioned this aspect, Liu Ji immediately said: “It is true that we have to plan to feed 10,000 war horses. I don’t know if there is any plan to feed 10,000 war horses. A suitable pasture for horses? If not, we can only head towards the grassland and think of a way!”

Zhou Kai sighed and said, “In fact, about 30 miles north of Chengyin City, there is a pasture that belongs to our Chengyin County. More than 200 years ago, there was a horse farm in Dajin. More than a hundred years ago, the Tunpu at Xishankou was destroyed by the coalition of the Wuheng and Loufan tribes, and the horse farm was abandoned. After all, there was no blockage from the fortress at Xishanbao, the cavalry of all ethnic groups in the grassland. You can easily enter the territory of our Chengyin County. The horse farm is still left, which is equivalent to raising horses for the Hu people!”

“Tunpu at Xishankou? Brother Zhou, tell me about the Tunpu at Xishankou.”

Later, from Zhou Kai’s mouth, Liu Ji learned that to enter Chengyin County from the grassland, one must pass through the Anxing Mountains, while the Xishan Pass is a gorge of the Anxing Mountains and is the only way to enter Chengyin County from the grassland.

Soon after the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty, relying on millions of fierce fighting for many years, a large number of military fortresses were built in the northern states to prevent the invasion of steppe nomads. The Tunpu of Xishanpu was built at that time, and even Liancheng Yincheng was also built at that time.

For estuary fortresses like Xishanbao, a Weishan fort was built in Da’an County at that time, and it was also built at an estuary in the Anxing Mountains.

After Xishan Fort and Weishan Fort were built, they immediately blocked the cavalry of all races in the grassland across Da’an County to the north of the Anxing Mountains, making it impossible for the cavalry of all races in the grassland to directly enter the territory of Da’an County. The people of Da’an County have not suffered large-scale looting by Hu people in the nearly two hundred years after the construction of Xishan Fort and Weishan Fort. The cavalry of all ethnic groups in the grassland have been blocked at Xishan Fort and Weishan Fort. Mountain fort.

It is a pity that the coalition forces of the Wuheng and Loufan tribes entered Qianzhou from a gorge fortress in the Anxing Mountains in the Mochong County next to Da’an County more than two hundred years ago. After raging in the counties of Qianzhou Suddenly, the troops were divided and detoured to the south of Xishanpu and Weishanpu. They attacked from the south where the two Tunpu defenses were relatively weak, and finally destroyed the two gates guarding the Anxing Mountains in Da’an County. After that, the coalition forces of the Wuheng and Loufan tribes retreated to the grassland from two gorges that were turned into ruins, carrying a large amount of looted spoils.

Afterwards, the frontier army of Da’an County tried to rebuild Xishan Fort and Weishan Fort many times, but unfortunately they did not succeed. The various tribes of Da’an County on the grassland near Daan County did not give Da’an County frontier army again. The opportunity to build Xishan Fort and Weishan Fort, every time the ground broke, the coalition forces of the various tribes on the grassland crushed the territory, destroying the newly built project even once again The frontier army of the county gathered nearly 40,000 troops, and they were in the ruins of Weishan Fort. They hoped to rebuild Weishan Fort first. However, under the fierce attack of more than 150,000 Hu cavalry, Weishan Fort was not built in the end. When they got up, the frontier army in Daan County also lost more than 10,000 soldiers.

After several attempts by the frontier army of Da’an County failed, no one thought about rebuilding Xishan Fort and Weishan Fort.

Zhou Kai smiled bitterly and said: “If the Tunbao at Xishankou is still there, we can use the pasture 30 miles north of Chengyin City to raise horses. Unfortunately, Xishanbao has been turned into more than 200 years ago. Ruins, apart from the pastures, there is no place for horses in Chengyin County! There are patches of pastures on the grasslands, but the nomadic tribes will not let us Jin people on the grasslands. Breeding horses!”

Liu Ji touched his chin and said: “So as long as you rebuild a gorge fortress at the Xishan Pass of the Anxing Mountains, you can block the Huren on the grassland north of the Anxing Mountains.”

Zhou Kai quickly said in shock: “General, you must not go to the idea of ​​hitting the mountain pass. Qianzhou, Pizhou, Qinzhou and Xiangzhou in the north of the Jin Many gorge fortresses like Xishanbao have been built in the Anxing Mountains and Yunwu Mountains along the grassland. Now these fortresses no longer exist, and the Hu people will never allow these gorge fortresses to be rebuilt!”

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