Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 145

Chapter 144 Falling handsome flag

When Wu Heng Zuoyi King Duotuotai saw that the Jin army was carrying a cavalry of several hundred men, he broke through his 5 thousand-man squad and continued to kill Wu Heng’s main formation. The Wuheng cavalry of Wuheng didn’t know where they were, and suddenly became a little flustered.

You must know that at this time, there were more than 600 cavalrymen led by Yang Zaixing, Hua Rong, and Zhu Ren. They were only more than two hundred steps away from Duotuotai. Just now, when he was fighting the generals, a commander under Duotuotai’s command was at a distance. One hundred seven or eighty steps away, Zhou Kai shot him with an arrow.

Dutotai was worried that if Yang Zaixing, the Jin Kingdom cavalry, got closer, he would be in danger of being shot, so he immediately ordered the leader of the ten thousand men to lead a team of seven thousand men to intercept. Duototai did not believe the seven thousand men. The team, at least more than 6,000 Wuheng elite cavalry, couldn’t stop a group of hundreds of Shanxi cavalry.

As a result, when Duototai saw that Chief Ten Thousand Commander Ahli was stabbed to death by Yang Zaixing, Duototai was not sure whether the seven thousand-man team could block the cavalry of Jin, especially the killing **** of the Jin army. The same fierce player.

Dototai immediately said to the two martial masters who were horrified by their faces: “Let this king’s handsome flag stay where you are. You retreat with this king and send a thousand-man team. You must protect this king. Handsome flag!”

Wu Heng’s ten thousand chief Ah Jingge and Hao Datai couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief at this time. The pressure Yang Zaixing brought to them was really too great. This is definitely a **** of death.

Actually, there is also a warlord of superior strength among the Wuheng tribe, that is, the fourth son of Wuheng Great Khan Shuerha, who is also the brother of Wuheng Zuoyi King Duotuotai’s father and mother Timur.

Tamerlane is recognized as Wuheng’s number one warrior. He has the courage of many husbands. He once killed an adult brown bear with his bare hands. However, the warlord Ah Jingge and Hao Datai have a feeling that this warlord of the Jin army. , Seems to be better than Timur.

At this time, Zuo Yi Wang Duotuotai ordered to retreat, and in the hearts of the two ten thousand chiefs, Ah Jing Ge and Hao Datai nodded immediately, and Zima followed Zuo Yi King Duotuotai to withdraw to the army of Wuheng. Behind.

Yang Zaixing is indeed a **** of murder. Chief Wu Heng Wanli Ali and his 7 thousand-man team attempted to block Yang Zaixing’s cavalry of hundreds of men. However, Long Alili was stabbed to death by Yang Zaixing. At the same time More than one hundred Wuheng cavalrymen from these seven thousand-man squadrons also died under Yang Zaixing’s gun.

And the seven Wuheng cavalry squadron, the cavalry led by Yang Zaixing, Hua Rong, and Zhu Rong killed a cross, but when the three of Yang Zaixing led their cavalry, they rushed out of the Wuheng cavalry. In the interception of the 7 thousand-man team, except for the three of Yang Zaixing, there were only less than 300 cavalry left.

Yang Zaixing looked up, Wu Heng’s handsome flag was less than a hundred steps away from him, and he immediately raised the big iron gun and pointed forward: “Kill—”

Yang Zaixing urged the horse to continue rushing forward. Hua Rong, Zhu Ren, and more than two hundred cavalrymen followed the same shouts of killing, followed by Yang Zaixing to the main formation of Wuheng army.

Although Yang Zaixing’s losses were very large, the remaining cavalry had been overwhelmed by Yang Zaixing’s invincible performance. Morale reached its highest point. At this moment, there were a million troops ahead. As long as Yang Zaixing’s military front pointed out, Yang Zaixing’s commander These cavalry will rush forward without hesitation.

At this time, Zuoyi King Duotuotai and the two generals had already evacuated from the front of Wuheng’s army, but they left the Zuoyi King Duotuotai’s handsome flag in place, and Shuaiqi was killed by a Uzbek. The thousands of constant cavalry troops stood in behind.

The 12 Wuheng Cavalry Thousands Team did not stop Yang Zaixing. What’s more, there was a thousand people team. Yang Zaixing waved the big iron spear in his hand and urged the horse to enter the Wuheng Cavalry Thousands Team. One by one, he quickly made a **** road. He came to the front of the handsome flag of the Wuheng army. With one shot, he stabbed to death a Wuheng cavalry who was riding on the war horse and holding the handsome flag. The handsome of the Wuheng army. The flag then fell to the ground.

As soon as the handsome flag of the Wuheng army fell, the Wuheng Cavalry Thousand-man squadron, which protected the handsome flag, collapsed, and the remaining Wuheng cavalry scattered their horses and fled.

Yang Zaixing looked at the Wuheng Great Army Shuaiqi who fell to the ground, his face also showed excitement, holding a big gun in one hand and picking Shuaiqi, he picked up Shuaiqi, and then grabbed it with the other hand. Shuaiqi’s flagpole, Yang Zaixing dragged the Shuaiqi off the flagpole and stuffed it under his ass.

Although the previous two waves of 12 Wuheng cavalry squadrons did not stop Yang Zaixing’s assault, when the two cavalry staggered, the remaining Wuheng cavalry of the two 12 squadrons turned their heads. The cavalrymen under Yang Zaixing chased them up. When Zuo Yi’s handsome flag fell to the ground, they chased the 12 thousand-man squadrons under Yang Zaixing’s army, whether they were commanders of thousands, centurions, ten officers, or ordinary soldiers. With a look of fear, he almost unanimously bypassed the cavalry under Yang Zaixing and fled directly into the distance.

And the 14 thousand-man team that Wuheng’s army has not played in this line, after Zuo Yi Wang’s handsome flag fell, they also panicked. Most people did not see Zuo Yi Wang Duo Totai retreating to the back. I thought that King Zuo Yi had an accident!

The handsome flag of an army represents the commander of the whole army, and is the morale of the whole army. Once the handsome flag falls, it often indicates the death of the whole army’s commander, which is the most deadly to the morale of the whole army. Blow.

Seeing the handsome flag of Wu Heng’s army disappeared, Su Lie who was beside Liu Ji immediately shouted with excitement: “Master, Brother Yang has succeeded. Now is the best time for our army to attack. Maybe we will fight this battle. Can defeat this Wuheng army!”

Wei Xiaokuan also exclaimed with excitement: “Master, order the whole army to attack! Brother Yang is really a rare fighter in the world!”

The expression on Liu Ji’s face is more excited than Su Lie and Wei Xiaokuan, “According to this general’s order, Hua Xiong, Su Lie, Wu Liang, Wei Xiaokuan, Zhao Ben’s cavalry

, The whole army strikes, and kills all the Hu Lui with this general! ”

Liu Ji was going to personally lead the five cavalry to launch an offensive, but all the cavalry’s lieutenant and Sima opposed Liu Ji’s personal risk. If something happens, it would be equivalent to losing all the games.

All the cavalry generals opposed, Liu Ji had no choice but to take the five generals Chen Hao, Lei Heng, Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, and Tang Mei from the Guards, riding their horses to stay in place.

When Liu Ji’s other five cavalry units also launched an assault, Zhou Kai’s army had already wiped out all the three thousand-man squads first sent by the Wuheng army, so the remaining 800 cavalry units under Zhou Kai’s army were directly changed. In order to be the vanguard of the five cavalry, they rushed to Wuheng’s army aggressively.

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