Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Twin sisters

The Zhengjia caravan in Yongzhou, surrounded by gangsters in the village, has prepared to abandon all escorted carts and the fabrics on it in order to highlight the heavy encirclement. The horses pulling carts are temporarily used as war horses by some guards. The speed of these horses is far worse than that of war horses.

But even if you add dozens of horses, the entire caravan has more than 160 horses, which is just enough for the caravan’s guard points. This is because in the fight just now, dozens of guards have already been killed. As for the caravan’s remaining The more than 100 coachmen and handymen under the siege could only rely on their legs to escape when they broke through.

However, the caravan left a four-wheeled carriage with carriages at the back, which seemed to be taken to break through together, and there was a coachman who replaced the two horses that were originally drawn by the carriage with two horses. The war horse shows the importance of this carriage to this Zheng family caravan.

When Zhang Baohong heard Le Yi asking who was sitting on the carriage, he sighed to Liu Ji and Le Yi and said: “Inside are the third masters of our Zheng family, a couple who spent a lot of money to redeem their lives from Zuiyue Pavilion in Qinhuai City. The twins Qinghao, and their two little maids, it doesn’t matter if the fabric escorted this time is lost, but if something goes wrong with the twins, I can’t eat it!”

Le Yi said at this time: “Steward Zhang, can the carriage behind this carriage guard against bows and arrows?”

Zhang Baohong nodded and said, “I have asked people to install wood panels on the windows and doors of the carriage. Normal bows and arrows should be able to prevent them.”

Le Yi immediately said: “Steward Zhang, during the breakout, can my lord and lady also enter this carriage? We will have three of our families to keep this carriage safe!”

Zhang Baohong thought about it for a moment, then nodded and said, “No problem. When Liu Gongzi and Ms. Liu broke through, they were sitting in this carriage. Liu Gongzi’s three families were responsible for protecting the carriage. As long as the twins could be cleaned up. Bring it to a safe place, our Zheng family must thank Master Liu!”

Liu Ji glanced at the carriage not far away, and said confidently to Zhang Baohong: “Don’t worry, Zhang Guanshi, Le Yi, Liu Pi, and Gong Du will be able to protect this carriage from the encirclement of the bandits.”

Zhang Baohong continued: “Then I will talk to the two young ladies. Gongzi Liu and Miss Liu will quickly get into the carriage. Now the bandits outside Tuweizi are eating, we just took this opportunity to start breaking through.”

Zhang Baohong then hurried to the front of the carriage, said a few words to the two clear men in the carriage, then nodded to Liu Ji, and then proceeded to arrange the preparations for the caravan to break through.

With the help of Le Yi, Liu Pi, and Gong Du, Liu Ji quickly put on a set of iron armor weighing nearly 20 kilograms and an iron helmet. The iron armor and helmet are still a bit big for Liu Ji, but At this time, it is not easy to have a set of iron armor and helmet for Liu Ji, but this armor can save his life at the critical moment.

Liu Ji walked a few steps in iron armor and an iron helmet. It still feels a little heavy, but there is absolutely no problem with walking normally. It should be okay to run a certain distance in this armor. If the force value does not increase by 3, Liu Ji wears This armor may even struggle to walk.

Afterwards, Liu Ji did not take his sister Liu Niuniu directly into the carriage, but wandered around the gate of Tuweizi, where the caravan and the corpses of the robbers suddenly increased Liu Ji’s soul value to 213 points. Unfortunately, there were dozens of corpses outside the gate. Liu Ji had no way to absorb the soul value, so he had to give up.

But the soul value of more than 200 points is enough for Liu Ji to summon a third-rate military commander twice.

is about to break through. Just when manpower is needed, Liu Ji considers whether to summon immediately. It is best to have one more third-rate generals. Of course, it would be better if there were two more third-rate generals.

At this time, the guards, coachmen, and handymen of the Zheng family caravan were ready to break through. Le Yi, Liu Pei, and Gong all rode a horse, and the other free horse was loaded. Two bags of grain, one small bag of salt, and two bundles of arrows. Each of Le Yi’s quiver also carried 30 arrows.

Leyi said to Liu Ji: “Master, the Zheng family caravan is ready, the master and the lady hurry up in the carriage, and we **** the master to rush out!”

Liu Ji didn’t care about calling the generals at this time, so he quickly brought his sister Liu Niuniu to the front of the carriage. The driver then opened the wooden door of the carriage and let Liu Ji and Liu Niuniu enter the carriage.

When Liu Ji entered the carriage, he saw two women wearing white mink coats, but these two women were wearing white veils, plus mink coats and hats. Liu Ji did not see how the two women looked like. , But Liu Ji knew that these two women should be the twins.

In addition, there are two elegant girls aged 14 and 5 in the carriage. They should be twins’ maids. They are all wearing pink cotton-padded coats. The fabric outside the cotton-padded coats is silk. You must know that silk was very expensive in the Jin Dynasty, even Liu Niuniu. The daughter of the little landlord did not wear a silk dress either.

Two maids are looking at Liu Ji and Liu Niuniu with curious eyes. Even the twin sisters curiously look at Liu Ji and Liu Niuniu.

The carriage was fairly spacious, but after Liu Ji and Liu Niuniu came in, it was also a bit crowded. Liu Ji held Liu Niuniu in his arms and said to the four women in the carriage: “Excuse me, ladies, the caravan is about to break through, me and My younger sister can only hide in the carriage so as not to drag down the generals, but the ladies can rest assured that the martial arts of several generals of mine will surely protect us from the encirclement of the bandits.”

At this time, a woman in the twins said softly, “Liu Gongzi is too polite. It’s not an inconvenience. Mr. Zhang has already said that the three generals under Liu Gongzi’s martial arts are very good. If our sisters can do it this time When they escaped, they were all tainted by Liu Gongzi and Miss Liu’s blessings.”

Liu Ji couldn’t help but look at the woman who was talking again. It was true that her voice was too pleasant to hear, it was as clear and beautiful as an empty valley or orchid.

Then Liu Ji discovered that the woman who was speaking had eyes like a stream of clear water. As for the rest of her face, Liu Ji could not see because of the veil, but with these eyes, the appearance of the woman should not be bad.

Then another woman from the twins suddenly asked Liu Ji, “I don’t know where Liu Gongzi lives? How did you get here?”

This woman’s voice is also very nice, sweet as honey, it makes people feel a kind of crisp.

“Oh, my family is in Pingyuan County, Dongchang County, Anhui Province. My hometown was hit by a disaster. In addition, a large group of gangsters entered Pingyuan County. So the family was planning to go to Yongzhou to vote for relatives, but I encountered gangsters two days ago. Separated from my father.”

The twin sisters glanced at each other, and then the woman who asked the question smiled and said, “I believe Gongzi Liu will be able to meet your father again soon.”

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