Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 167

Chapter 166 Crazy Call (Part 1)

Liu Ji consumed 16oo points of soul and summoned 4 second-rate generals in a row before he successfully summoned Xie Yingdeng, a second-rate general in the Sui and Tang dynasties, with a force value of 75, an intelligence value of 57, and a commander value of 58. Among the forty-six friendships in Wagangzhai. , Ranked ninth, one of the five tiger generals of Wagangzhai, known as the generals of the great shots because of the skillful use of silver guns and invincible shooting. Later, Li Mi traded the mountains and mountains for the beauties. Xie Yingdeng became discouraged and returned to the mountains and forests and became a monk.

Just now Liu Ji successfully summoned Xie Ke, he received the prompt from the system, “Congratulations to the user for successfully summoning 24 second-rate military commanders. Your level is upgraded to Level 2. Any part of the user’s body absorbs soul value. The distance has been increased from 2 meters to 2oo meters. The user will be rewarded with 2 points of strength, 2 points of intelligence, and 2 points of command. The success rate of summoning second-rate generals will be 100%. I hope users will continue to improve themselves. Level!”

Successfully put together the 24 second-rate military commanders in the system, which made it easier for Liu Ji to absorb the soul value in the future, and made Liu Ji’s three-dimensional value become 4o force value, intelligence value 72, and commander value 45. This way After Liu Ji, the success rate of summoning third-rate generals has become one-fourth, the success rate of summoning second-rate generals has become one-eighth, the success rate of first-rate generals is one sixteenth, and the success rate of summoning top-level generals has become One thirty-two.

When Liu Ji heard the system prompt, he shook his fist in excitement. He felt that his strength had increased again, and his strength value had become 4o, which doubled the success rate of summoning all levels of generals. How much soul value has to be saved!

Immediately Liu Ji asked the system about the lucky bonus. As Liu Ji had guessed, the lucky bonus for summoning the second-rate generals was gone. The lucky bonus was transferred to the summoning of the first-class generals. You must know the summoned ones. Although the first-class generals are brave, but each time a first-class general is summoned, it consumes 16oo points of soul value. Liu Ji feels pain when he thinks about it.

Next, Liu Ji used all the upgraded summoning rewards and the summoning rewards for completing the hidden mission of “True Man”, and successfully summoned Wang Junke, a second-rate general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with a force value of 79, an intelligence value of 56 and a commander value of 55. , Was originally a green forest hero, who served as the general manager of the Green Forest Zhongbei Road. Among the forty-six friendship formations of Wagangzhai, he ranked sixth and one of the five tigers of Wagangzhai.

He also summoned Wang Bodang, a first-class general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with a force value of 83, an intelligence value of 67, and a commander value of 71. The Wagangzhai generals went to Wagangzhai with Li Mi. Li Mi decided to surrender to the Tang, Wang Bodang. When he expressed his willingness to swear to accompany him to the death, after Li Mi descended to the Tang, because he was not reused by Li Yuan, he decided to rebel. Uncle Wang couldn’t persuade him, so he decided to coexist and die with Li Mi. Later, he was ambushed and killed by the Tang general Sheng Yan with Li Mi.

Later, Liu Ji used a lottery chance he got from Su Hena. The lottery function of the system did not show something similar to a turntable. Instead, Liu Ji let the system use the lottery chance. The system immediately said: “Congratulations The user successfully selected the first-class military commander Qu Tutong, with a force value of 87, an intelligence value of 78, and a commander value of 87, a famous general in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. During the Daye Year, he put down Yang Xuangan’s rebellion and suppressed peasant uprisings several times. Emperor Yang patrolled the capital of the Yangtze River in the south, entrusted him to guard Chang’an, and Li Yuan sent troops into the pass, Qu Tutong defended Tongguan, was defeated and captured, and later fell to the Tang Dynasty, served as the Secretary of the Ministry of War, named Jiang Guogong, followed Li Shimin to pacify Wang Shichong, the first in the field of merit, Xuanwumen Guard Luoyang after the change.”

The chance to draw a lottery can summon the top generals. Unfortunately, this time only one first-class general was summoned. Fortunately, the three-dimensional value of Qu Tutong is not low, so Liu Ji is not frustrated.

Summoned the second-rate military commander Xie Yingdeng with 16oo points of soul points. From the rewards of the system, he received the first-rate military commanders Wang Bodang and Qu Tutong, as well as the second-tier military commander Wang Junke. Liu Ji saw that they were all military commanders from the Sui and Tang Dynasties, including Liu Ji was very satisfied with Qu Tutong with a high command value.

Of course, there are not only these four generals today. Liu Ji glanced at his remaining 62,518 points. He then let the system consume 16oo points at once, summoning first-class generals, but the system immediately told Liu Ji that this The second call failed, Liu Ji couldn’t help frowning, and 16oo soul points said that if he didn’t have it, he wouldn’t be there. It really hurts.

But it has already started, and Liu Ji can’t stop it. He immediately caused the system to consume 16oo points again and summoned another first-class general…

Liu Ji touched the sweat on his forehead. Even if summoning first-class generals has a lucky bonus, Liu Ji still consumes 8ooo soul points. It was not until the fifth summoning that he successfully summoned the first-class generals of the Sui Dynasty, He Ruobi, with a force value of 84. Intelligence value 74, commander value 82, UU reading word assistant uncle, was born in the family of Jiangmen, his father He Ruodun was a general in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, famous for his martial arts, He Ruobi used to kill Chen Yougong, sealed the state of Zhu, and entered Jue Song Guogong, an official to Wuhou general, was later murdered by Emperor Sui Yang on charges of slandering the government.

He Ruobi’s three-dimensional value is also very good, but it consumes 80oo points of soul value, which still makes Liu Ji very painful. According to the current summoning probability, Liu Ji is enough to successfully summon twenty third-rate generals.

Now that Liu Ji has a large number of troops preparing to reorganize, a large number of military generals are needed, so Liu Ji then began to let the system summon third-rate military generals.

Liu Ji consumed 1oooo points and summoned 1oo third-rate generals in a row. Then he summoned 27 third-rate generals, all of whom were among the forty-six friendship formations of Wagangzhai in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. They were Qi Biao and Li Bao. , Lu Mingxing, Lu Mingyue, Jin Cheng, Niu Gai, Shang Huaizhong, Yuan Tianhu, Li Chenglong, Ding Tianqing, Bai Xiandao, Mao Gongsui, Li Gongdan, Tang Guoren, Tang Guoyi, Dang Shijie, Shang Shishan, Xia Shishan, Yuchinan, Yuchibei, Du Cha, Jin Jia, Tong Huan, Fan Hu, Lian Ming, Tie Kui, Ren Zhong.

1oo chance to summon third-rate generals, if you follow the four

With a one-tenth chance of success, there are only twenty-five third-rate generals. Now that twenty-seven are summoned, Liu Ji is quite satisfied.

Originally Liu Ji wanted to continue to summon third-rate generals, but at this time the system told Liu Ji that third-rate generals could no longer be summoned for the time being, and Liu Ji was stunned. What happened?

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